The Goddess Is Obsessed With Me chapter 23

The Goddess Is Obsessed With Me 23

The developers said that, in terms of the setting, if it weren’t for the main character, there wouldn’t be many adventurers going to the deepest part of Malua.

Even if they reach it in the first place, the possibility that adventurers who are traumatized by the whispers that continue to gnaw at their minds and their companions are brutally eaten by monsters in front of their eyes will face Malua with a sane mind would be impossible unless it was a machine from which emotions were removed. .

Crazy ridicule that seems to keep resonating in my head, monsters getting stronger, a body that is getting tired from the constant battle, and even though it is an environment where I can’t keep my reason, I keep using traps to drop each other, isolate myself as an individual, and create a sense of fear atmosphere to do.

It was a living hell-like dungeon that had all the perfect elements to make people crazy and crazy, and pressed the human mind into extreme fear.

For this reason, even if they harmed the adversity of arrogance and reached the deepest part of the dungeon where Malua is, the broken adventurers could not even fight properly and become incapacitated in battle as soon as their minds were ruined in a poor environment.

The adventurers who collapsed like that have already collapsed in reason and went crazy in a state of panic, and without any resistance, they literally opened their eyes and cut their noses, or lost their ego at her mouth, and left her cubs alive. end up being eaten by

If you look at the setting alone, it is so terrifying and terrifying, so it is popular with users in a sense, and most of the evaluations said that she was the most vicious and the boss who behaves best for the race of demons.

“It’s just that I stimulated my mind a little, but I’m so glad that you reacted like this?”

He stretches out his hand towards Malua, who is mocking us with an evil chuckle, and casts magic.


The enchanted daemon moans briefly as if in embarrassment, and her cubs in a line behind them also make strange noises and retreat.

“Wake up Erina! There’s a boss right in front of you, so there’s no time for this!!”

After a while, I tried to persuade Erina, who was in trouble, to evacuate, but…

“No!! Don’t say that! No!”

The whispers were so loud that they couldn’t hear me, they just kept covering their ears and suffering.

The main cause of the whisper is Malua, and the closer she is, the bigger and clearer she digs her ear canal.

Maybe it was because Malua appeared right in front of me, so it was like she was really yelling into my ear, so I unconsciously kept trying to turn around, and frankly, the whisper came so loud that I couldn’t even hear what I just said.

On the contrary, even if I listen with my ears open, I can’t hear well, but when I cover my ears and try to block out external sounds, it was almost impossible for my voice to reach Erina.

“Hey… I thought they were both swordsmen because they mostly use swords, but you unexpectedly have a knack for magic.”

As he rolled his curious eyes and looked at me in horror, I felt like I wanted to collapse in fear as well.

If it hadn’t been for the various psychic protections that I hung before entering here, I’d probably be struggling like Erina…


The moment I decided I had to leave this place with a reluctantly incompetent woman…

“No… Harold, don’t leave me!!”

When I called her name, I screamed my name out loud, and then I tightened my arm tightly tightly wrapped around me, making it very uncomfortable to move.

What the hell is she hearing in her ears right now, and why is she crying and crying so much…

“I can treat a human who is already mentally disturbed and unable to judge the situation like my puppet. I’ve only changed the words I hear a little bit, but I’m doing my best to disturb my allies~”

He shot another magic at Malua, who was narrowing the distance with a vicious kekk, but he was easily knocked off without causing any major damage.

“Now you’re hearing that that girl has been completely abandoned by you, but even just those words completely destroyed her insides~? Ki-kick…”

“Harold… Harold… Please… don’t leave me alone… I’ll do anything…”

As if Malua’s words that she had already completely collapsed were not empty words, Erina’s eyes were already blurry, and it was so pity that she was losing her mind and even dropping tears.

“Erina, I’m here, so please come to your senses!”

Even though he was clearly listening to my words, he was just muttering to himself without responding.


I had no choice but to fight in this place.


However, I thought that I had to fight, but what kind of magic should I use…. The magic that Goddess Abne gave me was not suitable for a valid hit.

However, it was a closed ruin to cast the destruction-grade magic that Eleanor had given me, and there was a high possibility that I would be swept away by my magic and be in danger.

“Don’t resist”


“Give up.”

Read at n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

No matter how much a country has used every means to preserve its spirit in the constant muttering of profanity, its limits are slowly approaching.

Let’s think, think…. you’re acting smart…

I say it in my heart, but the more I think about it, the more I can’t come up with a scenario for escaping from this situation, and the influence of Erina’s depressed appearance also destroys my mind and makes my accident worse.

“Hmm… Do you have anything else to show me?”

