The Academy’s Time Limit in a Novel Written by a Friend chapter 40

40 - Episode 40 Preparation (3)

40 – Preparation for episode 40. (3)

Woo Jae-hee felt quite strange.

It was because the guy who annoyed me because he was strangely friendly with Confucianism on the topic of rolling stones really found the dungeon.

At that point he had already lost his bet, but that was fine.

In the end, it was a matter of being more active than him in the dungeon.

No matter how much it was, it didn’t seem like a guy like that anchovy would be able to play an active part in a dungeon.

That thought was not shaken until the moment when he bravely charged with Chun Yu-hak and stopped the face beasts.

‘Of course.’

The skill of dribbling using a shield and size so that monsters cannot go backwards looked pretty cool even in my own opinion.

Li-ya is so single-minded about studying abroad, but don’t Mina and Younha have a little crush on herself?

It was an act of suicide to have such stupid thoughts during battle, but Woo Jae-hee was overcoming him with his natural talent.

However, it is also true that he lost concentration, so he forgot a very basic and basic fact, that plant-type monsters often have their main body on the root side, not on the ground, and they also use the root to target the rearguard. .

And it was at that moment that his unwavering confidence was shaken.



The roots of one of the face beasts were spreading toward the rear.

You can’t see it with your eyes, so one of the three rear guards will be immobilized.

The moment I tried to shout even though I thought it was too late.

“Be careful.”

Anchovy with a dagger neatly blocked the root.

‘What, how did you see that bastard?’

Because he was in direct contact with the monster, he noticed it by vibration, but there was no way he could feel the vibration at this distance.

‘That bastard can’t believe… What’s the real deal?’

Woo Jae-hee remembered the contents of the bet and began to tremble with anxiety.


Shiba. It hurts so bad really.

I blocked just two attacks from the Inmyeonsoo that the big kid accidentally missed, but my arm felt like it would fall off.


Now that I’ve almost overcome the biggest drawback of being an innate skill, the only weakness of my enhancements is that I can’t enhance multiple things at once.

Of course, the boundaries are quite ambiguous, so it’s okay for someone to reinforce an individual or an entire tool, but it’s still impossible to reinforce something else while concentrating on reinforcing somewhere.

I couldn’t develop my strength with my vision strengthened like now, so I had to counter with pure technique and physical strength, but since both were lacking, this was not an easy task.

On the other hand, Cheonyuhak was very flying.

“If you fight well, you fight really well.”

As if to prove the saying that the more enemies you have, the longer you fight, the stronger you become.

Perhaps, at the moment of dealing with the absolute majority like this, it can be said that it is stronger than lilac.


But he also had a weakness that he couldn’t help, and judging from his condition, it seemed like he needed to be stopped soon.

“Shouldn’t that be dried? I think I’m going out of my mind.”

I think I’ve said this before, but most talents have penalties, whether they’re weak or strong.

Among them, the penalty of Cheonyuhak’s inimitable was Gwanghwa (狂化).

The more you fight, the more you get drunk on blood and slaughter, and eventually go out of your mind. It is a penalty that is a nuisance in practice, but even the more enemies there are, the faster you defeat them and the faster you get encroached on by the penalty.

“What, how do you know that…?”

Oh shit. But shouldn’t I know that?

Jurira was looking this way with a startled expression.

“No, what do you know? Just looking at him, he’s in a weird state.”

Once I was in a hurry, I didn’t seem to believe it very much, but the situation was urgent, so I passed.


Oh, you’re the type to shout out the name of a skill while writing it?

The healer of the Cheonyuhak party, maybe his name was Oh Yun?

Some people shouted while praying or performing magic, while others adhered to chanting, but unfortunately she was the former.

It’s common in this world, but I felt ashamed and unable to hunt.

It’s better if it’s better than people chanting long lines of poetic phrases.

Anyway, when the healer used recovery magic on Cheonyuhak, the burning madness in his eyes subsided a bit.

