The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me chapter 1

The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me 1

1 – Engaged to the Enemy Princess

“…Ben, Ben!”

Change began with Syria’s unexpected, frantic shouts.

That day, she seemed unusually restless, not showing her typical cute irritation.

“…What’s going on, Syria? So sudden. Didn’t you say you had teatime with Count Kian today?”

Lately, Syria had been pretending to be more mature.

She started interacting more with young nobles, saying she needed to acquire the demeanor of a lady before making her social debut.

So, our time together decreased, and I felt a bit distanced from her.

Of course, even when we met, she would just scold me.

Having known Syria since we were infants, now at 12 years old, I was used to her nagging.

But her sudden visit without prior notice was indeed unusual.

“That’s over! But is it true?!”

“Huh? What’s what? I don’t get what you’re saying.”

“Are you really engaged to the Princess of Helias?”

“Eh? Engaged?”

The news she brought was sudden, but not untrue.

Due to geographical tensions, we had long-standing conflicts with our neighboring kingdom, Helias.

The news was that, to end this long conflict, I would be engaged to the Princess of Helias for a peace treaty.

“Is it true, Father?”

“Yes, Ben. I apologize for not informing you earlier. But remember, as a royal, you have duties to fulfill.”

I wasn’t particularly against a political marriage.

Even though they were a rival nation, I, having only lived for 12 years, didn’t harbor ill feelings.

I had always expected a political marriage as a prince.

I was too young to even know what love was.

All I had were innocent thoughts about the Princess of Helias: I wondered what kind of person she was, and if we could become friends since we were the same age.

Our first meeting came surprisingly soon.

“That’s her, Ben. Isn’t she adorable… beautiful? Her name is Yuna. Yuna Fontana Helias. Go, greet her like a gentleman!”


It was a banquet to celebrate our engagement.

The Queen, my mother, seemed to like the princess very much, pushing me to approach her first with a smile.

Before the main event, the engagement ceremony, I was ushered by my mother to greet the princess.

I didn’t mind. I wasn’t fully aware of what marriage meant, but I wanted to get closer to her.

From afar, she was strikingly beautiful, which I found appealing.

With an inexplicable nervousness, I confidently approached her, prepared to deliver the greeting I had rehearsed with my mother, and even ask her to dance.

“Good evening, Princess Helias! I am Ben Harun Leonor, the first prince of the Regius Kingdom. It’s an honor to be engaged to such a beautiful princess like…”

“Sniff… h-hic…”

“To be… with the princess…”

“Hic… sob…”

“Wha… What?”

But her response was nothing like I had anticipated.

When I extended my hand with a smile, she stepped back, her face hardening with every word I uttered, until tears streamed down her cheeks.



Everyone around us was taken aback.

I was equally perplexed.

While it’s possible she wasn’t thrilled about the political marriage, she was still 12, just like me.

Seeing a nation’s princess cry so openly was incomprehensible to me.

“I didn’t do anything…”

I felt somewhat hurt.

After all, I had only greeted her normally.

But from her reaction, it was evident she wasn’t pleased with our engagement.

It seemed I was in for a tumultuous journey ahead.

“…Tonight is a significant moment in the history of the Regius and Helias Kingdoms…”

Nevertheless, the engagement ceremony proceeded as planned.

It wasn’t a trivial matter that could be halted due to the princess’s tears.

This moment, marking the end of a long-standing conflict and the engagement of two royal families, was of great significance.

Aware of this, the princess remained silent during the ceremony.

Well, she did seem on the verge of tears, but she refrained from crying like before.

“…Princess Helias?”

Afterward, the adults dominated the conversation.

Normally, I would’ve retired to my room to rest, but since this event was for me, I had to remain in the banquet hall for quite some time.

It was my first time staying up so late for a banquet, and I was exhausted. I sneaked out to the balcony to get some fresh air.


There, just like me, Yuna was leaning against the railing, enjoying the breeze.