The eyes that said it was interesting to the point of being intrigued had cooled down, and he looked at us with a mixture of contempt and disappointment, and gave an impression that he was getting tired of it.

Like a demon, he was so evil that he seemed to have quietly thought of accepting everything the opponent drew out of his hand.

In order to break any hope that remains in the fact that it will not work for you no matter how hard the other person tries…


When I met him in person, I fell in love with Malua’s more heinous personality than I had imagined.

After all, if it were like this, I wouldn’t be able to resist and die in vain, so wouldn’t it be better to try something…?

With that in mind, I chose any magic that came to my mind and tried to use the magic at my fingertips…



Suddenly, a huge wall between Malua and me separated the space between the demon and me.

I wonder what the hell is going on…. I widen my eyes at something so unexpected, and after a while, the tension begins to dissipate at the thought of being safe.

“I don’t know what happened, but it seems like you’ve shunned Malua for now, so hurry up and take Erina to escape—”

Thinking about it, I tried to support her, but something was missing.

Obviously, Erina was holding her tight, but where did she go…?


At that moment, having completed grasping the situation, I started pounding on the wall like crazy and shouted the name of Erina who was over there.

“Erina!! Are you there?!”

I wanted to take an unexpected ten-year prison sentence by chance, but I realized that this was Malua’s scheme and became desperate.

I don’t know how I got her out of my arms, but what I know for now is that Malua created a wall to separate me and Erina, and at the same time completely isolates her, who is already semi-incapacitated, to deal with it.

Malua’s setting that was forgotten in a dire situation…

They keep trapping adventurers to separate them, then drive away the spirits of those who are isolated alone, and take out the targets one by one, aiming at the unsatisfied ones inside…

As Malua’s habits came to mind, I could see what the wall in front of me meant.

It is to bring the end to Erina, who is unable to do anything because her reason is broken.

“Erina… Erina!! Can you hear me?! Answer me quickly!!”

She screams through the wall as hard as she can and calls out to her, but the only thing she hears is Erina’s murmuring with her ear against the wall.

“What am I…? Why do I exist…. I have nothing to live for…”

It wasn’t enough to say that Erina’s condition, which was already too late, was miserable, and now she began to hate herself at the very least, and only made a delicate voice of anxiety.

“Erina, if you hear me, please think about it!! Have faith! Get confidence!”

“Do you remember the contents of the book?! Remind yourself of what you exist and live for! If you make up your mind, you can get the strength to overcome the crisis!!”

She murmured with a voice questioning whether such an earnest cry still reached Erina.

“Who am I… Think…? What do I exist for…?”

I finally heard my voice and felt a little bit of energy rising, but…

“Girl~? Can you listen to me other than that boy?”

Malua, who was still not still, boils my words in a meaningful tone and calls out to Erina.

“Keep… Kyaak…!!!”

Soon, Erina’s painful screams, which I had never heard before, came over the wall, and I hurriedly slammed my fists against the wall again and shouted desperately.

“Erina!! Don’t listen to what the demons say!”

However, it wasn’t Erina who answered my words, but Malua, a demon living in doubt.

“I’m sorry~ I can’t hear your voice anymore because my ego is already broken~ This year, I’ll tease you more and feed my hungry cubs”

I gritted my teeth and shouted at Malua’s voice coming up as if she was talking about something, but there was no answer coming from beyond this wall.

And as if in response to the promise of throwing Erina as food for her young…

Ahhh! Ahhh!


The terrible sound of bones breaking and flesh being ripped through the walls came vividly to my ears.

“Uh… uh…?”

He denied reality for a moment at that sound, and he just stared blankly at the wall because he didn’t want to believe it.

Maybe… Is Erina really dead? Did the main character of the game come to such a futile and terrible end…?

I trembled at the thought of it, and it was so shocking that I could barely hear the whispers.

“Now what will I be…?”

And the passing anxiety.

Erina, the main character in the game, is dead…. Then what will happen to the story that has been centered around her? Is there no way for me to go back now?

With that thought, he begins to lament, falling to the bottom of a feeling of despair he has never tasted before.

Angry at the surge of sadness and frustration and shuddering at the confusion of emotions…

blah blah blah blah….

The wall that Malua had built began to crack slowly…


It soon collapsed with a loud noise.

“Uh… uh…?”

And beyond that, the sight that fills my sight…


Erina, who was carrying the dead of countless demons, was standing there with a sad smile on her face.

“Eri… I…?”

At first I wondered if I was looking at something in vain, and I couldn’t understand what the hell was going on.

“Harold…! I finally figured it out!”


