The Former Hero Began To Be Re-Evaluated chapter 1

The Former Hero Began To Be Re-Evaluated 1

1 – Prologue

“What? Are you serious about this? You want to strip me of my title as a hero?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing right now.

I had just returned to the empire after a fierce battle with the demon king, and now I’m hearing this nonsense?

Instead of congratulating or thanking me, who fought tirelessly until I was completely worn out, the empire was babbling about banishing me.

I couldn’t help but react harshly to those words.

This was definitely not an appropriate treatment for a hero who had worked hard up until now.

“Are you joking right now? When did I ever ask someone who didn’t want it to become a hero?”

I wasn’t originally from this world either.

The place I was born is a blue star called ‘Earth,’ which is completely different from this planet called Altena.

But the reason I was here, it was because the empire had summoned me arbitrarily.

They had suddenly summoned me from a peaceful life on Earth, and suddenly asked me to become a hero.

Of course, I never wanted to become a hero. What kind of hero would I be in a place where I don’t even know the language?

Why should I risk my life to protect a world that I didn’t even belong to? I had no loyalty or obligation to do that.

But because they begged me day after day to become a hero, I eventually accepted the title.

It was exactly a year ago when they pleaded with me, saying that the empire would be destroyed without me.

“And now you want to banish me? Do you have any conscience to say such things?”

But why now?

A year had passed since I was summoned, and now the empire was saying that they wanted to banish me.

Naturally, I couldn’t help but be angry.

I was so incredulous that I couldn’t even form words properly right now.

Have these people gone mad?

“Don’t raise your voice. Hero… no, Ihan Su. Do you really not know why the empire wants to banish you? You were defeated by the demon king. Isn’t it enough reason for a hero to be banished when they lose to the demon king?”

“What nonsense is this?”

But then, I heard something even more unbelievable here.

That I had been defeated by the demon king, such absurdity.

I never lost to the demon king. I never had such an experience.

“Who said that? Who said I lost to the demon king? I never fought him. The battle hasn’t even been decided yet.”

This was clearly a fabrication and instigation.

I never lost to the demon king.

I said I would defeat the demon king, and although I couldn’t, that doesn’t mean I lost. It’s just a draw.

“That’s the truth.”

“What nonsense!!! How can a draw be considered a win?”

It’s practically a defeat. All previous heroes were able to defeat the demon king in one go. It’s just the demon king. If you’re a hero, it’s obvious that you should defeat them, right? It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that you’re tarnishing the names of previous heroes.

But the empire keeps insisting that I was practically defeated. It’s because it’s unprecedented for a hero to have a draw with the demon king, so they’re saying I was “practically” defeated.

What kind of ridiculous logic is this?

Have you guys ever fought the demon king?

“That demon king defeated by previous heroes must have been a weak one.”

Those previous heroes froze to death…

Even if those guys come here alive, I guarantee that I won’t be able to defeat the demon king I’ve faced.

No, even if they come swarming at me, I’ll be wiped out.

“If it was an ordinary demon king, I would have defeated them long ago. The demon king I faced is on a different level.”

The power of the demon king I faced is beyond comprehension.

There truly was no monster among monsters. It’s only because I’ve been stopping that demon king up until now.

I can guarantee that if I disappear, this empire will collapse in an instant.

That’s how unbearable the demon king I’ve encountered was.

“Don’t insult the previous heroes with your failure as a hero’s subject.”

“Hah. What does someone living safely and comfortably in the capital know?”

But even if I say this, the people in front of me right now don’t understand.

I feel like I’m conversing with a wall.

These are the people leading the empire…

I sigh.

They really need to experience destruction to come to their senses.

“Hey. Say something too. I’m going crazy with frustration.”

In the end, I looked at my party members and spoke.

In this frustrating situation, the only ones I can trust are my party members.

I thought that they would help uncover the truth.

Do you guys know how much I’ve helped?

“You’re despicable, Hero.”

