The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me chapter 52

The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me 52

52 – Blunt Knight (6)

As time passed, Helia’s situation was changing.

I don’t know if it’s sincerity or an act, but Yuna, the fourth princess, has abandoned her previous villainous appearance and started to appear in the social world.

Thanks to this, a new path began to open in the succession structure that was divided between the first prince and the first princess, and some nobles changed their positions.

And of course, the Ceramide family played a big role in that.

The protagonist who led the destruction of Regius in the past. Thanks to his skill in deceiving the royal family and leading all the nobles of Regius to betrayal through his perfect acting, many nobles were actually turning to Yuna’s side.

In less than a year after the Deipson Kingdom’s expedition, quite a few nobles had already turned around.

It was the result of Yuna’s magical talent and Ceramide’s resourcefulness combined.

Now the first prince’s side could no longer ignore Yuna.

It could be said that he was under enough threat; no, at this rate, he might actually lose his throne.

“The magic tower… Are you going to build it?”

The wrinkles between the First Prince’s brows did not seem to smooth out as he heard the news about Yuuna day after day.

Also, not long ago, there was a rumor that a party even said they were going to build a magic tower.

“That magic tower… How do you build a magic tower that only exists on the continent… !”

“It seems that among the Four Princesses’ helpers is a nobleman who leads the reclusive wizards. It is presumed that most of them are magicians who were abandoned or became monks from the Imperial Mage Tower… ”

“So, doesn’t that mean that Yuuna’s forces include a group of wizards?”

“… That’s right.”

The symbolism of the magic tower was dominant on the continent.

The magic and magic engineering technologies generated from the Magic Tower were changing the continent.

Since the empire was the only one that possessed such a magic tower, it was naturally able to gain hegemony over the continent.

If wizards and magic towers playing such great roles were to be created in Helia, and if there was a royal family that could make it possible, no one could not help but take his side.

A brilliant future is unfolding, led by the Magic Tower, so why make an ordinary royal who is no different from the previous kings a nobleman?

The influence of the wizard was that great.

Moreover, Yuna’s recent appearances showed that she was not inferior to a monarch at all.

“… … ”

Lia quietly performed her guard duties and listened to the stories of the first prince and the ministers.

For her part, she was not that angry because she was a knight who was loyal to Helia rather than to the first prince.

Her father, Director Mernis, seemed to have a slightly different stance.

What Lia was most worried about was that she would end up fighting Beryl.

Looking at the recent trends of the 1st Prince, it seemed like a civil war might break out.

Given this momentum, there was no way to stop Yuuna from gaining the throne.

In fact, it’s safe to think that it will be difficult as long as you don’t erase her existence.

Of course, a throne acquired so radically cannot last long. However, if he did not do so, his chances of obtaining the throne were also low.

If a civil war broke out, Ria had no choice but to side with the first prince.

Basically, the knights led by Commander Mernis were still on his side, and she was also carrying out her duties as a guard knight for the 1st Prince.

On the other hand, Beryl will unconditionally stand on the side of the Four Princesses.

Aside from being an escort driver, he could be said to be her loyalist.

“Yuuna… When on earth did you plan something like this? “

“It seems like there really isn’t much left to do. There is no choice but to hit the 4 princesses… “

“There will be no civil war. “I don’t want to be the king who kicked away the peace we had achieved.”

“then… ”

“If Yuna disappears without a word, nothing would be better than that.”

“… All right.”

After a long meeting, the ministers nod their heads and stand up.

Leah still stayed in her seat. This was because the mission was not yet finished.

“after… ”

After the ministers left, Edgar leaned back on his chair and wiped his face.

That said, he probably didn’t want to use this method. However, he couldn’t just hand over the throne to Yuuna.

The royal ministers on Edgar’s side will now prepare for the assassination.

Although he did not directly order the assassination, the intention of his last words was clear.

In fact, there was no other way now. As time passed, Yuna’s power grew.

“… Lord Mernis. “Are there any particular trends there?”

“… yes. He completely hides information. However, it is clear that the 4th Princess has become more likely to go out.”

“I guess I should at least attach a chaser. “I might be able to get some information about that group of wizard helpers.”

It was not certain whether the assassination would succeed. In fact, it didn’t matter to Lia whether the assassination was successful or not.

What was more concerning was Beryl’s reaction if the Four Princesses were assassinated.

Will he be sad when the 4th princess dies? I had no idea what kind of emotion he would show.

If he was even saddened by the death of the Four Princesses, it somehow seemed like it would be more difficult.

I didn’t know the cause of those feelings.

“ha… ”

Along with Edgar’s sigh, Lia’s mind became more complicated.


“The 1st Prince’s side’s behavior has been unusual recently. “It seemed like they were preparing for a civil war.”

“It won’t cause a civil war. Because my brother can’t have that kind of temperament. “I’m probably just stamping my feet, unable to do this or that.”

“Then it won’t be long before I can take the throne. I don’t know if it’s good news or bad news, but they say the King’s condition has been gradually improving recently. Of course, I think I just gained a little more time.”

“… is that so. “Then it would be nice to have my position as successor officially recognized at this time.”

About half a year has passed since the incident at Deipson,

Meanwhile, Yuna has been consolidating her position at a rapid pace. It really felt like he would become king if things continued like this.

Of course, it will take longer for that time to come. However, he couldn’t ascend to the throne while the king was still alive.

As long as the current king’s life was extended, the first prince’s safety would be guaranteed.

“… Princess. “I will protect the princess for a while.”

After all the afternoon activities were over and only Yuna and I were left, I spoke to her in a low voice.

