The Devil Who Grants Wishes chapter 211

211 - Final Battle (6)

211 – Final Battle (6)

Why… Why…

Why did it become like this?

The future I had imagined was not like this.

After taking over Faust’s body, he attempted to destroy and recreate the world directly using the power of that body.

This guy is the best among the wizards I have seen so far, so even if the great flood prepared by Noah was ruined, it seemed like he would be able to make up for it.

But what on earth is this?


The world goes round. What was sky changes to earth, what used to be earth changes to sky, and then what used to be sky changes to sky, and what used to be earth changes to earth.

I could not find the future that I had imagined until now, where I would work on pressing down trivial things with overwhelming force.

It’s just petty b*tches beating me from all directions.

It is difficult to respond effectively because even the body does not move properly.

‘Move… Move…!’

Every time I do something, I feel like something is stuck and I can’t act properly.

The joints do not move smoothly but instead move with a crack, the body has become soft, and the mana circuit is so damaged that even when using magic, proper output cannot be produced.

This is what Faust did.

To be exact, it is not the Faust who is wandering around surrounded by women, but the Faust I used as a host.

He harmed himself and destroyed himself in preparation for his body being taken away, and even though his consciousness had already disappeared due to his body being taken away, he is unconsciously interfering with it.

It seemed poisonous… When the task was over, I thought of giving my body back to me for the accomplishment of sacrificing my body, but…!

I absolutely cannot forgive. Once the task is completed, you will suffer forever–huh!?


“Hurry and die quickly!!”


In an instant, I saw that my vision was covered with blue blades, so I hurriedly deployed my shield and barely managed to block the slash.

The slashes of the woman with flowing silver hair are so dangerous that she must block them with a shield or avoid them. She should never hit her directly.

Until now, body parts have been cut off dozens of times by slashing, and too much effort has been spent to restore the severed body parts.

No, it’s not just that woman.

The attacks of everyone in this party are all extremely dangerous.

Faust’s adoptive daughter, a fallen saint, a young elf, and the last high elf, all of these attacks can inflict a fatal blow on me. It is not just a metaphor, but a fatality in the dictionary meaning of the word.

I can’t… It doesn’t make any sense.

How is it that I am so pushed back despite having such a powerful body?

There are not just one but many beings that can cause damage to this body?

This, this is ridiculous… Wait a minute.

‘…Doesn’t their power come from the system?’

At that moment, one crucial fact passes through my mind.

The reason those b*tches are so strong is because of the ability to become strong without limits, a blessing given by the system.

Because of this, people with this ability, such as saints and warriors, were called by various nicknames.

Anyway, the fact that they have this ability means that the system that creates or abolishes the laws of the world grants them the ability and at the same time tolerates their existence.

Why… Why?

I am trying to destroy and recreate the world under orders from the system, but why does the system have the power to stop me?



“…You must have the guts to turn a blind eye.”

Thoughts that were constantly moving quickly disappear in an instant due to an arrow fired by an archer.

Even if you want to think more about the intention of the system, there is no way you can withstand the arrow that pierces not only your body but also the spirit within it.

The arrow created a huge hole in the body, and countless mana, magic energy, divine power, and divine power were flowing out of the hole.

It’s the same part.

This is the same area where I pierced Faust’s body.

How dare you… How dare you do something like this to get revenge on me…?


From Noble mtl dot com

After realizing that fact, my mind became very cloudy. Anger makes it impossible to think straight.

Take revenge.

Are you taking revenge on me?

Has my position become this low?

I feel like something is breaking in my head.

Even if it means committing suicide, I will kill these b*tches.

“Everyone gather together!! I’ll deploy the defense shield now!!”

From afar, the sound of Faust’s adoptive daughter is heard calling the party together. I guess he thought something was going to happen soon after seeing the overwhelming energy swirling around my whole body.

Yes, the foster daughter’s judgment is correct. It is true that something will happen in the future.

But… We won’t be able to stop it this time.

“Wait a minute, Lucia!!”

“It’s late, you lowly things!!”


Faust seems to have realized it too late and tries to warn the party by shouting, but it is already far too late.

