The Engagement Was Broken Off and I Became a Munchkin chapter 37

Episode 37 Gate (10)

Chapter 37 Gate (10)

I was able to guess his identity without difficulty.

Above all, magic was familiar to me.


“…… “

Standing at a distance, he did not answer.

He said he didn’t care.

“I am a bit surprised. I thought you were going to surprise me.”

By the time I knocked out Sophia and Maria, he was already there.

From noble mtl dot com

Tarancio took off his mask after standing still for a moment at my words and seeming to ponder.

As expected, Tarancio was right.

“I don’t know how he knew right away, but he doesn’t have to hide his identity. Cheeky kid.”

But I don’t know why this guy who should be working as a rescue team is here.

Is it because of the happening outside the gate?

He seemed very interested in Ruina.

‘Then it’s fortunate.’

If it’s worse than that, you could be on the same team as Yandela.

If you share the purpose of summoning demons.

If it was the latter, I had no intention of saving him.

I asked, pointing to Yandela who was spilling demonic energy from behind.

“Are you also in the same gang as Yandela?”


“That guy over there summoning demons.”

“What nonsense? He is not like that.”

Tarancio glanced at Yandela and then said such nonsense.

Anyone can see that Yandela is pouring out her demonic energy.


“… It was like that.”


Tarancio also seems to have been affected by mental magic.

Although the interference was not at the level of being able to control like Sophia and Maria, it seemed that he was not able to recognize it even when he saw Yandella using Magi.

By the way.

The cadets are trying to summon a demon within the gate…

This is what Isabella is collecting.

If she had known, she wouldn’t have stood by.

“You have a long mouth, Eugene. Draw your sword! I’ll prove that your skills suck. It’s a duel!”

“What is a duel?”

Roughly defined.

To simplify, it was this.

Tarancio is just an idiot and Yandela is a bad guy.

Tarancio needs to be brought to his senses with a poultice stick, and Yandela should be executed immediately.

Even though the situation is a situation, I don’t feel a sense of crisis.

No, it is questionable whether it is right to feel a sense of crisis.

No matter what Yandela did, I already knew the outcome when he succeeded in his plan.

On the contrary, I was hoping for that too.

And the poodle professor who poodles and pounces in front of me felt like a real one-day puppy.

I heard something like a tree branch rolling in front of my eyes.

On the way, I saw that there are trees in the underworld as well.

“You are… I will win even with branches like this.”

“You dare!”

There was no particular intention of provocation, but Tarancio recognized it as a provocation and turned around.

It’s only at the level of a first-class knight.

At the same time as he entered the battle, his body was moving too slowly due to the expanded senses.

‘After playing for a while… ‘

I’ll have to kill it right around the time Yandela summons the demon and get the space sword.

Until then, let’s spend time educating cheeky Tarancio.

Shuung—-. Shuung-.

Dodges Tarancio’s sword with a paper gap.

“Profit… !”

Smash a tree branch from top to bottom at the poodle.




It’s a pretty clear hitting sound.

Of course, Tarancio was not knocked down by this attack because he adjusted his strength.

“Jasik Lee… !”

Being angry, he swung his sword even faster.

Anyway, the difference will be minor.

Shuung—-. Shuung-.

Tak-. Tak-.

It’s a simple workshop.

Avoid Tarancio’s real sword, and every time you dodge, hit the guy’s torso, head, stomach, and limbs.


It was an attack aimed at inflicting as much pain as possible, and judging from Tarancio’s reaction, it worked pretty well.

“Is this the skill of the proud ‘professor’? I’m just a cadet and you’re a teacher?”

“This… A spoiled kid… !”

At this point, you can admit the difference in skill. They are really persistent.

Looking at Yandela, it seemed that there was still a long way to go.

“It’s Dalian, so don’t blame me too much, Tarancio.”

Tak-. Pooh-.

He hit his torso with a branch and kicked his open stomach.

“It’s great.”

Tarancio flew away vomiting blood.

Heavy iron armor drags on the floor and makes marks.

I’m a professor, you’re just a mere cadet. It’s nowhere to be seen, and it’s the moment when the challenger and the champion are sharply divided.

“I… I am… ! Don’t lose… !”


“… It must have been a cowardly trick!”

There is no doubt that this is bullsh*t without context.

