The Devil Who Grants Wishes chapter 13

The Devil Who Grants Wishes 13

“Sir!! I can see Montpelio!!”

“Stop the march. After narrowing the siege, enter the city.”


Huh… what kind of thing is this?

Of course, if a demon appears now, it is good for the denomination, but the timing is quite bad right now.

[Aren’t we supposed to stop what we were doing first?]

[I’d like to do that too, but it’s impossible to stop the summoning ceremony now that it’s half way through. If you let go like this, a random demon with no control over its strength will be summoned, but that would be a bigger problem.]

[Ummm… Well, it’ll be fine. The greater the damage of the devil, the more the lambs will seek God. For now, let’s focus our power on the demons that appear in Montpelio, and then let the demons to be summoned first adjust their strength appropriately and then leave them alone.]

[Good idea, I’d love to do that.]

Since there has been no damage from the devil in the last two years, I tried to summon a demon to awaken the awareness of the devil and the fear of God, but what does this mean?

To destroy the formation of the Priesthood that had been built up hard to defeat the summoned demons and go to Montpelio, it feels like a waste of effort, and I am exhausted.

Of course, the exorcism work will be easy thanks to the preparations so hard… But bad things aren’t good.

We had to expand the influence of the denomination by dealing only with demons that are easy to deal with, didn’t we end up fighting a needlessly strong demon?

“The information control seems to be fine.”

“Isn’t it obvious? There’s never been a time when it wasn’t out of control.”

“Well, yes.”

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Montpelio is so peaceful. It is very evident here that people live a lively life in and out of the city gates.

If I had known that the Exorcist Priesthood was coming, it would not have been so peaceful.

“I… Bishop. May I ask you a question?”

When I turned my head to the unfamiliar voice disturbing the accident, the first person I saw was standing right in front of me.

what is this cub

Talking to me without going through the process?

When he shifted his gaze slightly to look at the servant, he also had a look of embarrassment on his face.

He’s like an incompetent child, so I should have stopped him.

“…Then, of course. What’s going on, dear brother?”

If there was no one nearby, I would have kicked them out saying it was rude, but unfortunately there is too much snow around now.

Well, I don’t like it any more.

“Why don’t you notify us in advance when the exorcism work is going on? If we do, we can evacuate the residents and reduce the number of victims.”

“You’re a victim…”

And what kind of bizarre noise is this?

Didn’t you know that and now you’re applying to the Exorcist Priesthood?

Huh… It’s true that the quality of the Exorcist Priests has gone down these days, I’ll have to hold on to me later and give him some mental training.

“The victim you are talking about seems to be referring only to the victims. Even if you hide the immediate damage, why does that lead to fewer victims? Residents may become possessed by the devil and turn into enemies, It can only increase confusion and interfere with the exorcism process, and ultimately, there is a possibility that the devil knowing the information in advance will escape?”

“But the damage…”

“Stop it, you need to get more education.”

eh, stupid thing.

It is important that the villagers who are afraid of the threat of demons believe in Seraphia, but it is also important that the demons be completely eliminated, isn’t it?

Eliminating demons is the reason for the existence of the denomination, so in this regard, it must be certain.

If the residents who are afraid of the threat of the devil die without seeking the gods with peace of mind, or if they question the needs of the denomination, it is unforgivable.

“Sir, everything is ready.”

“Good job, the city side seems to have already noticed, so send someone soon… No, there’s no need for that.”

You’re coming from the other side first.

Ttt, this time it won’t end well.


“Please, hand over the Kumadan!”

“Hey, mayor. You must be well aware of the nonsense, right?”

“Well, then, at least until the evacuation of the citizens is over…”

“Impossible. In the meantime, can the demons notice and run away, or the citizens affected by the demons can turn into enemies? , I’ve heard that there are a lot of residents complaining of delusions, so arrest them and put them in jail so that they can be dealt with at any time. Send someone along.”


Ugh, it is the mayor’s duty to protect the citizens, so you know it’s so desperate, but don’t you know that killing the devil is protecting the citizens?

