The Extra Saved the Terminally Ill Princess and Run Away chapter 7

7 - Love and Sacrifice (1)

7 – Love and Sacrifice (1)

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I felt an opaque orb rushing from behind me with a plosive sound cutting through the air.

‘If you twist your body to the right right now… I can avoid it.’

And until that magic hits me directly in the back… .

3… .

2… .

One… .

– Perok!

At the same time as a strong shock sound exploded from my back, my body started rolling on the floor.

It was because I did not avoid it even though I knew that magic was rushing towards me.

– Again and again and again.

she Lily.

Now she came to me in a beautiful dress that she had worn so often that it could be described as ‘as usual’.

… Now, as a princess, she led the young ladies who could be called followers.

‘You’ve grown up so beautifully. Lily.’

“…I heard that my mother passed away while trying to save a guy who couldn’t avoid even this much.”

However, unlike me, who secretly looks at the girl who has grown into a beautiful girl, with warm eyes,

She still stared at me with disgust-filled eyes, stunned.

To be precise, the scars visible through the cracks in my torn clothes from being hit directly by her magic… Looking down at the huge scar on my back from trying to save the emperor.


Beginning with the sound of her tongue clicking, the laughing voices of the young girls covered the garden.

“It’s also because of this worm-like commoner bastard…”

“So, Princess~ I’ve told you many times~ that such a low-level servant should not enter the imperial palace… Is there any reason why you continue to have this person as your exclusive attendant?”

“Why? Of course there is a reason.”

The reason why this lowly thing is left here even though it is disgusting.

… I know what she’s going to say next.


-This is the boy my empress herself saved by giving her life. Punishing such a boy would mean belittling her life. Therefore, I will not punish this boy.

Of course, in reality it was a more verbose and explanatory declaration,

To sum it up, it was the line I heard after being summoned to her after she came to her senses the day after the declaration was announced.

– … I heard it all. not me… That my mother died because of you.

– … That he was caught in a landslide while trying to save you and died.

– Forgiveness… ? Why should I forgive you My mother died because of you… .

-In addition, saving my dad wasn’t something that wouldn’t happen even if you didn’t make my mom die, right?

-Dad, the person who was saved, may have been grateful, but… In my eyes, you only look like the guy who almost killed my dad… .

– What? want to save? under… Do you think your life is still important? okay… don’t worry about that… If Dad said so… ‘Cause I can’t just kill you

-instead… You will forever make me pay for it… slowly… and painfully.

– As much as I lost my one and only mother, and as much as my mother died in the horror because of you… No, more than that, you… !

It hurts, it hurts… Because I have to suffer… .

was it

“Because this guy has to live and suffer like a lowly commoner, playing out his anger and toying with me for the rest of his life…right?”

so she,

He began to tread on the scar on my back like a real toy.

Even after seeing her, the young ladies still flattered her.

Why the hell did young-ae performers practice peeling off the iron plate on their faces? Even I didn’t notice that my eyebrows were quivering unless I looked carefully.

‘In the first place, you guys are encouraging people around you, so you fools, I wonder if the kid has gotten to this point.’

But why are you guys scared of Lily now?

… Did they say that when you date someone, you can get closer faster if you curse at the person the person hates?

Those bitches must have known about that level of psychology, and when they found out that she hated me to death, they took me down, encouraged her, and became close with her.

“Oh, the princess~ I’m a toy~ The title of the princess’s toy is an outrageous luxury for common people over there~”

“Yes, princess~ rather than a toy… a magic lab?

… like right now

‘… That’s why I didn’t want to make this choice.’

I thought that if she made this choice, she might really live her life out of anger and hatred.

That’s why I thought about it as much as I could and thought about it again and again.

However, time was running out, and I couldn’t think of a way to heal the wounds in my heart with my stone head reading romance novels on a fictitious day, so I implemented this plan.

‘… It’s been close to two years now.’

Fortunately, at the time the declaration spread, the level of bullying was not that severe.

At that time, her power was not as strong as it is now, and there were no wicked followers following her.

Besides, that bastard’s nobles would rather be happy if the empress had disappeared, since they didn’t bother to touch me for accomplishing such a feat.

‘… But things have changed a lot now.’

It seems that the elixir was not really an ordinary elixir, since she was already able to use all magic at the level of a first year academy.

That is, unlike before,

A beautiful look that captivates the viewer.

His magic skills are far superior to those of his peers.

Her power as a princess became stronger due to the difference between heaven and earth than before.

