The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me chapter 89

The Fiancee Who Betrayed Me Is Obsessed With Me 89

89 – Childbirth (3)

Time passed slowly.

Still, Lia did not return to the Knights and remained at the Duke’s residence.

Contrary to her fears, her daughter Berry was growing very healthy and well, and Leah’s body was also recovering quickly.

Of course, it would not be easy to return to the strength I had before becoming pregnant. He has already shared a lot with his daughter Berry.

However, there was nothing I couldn’t return to as a knight if I tried.

For him, Lia was recovering her body through light exercise and diet every day.

“It’s not that easy. Lastly, there was a sighting near the royal capital of Regius in the past, but other than that, there is no other news. “Even that happened several months ago.”

And what she was also concerned about was finding Beryl.

Fortunately, although it was very minimal, we were able to find his eyewitness account. In other words, the story was that he survived the war.

At first I thought it was headed towards the Empire, but it quickly changed direction.

This is because the war he led ended with such great damage that he could not walk back into the empire unscathed.

Perhaps he was avoiding the Empire’s pursuit for responsibility. The fact that it is not found like this.

Of course, from what I found out, there was no significant movement in the empire. Of course, I wouldn’t have shown it if I had it.

Instead, the Empire reached a peace agreement with Helia. Relatively gently.

Of course, it was a temporary peace agreement. Because the damage to both countries was too great to continue the fight right away.

A temporary peace that may be broken at any moment.

And Beryl was nowhere to be seen.

“Given the circumstances, it appears that he escaped from the empire’s camp before the war ended. “There was no trace, so I don’t think there was a conflict with the empire.”

“okay… They could have hidden his identity, or they could have been lenient… ”

Actually, if you ask me if there was a real need to find him, it wasn’t.

And it was almost impossible to even find him.

Nevertheless, Lia did not give up looking for him.

There was something he needed to confirm, and he couldn’t raise Berry in hiding as a fatherless child for the rest of his life.

But if you ask me if I will officially recognize him as my father or accept him as my husband… I couldn’t answer that for sure either.

What kind of feeling is this? What do you want to do to find him?

This is a worry that not even Lia, or indeed any other person, can easily experience.

A comrade in arms who served as a knight after joining the military, and a man she relied on, was in fact her father’s enemy, and he killed his father.

Moreover, he was the last prince of a ruined country, and his revenge seemed natural.

From noble mtl dot com

But it still doesn’t change the fact that he killed his father, and even raped himself…

How many people can relate to this complex situation and emotions?

Even Lia herself was unable to react properly to this complicated situation.

Because it was a wave of emotion that went beyond the range of human acceptance.

“mother… ”

“Yes, Leah.”

“Yuuna… “I think I should meet your highness.”

“Your Highness?”

“Somehow I feel like it has to be that way. “Because he was His Majesty’s bodyguard.”

If he couldn’t find his whereabouts, he had to ask anyone who might know his whereabouts.

And Yuna was the only person like that.

Their relationship is as complex as their own. Maybe she, too, still had threads tangled with him.

“But your majesty said he was hiding in hiding. “He sometimes gives important orders, but he has not yet appeared in public.”

The fact that Yuna was in hiding was information that only those in the know knew.

However, Lia thought that she needed to meet Yuna even more.

Beryl was the only reason for her to stay away. Clearly she knew something about him.

“… Still, we have to meet. I will write the letter myself. “Maybe he will meet you.”

Lia picked up the pen herself. I was confident that I could make her move.

If your thoughts are correct, you will definitely respond to Beryl’s story. It was certain.

“for now… “Let’s send it to the royal family.”

“yes… ”

And the reply came back not long after.

It was as she expected.


Yuna spent her days locked in her room just like before, not eating or drinking properly.

From time to time, I heard from ministers how state affairs were going.

And Yuuna mechanically responded and gave an order.

She simply ordered peace.

Sign a peace treaty with the empire and spread technology to neighboring countries.

It was diplomacy that did not even consider the benefits Helia would gain. That didn’t matter to Yuna anymore.

The only good thing that was different from before was that I now knew that Ben was alive.

Because of that alone, people no longer indulge in alcohol or commit indiscriminate murders like they used to.

Of course, I never had to see Ben again. There was no way for him to smile at himself again.

My only thought was that if I maintained peace like this, I would no longer have to fight with him or be hated by him.

I was so exhausted. Meanwhile, Yuna was so exhausted.

Missing him, looking at him with disdain, having expectations.

Everyone wanted to quit now. Still, the fact that she couldn’t give up hope made her suffer.

I wish I had died. I wish I had just cut his head off then.

Still, I wanted to see him again. She hoped he would smile at her again.

If he sees himself like this, will he one day forgive him?

That didn’t happen. No matter what happens, the past that Helia took away everything from him will not change.

-majesty. Lord Mernis is requesting an audience.

“… “Ask them to come in.”

Leah Hen Mernis.