The sound of Malua’s head being crushed as she kicked her, managed to bring her back to reality, and she was so flustered that she couldn’t think of anything.

“Wake up… did you realize…?”

Swallowing dry saliva, in other words, the heart begins to race like crazy.

“I’ve found the answer to the advice you’ve been telling me all along… I’ve read in the book!”

Erina’s red eyes, which were red as she uttered such harsh words, gradually became darker.

“I finally found out why I exist… what I live for…”

At those words, the lines she had shouted to her earlier passed by, and a feeling of unexplainable regret flooded her.

‘Recognize what you exist and live for’

Erina, who said that she had finally realized, was smiling happily, but her eyes were falling with sadness.


Faced with Erina, who had a very different atmosphere, as if she had changed, when she came to her senses, she was terrified of a sense of alienation and was taking a step backwards without realizing it.


Soon, her feet stumbled and she looked up at Erina, who was getting closer, and her flesh began to tremble in fear.

“Honestly, when I think about those words normally, I couldn’t find an answer…. I was confused at times because I didn’t know who I was or what I was living for…”

As if recalling bad memories of the past, he looked into the air with a vague expression and smiled a nice smile with a slight aftertaste.

“But I only realized it now! I have finally found the answers to the questions posed by this ruin and the advice you gave me!!”

However, soon after, he smiles brightly with an ecstatic face full of twisted beliefs.

According to the cliché, the main characters in the original game awakened their power by changing the crisis rather than the opportunity…

Like that, Erina, the main character in the game, was driven to the limit under the influence of Malua and faced a crisis, but succeeded in turning it into an opportunity, achieving the inner maturity I wanted and succeeding in awakening her abilities…

something is twisted


He put his sword on the floor and held me as I was lying on the floor.

Her face narrowed in an instant, and Erina’s wild, hot breath filled with excitement tickled my cheek.

“Actually, I was born for you! The way I set out on an adventure and the first time I was attacked by thieves were all just a joke of fate to meet you!!”

He shouted at me with an ecstatic face that he was glorified and did not know what to do with his joyful laughter filled with madness and joy.

“I exist for Harold and I live for you, the meaning of my life is in you and my beliefs and purpose belong to Harold!!”

“I can do anything for you!! Even if it’s a god, I’ll kill the person you’re asking me to kill! Even if it’s me who wants you to die, I’ll have my head cut off right now!”

Erina is not sane right now…. Obviously, she could have awakened by sublimating a crisis into an opportunity, but something went wrong even if something went wrong.

I need to fix it soon



But suddenly, the distant pain felt in his wrist made him dazed, and his thoughts were cut off.

“Ah…!! What should I do…!! It’s just a slight hold on me… Is the bone broken? How… Wrong…!!!”

His face, which was shocked and delighted with the fact that he had broken my wrist by himself, turned into despair and sadness in an instant.

Suddenly, he hit his head on the ground and started hurting himself, and blood flowed from his forehead.

There was no ill will to her…. She simply grabbed my wrist… But…

The force amplified by my beliefs crushed my bones.

A special talent that only she has

Awakening according to what kind of will and beliefs you have…

As the thought passed by, goosebumps erupted all over my body, and I felt a sense of trembling.

“But it’s okay! I’ll take care of you!!”

I put my hand on my wrist, a golden light flashed, and the pain went away in an instant.

Erina has no talent for magic, but the healing magic she just used…

It was more than the great healing magic I received from Eleanor.

If I use this level of recovery magic, I will faint from depletion of magic immediately…

Erina opened her eyes casually.

“Look!! Originally, I couldn’t do all of these things… I think of Harold and think that it’s for you, so I can use magic that I couldn’t use!”

“After all, I think it’s true that I exist for Harold!!”

Once again, he smiles with a happy smile full of madness, is satisfied with his growing convictions, and closes his body to me.

“Harold… there’s something I’ve always wanted to say…”

Once again, the mood changed drastically, and now he was ashamed of something and dyed his cheeks blush.

Something doesn’t feel right… We need to get Erina back to her sanity quickly.

I can’t imagine what line she will say in the future, but since I can instinctively feel it, my instinct is desperately screaming that I have to stop her from saying the next thing even for a second as soon as possible.

Hurry up and shut her mouth… You shouldn’t let her say the next thing… Otherwise, it’s really irreversible—


“I love you… I can’t do anything without you…”

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  1. Say what? says:

    My boy is a Yandere factory.

  2. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Oh… Dear… Can’t believe I feel bad having a yandere say that haha…

  3. All Night says:

    And thus she was broken.

  4. Mangakhor says:

    Another created…

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