The Devil Who Grants Wishes chapter 40

The Devil Who Grants Wishes 40


The banquet attendees are buzzing.

Even if you have a noble status, you cannot despise the organizer of the banquet as long as you attend the banquet.

No, it’s worse than that.

If you don’t even get a proper greeting, aren’t you ignoring the organizers rather than despising them?


Aegoceros sees that Lucia is not acting according to the manners he has learned, and puts his hand around his eyes, bewildered.

The etiquette training was obviously perfect.

What Aegoceros overlooked, however, was that knowing how to show manners and knowing when to show manners were two different things.

“Korokke, why are you doing this?”

Lucia is just bewildered.

I really don’t know why I have to do that to someone I see for the first time.

Do you have to act like Aegokeros or Faust to show your closeness to someone you are meeting for the first time? It was an unknown act that could not be understood from Lucia’s way of thinking.

“Lucia-sama, wait a minute—”


Finally, after Aigokeros, who could not see the situation, whispered a piece of advice, Lucia realized what she had done wrong and what she should have done.

Although she is reluctant to show her acquaintance to someone she is meeting for the first time, Lucia is forced to say hello to Count Erlingen, as she says that if she does not do so, there will be a huge setback in her future institutional life.

“…Sorry, I’m not familiar with the culture of this country yet, and I have a hearing defect, so I inadvertently made a mistake.”

This is not the sentence Lucia had in mind.

It’s just an answer that Aigokeros wrote in order to somehow solve the current situation, but at this point, that answer is absolutely perfect.

First of all, the hostile gaze towards Lucia has rapidly decreased.

As soon as such a cute girl realizes her mistake, there is no person in the world who will not be relieved to see her admit her flaws and sincerely apologize.

“It’s late, but nice to meet you, Count Erlingen. I’m Lucia… huh, so my name is Lucia Faust.”

Lucia, who originally tried to introduce herself only by her first name, later remembered that if she did not have a surname, she would be ignored by the nobles, and as a temporary measure, she puts her father’s name into her surname.

Then, without realizing it, Lucia smiles as the corners of her lips rise upwards. Even if you try to manage your facial expressions thoroughly, you cannot stop the corners of your lips that rise by themselves.


Lucia’s face had a bright smile on her face, and the Count, who saw it right in front of his eyes, was instantly captivated by Lucia’s beauty.

It happened because Lucia just felt a strange sense of satisfaction and upliftment that she and her father had the same last name, but the Count does not know what happened.

I just admire Lucia’s smile.

“…Keep, Khhhh. Yes, can I call you Faust’s daughter?”

“thank you.”

After a few seconds had passed, the Count barely came to his senses and continued to talk in a hurry.

The anger and embarrassment that had dominated the Count’s whole body up until now had disappeared, and the place where those emotions had disappeared was filled with other emotions in an instant.

The Count pays more attention to the beautiful girl right in front of him than to the family name, to the extent that he does not recognize it even though it is the first time he hears it.


And the Count who behaves like that will make a bad impression on Lucia.

For Lucia to have a crush on me by a stranger who I don’t even know, it’s beyond the terrifying thing, and it’s a realm outside of the concept she’s aware of.


“Do it right.”

“Is it a new family…? Hmmm, would you mind if I took it?”

Even the Count is not the only one who shows affection.

Everyone in this banquet hall is showing interest in Lucia.

Unquestioningly believing the excuse that they have a hearing problem, they even see the cute Lucia and write various novels in their minds.


Lucia looks around and takes a deep breath.

Lucia just wants to show her dad that this damn banquet is over as soon as possible, and that she’s properly adjusting to human society.


“What, why is it so empty…?”

“Yeah, you’re too skinny?”

A duo of robbers breaking into Lucia’s mansion is greatly embarrassed by the unexpected interior scenery.

It’s such a big mansion, but there’s no furniture. A room called a room is completely empty.

The two robbers tilt their heads, feeling as if they are looking at a newly built house.

“Didn’t you say that there is only one girl living except for the servants? But this feels like there are no servants at all.”

The robbers have a gut feeling that something is seriously wrong.

No matter how many servants and servants are filled with people commuting to and from work, there is no way that the number of servants will be so extreme.

Even if we just leave it alone, would it be terrifying to see a mansion like this that requires a lot of maintenance?

At least 20 resident users are required to maintain the exterior and interior.

“It’s too clean for something like that? Look at the window frame here.”

“…not even a single speck of dust.”

