The Chosen One Was Me, Not You chapter 68

68 - {Choices and Choices} 2

68 – {Choices and Choices} 2

{Choices and Choices}

“C’mon, Theodore! Please stop! Even Reina…Uhhh!”

Ceres began crying in front of Theodore.

It was a sight of a beautiful woman pleading with her tears, with a delicate and pitiful figure.


But to Theodore, those tears were repulsive and repulsive.

The fact that he cried while thinking of himself probably wasn’t because he was genuinely sad.

He was just immersed in her sad self.

“It’s commendable that he immersed himself so deeply in acting.”

Theodore clapped lightly.

“Sir, Theodore. How, how did you get this far?”

“This far? I didn’t expect that to come out of your mouth. No, I’ve never had a conversation like this with you in the first place. You guys haven’t even known my face since I was two years old.”

The mask of Ceres was helpless in front of Theodore.

In order for her mask to hold, it had to have some level of support from Theodore.

Theodore had no intention of helping her keep the mask, but rather, she intended to tear it to pieces.

“You’re just pretending to be sorry for Reina.”

“Uh, how could you…”

If it had been said by anyone other than Theodore, she would have gone mad.

However, in front of Theodore, he could not show himself.

If that happens, it will be like revealing in front of the people gathered here that it is all a lie that Theodore Artin misses his son who disappeared 11 years ago.

“If she really cared about Rayna, she should have come running when the kid fell. But you guys didn’t because she didn’t really care.”

“Poem, Theodore!”

“There’s no need for excuses for her. Please don’t use Reina for their good image anymore. We’ll take her and love her as her family.”

Reina Artin would now live happily as her own sister, as her Reina and as her Skylord.

Duke Artin and his wife were just a hindrance.

“If you really have any feelings for Reina! Never even think of approaching Reina again. If you do, I will never forgive you.”

Theodore put an overbearing aura into his voice.

Even if it wasn’t until her life, even at this level, she had enough strength to deliver her warning to Ceres.

“You can’t do this…Theodore! Neither you nor Reina can do this to us!”

This time Elliott stepped in.

“Theodore, Reina. Please wake up and come back! Theodore! If you want, I’ll give you the position of the heir to the Duke of Artin!”

That was the best I could think of.

“Brother Theodore.”

At that time, she came down from Yuria’s arms and Reina, who was standing next to her, spoke to Theodore.

Then, not only Theodore, but also Eliot and Ceres, and everyone in the room, all eyes were on her.

And despite the fact that many people’s eyes were on her, Raina said with a determined expression.

“I’ll be Reina Skylord.”

Theodore smiled at her choice.

“Yes, Raina. Good idea.”

Theodore smiled in satisfaction at Reina’s choice.

But in comparison, Elliott and Ceres were screaming as if they had been betrayed.

“Reina! Heck, are you even sticking a dagger into her mother’s chest?”

“Raina! Don’t do this! Pushing was a mistake! Yes, Daddy was wrong! So please don’t abandon us too!”

Elliott handed Rayna her belated apology.

However, his words that followed were jarring to Theodore.

“Abandoned? Sounds like I abandoned Duke Artin?”

“Yes, yes.”

“That’s funny. He abandoned himself to the point where he didn’t even know his face and didn’t even give him food after he was 2 years old, and he said he was abandoned. As expected, the end of the world is approaching, but the Britannia Empire doesn’t want to care.”

Of course, I didn’t intend to go that far.

I didn’t like the Britannian Empire, but it wasn’t right as the heir to the Duke of Skyroad to let so many people die.

But it was also true that he did not want to save at least the Duke of Artin.

“What do you mean?”

It was when Elliot asked in bewilderment.

Princess Louise suddenly stepped forward.

“Prince Theodore, excuse me. Duke Artin, from now on, I will issue orders as the princess acting for Your Majesty. I won’t listen to objections, so shut up with your wife and don’t interfere. If you intervene, I will consider it treason.”

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No matter how much she was a princess, she couldn’t say that to Duke Artin.

But now Duke Artin was already in such a predicament.

All the glory, the power, the power he had would fall to the ground.