I was ignoring all external events, but I couldn’t ignore the letter she sent.

Beryl, or rather Ben, has a child. It was nonsense, but it was written so confidently in her letter.

At first I tried to ignore it. But when I thought about it one more time, I realized there was no reason for her to write a letter like this.

Moreover, I found out that she had not yet returned to the Knights after the funeral of her father, Commander Mernis, after the war.

I couldn’t help but think there was some reason. So Yuna accepted her audience.

“… majesty. “This is Leah Hen Mernis.”

Lia entered her room, and Yuna was still sitting by the window, stroking Benny.

I didn’t look at Lia. No, I didn’t have the energy to do that.

“Please sit this way.”

“… yes.”

Lia followed her instructions and sat down at the table by the window.

Unlike Lia, who was working hard to take care of her body, Yuuna looked much thinner and sickly than in the past.

“… “Tell me.”

“Beryl… I want to find it. Regarding that, His Majesty… ”


“… yes?”

“Not Beryl. “It’s Ben.”

“ah… yes. “Excuse me.”

Lia unconsciously became nervous in front of Yuna.

I had never felt this way about her before.

But right now, Yuna was so creepy. It felt like seeing a living corpse.

“We are looking for Ben’s whereabouts. Just in case your Majesty knows something… ”

Yuna also wanted to know Ben’s whereabouts, but she didn’t come forward.

Because Yuna was afraid. To meet him again.

I barely found out that he was alive, but I couldn’t bring myself to accept his anger, knowing that he had been cultivating revenge against me for all these years.

He was just a coward. Since I only wanted to be loved by him, I felt like I couldn’t handle such hate.

It was better to die.

“I wonder if the last time you saw him was… ”

“What do you mean, having a child?”

Yuuna did not answer Ria’s question, but instead asked a question of her own.

“Your stomach looks very fine.”

“The child… “I gave birth recently.”

“How can I believe that? You liked Ben. “I’m just saying, how do I know if they’re just trying to steal information from me?”

It was a sharp question. Yuna also knew that such nonsense meant nothing anymore.

I just hated Leah. I hated Lia, who appeared so innocent and said things like that.

“… “Would you please take a look at this?”

Lia took out a magic tool from her pocket. It came from the luggage in Director Mernis’ office.

I could vaguely guess why my father had this video.

Because the real culprit was Ben, and he wanted to kill his father. Maybe it was even a threat.

-… .Hiya… Tsk… ♡

“This… ?”

Lia played the video in silence.

Yuna’s expression gradually became one of astonishment.

“He raped me while wearing a mask. The reason is that… Because my father was also his enemy. He killed my father. On the battlefield. And said: “Everything.”

Yuuna could tell that the man in the video was Ben. Even though I wore a mask.

It didn’t seem like it was a lie. The fact that Director Mernis was dead was an understandable fact if Ben was the culprit.

“twice… It was. What happened to him. And after hiding my pregnancy for a while, I recently gave birth at home.”

Lia slowly told her what had happened.

It was something that had to be kept a secret, but it seemed okay to Yuna. In a way, we were beings facing similar situations.

And when I found out that the culprit was Ben, I felt a little more at ease.

Yuna couldn’t take her eyes off the video while listening to Lia’s words.

In the video, Lia was panting in pleasure. It didn’t look like she was being raped.

It was clearly shown that Ben, the size of his forearm, was trampling her.

For some reason, my body heated up, and I couldn’t take my eyes off Ben in the video.

“… That’s what happened. So, if you know anything about it, I’d love to hear it. “I still have some things to sort out with him.”

“… Ahh. “I see.”

It wasn’t until Ria finished speaking and she stopped the video that Yuuna came to her senses.

For a moment, a thought crossed my mind that I was jealous of the fact that Lia had s*x with him, but I quickly erased it.

Because when I thought about it rationally, it was so ugly to think that way now.

“Ben… “

And Yuna was worried.

The only person who knows Ben’s final whereabouts is probably himself.

Of course, even Yuuna did not know Ben’s whereabouts after the forest. Maybe they were still in the forest.

And separately from that, for some reason, I didn’t want to tell Lia. Yuna herself knew that this was a truly selfish and pathetic idea.

“… Previously. “You want to meet Ben and sort things out?”

“that… First of all, it’s the child’s business. If this continues, my daughter, Barry, will have to live in hiding for the rest of her life. And also about killing my father… “We’ll have to sort it out.”

Yuna thought for a moment. And the direction of my thoughts was set.

In any case, Ben was a rapist who caused Leah pain and an enemy who killed her father.

It didn’t make sense that she still had any feelings for him.

It didn’t matter what I said. In any case, even if we talked about Daesulim, there was no way to know his whereabouts.

Maybe he wanted her to find him. I was afraid to meet him, but living like this without being able to forget him for the rest of my life was terrible.

“It happened not long after the war started. “Ben was by my side, escorting me, as always.”

So Yuna carefully began the story of that day.

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