Seriously, there are too many short-sighted bastards. Well, it’s usually not as bad as these guys looking for God.

“Things about the villagers like this… Okay, nice to meet you. Are you the chief priest who discovered the devil?”

“…I see you, Bishop Pierre of the Exorcism Priesthood.”

I heard that they did everything to prevent the Exorcist Priests from coming, but looking at their facial expressions, they look like shit.

stupid coward.

If the demon that appeared in Montpelio was so strong, wouldn’t the city be so healthy? Before we even arrived, it would have been a complete Pungbibaksan Mountain or a ghost town.

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Maybe he was enchanted by the devil and had hallucinations, or he was scared and saw a futile thing, or he lied to justify his ugliness, or maybe that’s why the devil was so strong that he told him not to come.

Eh, I’ll have to contact the denomination to change the head priest.

“I’ve seen the report. The devil uses light magic, goes against time… Well, it’s very surprising, isn’t it?”




Perhaps I am not the only one with such a sentiment, and the exorcists around me laugh openly and tease the chief priest.

Exorcist priests with strict discipline usually don’t behave like this, but even they seem so vain that they can’t stand it.

In a normal case, I would have insisted that I be disciplined, but… Well, I can’t help it, so let’s close our eyes.

“Hey, everyone, be polite to the chief priest.”

“Yes, sir.”

After laughing a little, the exorcists are dried. Although he is a person who deserves to be dismissed, shouldn’t he still pretend he doesn’t get behind?

Even the exorcists know that I’m not really drying up, so they’re just modestly putting their face down.

“Well, I understand the intentions of the High Priest. But isn’t it impossible to let the demons in the city remain as they are?”

“…that’s right.”

“I heard the high priest’s strict advice that the Exorcist Altar should be built strong, and I’ve prepared enough. Don’t worry.”

Yes, I was well prepared.

As all demons are evil, the strength of a demon can be measured by the amount of damage it inflicts on its surroundings.

You can’t draw power to a guy like that unnecessarily.

That would be more than enough, what?


‘I’m really here.’

I see a lot of strangers on the outskirts of the city, but I don’t feel a sense of crisis at all.

No, there’s no way I’m going to die for those guys.

I haven’t checked the level, so I don’t know for sure, but the spirit I feel on the outside is all over again.

Even if I just stand still, my system will be higher than the damage done by the priesthood.

‘Then, what should I do…’

You can just ignore it and go back to where Lucia is. It’s a little disgraceful that people flocked to me just to catch me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t wipe them all out.

The Seraphia Church is definitely behind the scenes and will do anything to worship their gods.

But if they disappear, the world will soon be overrun with demons and demonic beasts and will be destroyed.

The denomination is beating demons and demons with question-and-answer dances to prove the greatness of God. It’s a lot of trouble that I sometimes make my own plays to prove it.

Anyway, well, the answer is roughly set.

There must be a world where Lucia can live happily, so I’ll just have a look around… What?

“… you’re killing me.”

Those, some of the city dwellers, are selected and burned alive on the spot using the light created by divine magic.

No… Why?

Wherever you look, they are just ordinary people, so why kill them?

[Hmm, my head… My head hurts so much… Please… Aaah!!]

[The energy of the devil…]

Concentrating on my ears, I could see what was going on.

As much as I have lived in this city for a long time, I have a little bit of my magic in every nook and cranny of the city.


I went out like this.

“Nari, please save me! I’m fine, I’m fine!”

“No. Magi’s erosion has already progressed too much. It should be fine in peacetime, but terrible things can happen if the eroders are left unattended before the fight against the devil. They must be burned to death through holy magic to be resurrected as an undead. You will be able to protect your honor by not doing so, so please don’t hold grudges too much. Execute.”

“I’m fine! Nari! Please…”

…I can’t see you.

If we deal with these guys here, it will have a huge impact on the control of the beasts around here… but that’s the case with them.

If civilians are unfairly slaughtered because of me, their bed must not be disturbed.

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  1. Peace was never an option

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    It’s like the witch hunt all over again…

  3. huehue huehue says:

    Dang he gonna slaughter them? 🤣🧐

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