The Difference Is Like Between a Dog and a Cow chapter 243

243 - Call to End (2)

242 – Call to End (1)

I remember the first time I was possessed by this beggar world. At that time, what was he thinking that he would save this small country?

Simply to return to the original world?

That’s funny too. How good was it if the original world was good? In addition to the pension for men of national merit that comes out every month, a life that only consumes the bank account balance accumulated while serving in the military.

It was also the reason I was able to play Hearts of General for 10,000 hours, which is said to be impossible for others to even dare to play for hours.

Because I was just an unemployed bastard,

No matter what. An unemployed man living alone in a room without any human relations.


Maybe I was just unconsciously looking for a place to die.

My life should have been extinguished on the same day that the unit members, who were like family, were crumbled in the fire.

It’s not bad to die in a game that you enjoyed the most in life, and that held on to your will to live.

With that in the end, the goal of ‘saving the country’, which was not achieved in the previous life, was achieved.


I felt the mana in my body drain rapidly. Unique magic overlaid with three-color mana. Of course, it is bound to put strain on the body.

But I couldn’t stop.

No, we must not stop.

For the people who were sacrificed to come here, for the comrades who believed in me and let me go, and for the Uk ranian soldiers who desperately clenched their teeth on the other side.

The plaza thrown by Farad Alexei disappeared without leaving any shape, but that didn’t stop Jormungand.

As long as the caster is alive and well, his unique magic will not stop.

Especially in the case of yellow mana, if you reach a certain level, you can use even the natural mana that dwells in the ground.

He only showed a heavy look, but it was clear that he was still fine.

‘Even after all this, yellow mana is tricky…… !’

Among the five colors of mana, the most stable and solid attack and defense mana. Through Jormungand, the manifest dragons rushed incessantly following his outstretched hand.

The moment it came within the range of the plasma explosion, it was immediately annihilated.

That didn’t mean that he was being pushed back by Plasma Explosion.

“Amazing. That’s amazing…… ! Admit it, you’re a great mage! 13Th, no, one step higher than that Sonny Zeppelin!!!”

Parad, who opened up his body’s mana to the limit, said while biting his teeth.

“But…… It’s still not enough!!!!”

Then, dirt covered his feet as they touched the ground. Earth Drain. Advanced yellow magic that absorbs mana from the soil.

Duel casting while using unique magic. No matter how efficient yellow magic is, it is a crazy mana management method.

Compared to that, I was gradually reaching my limits.

“You said it was only five years. If two more years, no…… ! If we met even a year later, I would have already lost—!!”

“Mr…. Foot…… !!”

Suddenly, the joints in his fingers, unable to withstand the pressure of the exploding mana, twisted grotesquely. Blood flowed from the torn wounds and splashed in front of his eyes.

Honestly, you were right. It’s been less than a year since I finished Plasma Explosion.

I don’t know about the destructive power, but the difference has widened in the skill level and operation method.

Now there was only one way. I had no choice but to gather all the mana and make it runaway.

“Even if I die from exhaustion…… !!”

I squeezed out the remaining strength and fixed my legs firmly. You just have to push through one at a time.

Jormungandr with excellent durability, with power enough to eat even the magic formula that is the essence of that magic!

My heart is vibrating. As my heart raced as if it were going to burst, my vision narrowed at once. Blocks all sensations passing through the center.

The blood vessels that had expanded to the limit ruptured, and blood mixed with mana flowed from the skin instead of sweat.

Hard breathing. Trembling fingers.

If the three-color magic isn’t enough, add one color on top of that. All colors except Jormungand’s yellow. If you cover that color with countless colors and erase it, you might be able to swallow it.

‘The next thing…… I’ll have to leave it to them.’

I pictured the faces of my comrades who were able to come this far just before I completely lost my consciousness.


I mean the precious ties from that platoon.

A fresh smile reminds me of a beautiful, youthful pink hair. Roxanna Elim. She was the last person I met, but she was the one who left the arms of the 8th Assault Magic Infantry Battalion before anyone else.

Little from a heart disease, Roxanna, who struggled to live each day with a smile, has now become a hero who protects the skies of Uk ran.

The bold soldier, who was proud of his parents and said he wanted to be proud of himself, has now become one of the most famous celebrities in the Uk ranian military and a model and symbol of the Air Corps.

If this is not something to be proud of, what is it to be proud of?

Roxanna will continue to be the cornerstone of the Uk ranian Air Corps, defending the kingdom’s airspace. I was convinced without the slightest hesitation.

Waving her trademark pink tail fins, her Mannfred fighter moved out of sight.

And I think of a person with black hair and red eyes, who has a charm that seems to be sucked in just by looking at it.

Bell Meyer. The savior of soldiers who saved more people than anyone else.

Come to think of it, it seems that she wasn’t very suitable for battle before. In the first place, the blue mana she deals with isn’t really mana suitable for killing.