“Isn’t knowing how to admit defeat a virtue of a knight? Stop whining like a child, Tarancio.”

At that moment, I felt a presence at the entrance on the other side of the car.

The human figure started to run fast before I knew it,


I felt like I knew their identity before I even turned the corner.

“What the hell is this… !”

“Oh my God… !”

Blonde twins vomited their flagships after witnessing what was happening here.

But more than that, there is a person who catches my attention.

A silver-haired woman stood behind them.


Even though she has a bad relationship, she is a woman who cannot be called a true relationship.

In the sense that wherever you go, you will encounter incidents.

Her gaze is fixed on me.

“… Eugene.”

You open your lips and call my name.

Tarancio, who was lying on the floor instead of her, called her.

“Lady Louisa… !”

And while I was looking at Ruina for a moment,

“Yaaa… ! Eugene, take it… !”

You rush at me with all your might.

I blocked his attack with the branch I was holding without looking back,


A sword and a tree branch stopped in the air.

As it is, I slam the guy’s sword away with a tree branch, and knock him down while pushing his stomach with my elbow.

My knee presses down on Tarancio’s stomach and subdues him.

Puffed up.


The form of Tarancio’s stomach lying on the floor, with my knee pressing down on it.

My eyes were still fixed on the newly appeared personnel.

But they didn’t.

Because there was something that filled this cavity with a sense of presence more than me.

“That, that… !”

“Magiya. It’s like this… !”

The new six.

They ran quickly to the stone statue in the center.

Finally, Yandela is in the stage of fusion with the stone statue.

The large stone statue, which had been gray in color, dried like a bean worm.

The color was also black, and a tremendous amount of demonic energy was flowing from there.

It was enough to fill this wide cavity.

It was a set procedure for the new personnel to run there.


As much as Ruina, it seemed that she was more interested in this side than that.

That’s it. That buck-.

She approached me one step at a time, and before I knew it, she stood right in front of me.

“Ah… “

Tarancio, who was on the floor with restraint, sighed.

Come to think of it, this guy seemed interested in Ruina.

So this situation must feel very humiliating.

‘It’s self-employed.’

As an idiot, he also had his duties as a professor, and even came this far to challenge me to a duel, so even this kind of punishment wasn’t enough.

Ruina didn’t seem interested in Tarancio.

From noble mtl dot com

“… Eugene. It’s a coincidence that we meet again in a place like this.”


Ruina said something ordinary that didn’t match the situation here, where there was a sense of urgency.

Any word that doesn’t seem to care about Yandela, Tarancio, the fainted cadets, or my teammates making a fuss.

I had a question like that.

Is this really a coincidence?

Is it really a coincidence that I met Ruina by chance at this wide gate?

Besides, this place must be the outskirts of the dungeon, not even the center.

“Or was it fate?”

Ruina smiled brightly.

She had a smile I hadn’t seen in at least five years.

A glimpse of madness could be seen in his appearance.

Hold down—-.

It’s like madness that makes me take a step backwards without realizing it.

“You… Where are you sick?”

“It can’t be. I’m fine, Eugene.”

On the contrary, it is one step closer.

“… Hey? Aren’t we so close to each other?”

This is the yard where the marriage broke up.

It was clear that we were worse off than others, and we have always been that way.

But looking at Ruina’s expression and behavior now, it didn’t look like that at all.

“Does it really need to be decided?”

You ask with a smile, but changing your attitude like this overnight… I suddenly thought that it was really Louisa.

… Is there any other reason why she is doing this?

‘… Is it skill after all?’

When he notified me of the breakup, it seemed clear that he thought the matter was resolved by seeing me defeat Tarancio right in front of me, as he said it was because of my lack of skills.

Of course, this was only Ruina’s idea.

I had no intention of getting along with Ruina again.

This is a woman who broke off my marriage because of my lack of skills, and there was no guarantee that she would not change her attitude the moment it disappeared.

‘No. I’m sure he would.’

“Eugene There seems to have been some resentment and misunderstandings between us.”

“…… “

“Will you give me a chance to convince you?”

She looked quite calm.

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  1. Reader says:

    Birds die for food, humans die for gold. Don’t underestimate the greed and madness of a gold digger b*tch.

  2. iAmhereinfreeNovels says:

    Fcking dgusting shameless b.iacth

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