Still, this house is very clean.

So far, no users have been found, and the rooms are all empty, but there is not even a single particle of dust in the hallways, ceilings, walls and windows, including those rooms.

It was as if a servant had worked hard to polish and clean it just a few minutes ago.

If this had been an ordinary mansion, the robbers would have had nothing but the impression that the servants worked very hard.

However, as you can see, this is a suspicious mansion with no users, so the excessively clean environment of the mansion made the robbers shiver.

“Moon is…”

“What is the moon like?

Even after that, anomalies are happening.

The robbers, who got goosebumps looking at the overly clean mansion, are at a loss for words when they see the moon undergoing a lunar eclipse.

Of course, a lunar eclipse is just a simple astronomical phenomenon that occurs at regular intervals.

Even the warning doesn’t stop there.

“You’re red…”

The blushing of the moon during a lunar eclipse is a very simple scientific phenomenon.

But once again, the robbers don’t know anything about it. The robbers just see the red moon and feel fear.

“You must run away.”

“Yeah, yeah… Let’s jump right in.”

From the very strange situation inside the mansion to the reddish moon, the robbers choose the option of leaving the mansion immediately.

But the decision was already too late at the latest.

No, it can be said that their fate was decided from the moment they entered the mansion.

There is no reason for kinsmen who loyally serve their masters to leave their hated intruders alone.

“It’s not like I’m coming into this place–


As soon as one of the robbers turns his head, he immediately falls to the floor with a gurgling sound from his neck.

The floor, which had not been dusty until just now, is wet with the blood of a robber.

“Hey, what is this…”



The remaining robbers do not properly grasp the situation.

The current situation is so abnormal that I can’t even think of running away.

He confuses reality with dreams as he gazes at the strange flower with close-up teeth and the black cat that has turned into a ghost, and eventually follows his comrade.


And the deaths of the two robbers signaled Faust.

Faust, who was working on the recovery of magic until Lucia returned from the banquet hall, realizes that someone has entered the mansion.

Normally, it would have to be done for a few more hours, but Faust decides to go home and check it out once in a while.


“Come on, everyone, look outside! That’s why I, Erlingen, have a banquet tonight!”


“These windows are amazing, the moon looks big!”

“It’s not in full bloom yet. You’ll see even more amazing things when the lunar eclipse is at its peak, that is, when the moon is completely obscured!”

Read at

Meanwhile, the nobles and Lucia, who were attending the banquet, are also looking at the reddish moon after a lunar eclipse.

The huge magic window, which is exquisitely installed by calculating both the moon’s moving trajectory and the time of the lunar eclipse, allows those attending the banquet hall to see the big moon.

“Korokke, how are you?”

“It’s just that.”

“So do I.”

However, unlike all the banquet attendees, Lucia and Aegoceros are not surprised at all.

It was not once or twice that the house and the magi that were filled around the house distorted the space and made the moon appear red.

Lucia and Aegoceros, who have seen the red moon many times since they were young, cannot sympathize with the admiration of the nobles, and they look at the nobles with so much joy.

Of course, just because you can’t empathize doesn’t mean you feel bad.

[Faust Young-ae, nice to meet you. I am the second son of Count Björnmech-]

[Hello, Faust. I am the owner of the upper part of Rostock that crosses the Aquileia Empire—]

“I’m going to live for a while now.”

That red moon had just cleared away the flies that had stuck with him to death.

Lucia, who is not good at communicating with others, sighs in relief and prays that the red moon stays up for as long as possible.

“It’s a little creepy, but it’s very pretty—”



However, at that moment when everyone was satisfied, something unexpected happens.

The door of the banquet hall opened with a bang, and countless soldiers came in through the door, and the soldiers walked around the banquet hall as if they were used to it.

In the process, the soldiers said nothing.

The banquet hall, which had been filled with a romantic atmosphere until just a moment ago, is filled with a bloody atmosphere as if before, and the attendees are afraid of the atmosphere and are unable to move or speak.

“Coroke, is this some kind of banquet?”

“Well… it wasn’t on the banquet calendar.”

Only Lucia and Aegoceros were present who were not overpowered by the force of the soldiers.

The two just look at the soldiers with so much calmness, as if they were crossing the river.

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  1. May your soul be in peace and forgiven in your next life

  2. Moonlit Walker says:

    Emperor I’ll cheer for you to live a better life next time

  3. huehue huehue says:

    Good luck to the emperor 🤣

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