But she was now one of the most important people in the Uk ranian army. From the threshold of her death, only a few people she drew onto the path of her life.

She was the one who thought terribly of her unit members even though she herself was enduring day by day in her terrible memories.

In this battle, without fail, she will return many of her soldiers safely to the arms of her family with a kind and gentle hand.

The illusion of soft fingers scattered across the back of my hand.

Parts side!

A purple flash shimmered. Yes, of course he can’t be left out. Claude Lane. He was a man who thought it was not easy from the first time we met.

Like a wolf, he wandered alone in the snowy field, and suddenly he became a comrade by my side.

There was a lot to learn. His excellent fighting sense has been put to good use from the Uk ranian Civil War to the present.

Now that I have a place to return to, I will return alive no matter what happens. Even if I tickle, my person is a person who takes care of me terribly.

The bitter taste of the fine wine you shared with Claude Lane for the last time seeps under your torn tongue and disappears.


-Come back, division commander. As always, I’ll be waiting here.

A clear and elegant voice resonated in my head. Rumia Blue. She stands out with her pure white silver hair and beautiful purple eyes.

Rumia did not give up despite all sorts of absurdities and stood tall to help others. Maybe she cared more about her because she knew how hard it was.

But the passion burning in her heart was real.

The sergeant who fled in panic during the first battle has now become an excellent strategist and seasoned commander who crushes the enemy by choosing a bold strategy even in a situation of siege.

Not only that. If it wasn’t for Rumia, I wouldn’t have been able to come this far in the first place.

Even though I received a direct offer from none other than Orlando I, Rumia always remained by my side.

-This is my place.

Even in the midst of being overworked, in the midst of rapidly changing countries, and in the midst of bullets and shells on the battlefield.

Rumia Blue did an excellent job as an adjutant. If she hadn’t had her throne, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Is that why?

I couldn’t tell Lumia what I had told Bell Meyer and Roxanna Elim.

I already know that she has a crush on me. So she couldn’t hold it anymore. Because I am her selfish, pitiful, and trashy man, she doesn’t have the confidence to look at her directly.

I don’t want you to understand.

I just hope you won’t be unhappy.

Even if you blame me, don’t blame yourself.

– Thank you.

Her voice was no longer heard.

“Kuh, turn it off…… !!!!”

I can’t even scream because of the terrible pain. The entrance of the forcibly expanded masim is torn and assimilated with the heart.

I looked over the shrinking field of view at Farad’s greatly embarrassed face.

Blue mana over dark blue.

Essence squeezed out to the last drop.

Blue mana swirls and is sucked into the spell of Plasma Explosion. The magic that absorbed the last mana was now black.

It was like a black hole.

The dragons of Jormungand were sucked into the spell. In an instant, the jet black that ate the dragons flew towards Farad.

From Noble mtl dot com

The last thing I saw was the dumbfounded archmage turning into a handful of dust and crumbling.

That was really the end.

No sense left. I didn’t know if being hazy was the right expression. I felt like I was falling endlessly in an abyss where I was alone.

That’s it.

In the final battle, he became friends with the Great Mage.

Maybe it’s a pretty bad ending to be remembered by people.

I quietly closed my eyes.

What I faced at the end of my life full of gunshots and gunfire, and people’s screams and shouts from my previous life until now.

It was a warm, quiet peace that I had finally regained.


After the success of the large-scale air transportation operation ‘Valkyrie’.

The headquarters of the Uk ranian Expeditionary Force, including the 6th Corps led by Enoch Levandel, launched a final offensive.

And finally.

Just after a huge magic explosion was observed in the north of Stalinina.

The main attack, led by Major General Olena Deriugina, commander of the 1st Armored Division under the command of the Uk ranian 6th Corps, successfully broke through Stalin’s enemy defenses.

Her last orders from Corps Commander Enoch Levandel were to complete the reorganization of her troops after Operation Deception and run north through Stalina as soon as the enemy Great Mage was eliminated.

I told you to aim precisely and enter when the empire was in a panic after hearing the sad news that the great mage had died in battle.

And finally.

The 1st Armored Division, 22nd Infantry Division, and 33rd Infantry Division, who had been engaged in a bloody confrontation for over a month, crossed the hellish Stalinina and advanced north.

At the same time as occupying the village we once reached, we were able to enter ‘Von’ where the headquarters of Army Group South was located.

The Empire’s southern group army, which had taken out soldiers from the defense line for a major reorganization by sending in the great mage, collapsed helplessly under the fierce attack of the Uk ranians.

The commander of Army Group South, Mikhail Govorov, who believed in the Great Mage, fainted when he heard that he had to abandon his headquarters and retreat.

At this point, the defeat of Army Group South in Soviet was certain.

The war situation that was overturned and overturned.

It turned over again.

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