The Difference Is Like Between a Dog and a Cow chapter 259

259 - Apocrypha - Conclusion

258 – Side War – Imperial Alliance

It was summer.

The spring season, when colorful flowers bloomed, has passed, and the barren northern land has once again been dyed in light green.

Around this time of year, a summer festival is being held in the Villatok area, but unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in this summer festival.

Because I was out of town.

That too with Bell Meyer.

“Belle, can you help me?”

I stand in front of the mirror and straighten my clothes. I’ve gotten used to prosthetic legs, but it’s true that they’re more uncomfortable than when I had two intact legs.

“Yes, wait a minute.”

And soon Bell Meyer appeared in a neat suit.

Since this business trip to the Reinhalt Empire is the first official schedule of the International Magical Healing Council and the Imperial Health and Medical Bureau, she was appointed as the representative at this meeting.

“As expected, suit fit doesn’t go anywhere. Don’t wear sloppy clothes every day, but please wear something like this.”

“That’s because I only wandered around the neighborhood.”

Bell Meyer inflated her cheeks at my words. I teased her by shaking her cheek lightly.

“Why are you trying to pout again?”

“It’s because I want to brag about my husband, too.”

“So you followed along this time, right? But it’s still a bit of a walk around at official events…….”

Especially in the case of Reinhardt, it is a place where exchanges have been far greater than those of other countries.

The burden was inevitable. It’s because the risk of being discovered at the moment of emergency is double compared to other free association countries.

Especially if you run into a mage or ex-soldier by chance!

I’ve been following you for a while, but even now I don’t know if this is really true.

However, Bell Meyer slapped me on the back as if worrying unnecessarily.

“I have no intention of taking him to a party. Didn’t you just come here to have a date? Last time Roxanna said it was really good.”

“I did.”

“I already have reservations for the most famous restaurant here for dinner, so I just need to be tidy. You know, Mr. Enoch Pedro Zaluzny?”

“Yes, yes, you know.”

“Then I’ll be back.”

Bell Meyer left a light kiss, and she quickly disappeared from the room. She said the meeting would start in 30 minutes, so as the chairperson, she should have gone ahead and prepared.

Was I exactly like that before? The days when I was called to all sorts of events and meetings just because a day was far away.

I felt something new.

This is the feeling I feel every time I realize that my platoon members, who were once called outcasts, have risen to such a position without realizing it.

Anyway, it’s free time until the meeting is over. It would be a shame if you were all dressed up but stuck in your room.

I slowly left the waiting room and started walking aimlessly through Freud, the capital of Reinhardt.


Around the time he was playing active duty, Freud had visited several times, but it seemed like it had been a long time since he had walked the streets without thinking.

As expected, the streets of Reinhalt were so beautiful that the nickname of the Free Democratic Republic of Fru of the Imperial Alliance was colorless.

Originally, it was Reinhardt. From the airship called the Zeppelin to the early biplane Roxanna Elim rode.

In fact, it could be said that modern aviation originated from Reinhardt.

Is that why?

I looked up at the sky and saw a small airship floating in the air.

Looking at it like this, it kind of looks like steampunk.

Reinhalt was also a party in the last Soviet-Uk ranian War, and had fought all over Polania.

Except for Gdankow, where the 7th brigade I was leading was put in, the damage was clearly small as the territory of our country was not involved in the war.

Polania was beaten between the Sobie Empire and Reinhalt in the first place.

The Uk ranian Expeditionary Force was sent in as an emergency firefighter, but even from our point of view, it was a scenario that had to be prevented from escalating the war, so an attack on the mainland of Reinhardt was not tolerated even a single bullet.

Thanks to this, the streets of Freud still retain their pre-war beauty. Or rather, it should be said that it has become more beautiful with the development of technology.

Cars pass the street, and street lights made of magic crystal light up the darkness.

If you look at any country in the north where the revolution was successful but the national restoration itself has not yet begun due to the aftermath of the war, you can clearly feel the difference.

Just as I was leisurely gazing at Freud’s scenery, a boy wearing a bread hat jumped out from a narrow alley and started shouting.

“Extra, extra! The civil war that broke out in the Lucia Federation is finally over!”


“Give me this!”

“Ugh! You have to pay for it!”

Everyone on their way stopped at the boy’s words and started clamoring for a newspaper.

I quickly made my way out to a deserted place before it got even more crowded. It was news from the Lucia Federation, not anywhere else, but it was information I already knew.

It seems the embargo has finally been lifted in the private media.

No matter how much I am now forced into the status of an old man in the back room—no, officially dead, I have become a corpse in the back room.

I hear stories about how the international situation is going, including my wives who are active duty, faster than anyone else.

Because the information line that I saved during my active duty has become thicker because I couldn’t die.

Soviet Empire finally collapsed. To be precise, the ’empire’ was ruined.

As Commander-in-Chief Lavrenty Yezhov, one of the main personnel in the army, and Guards Command united and shot and killed Emperor Peter, the tough and terrible war came to an end.