“Oh, you must be so excited. Sorry.”

The first battle in the dungeon ended when Chun Yu-hak, who came to his senses, swung his spear for the last time, and the last remaining face beasts were split in two.


“Not bad.”

Chun Yu-hak looked at the party and first praised it.

“They were faithful to their roles and made no major mistakes. I took care of most of it by myself because I was agitated, but I think I could have handled it without me.”

The faces of those who heard the praise brightened a little.

Yeah, but guys, that’s not it. He’s the type to start with compliments first and then talk about his flaws.

“However, there is absolutely nothing that everyone, including me, needs to reflect on.”

It’s kind of fun to see the excited atmosphere drop right away.

Should I say that they are like small dogs scolded by their owners?

“First of all, Woo Jae-hee. Monster dribbling ability and physical strength management were good, but there was a part that made the rear end dangerous because of lack of concentration.”

“Mi, sorry studying abroad.”

“Conversely, the rearguard was faithful to its role, but do you admit that it was unable to respond on its own because it trusted the frontguard too much? I wouldn’t say that trust is bad, but you should have been on the lowest level of vigilance yourself. If Kang hadn’t helped, the formation might have collapsed.”



“I will give it to you. You weren’t bad, but there was a part where I was so obsessed with managing aggro that I couldn’t pay attention to other parts. Originally, it was you who should have provided support, not Kang So-hyun.”

“That’s right.”

“Lastly, I lost my mind because I fell into the penalty of my abilities, and because I penetrated too deeply alone, I upset the balance of the whole party.

As if Cheon Yu-hak had completed all the inspections, he was about to leave to help the porter Hui.

“Hey, me?”


I don’t have much to do, so I may not be able to say anything, but for now, it was right to say something like this formally.

There’s one kid who’s already dissatisfied.

“There is no particular problem. Rather, the view of the battle is very wide. It was good that I was the first to accurately catch my loss of reason, and it was ideal that I protected the rearguard even though it was not my original role. I didn’t think I’d come out with a satisfactory look right away in the first battle, but I’m glad I made a mistake.”

That…Isn’t the evaluation only too generous for me, studying abroad…? Then the other kids get jealous.

I wish I could at least do it, but he just looked at me with a proud face.

But contrary to my thoughts, the party members, like Chun Yu-hak, were meritocracy, and with the exception of one person, the general gaze towards me had changed favorably.

It looks a little different from angry, but it’s a big one staring at me with a strangely displeased look.

He seemed to want to say something, but his expression wasn’t very good, probably because there was no part to hold the pod.

“Ah, wait a minute, but I have to pick one up and move on. You acted like you knew about Yu Hak’s penalty just now. How did that happen?”

Oh, the purple cat really remembers this without forgetting it again.

Unexpectedly, however, the moment he tried to make an excuse, he answered instead as if Cheonyuhak was not a big deal.

“Hmm, that’s nothing strange. It was quite a while ago, but there was a time when I ran out of control in front of Kang So-hyun, and I myself stopped my runaway.”


From nob le mt l dot com

Did that happen?

Cheon Yu-Hak was proud, but he was not the type to lie.

In other words, what he just said is probably true.

I thought it was necessary to find out what kind of relationship they were in the past.

“Ah, what is it? If it was like that, I would say yes. Why are you so embarrassed?”

After hearing Cheonyuhak’s answer, the subtle color of doubt disappeared from Juri-ra’s eyes, and a subtle kindness remained.

It seemed that he was roughly recognized as a party member.

“Guys, I’m done organizing.”

And at the right time, the porter, Chan-hui, who had been digging through the remains of the Inmyeonsu by himself, returned.

Ah, for reference, his last name is Chan, and his first name is Hwi in foreign characters.

“How is it?”

“Is it good? The things that Yuhaki processed are neat and seem to be usable as materials, and sometimes there are things with small fruits. Human noodles and fruits are traded quite expensive.”