Even if you close your eyes or turn your head, the brilliant white light that fills your vision spreads everywhere and fills the world.



My eyes are so stinging. Because the world is filled with white light, it is impossible to see the outlines of any objects.

Ugh… Is it too late?

In the world of images, Stella was shocked and started a fight, so she tried to hastily move everyone away through the portal, but unfortunately, the Spirit of Light was one step faster.

It was too late for the portal, so they added an additional shield instead, but I am not sure about its durability since it was hastily built.

[Lucia, can you hear me? Iris, Celestine, Lena!!]

I try to talk to everyone through sharing sentences, but there is no answer in return.

The telepathy that can communicate with relatives also has no response, so it is not possible to check what happened to many relatives, including Aigo, Flora, Nero, and Cerberus.

There are two possibilities.

I’ve lost my mind, or… Ugh.

[Big Bang…]

In a world that has been dyed pure white, you cannot hear the answer you want, but can only hear Stella’s words in astonishment.

…Big Bang.

Just hearing the name makes him seem incredibly strong. It seems to be worthy of its name, Divine Wisdom of Light.

[This is a magic cast by the God of Light using its own existence as a cost… No, it is a natural phenomenon. Can’t you feel that you don’t feel any mana or divine power?]


[This brilliant light will soon disappear. The range is also narrower than expected. But… All objects within that range…]

“…Stop, I’ll check it later after this light disappears.”

I stopped midway through Stella’s anxiety-provoking words and waited for the light that had filled the world to disappear.

I wonder how long I waited, because the world was just white, I lost my sense of time, but soon the light that covered the world faded and gradually disappeared.

And the world where the white light disappeared… Couldn’t be fully explained with just the word “Horrible.”

Everything is red.

The soil, sand, and stones that filled the ground melted and turned into glass or magma, and the grass and trees that had grown on the ground disappeared without a trace. I am momentarily at a loss for words at the sight, which seems to symbolize hell.

“…You’re alive.”

But even in such a hellish landscape, fortunately everyone survived.

I added a shield in addition to the shield that Lucia was deploying, so it seems that she was able to withstand this huge explosion. Although it was inevitable that he would faint due to the impact hitting the shield from all directions.

As the light that filled the world disappears and you can feel the faint life reactions of the family members from afar, fortunately, it seems like no one lost their lives…?



At that moment, my stomach became hot, and soon a huge feeling of dizziness hit my head.

If you don’t hold your mind properly, it’s a feeling of dizziness that makes you feel like you’ll collapse if you put even a little bit of effort on your body.

And only then was I able to check the condition of my body.

He deployed a shield solely to protect the children, and provided magical energy to his descendants remotely to prevent them from dying.

I don’t care whether it hits the Big Bang directly or not.

My whole body has a color similar to the ground covered with glass and magma.

“You’re the only one left.”

While I was desperately suppressing my trembling whole body, feeling like I was going to collapse at any moment, the voice of the God of Light pierced my ears.

Judging by the distance of the voice… It’s right in front of me.

The world is too dark because many of the visual cells have burned out.

[Faust, come to your senses! Faust!!]

I can hear Stella calling me from the image world.

I know too. I’m trying to come to my senses somehow.

But… Ugh… My head…

[…Faust, do you remember what Seraphia did just now?]

At that moment, Seraphia spoke as if she had prepared herself for something.

What did Seraphia do…?

What did you do… Ah, does this mean that Seraphia’s thoughts entered the body of the God of Light and interfered with it?

But why now…

[I will try that first. You will be interfering with the power of light as much as possible, so try to recover as much as possible in the meantime.]

Wait… What?

If Seraphia did something like that, wasn’t she completely destroyed by the angry God of Light?

She saw it right in front of her eyes and yet she did such a thing. Stella, you–

[You can rest assured that Big Bang will never be used again. Please eliminate the source of all evil.]

In a world that was stained black and I couldn’t see properly, I felt like someone’s hand was touching my body, and then I felt like something that had filled the world of images was being taken away in an instant through that touch.

The world of images that had been filled with Stella’s presence just a moment ago suddenly became empty and empty.

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