The Former Hero Began To Be Re-Evaluated chapter 42

The Former Hero Began To Be Re-Evaluated 42

42 – The Last Hero (12)

‘What on earth is this?’

As I was talking with Ellinia, I noticed that the story was progressing strangely.

Obviously, Ellinia had a plan. Whether it was good or bad, there was something I wanted.

That’s probably why she was trying to look good somehow by doing housework for me.

But now, I couldn’t help but think that the scheme was a little strange.

Are you just wishing that I never left? Did I hear wrong? I wanted to.

“Does that mean I just have to leave the village now?”

“Um… No, to be more precise, I’m just trying to help the hero.”

Is that really all it is?

Despite my quite skeptical expression, Ellinia smiled brightly at my words and said yes.

As if you really didn’t have to leave, as if that was the goal from the beginning.

“What does that mean?”

What on earth are you talking about?

I didn’t understand this situation.

For this reason, I requested additional explanation from Ellinia.

“Um… Literally? That’s what I was told.”

But doesn’t he know nothing…?

But Ellinia seemed like she didn’t understand what I meant.

As if that was really all there was to it.

He didn’t seem to understand why he was asking such a question.

“By any chance, Ellinia. Who told you to come here?”


“Didn’t anyone tell you to come find me?”

Somehow I felt the need to change the question.

First of all, what is certain is that Ellinia did not come here of her own will.

I need to know who ordered Ellinia to do this.

“Our nymph elder said so. He told me to take good care of the warrior.”

Nymph clan elder…?

Why did the nymph tribe elder decide whether to help me or not?

When I heard from Ellinia who had planned this, I couldn’t help but fall into even more trouble.

From noble mtl dot com

‘No matter how much I think about it, I don’t know why…’

I don’t particularly think I have anything to do with nymphs.

If I were to be honest, I was related to the elves, so I only encountered them a few times.

When I was a warrior, there was an elf and Carne in the warrior party.

When I stopped by the elf village, all I encountered was the nymphs living nearby.

I really had no relationship beyond that.

But, why did the nymphs send Ellinia to me and make her stay in this village?

No matter how much I thought about it, nothing in particular came to mind.

‘Hmm… I don’t know if it’s for no reason.’

But what was clear was that the nymphs were planning something.

Other than that, there would be no reason to keep me, a warrior, captive like this.

There must be something stinging me, so isn’t it because they’re trying to keep me in this village by sending Ellinia away like this?

They never seemed to want me to go to the nymphs’ village.

Is there any reason why I shouldn’t go?

Whatever it is, it must mean that the nymphs think I am a nuisance.

In other words, it was obvious that something I shouldn’t know about and something that would harm me would happen.

‘Shall we go first?’

It’s annoying, but… Do I have to go in the end?

It was too nerve-wracking to just ignore this.

It looks like he’s trying to do something suspicious, but there aren’t a lot of people in town who are just wandering around, right?

Ah… I was wondering if things were going to be a little more peaceful now.

In the end, something annoying happened again.

Even though I was mocking myself about my fate, I eventually moved on.

“Ellinia. Can you guide me to the nymphs’ village?”

“Huh? A village of nymphs?”


You can ask Ellinia about how to get to the nymphs’ village.

Of course, it’s not that I don’t know how to get there.

If you go by the rules, it really takes a lot of time.

I really don’t want to go on another trip, and there’s a nymph next to me, so there’s no need to go through that trouble.

It is said that nymphs can move through special passages in the forest.

If you use that passage, it won’t take more than an hour to come and go.

I was thinking of using Ellinia.

“Why all of a sudden? Outsiders are originally prohibited from entering the nymphs’ village…”

However, Ellinia looked a little troubled by my words.

Nymphs are certainly beings who live lives isolated from humans.

The reason why among humans there were very few people who knew about elves but about nymphs was because they were closed and hidden beings.

If it weren’t for Carne, the elf of the warrior party, I wouldn’t have visited the elf village or met the nymphs.

There was a reason why Ellinia was reluctant to let outsiders in to her.

“Ellinia. Didn’t you say you were supposed to help me? But you can’t even grant this request? Besides, I’m a warrior. I shouldn’t be classified as a human.”

“Huh.. Is that so…?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“If the hero says so…”

I mean, this guy is kind.

Ellinia could not refuse what I said.

I felt sorry for somehow deceiving Ellinia, but it wasn’t entirely wrong.