“It’s already protected. “What do you mean?”

“This means that I will continue to be in charge of escorting the princess at night.”

It wasn’t a love confession or anything. It was my intuition that something was going to happen.

Even though I was a teenager, I felt anxious because I had once lived as a member of the royal family, as well as the first prince and heir.

From noble mtl dot com

I was confident that the 1st Prince would not start a civil war, but I was not sure about other things.

It was obvious what an existing successor, who was in such a state that he was contemplating a civil war, would think in this situation.

“… “For what reason?”

“It’s just my intuition. “I don’t know what the 1st Prince will do.”

“… Well, let’s do that.”

I don’t know if Yuna understood the situation, or if she just wanted to rest quickly because it was the end of the day, but for now, she allowed it.

I didn’t want to amplify my anxiety by telling the story any further.

In the first place, she was a magician who could not be defeated by force, so assassination may not have been a threat.

Still, I thought it would be a good idea to watch for a while.

And it was the fourth night in a row that I had been assigned to be a night escort.

After a series of night shifts, I was almost half asleep, guarding Yuna’s door.

My partner, the escort driver, was already standing with his head down.

“… no.”

I almost lost consciousness and fell asleep, but I quickly straightened my back and came to my senses.

I could sleep in the morning, so I had to do my best to stay awake now.

Because it was an important time for Yuna.

-… … .

But the night was quiet, as it had been for the past three days. It seemed especially quiet today.

As expected, it must have been a leap of faith for the First Prince to seek assassination in such a hurry, and really, nothing has happened over the past few days.

Rather, with me guarding the front door, Yuuna seemed to sleep deeper and wake up refreshed in the morning.


“… !”

As the silence continued, I felt a signal from the necklace hanging around my neck.

It was the necklace that Yuna and I had matched together earlier.

-… … .

But the night was still quiet. There was no sound inside Yuna’s room.

I’ve never done that before, but I might have tampered with the necklace while tossing and turning.

The necklace vibrated for just a moment, then stopped. But the anxiety did not go away.

Just in case, I quietly turned the handle on Yuna’s door.

“… ?”

But even when the handle turned, the door did not open.

The door wouldn’t push, as if something was blocking it.

“no way… “

I quickly realized that this was not an ordinary situation.

I started attacking the door like crazy.

If it couldn’t be opened, you had to break it to get in.


“Hmm… Beryl? “Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“It’s an intrusion! “Someone deliberately blocked the door!”

“What, what? “Is it this quiet?”

I ran, ignoring my partner who had woken up from a slumber.

Even if you broke down the door, there was no guarantee that you would be able to get in right away if it was really blocked.

Right now, the priority was to quickly check Yuna’s safety.

“W-what are you doing!”

“sorry! “I will receive my punishment later!”

Without hesitation, I pushed past the guards guarding the room and entered the next room.

It was the third prince’s room. It seemed like he woke up from a trance when I suddenly went in, but I didn’t even look at him and ran to the window.


And then he immediately threw himself out of the window and hung.

He pulled out his sword and stuck it into the wall, then quickly moved towards Yuna’s room.

As expected, the window in Yuna’s room was open, and I threw myself inside.


As soon as I entered the room, I shouted to call Yuna, but my voice did not come out.

Everything else was the same, there was no sound of my armor scraping or my footsteps making any sound at all.

It felt as if there was some kind of magic in this space.

“… !”

As expected, there was an unidentified hooded stranger on Yuna’s bed, and Yuna was using magic while lying on the bed.

He was an assassin. It even seemed like he was a wizard, as he was confronting Yuuna with magic.

It seemed like he was the one who blocked the room and silenced the sound.

The only thing he was stupid about was that he turned off the sound so he didn’t seem to hear me running from behind.

Without hesitation, I rushed over and cut off the assailant’s head.

“… green onion-!”

“Princess! Are you okay!”

As the monster’s head fell and the mana covering the space disappeared, the voice began to come out again.

And as soon as Yuuna found me, her body relaxed as if from exhaustion.

I was sweating like rain. It seemed like he used a lot of strength in a short period of time to desperately block the assassin’s attack.

“It was an attack. I was glad I woke up just in time. “The opponent is also a pretty strong wizard, so if you were just a little bit late, you might have died.”

“Fortunately, the. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“It’s okay because I used magic to stop the guy right before he was attacked. “But my head hurts a bit because I used mana without waking up.”

As she was a sensitive sleeper, fortunately, even when there was no sound, she seemed to have opened her eyes around the time the gunman broke in.

If Yuna had woken up just a little later, she would have died in her sleep.

And if I hadn’t noticed the signal on the necklace, I would have died.

“Still, I was so distracted that it was only a matter of time before something happened, so thank you for showing up on time, Beryl.”

“Fortunately, the. “I hope you’re safe.”

She didn’t say thank you, but seeing her say thank you in gibberish made me think she was in a real crisis.

On the outside, he seemed to be pretending to be okay, but I could see in his eyes that he was very surprised.

Anyway, it was fortunate that the situation was quickly brought under control.

“He is a wizard, and he seems to have blocked the sound in this room on purpose with magic. The door didn’t even open. “I think he’s probably an assassin who specializes in this kind of thing.”

“I think so. As for who sent it… “It would be obvious.”

Yuna took a breath and looked at the situation.

There was only one culprit anyway. However, I had to think more about how to use this.

“Anyway, good job.”

This would be used as a good weapon to threaten the 1st Prince.

Well, that’s a matter for Yuna to take care of.

This case could have been a good weapon for me as well.

The next morning, I visited Leah as soon as my night mission was over.

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