When I approached, she snorted and turned her head away.


Her reaction made me feel awkward, but I took the initiative to approach her first.

While we might not have agreed on this engagement, we couldn’t ignore each other.

We were destined to be partners, and I didn’t want to spend my life in an uncomfortable relationship with her.

“I’ll introduce myself again. I’m Ben Harun Leonor, the first prince of the Regius Kingdom. It’s an honor to be engaged to you.”


I greeted her without faltering

this time.

Yet, she turned her nose up even higher, seemingly trying not to look at me.

It was both comical and endearing.

However, I wasn’t sure how to proceed.

She had an adorable appearance that she couldn’t hide, no matter how cold she tried to act.

Even at the age of 12, her naturally chubby cheeks stood out even more when she turned her head, making her look even cuter.

Her warm-looking, light brown hair fluttered in the wind, giving her the appearance of a cute puppy.


I found myself chuckling at her cute demeanor.

It wasn’t like I was in love or smitten at first sight. I didn’t even have the ability to discern such emotions.

I just found her haughty behavior endearing and wanted to get closer to her.

Though I wasn’t sure what she was really like, I was quite pleased with this girl, my fiancée.

“Why, why are you laughing? No, why are you laughing!”

She asked, turning her head slightly with a sullen expression. However, she immediately raised her voice, realizing her mistake.

This discordant behavior only added to her charm.

“Just because. I find it amusing.”

“What, what’s so amusing?”

“Would you like to be friends, Your Highness?”

“Uh, huh?”

“Let’s forget about marriage for now. We’re the same age anyway. Let’s be friends.”

I just wanted to get closer to her, out of pure intentions.

Whether I was attracted to her or not, I genuinely felt fond of her as a person.

We were going to be a couple, whether we liked it or not.

Even if we couldn’t love each other, we could at least build a friendship.

I thought friendship was much easier than love at my young age.

“Don’t think I’ll fall for your nonchalant approach. I won’t marry you anyway!”

“hahahaha… Are you planning to start a war after all this engagement?”

“No, no way! I’m going to marry a very, very strong and cool hero!”

“But heroes are characters from old stories.”

“Shut up! Then, a very, very strong knight… Anyway, I dislike feeble men like you!”

Of course, Yuna didn’t easily give in. Moreover, it seemed she had a preference for muscular men.

But I didn’t give up.

Though I was not yet fully grown and had a small physique, I didn’t dislike swordsmanship.

I also enjoyed physical activities.

“So, if I become very, very strong and muscular, will you marry me then, Your Highness?”

“No, no! I’ll never marry you! I’ve decided!”


What could she possibly dislike so much? We were both 12; it’s not like we were too young to understand reality.

But a girl’s heart is complicated. I found her attitude not unpleasant, so I kept on smiling.

“So, will you at least be friends when I become very, very strong? No, I will become your knight and protect you forever.”

“That, that, that… Liar… You’re a prince too…”

“I mean it. Even if I become a king, I will definitely protect at least one friend.”

She had been consistently disagreeable, but that couldn’t last forever.

Her slightly droopy, adorable eyes showed she wasn’t really that bad.

I couldn’t believe this cute princess, who seemed to have never heard a harsh word in her life, could genuinely dislike anyone. I was certain of it.

Having already experienced a personality like Syria’s, I was sure.

“Will you allow it?”

“That, that’s…”

“So, will you allow it?”

The ballroom was lit, but the balcony was quite dark.

However, the darkness made this place feel like a different world from the bustling ballroom, as if we were the only two people in the world at that moment.

The cool night air carried her sweet and cute scent to my nostrils.

I stared intently at her face, illuminated by the moonlight.

She was no longer holding her head high in a sullen manner but had her head lowered.

“That, we’ll see…”

From noble mtl dot com

Her cheeks, plump and soft to the touch, were visibly flushed even in the darkness.

That was my first meeting with Yuna.

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  1. LuxX says:

    Simp boy…

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