The Difference Is Like Between a Dog and a Cow chapter 159

159 - Across the Line (4)

158 – Across the Line (3)

I hesitated, and Luna Aire continued her story.

“As soon as we met, they said that the National Military Police seemed to have fallen into the hands of coup forces. I asked Enoch if I had to tell you right away, but Nikolai put a finger on his hand and spoke in sign language.”

The members of the 8th Assault Magical Infantry Battalion basically learn both sign language and hand signals.

As the sound of the wind on the descent is too strong to communicate, it was a way to facilitate conversation between each other.

“I mean he was tailed.”

Luna Aire bit her lip bitterly as she recalled the day not far away.

“Immediately after that, she opened fire, and Nikolai was seriously wounded. I killed two, but the rest escaped.”

“Why were you so sure it was the Soviet Empire?”

“They spoke exactly the same as I heard in Limansk.”

I couldn’t hide my sigh.

Speech is innate.

No matter how good a spy is, it is very rare to thoroughly hide it with a tactical tone even in an urgent situation.

In a battle situation where shooting takes place, their way of speaking and their unique habits must have come out.

Luna and Nikolai remembered the habit of talking that had already sounded familiar at the Arsenal in Limansk.

“But if the Soviet Empire is running smoothly in the capital, that means there is definitely a backwater. Besides, there is a note saying not to trust the National Military Police…….”

“So you faked your death.”

“Right. At least Nikolai will be able to operate safely.”

It was a kind of gamble.

If Nikolai were to pretend to be murdered, he would be safe, at least until he received treatment for his serious injuries.

Not only that, but Luna added her crazy acting here, so it would have been difficult for the Empire to deal with Luna due to the coup forces and consumption.

Her state gendarmerie would rather use her for her arrest than kill her.

If both of them had been killed, I wouldn’t have been able to firmly grasp the physical evidence that the Soviet Empire’s Intelligence Agency was active.

In that respect, Luna Aire and Nicolai Hilbert came up with a very good strategy.

The strategy was so meticulous that even I was fooled.

And when you put it off with this point.

Among the coup forces, I thought that there must be quite a few people who don’t know that the Soviet Empire is currently operating in the capital.

I’m sure they didn’t know that they used outside forces.

And in this way, the imperial troops that can be dispatched to the enemy country to proceed with the operation…… There was only one.

“The General Directorate of Information.”

“Yeah, that’s right. They must be them.”

Immediately after the battle at the Limansk Arsenal, the members of the 8th Assault Magical Infantry Battalion, including myself, began a comprehensive analysis of the General Intelligence Directorate of the Soviet Empire.

Invaluable information obtained with the help of the intelligence agencies of the Federal Republic of America, the Free Democratic State of Fru, and the United Kingdom of Britain.

The reason why Luna Ayre and Nikolai Hilbert decided to gamble.

It must have been because of the closedness and independence of the General Information Bureau.

I bet on the assumption that the main coup forces are unaware of the fact that the Empire’s Information General Bureau was involved in consumption.

“But now that the situation is like this, there’s no way the General Intelligence Agency can sit still.”

“I think so too.”

“Tonight is the turning point.”

I put the pistol I had on the desk.

“This is…… ?”

“I brought what was confiscated by the National Military Police. I want you to protect my back with that shooting skill this time too.”

Logan P02.

It was a luxury pistol made by Reinhardt, and it was the weapon I handed over to Luna that day.

Let’s say it with a soft smile, and Luna replies by clicking her tongue.

“He flirts with women all the time. Would you make that face only in front of that friend?”

“Keuk-kuk, yes. You mean there is an owner?”

“Still, leave this to me. You do your job.”

Luna Aire said, her eyes twinkling.

“Because everyone is counting on you, Lieutenant Colonel Enoch Levandell.”

That moment.


There was a siren sounding throughout the room. Luna’s eyes suddenly change, and each other’s eyes cross each other.


An instinctive sense.

“Please take good care of me.”


I checked the chamber of the other handgun I was wearing around my waist and ran out of the room.


Starting with Nikita’s return fire, the Army Training Center’s counterattack began, but the enemies did not back down easily.

On the contrary, it was my ally who was being pushed back.


Red flames soar over the night sky. I fired a series of shots, but the flying bullets were blocked by the water barrier.

“Those bastards are magicians!!”

“Are you a member of the Magic Brigade!?”

“I heard that all of the magic brigade were captured by the national military police…… !!”

The superiority in firepower was overwhelming no matter who saw it. No matter how much I was a trainee, did the bullets of the rifle cover the people?

The only difference is the hit rate.

It doesn’t change the fact that even a blind bullet can easily take your life.

However, the intruders responded by using mana freely in the rain of bullets.

Before the industry developed in earnest and technology and science developed, mages were objects of fear and awe.

Even if you were only a 2nd class mage by current standards, it wouldn’t be difficult to annihilate a single infantry corps.

Magicians who gaze loftily from the top of a cliff and pass judgment by fire.

However, even though times have changed.

Even though its majesty is not what it used to be.

There is no other reason why mages are the best in all countries.

Irreplaceable strength.

Why is the Great Mage called a strategic weapon and subject to all sorts of restrictions?

Just because it’s strong.

It was enough for one human to deal with one legion.

That’s not just for the great mage.

For the soldiers who had never dealt with a mage properly, there was no countermeasure other than simply pulling the trigger nonstop, whether the opponent was a grand mage or a third-class mage.

Bang!! Taang!! Ping!



“It’s hot!! Hot!!!”

Another explosion occurs. The bodies of the two senior soldiers rushing in from the back row with machine guns were engulfed in flames and oxidized.

Nikita snapped his teeth as he watched.

Although he was the one who somehow managed to get out of the post and join his senior soldiers.