Because of that, her bullying, which also has followers who follow her around and encourage her like chattering,

After all, it had become so outspoken and powerful that it shattered magic in the garden in broad daylight.

“Get out of my sight right now, don’t show that disgusting face and disturb the intimate tea time with the young ladies.”

she said, glaring at me with eyes full of disgust.

… No, to be precise, it might be eyes full of murderous intent.

She was frantically glaring at me as I hurriedly ran away from the garden, as if trying to prove that a person could be killed with just a glance.

… .

… .

… what?

You know that her powers have been strengthened through the elixir,

I know that her beauty has regained her original beauty and has become an incredibly beautiful woman… .

How the hell did he get that powerful power? Unprecedented power in such a short time?

that’s it… .

* * * *

“…Count, Count Bortaire. Right?”

A dark night, when everyone is asleep… .

Startled by my sudden voice from the darkness, Count Bortaire hurriedly shouted and tried to call the guards.


However, his cry did not form even words and scattered and disappeared.

It was precisely because I cut off only his prayers.

“I think I’m right.”

Count Borter, who was frightened by my tone, which was extremely cold, like a cold blade, tried to run away by moving his legs this time.

– Fluffy.

But this time, the struggle for his life did not lead to results.

Because I cut his Achilles tendon.

“…If you try to run away, it’s bitter…It’s polite to at least answer the questions people ask before running away…Isn’t that right? A parasite that sucks the blood of the people?”


Count Bortaire began to look at me with terrified eyes. Soon, hot tears flowed from those trembling eyes.

The fear of death is so frightening,

Count Bortaire, who shows a procrastinating appearance despite being a grown adult.


If it’s a hyena, like a hyena, it will resist and bite until the end… If it’s the last time you show a weak side like this, honestly… .

Very disgusting and disgusting. The very fact that the wicked pretend to be pitiful.

So I sat down on Count Bortaire’s boat and said to him, The reason for the death he had to go through from now on.

“…The estate doesn’t even manage properly…but it collects a lot of taxes…so, is it strange?

“…But why do you have so many high-quality silks in your warehouse? You don’t even run a silk business.”

I recalled the glittering silks in the warehouse I had opened to see if there were any artifacts I was looking for.

Silk enough for this bastard’s family to spend their entire lives.

“…In other words, that’s what you’re guilty of. Desecration of the imperial family, tax evasion, extortion, and fraud, which frequently occur in private settings… Oh, there are too many to recite. Let’s stop now and die. No matter how you look at it, you’re cheap even if you die.”

Saying that, he raised the knife towards him, and he pointed under his desk with a trembling hand.

‘… Is this pattern again?’

I don’t know how all the guys who come at the end and beg for their lives do this.


I sighed and walked under the desk he pointed to, and opened the locked drawer with force.

Then, in my field of vision, various gold and silver treasures shining in the moonlight even in the darkness.

Glance. I looked at him with a sidelong glance and he nodded eagerly at me.

As always, I’ll give you these, so please, please save my life.

‘Still, you’re disgusting… .’

… thank god.

Thank you for not changing and remaining trash in this life.

“…Did you think I would accept something like this?”


Deciding that it wasn’t worth seeing anymore, I drew a thin solid line around his neck.

Then, hot, dark red blood gushed out like a fountain from the cut section.

After a while, when the blood gushing from the cut section stopped, I wrote letters on the wallpaper with the blood that splattered as usual.


Then, scattering all the evidence of all the evil he had committed so far over his corpse, and before disappearing, he said to the corpse that ‘was’ for the last time.

“Actually, the number one reason you die is… nothing else.”

“Because I still… remember the words and actions you… told her when she lost her parents and everything and was kicked out of the imperial palace, which was her home.”

My eyes, still burning with unabated anger, caught the moonlight and reflected on the window.

“…How dare you tell the princess…”

– Princess, no, no… You can’t call me that now. Lilithiana? hehe… .

– The reason you were kicked out… The reason your parents searched for your medicine… The reason why your insignificant attendant became an asshole… .

-Know that it’s all because of you… .

-If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have to pretend to be with the emperor… .

-her… What? How dare a commoner bitch take someone’s permission and stare!

– … That’s right, even if it’s just a slap on the cheek, you’ll wake up, right? then turn it off Because there is no place for you anywhere in the imperial palace anymore.

-This idiot ‘former’ princess.

“For daring to speak foolishly to her with that filthy mouth.”

“For daring to wave your filthy hands at Lily.”

– Kwak.

