The Butler of the Reverse Harem Is Crazy chapter 6

6 - The protagonist of a reverse harem (2)

6 – Reverse harem characters (2)

Looking at the front gate of the academy from Catherine’s side,

The people around us who noticed our presence started to mutter.

“It is the pattern of Roelheim.”

“That’s the daughter of Duke Catherine.”

“How can a human be so beautiful…”

All the students around the main entrance of the academy are staring at us.

Excluding the imperial family, the most noble family of dukes,

It was also the golden jade leaf of the Roelheim family, the only daughter.

This is why it attracts everyone’s attention, regardless of freshmen, current students, and faculty.

When I lived as an Awakener on Earth, I was mostly alone, so the only place I was in the spotlight like this was on the battlefield.

How frustrating would it be for her if I, who didn’t receive much attention, felt so frustrated.

So I sneakily glanced at Catherine, and she stood calmly as if nothing had happened.

Is it because I have a lot of experience in social circles? You look great today.

“The Butler standing next to you is really handsome too.”

“You can see how well he trained his muscles even through his clothes. That’s more than most knights.”

“Really… he’s a handsome guy I want to hug.”

I hear the conversation of women whispering while watching me.

This is so, I have unnecessarily good hearing, so I overheard it unintentionally.

Still, I feel the rewards of hard training.

“It’s popular with women, so I hope you like it.”


It was a very small voice, but I could hear it clearly.

Catherine’s voice, chilled like a cold wind.

In addition, there are eyes without pupils like dead fish.

This, no matter how you look at it, does it look angry?

“Never mind me, just enjoy yourself more.”

“No, I never had fun.”

“Is that so? I guess I was mistaken. I thought you were feeling better because you were smiling.”

Instinctively, I raised my hand and touched the corner of my mouth, and without realizing it, the corner of my mouth was slightly raised.

“My lady. You must be wrong. Listen.”


“This, so… it’s a man’s instinct. I can’t help it either.”


“Isn’t it natural to like it when you receive compliments?”


It seemed that the compliment had something different in mind.

by the way… … The air seems to have gotten cooler.

Looking back, it seems like an excuse that doesn’t seem like much.

Catherine turned her head slightly and stared at me for a moment with those dead eyes.

Then, looking forward again, he started walking towards the main entrance of the academy.

Then, the people standing in front of Catherine open the way like Moses’ miracle.

A scene like this in an academy made up mostly of nobles.

After all, it seems that even among the same aristocrats, there is a certain hierarchy.

After following her through the main gate, the magnificent view of the academy comes into view.

It was great to see it from the outside, but seeing it in person like this is different again.

I think I can understand why Korean universities are using drawing and trying to make their campuses wider.

Because the saying that the more there are, the better is money and land is never wrong.


“Please look here!!”

“Aah~! Oppa, I’m dying~!”

So, I am walking towards the main building where the entrance ceremony is held with Catherine.

My eyes went back to the grotesque screams of women coming from somewhere.

A large open space next to the main building for students to rest.

There were dozens of women there, screaming with heart eyes open.

I wondered why they were doing that, so I focused my gaze and saw a rainbow between them.


God, what am I watching?

Looking closely, it was the hair color of each of the men surrounded by women.

Come to think of it, the number of heads is only seven.

Do you know what papers are colored pencils?

Looking at their red, yellow, green, and yellow hair shining in the sunlight,

I feel like something is rumbling in my stomach.

More at noblemtl com

Just looking at it makes me feel bad.

What is this strange sensation?

It’s natural to have a visceral dislike for crazy people.

It’s unnatural that emotions close to disgust spring up like wildfire.

It’s a feeling I’m definitely feeling

For some reason, it feels like it doesn’t belong to me.

Seeing that all of them have good-looking faces, they look like the female lead’s reverse harem members.

I’ll try to figure it out later


When I arrived at the main building with Catherine, a knight who appeared to be a guard raised his hand.

“No current students or attendants other than freshmen are allowed to enter the entrance ceremony.”

“I’m sorry, but I think you’ll have to wait, Leon.”

“Don’t feel sorry for all of that. It’ll probably be two or three hours at the most. In the meantime, just look around.”

She looked up at me with an apologetic expression until the end.

Anyway, too much consideration is also a problem.

You don’t have to apologize for such trivial things.

“Okay. Then…”

“Oh, who is this! Lady Catherine! How many years has this been?”

More at noblemtl com

Just as she passed the knight and was about to enter the main building,

A blonde woman with a cat figure approached Catherine.