Although heroes are humans, they do not necessarily need to be classified as humans.

In the end, the representatives of all races were warriors.

You could say it’s a bit more special because it’s the only means to confront the devil.

Well… Of course, I’m not a hero right now, but in reality, I’m a hero, right?

“Okay. I’ll show you around quickly…!”

Anyway, I was planning to go to the village of nymphs.

Ellinia began to lead the way, telling her to come this way, and I followed her.

# # #

‘Is this the Devil’s Castle?’

Jax did not see the demons when he came to the demon world.

This is probably because the first hero, Hansu Lee, killed almost all the demons.

It wasn’t that I didn’t know that fact.

But, I was wondering if something might happen.

When you open the door to the Demon King’s Castle, a huge number of demons pour out, or those demons all turn against the hero.

But, as expected, such a thing did not exist.

Seeing the Demon King’s Castle so desolately empty, my emotions quickly cooled.

‘Whoa… Let’s calm down.’

Still, I couldn’t completely relax.

Because it was clear that the greatest and final enemy, the Demon King, remained here.

I shouldn’t have let down my guard.

‘I can do it…!’

Jax walked confidently into the devil’s castle.

Jax felt a little fear and fear at the thought of meeting the Demon King soon…

Every time he did that, he reminded himself that he could do it himself.

His confidence may seem unfounded at first glance, but honestly, it was not unfounded.

In the past, when he was young, he had Herald as his swordsmanship teacher.

It wasn’t that special for a nobleman from a noble family to learn swordsmanship from a knight commander.

I received training like other masters from noble families.

However, during such training, Jax received considerable praise from Herald.

‘As expected, he is the son of the Sword Saint family. You already have tremendous talent. ‘In terms of talent alone, there’s no comparison to someone like me.’

The Herald had great praise for Jax.

Every time he practiced swordsmanship, Herald praised him to the point of exhaustion.

Hearing those words, of course Jax couldn’t help but think that he was amazing.

If possible, he wanted to become a knight and become like his ancestor, the Sword Saint.

‘It was impossible due to my father’s opposition…’

Well, in the end, that didn’t happen.

Even though he was strangely talented, his father, the head of the family, was desperately opposed to Jax becoming a knight.

Jacks did not know the reason. And he couldn’t know.

Because he was already deceased…

Jax’s past was that he eventually gave up the sword and became an imperial official.

Why on earth did his father, the matriarch, refuse to let Jax become a knight?

‘Because my ancestors are strong.’

But, it didn’t matter.

Now that I have become a hero, all I need is for the results to be good.

Also, there are some things I wasn’t able to train, but that probably doesn’t matter.

Currently, the blood of a swordsman who served as a warrior’s companion was flowing in his blood.

The descendants of such ancestors would never have been weak.

Aren’t we different from the beginning?

If only Herald and Alex had the genes of hounds.

He was born with the genes of a tiger.

No matter how much a hunting dog trains and tries, it cannot defeat a tiger.

Even if that tiger grew up comfortably without ever hunting.

He was such a tiger, and from now on, he will achieve victory.

“Come out, Demon King.”

In no time, Jax arrived at the room at the end of the Demon King’s Castle.

There is probably a devil here.

Jax opened the door and opened it.


And, he finally faced the devil.

When he first saw the Demon King, he was a little surprised.

It was true that I was a little surprised to learn that the demon king was a female demon.

But, such feelings had no meaning.

Crazy… Isn’t she really pretty?

Jacks instantly felt his heart pounding when he saw the Demon King for the first time.

What was important now was the devil’s crazy beauty.

‘I’ve never seen such a pretty creature…’

She is as beautiful as the warrior party… Or perhaps even more beautiful than that.

A demon with a lonely, decadent, yet very beautiful face.

I really wanted to get married.

‘But I can’t propose…’

But I guess I couldn’t get married.

In the end, they were a warrior and a demon king.

The hero must defeat the devil.

Why is fate so cruel?

“Are you a warrior?”

When Jax was despairing about his fate for a while, the Demon King looked quite displeased.

And then, looking at Jax, I stood up.

Jacks declared war on such a demon lord.

“That’s right…! Demon King, I will make you my s*x slave.”

I can’t get married, but it doesn’t matter as long as I’m a s*x slave.

Jax had every intention of defeating the Demon King in battle and making her his s*x slave.


Looking at Jax like that, the Demon King just sighed in silence…

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  1. Bocchan says:

    Every chapter of this made my face rot

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