“Indeed, the efficiency is not bad, and the dungeon is perfect for gaining practical experience.”

Yes, no.

It’s not a special monster, but the boss here is a bit tricky to deal with.

“Okay then, I took enough rest, so let’s go right after we finish organizing the materials.”



After that, the party atmosphere was generally good.

There was only one guy who made a crude mistake as if he didn’t like the situation, but it wasn’t so serious that he couldn’t cover it, so it can be said that it went very smoothly.

“Hmm, since there is such an openly large door, I doubt it on the contrary.”

“Uh, I understand, but according to the information, this is the boss room.”

“Yes, if you are, then you are. Is there anything else I need to be careful about?”

“The boss is a bit annoying tree monster. But there’s something prepared, so it’s worth doing without too much effort?”

“Really? Then, just in case, Jae-hee enters first, and Li-ra acts as the rear guard. Open the door slowly and enter.”

So, I didn’t lie?

The moment the door opened and they faced the monster in the room, the confident party members’ expressions turned blue in an instant.


Chun Yu-hak was the only one who kept his composure, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t taken aback.

“Crazy bastard… That crazed bastard drove us to limb!”

Oh, no matter how surprised you bastard is, what should I do if the avant-garde screams like that?


Look at that. It was an opportunity to ambush, but you noticed.

“Woo Jae-hee, what are you doing? Hold your position and shut up right now.”

Chun Yu-Hak nervously glared at the size because the right to go first was gone, but he shook his head and denied it.

“Are you going to fight…!? Study abroad! We can’t beat that, so we all have to run away!”

Looking around, Cheon Yu-hak was worried about even Juri-ra, who was so polarized, and the other party members seemed to sympathize with Tungchi’s opinion.

Well, it would be frightening if a cadet was lightly dealing with low-level monsters and suddenly something like that became a dungeon boss.


A tree monster of a high rank and a low rank.

The king of the forest, who could not be matched even by thousands of human faces, was looking at us proud of his magnificent size.

A higher rank.

It’s a scourge that a single one can wreak havoc on a city, and it’s a class that only real exhaust monsters are considered A-Class heroes in one fell swoop if they can handle it alone.

“Everyone, hold your posture. Ents are slow compared to their destructive power, and are relatively easy to defeat among high-ranking species! As long as you don’t be fooled by the name, you can do it!”

That wasn’t entirely wrong.

I’m not exaggerating, but at least one Ent was not at the level of being very difficult to catch if the Cheonyuhak party handled it coldly.

However, the story is different when it comes to the Chunyuhak party that has been engulfed in fear.


The moment the Ent roared, the hulking and healer sat down.


“This is all because of you! We all died because of you!”

And in a sense, what was I doing, who can be seen as the cause of this quarrel?

“Oh, the fuck makes so much noise, really.”

Everyone looked at me like a madman as I operated the machine leisurely, but of course there was a way to deal with it, so I brought it.

The high-end magic bomb I bought with expensive money lit up.

“What am I going to do with a bomb like that…!”

Yeah, it’s fucking expensive, but it doesn’t have the power to deal with high-ranking species at once.

However, Cheon Yu-Hak immediately got up and shouted as if he realized my intentions.

“Throw that bomb and close the door at the same time!”

The Ent was coming towards us.

“Yeah, that’s it.”

As the mysterious light began to drift from the bomb, the other party members nodded as if possessed.


A high-end magic bomb (Fire attribute consumer purchase price: 15.6 Million won, excluding tax) with omnipotent powers was thrown at the Ent.

“Everyone, cover your ears…!”

Chun Yu-hak shouted and at the same time as he closed the door to the boss room.

Too bang…!

A huge explosion resounded as the dungeon drifted away.


Be reasonable.

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  1. Ending maker reference?

  2. nverthles says:

    ↑why are you banging bang

  3. Nos . Nos . says:

    Fuck Bang. Explosion is an art.

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