“Lady Ronda. It’s been a while.”

“So! The last time I saw you was three years ago at a social event I held? Really, I’m sorry I haven’t seen you for a while. Oh! Come to think of it, I just heard that you entered Class 4! Congratulations!”


“But the butler next to him seems familiar somewhere… his name is definitely…”

“Leon, this is Miss Rhonda.”

“Ah! That Butler who knocked down the unlucky Fleur in one shot! I finally remembered.”


How do you know?

When I see you calling my name,

It sounds like you know him well.

At my questionable response, a woman named Rhonda waved her hand and said,

“Ahaha. That person is my brother.”

“Are you serious?”

“Really. She’s the second daughter of Count Price.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Rhonda Diwse Price, with a stupid brother named Fleur.”

You don’t look alike at all?

Aside from the fact that they are the same blonde and both have excellent looks, they have nothing in common.

Catherine was looking at me with eyes that seemed to sympathize with my feelings.

“Are we meeting for the first time?”

“Yes. I didn’t have a lady at the Price family’s social event three years ago.”

“Your young lady couldn’t concentrate all the time in social circles. It must have been because she was lonely.”

At that time, due to really unavoidable circumstances, I was unable to assist Catherine.

But I never thought that would have happened while I wasn’t there.

“Lo, Rhonda!”


Surprised, Catherine glared at the young lady with a puzzled face.

Lady Ronda, who continues to speak with a smile on her face.

“You don’t know how much my brother was scolded by my father.”


“No matter what, they scolded me saying it made no sense for a grown adult to lose in one blow to a minor when we are twice as old.”

“Is that so? Wouldn’t it be a bit harsh to scold you with just that?”

“I feel the same way as my father. Even though we’re twice the age difference.”

“Well. At the point where I was the opponent, I think the outcome was obvious.”

“Ah… ahahaha!”

She laughed for a while as if she was genuinely funny.

Normally, I would be busy being humble or boasting.

The red-haired young man in front of me had none of that.

Although this attitude can be perceived as arrogant,

Seeing that he defeated his older brother, who was called a genius since he was young, with a single knife, it would be okay to say that he has grounded confidence.

“Leon is really, really interesting.”

“It’s overrated.”

“Somehow. With a charm like this, Catherine-sama deserves to fall in love with it.”

“Hey, stop going in.”


Katherine hurried toward the inside of the main building with a slightly flushed face.

“I didn’t know Catherine-sama had this kind of side.”

As if her appearance was lovely, Lady Ronda’s eyes turned into crescent moons.

“Then, I’ll just go inside.”

“Please take care of the lady.”

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Butler Leon.”

Lady Ronda said her goodbyes with a lively appearance until the end, and then turned around.

If you look at the affinity,

Obviously, the connections are wide.

Could she be a true super celebrity?

With nothing to do, I started wandering around the entire academy.

The average person would not be able to see half of this expanse in just two or three hours.

But for me, it’s an easy job that can be done in an hour.

You don’t have to go to a useless place.

You just need to know the general geography.

Then, wouldn’t he be able to guide Catherine later?

After all, I was just her servant, not a student at the academy.

I skipped all places like research institutes and club rooms that I didn’t have to enter.

I remembered the Ivory Hall, the number one place in Prüch, where the president’s office was located, but didn’t go in.

Skipping buildings that seem meaningless to enter,

I was able to narrow down a list of places Catherine could use.

<Magic Hall> built for the personal training and convenience of magicians,

<Prueg Library>, which has the second largest number of books after the Imperial Library,

<Grand Floor> where famous restaurants are located,

<Swimming Hall> where she can enjoy her hobby of swimming to her heart’s content,

And to the <recreation center> where you can relax comfortably.

Other than that, it’s like <Main Building> or <Ivory Tower of Knowledge> where she is having her entrance ceremony.

‘I guess about an hour left.’

The schedule I received from the academy a few days ago stated that the entrance ceremony would take about three hours.

There is a possibility that the entrance ceremony will end earlier than planned, so assuming you arrive 30 minutes earlier, the free time is about an hour.

‘Hmm. There’s nothing to do, so let’s go to the gymnasium and swing a sword.’

not noble,

I’m not a student at the academy, but I’ll let you use the gymnasium, right?

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  1. Mila says:

    Why does MC get upset when his own hair is red?

  2. Markan says:

    The author is making fun of that cliche of otome games/novels

  3. Lol he mistook the characters hair colors for rainbow XDDD

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