Even if the allies continued to come, the situation did not improve at all.

“You bastard! What are you doing!! Shoot quickly…… “


The body of the soldier who had been urging him fell to the ground. He couldn’t even scream and died. His eyes looked empty.

“f*ck, f*ck!!”

But he couldn’t back down. As the corpses piled up around him, Nikita felt as if a fire was burning in his chest.

I don’t know what they really are.

However, what if you managed to infiltrate a training center with a force this strong?

If that’s not just a few people, but at least 10 or more soldiers roaming the entire training center.

Even Nikita, who has yet to get his trainee ticket off, could see what they were after.

From Noble mtl dot com

Prince Orlando Ruth III.

The situation has already become irreversible. If it was unfavorable to the coup forces, it would return to the disadvantage, but it would never be a favorable situation.

A cornered mouse bites a cat.

And the cat bitten like that is infected with a deadly germ, gets sick and dies.

Accompanied suicide.

Isn’t it obvious what actions those who sacrificed the fate of the country for their own desires will know about the predestined destruction?

So Nikita gripped his gun even tighter.


Another bullet grazes the place where the bitter wound remains.

Even at the moment when his life was threatened, Nikita calmly evened his breath and kept his gaze parallel to the scale.

And then pull the trigger.


At the same time as the gunshot rang in my ears, the shadow in front of me fell to the floor.

Caught. It was caught

The moment when I immediately pulled the loading handle to empty the cartridge case and tried to reload the second bullet.

Fire filled Nikita’s field of vision. Intermediate red magic, Blaze Ballista.

It was a dynamic spark that pierced even the cover he was hiding in and reduced it to ashes.


At the same time Nikita, feeling the end, uttered his last breath.


I heard a strange noise I had never heard before. When I opened my closed eyes, I saw a man who had so easily blocked the blazing flames.

The sun clears the darkness of the sunken night. Golden shiny hair.

“Igni Protection.”

The mana that stretched out from her fingertips literally swallowed Blaze Ballista.

Lieutenant Colonel Enoch Levandell.

A battalion commander and war hero of the 8th Assault Magical Infantry Battalion.

And Nikita was the most respected soldier.

“Lieutenant Colonel!!?”

“You worked hard, soldier.”

A single word uttered, followed by a flash of purple light, and he disappeared from Nikita’s field of vision.

It was only a few seconds before he jumped into the enemy camp with a lightning-like movement, then took out his gun and cut off the wrist of the enemy who was about to return fire.


Parts Tsut, Zuzu!!

The sorcerers, who had been leisurely playing with soldiers and turning them into burnt corpses just a moment ago, were being swept away one-sidedly.

“This is Lieutenant Colonel Enoch Levandel!!”

“Kill all these bastards!”

“…… Oh my god.”

Amidst the other cheering soldiers, Nikita just stared blankly.

“That…… Overwhelming strength…….”

In the heart of the young trainee, it was the moment when a layer of skin peeled off.



The eastern spire was not the only direction the Soviet Information Bureau attacked. At the back gate of the training center, clashes continued between agents of the General Information Bureau and the training center’s guards.

“Hmm…… Have you already evacuated?”

“…… Shut up, you bastards…… !!”

“For a small country, the spirit of the soldiers is worth praising.”

Deuk deuk.

A lot.

“Keu, keuh, aaa!!!”

Yegor Ivanov blew blue mana into the body of the officer who lifted him by the neck.

A terrifying execution method that freezes every single cell from the tips of the toes to the top of the head.

As white frost sprouts like spores on the officer’s skin, who was struggling in pain, his body, which had been alive and moving, is transformed into a huge block of ice.

Padudeuk, Kwajik!!

When I strain his grasping hand, a crack follows his neckline and his head falls off.

“Director, we have all the initial troops killed, but reinforcements continue to arrive.”

In front of Yegor, a man dressed in black also approached and bowed his head.

He was a section chief who led Section 3, one of the most elite in the Soviet Information Bureau. Yes Gor answered, waving his hand as if it didn’t matter.

“Isn’t that just enough for Section 3 and his friends?”


“So that I can hold on until I slit the head of the Duke.”

“Oh and…… News from the Eastern Spire. Enoch Levandel appeared…….”


In fact, those whom Yegor had mobilized until now were not the true strength of the General Intelligence Agency.

In the first place, an organization whose origins, skills, and everything were shrouded in mystery.

I just thought it would be enough to take only the 2nd Army to respond to a weak country like Uk ran.

A few years ago, his expectations were shattered when a man named Enoch Levandel suddenly appeared.

A powerful mage, an excellent strategist, and a warrior with overwhelming force and combat sense.

At first, Yegor Ivanov, who thought it was just a usable gemstone, felt a burning sensation in his heart whenever the troops he led triumphantly rang out.

How long has it been since?

He appears to be the opponent he has to deal with sincerely.

That’s also a weak country in the outskirts!

In the Principality of Uk ran, where only the destiny of being trampled by the imperial boots remained.

So we put a lot of effort into this operation.

The personnel mobilized are all first-class personnel of the General Information Bureau.

It was also because it was an important operation to overthrow the country by assassinating the prince and plunge the country into a state of civil war, and at the same time to force the empire to intervene “Humanely” In eastern Uk ran.

The most important reason was that Enoch Levandel was here.

“A request for support has come from Divisions 5 and 6, which have infiltrated towards the Eastern Spire. It is said that Enoch Levandel completely blocked it.”

“Yes. Must have been blocked cancer!!”

At the words of section 3, Yegor Ivanov burst into laughter.

“Then I will leave the task of infiltrating the training center and assassinating the king to you.”


“There is no need to ask for support. Because I can be alone.”

Egor left those words behind.

In an instant, he started to jump up the wall.

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