As I thought of that moment again, my fists began to tighten without me knowing.

Perhaps, there is no way to quell this anger until all those involved in her death are punished.

“That is why you must suffer death.”

‘It might be something from a world you don’t know’

And this is what made her power stronger.

It was because she remembered all the nobles who were hostile to her before returning.

And among those nobles, those who can be killed must be killed, and those who must not be killed have collected all the information about all kinds of evil deeds and corruption and spread it widely all over the world… .

‘If you do… Eventually, those people will come down to the point where they can be killed.’

Read at noblemtl. com

Just like Count Bortaire right now.

And this is, I am the judge in the world… It was also the reason why it was also called the emperor’s shadow.

Because whenever I was active, the emperor’s power was getting stronger day by day.

‘But even the emperor, who is called his own shadow, is looking for who is the judge… .’

Where is the only emperor,

Probably no one in this world could ever imagine that the identity of the judge would be me.

The overwhelming amount of information collected based on the information of the original work that was read up to the ending.

Having inherited Finn’s talent and experience as it is, he possesses splendid swordsmanship and beast-like senses.

Who would think that the identity of the judge with this ability was just a servant from a commoner who was helplessly harassed by the princess?

‘Swordsmanship… I still can’t even use it properly… .’

my body.

Unlike Lily, who has grown significantly different from before,

Not much different from before… No, it was because he was in the same condition as a boy who was weaker and weaker than before.

… The reason, of course, is Lily’s severe bullying that continues even during mealtime.

-Starting today, you will lie down under my table and receive food, like a dog.

For she had ordered that only I, and not the servants, like the other servants, eat under her table, and not in the servants’ dining room.

-What? your meal? Isn’t one meal a day enough? I mean, it’s a beast.

Even though eating 5 meals a day isn’t enough for a boy who needs to grow in full swing, the only thing given to me is one meal.

That’s because only food leftovers were given.

– … This is like a birage, but because of you died, the rice goes so much?

After a shabby meal, I heard that every time I ate food even a little faster because I was so hungry.

– Why the hell did you follow me there? With what guts? Why would a commoner bastard who doesn’t know anything follow it? why? You want to kill mama? Maybe he wanted to put the title of imperial assassin on the subject of a commoner?

Not to mention, even the elixir, the reason for her health, was supposed to have been found under the initiative of the emperor at my request.

… I wasn’t even given room for extenuating circumstances.


Moisture welled up in my eyes as I cried out loud.

“…Ah, fuck…why are you crying…like an asshole….”

I never thought it would be so painful to be hated by the person you love.

I expected everything else, but I didn’t expect this one.

… Because I’ve never been loved by anyone before.

except for her.

“But thanks to that, I was able to infiltrate this easily…Let’s think positively, positively…”

… Yes, there is not much left in this life either.

One year until the academy entrance ceremony soon.

We can free her from this bondage of hatred.

I, too, can escape her hatred for me.

… All preparations were made. All that remains is to wait for the right moment.

“Strangely, the moon is pretty today… It’s the exact opposite of what I thought…”

Unlike my tear-soaked eyes shining like jewels in the moonlight,

my chest… .

Read at noblemtl. com

Just like the night I decided everything… I just felt like I was being eaten up endlessly.

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  1. I know peolpe will b*tch about what I’ll say now but this chapter was so full of bulls*it that I don’t know where can I start, and all with one purpose, create cheap drama.

  2. Jecker 17 Jecker 17 says:

    Man, these comments really bring out the edginess. Some of these people really need to get out more and touch some grass. Especially @milky violet.

  3. LuxX says:

    It’s starting to get a little uncomfortable, for my fragile heart.

  4. -hey dawg I killed your parents hate me now

    *fucking hates him*

    -nooo why do you hate me!!1!1!2!

    Fucking loser, I have no sympathy for you. I recommend verbally fighting back too. “I killed your mother loser, what’re you gonna do about it? No mother+L+ratio+drunk father?” To make her hate even stronger, make her malice overflow to the throne red with blood

  5. Finn(andJake) says:

    Homie could just hang out with the emperor at night or whatever, I’m sure father-in-law would give MC some snacks lol. Feels like plot induces mental retardation on MCs part to just let FL get way out of line like that. Also in the first timeline FL didn’t give a shit about the landslide genocide lmao, but now she’s all pissy over one of her parents dying?

  6. Su 183 says:

    I can’t even hate her or hate the MC for this

  7. Do says:


  8. Cat Fished says:


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