As Red October, led by People’s Commissar Vladimir Trotsky, bloodlessly entered the imperial capital, the throne of the emperor, who did not know how high the sky was, collapsed.

However, there is no way that a country will change just by shooting an emperor.

Vladimir Trotsky, who finally took power, began to make noises big and small in the process of recreating the name of the country into a new state called the Lucia Federation, commonly known as ‘Lulian’.

It is natural.

No matter how you look at it, an empire that has been around for hundreds of years.

The emperor died, but the people and people who supported him still remained.

Why did the Soviet Empire pull the card of war against the Uk ranians?

Have you tried a huge gamble of a great purge, even after the messy fight in Lunetsk?

It was because there was overwhelming support from the people of the empire, which is the foundation of the empire.

You can tell just by looking at North Korea. Even though he digs the roots of trees in the back mountain because he does not have enough money to buy rice, the mind that has been accustomed to the system so far is not so easily enlightened.

As the emperor was suddenly replaced, the imperial faction still remaining within the empire rose up and the empire’s territory was soon engulfed in civil war.

The problem is that even the aspect of the civil war was not as simple as it was in Uk ran.

First of all, the Red October of Vladimir Trotsky, who took power.

The existing emperor faction that rose up against Trotsky.

And besides that, the former Soviet Southwest Group Army and the Free Soviet Corps, who suddenly insisted on the complete independence of the southwest region to all sorts of anti-government organizations spread throughout the empire.

Anyway, at the point where the objective of Uk ran and Polania—the defeat of the Soviet Empire was achieved, there was no reason for us to get deeply involved in their civil war.

Naturally, consumption has been thrown into great confusion.

Still, I wonder if Jjambab, which has survived for the longest time, is not going anywhere.

The winner of the civil war is Trotsky’s Red October. In the first place, it was emphasized that Lulian was an alliance of various countries, and the corps were absorbed in free consumption, and other anti-government organizations were also quickly subjugated.

The result of conciliating with carrots suitable for the imperial faction was shining.

Wladimir Trotsky is not a national hero who has taken the maximum political power for nothing. Wasn’t he famous for his fraudulent ability to quickly quell civil war when he went the Lulian route in the original work?

“Just…… The future is a problem.”

It is a federation that is just being launched. No matter how well I sutured it, I couldn’t even get rid of the festering wound.

This is a difficult problem.

Perhaps if I were alive, I would have been called around a lot about Lulian.

It’s not that I didn’t say that a while ago, I was thinking of taking the role of Deputy Secretary of State for Claude Lane’s side.

I feel like my proud motherland wants me to do active duty once more, but I can’t.

If the goal so far was to somehow survive and lead the war to victory.

The only goal given to me now was to live a happy life with my three wives.

I decided to bury the complicated international situation beyond my memory.


That’s it.

Back story not described in the story #5

Reinhalt Empire

Although the Reinhardt Empire was a party to the Uk ranian-Soviet-Polanian War, it suffered almost no damage compared to the three countries.

Rather, it became the biggest beneficiary as much as the Uk ranians, because it had virtually ‘won’ the war against Polania, and had been completely ceded the Gdanskuf region, which had been a territorial dispute.

It was because he sold a huge amount of war materials to the Kingdom of Adalya without losing friendly relations with Uk ran.

As much as it was Polania’s sudden acceleration, not the Emperor’s will, that actually intervened in the war.

The emperor, the imperial council and other leaders were not condemned by the citizens.

Currently, the Reinhalt Empire is enjoying its second golden age as the undisputed leader of the Imperial Alliance, based on advanced technology and overflowing capital.

However, due to the last war, some nationalist forces lost their power for a while.

National supremacy and racism, represented by Reichism, are getting stronger.

In the case of Uk ran, it seems that it is generally recognized as a friendly country equivalent to a quasi-alliance and a country to be followed.

Soviet Empire

As the Uk ranian War ended in complete defeat, the Soviet Empire faced a period of great confusion.

From Noble mtl dot com

Emperor Constantine Pyotr and his family were brutally executed by the Red October, and the ‘Lucian Federation’ was newly born based on the ideas of the newly seized Red October.

However, in this process, the emperor’s hands and feet, who had taken the lead in capturing the previous Red October, were also executed, including former commander-in-chief Lavrenty Yezhov.

However, some forces felt extreme resistance to these executions, and the imperial faction rose up with a risk of death. As soon as the Lucia Federation was formed, a civil war broke out as various forces swarmed along with the free Soviet Corps demanding the complete independence of the southwestern region of Soviet.

It’s been almost a year now.

Vladimir Trotsky wiped out or pacified most of the imperialists, and succeeded in bringing other forces back into his arms.

The civil war has ended, but the civil war that broke out before healing the wounds of a rough war completely ruined the national economy.

To overcome extreme inflation and economic stagnation, it has come to the point of requesting economic aid from neighboring Uk ran and Polania.

Luryeon was launched with great spirit, but it seemed a long way off before they regained the glory of the empire in the past.

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