“Prince Theodore, as the princess of the Britannian Empire, I would like to propose something to you.”

“What is it?”

Since she was a princess from a foreign country, Theodore asked politely as always.

She had to observe basic courtesy towards the royal family of other countries, even if she was not a foreign country but an enemy at war.

“Do you have any intention of becoming Duke Artin? If you wish, I can deprive the current Duke Artin and the current Duchess of Artin and banish them both.”

The move Princess Louise chose was to slander the Duke and Duchess of Artin.

This attitude of trying to swindle the duke and duchess of a country so easily was abnormal, but it was of course acceptable if it was to get back the chosen one who had gone to another country.

This is the choice the Britannia Empire made.

At least from the Britannia Empire’s point of view, that’s what they thought.

The Duke and Duchess of Artin were also shocked by Princess Louise’s unexpected words, but it must be an important issue for her Princess Louise.

If we can’t properly prove that William is the real Chosen… At least, if he didn’t show ability comparable to what he showed, the Britannian Empire would now face a massive offensive from the Thran Empire and the Arkhan Empire.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear what the princess said.”

But Theodore’s answer was also fixed.

“I, Theodor Skylord, have sworn allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor of the Arkhan Empire as a member of the Duke of Skylord who protects the Arkhan Empire. I will never betray you or the Arkhan Empire.”

Princess Louise’s expression slightly cracked at her refusal to leave room for objection.

“Then excuse me.”

Theodore turned around and headed to Reina next to Yuria.

But that was before he reached Reina.

“Wait a minute, Prince Theodore.”

There was someone who spoke to Theodore.

He was the Marquis of Rosen, the father of Julia Rosen, who was sent from the Thran Empire.

“Did I just say the end of the world was coming?”

Unlike the Britannia Empire, which was blinded by immediate gains, the Thran Empire, which had no possibility of recruiting the chosen ones in the first place, was paying attention to other aspects.

“Yes, I may have to start moving sooner or later.”

Because of the false meaning of the Chosen One and the behavior of William and the Britannian Empire, they were treated as a calling card for profit, but the Chosen One’s true role was to save the world from the coming apocalypse.

“It’s still at a feeble level, but sooner or later everyone will realize the danger.”

They had already shared all information with their parents, the Duke and Duchess of Skyroad, for a long time, so their expressions did not change.

However, the Duke and Duchess of Arsene looked worried and surprised, probably because they hadn’t heard anything.

“Prince Theodore, can you tell me more about the end of the world?”

Duke Arsane asked carefully and with concern.

For him, he is very worried about suddenly learning the truth that his prospective son-in-law is the chosen one, or about the approaching end of the world, which was known as a prophecy.

“Of course. If Duke Arsene wishes, I will set aside time today to explain everything in detail as soon as possible.”

* * *

Duke Arsene doubted his own ears right now.

It was also because Theodore had been speaking to him in a very polite manner.

I didn’t even feel the arrogance beyond the confidence that I would have felt in the first place.

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No, he wasn’t showing that attitude to himself.

“Dude, what the hell happened?”

At those words, Theodore turned his gaze to his daughter, Yuria, as if he understood the meaning of his question.

And when YuRia’s eyes met, he smiled a little and looked at her blushing YuRia as if he was lovable.

“I’ll tell you first that your daughter was much better than I thought.”

Anyway, it seemed true that the two of them, who hadn’t progressed for a year, had gotten closer.

‘How amazing.’

Everything was strange to him.

It was true that the prospective son-in-law was the chosen one, but it was also strange that the arrogant prospective son-in-law was looking at his daughter since he was genuinely in love with his daughter.

Although she is her own daughter, it seemed that capturing people’s hearts was as great as her beautiful appearance.

‘Cancer! Who’s daughter Theodore, no matter how good he is, it’s only natural that he’s not good enough for our pretty daughter!’

He didn’t notice as he smiled contentedly while thinking about what common daughter idiots would do.

The fact that his second daughter Lilia’s expression turned pale….

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  1. Tian says:

    damn it gladiator! stop raising the flag!

  2. Lilia I know it sounds bad but just don’t turn into a villainess!

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