But what is this woman saying right now?

Among the party members, the first one to speak was the Holy Maiden, Ayla.

She stuck her tongue out at me.

“Ayla, have you finished talking? Calling me despicable? Now is not the time for jokes.”

I didn’t have a good relationship with Ayla.

As a Holy Maiden of the Goddess religion, she constantly preached to me, but I was a nonbeliever.

Because of that, we always had conflicts about that issue.

But even so, she shouldn’t be saying such things right now.

“Are you still upset that I’m not a follower of the Goddess religion? Hey. Regardless, what have I ever done to you? It’s not right to say such things in this situation.”

But still, we were party members who went through thick and thin together.

We had our differences at times, but we completed missions, enjoyed delicious food, and conversed like proper party members and comrades.

But now, saying those words, I felt a different level of betrayal from someone like Jaisang, who knew nothing.

It hurt much more when the axe of someone you trust hits your Achilles’ heel.

“I only said you’re despicable because you are. You, as a hero, have failed and insulted the previous heroes. I knew you were despicable, but I didn’t know it would be this bad… I guess it’s for the best. The next hero can be chosen among the followers of the Goddess religion.”

“This is real.”

They say not to capture the black-haired beast, but even if you treat it well, there’s no use.

No matter how much I fought with my party members and clashed, I helped turn a Holy Maiden candidate like Ayla into a Holy Maiden, taught her advanced skills, and helped her gain considerable influence in the Goddess religion. And now they come up with this and that?

How can someone be so disgusting? And on top of that, to think this woman would become a Holy Maiden and lead the Goddess religion.

In reality, it was on par with being exiled by the Empire.

“Hey. Don’t any of you have anything to say? Surely you’re not in agreement with Ayla, right?”

But still, my other party members will support me, right?

I looked at the other party members and spoke.

Even if Ayla is like that, I thought the other party members would trust me.

“Well… that’s…”

Ha. So you guys are like this too?

But, the other party members weren’t much different.

Besides Ayla, the other party members just watched, not stepping forward to help me.

“Hero. I don’t dislike you.”

“Fine. Luna. But you don’t know anything. You don’t know how strong I really am.”

“Surely, the hero is strong… but…”

Even Luna, my close friend at the party, hesitated to help me.

But it seemed even Luna couldn’t fully assist me.

Am I really weak for a hero?

Luna also didn’t seem convinced that I was stronger than past heroes.

I can’t compare myself to the previous heroes.

“Ha. I can’t prove this for real, and it’s driving me crazy.”

I wish I could resurrect those dead guys, whether they were past heroes or something, and have a showdown with them.

Only if I could knock them down myself, then I would know how strong I am.

A bitter laugh escaped me.

“Yeah. Yeah. In the end, they probably want me to leave, right? I’ll leave.”

No, why should I bother proving that?

I’m already fed up with the Empire.

We can’t stand each other, so it’s probably best if I just leave.

“I don’t even want to play hero anymore for the Empire.”

I’ve put in so much effort, but no one in the Empire holds me back.

It feels like my last shred of kindness is vanishing.

“But don’t regret it. Even if you come back to me later, crying and begging, I’ll never be a hero again for you.”

Now, even if they come back to me and apologize, I’ll never forgive them.

I certainly gave my best to you all, but you abandoned me.

Even if the Empire is on the brink of destruction because of the Demon Lord, I won’t help.

I’m not a hero anymore.

That’s how I left the Empire.

My one-year journey as a hero came to an end like this.

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  1. Shadow says:

    I have read worse starts than this

  2. Des says:

    Someone write a plot where Mc allies with the demon king and destroy the empire and says:

    Now who is weak huh?

    1. Capid says:

      I know one where he married the demon queen and pretty much defeated the rest of the world.

  3. TheDiir says:

    Let’s write new name, called it ‘cliche start’

  4. Cero says:

    God, what a cliché. It’s always the same 😐.

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