The Grand Duchess Is Defeated Again Today chapter 20

The Grand Duchess Is Defeated Again Today 20

Princess eats ice cream.

“Is that so.”

When Rebecca gives her permission to feed herself the ice cream she brought.

At that moment, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief, sweeping my chest at the thought that I had succeeded.

‘We did it, Dorothy.’

To be honest, I didn’t even know what to do if this didn’t work.

If this method does not solve the princess’s anger, because there is no way for me to appease the angry princess any more.

Making food related to ‘strawberries’ was a secret trick to relieve Rebecca’s anger, and it was a method she didn’t want to use.

As I said before, in the novel [The Prince Holds a Sword] that I possessed, the idea of making food using fruits did not exist.

I didn’t want to create content that wasn’t in the original novel myself.

If I had created something that was not here for nothing, it was impossible to predict what would happen in the future.

Did I mention the butterfly effect?

The theory that the small flap of a butterfly’s wings could later turn into a giant typhoon.

What this theory was saying was clear.

It may seem like a small thing right now, but it may come back as a big thing someday.

Although you might think that fruit recipes are not a big deal. He had no idea what kind of effect the contents of the novel would have in the future.

And changing the content of the original, as I know it, is a fatal blow to me as I have to change Rebecca’s future.

Except for the ‘strawberry cake’ he made for Rebecca, he didn’t do anything related to the original world.

It was for this reason that he refused the princess’s request to make strawberry cake again.

It was heartbreaking to see Rebecca’s sad expression every time it happened.

In the end, all of this is to protect the Valencia family, who will later be accused of treason and be humiliated.

In the future, when the time comes when I will tell the princess about this, I wonder if she will understand.

Of course, it was my little wish.

“What are you doing?

I wondered if the future I had hoped for would come when I saw Rebecca urging me because I couldn’t wait for me to think for a while.

‘It’s going to take… a long time.’

I let out a small sigh in the future that seemed like it would never come.

“·······I’ll give it to you now ah. Do it.”


Yum Yum.

Scoop strawberry ice cream with the spoon you brought and bring it to you. Rebecca eats it right away.

Rebecca’s expression was the happiest expression in the world, whether she had completely forgotten that she had just been crooked.

‘·······Are you deceived?’

Slowly, I began to have doubts.

Apparently the situation was similar when I made strawberry cake last time.

In fact, wasn’t this all a ruse of Rebecca who wanted me to make strawberry-related food?

No matter how much he asks to make it, he never makes it, so he pretends to be offended and tries to force me to make it like in the past.

It was a pretty credible (?) opinion.

Najiman, who looked suspiciously at Rebecca for a while like this.

“Do you like it?”

“·········Yes. Really.”

Even the doubts that had filled my head seemed to vanish when I saw Rebecca’s genuinely happy expression.

Whatever the process, if the result is the princess’s happiness. There is no need to follow the process.

I made strawberry ice cream, and I was thinking about something like this.

No matter how deceived you feel.

In the end, it was all to see Princess Rebecca, my beloved fiancée, happy and unsettled.

maybe it all doesn’t matter




“May I ask why you were angry?”


This was this and that was that.

I had to find out why I ended up making ice cream that wasn’t even on sale.

Never take revenge for thinking that you were deceived by a princess.



“May I ask why you were angry?”


When I asked why I was in pain, Rebecca lowered her eyebrows a little and couldn’t answer.

It was a princess who looked away from me as if she didn’t really want to answer.

“If you don’t answer, I’ll confiscate the ice cream.”

“…you can tell me.”

I had no choice but to succumb to my words of returning home with strawberry ice cream.

I didn’t want to talk like that. I’m just going to answer why you’re angry because you’re scared to say you’re taking the ice cream back.

Here, I was able to feel once more how much Rebecca’s love for strawberries was.

“So what’s the reason?”


“What is it that makes you so angry with me that you even say you don’t want to see me?”

“You are . . . .”

In response to my question, Rebecca for some reason blushed and made a voice that was smaller than an ant’s footsteps.


Neither my big ears nor my excellent hearing, I couldn’t hear that voice.

“I didn’t hear you properly, so please say it again.”

“…I just said…”

Rebecca is making a face of resentment, saying that she has already said it.

That expression of genuinely injustice, if it was the first time seeing a princess, I’m sure they would have listened to what Rebecca had to say.

“Didn’t I hear you? Don’t you want to eat ice cream?”


Unfortunately, it was an expression that didn’t work for me, who had been by Rebecca’s side for three years and went through all the antenatal care.

“You didn’t . . . .”


“You didn’t come!”


Rebecca was startled and covered her mouth with her hand as if she had realized she had said it too loudly.

I was foolishly pondering the sentence Rebecca had said.

‘I… didn’t come?’

So, the reason Rebecca was heartbroken.

Why didn’t my fiancee come over for a little over a week?

“················································ sides.

I really didn’t want to laugh, but in the end I burst out laughing.

“Why are you laughing?”

Of course, Rebecca, who I thought was laughing at me, looked at me with a cold gaze.

Contrary to Rebecca’s thoughts, my laugh was not a sneer.


Because the princess who said she was crooked for this kind of thing was cute.

It was so cute that my fiancée, my fiancée, had a heartache because I didn’t come for 8 days.

I couldn’t hold back my smile because the reason I was angry at me was much simpler than I thought.

“So are you pissed off?”


“Are you sad that I didn’t come for about a week without saying anything?”

“··················· Not ‘strained.”

It’s Rebecca, who even says that she’s not pouting with a shriveled expression on her face.

How can you stand being teased?

It was clear that no one in this world could stand being teased even after seeing such a cute Rebecca.

Or not from this world.

“It’s sad that the princess you love didn’t come to visit you. I will sincerely apologize.”

“Because it’s not sad.”

“Okay, let’s have some ice cream.”


Rebecca still stared at me because I wasn’t convinced at all.

When I brought it with ice cream in a spoon, I took it again and ate it.

I’m feeding the princess who hasn’t been upset for a while with strawberry ice cream.

“······· So. Why didn’t you come for a week?”

This time, the princess who ate the ice cream on the other hand asked me a question.



This time I was speechless.

‘How can I say that I couldn’t come because I keep thinking about the moment you kissed me?’

Because I couldn’t tell the truth about the reason I couldn’t come to the Duke of Valencia.

If I tell the truth, Rebecca will immediately notice my feelings.


Even looking at Rebecca’s puzzled expression on her face, she doesn’t seem to remember what happened that day.

How can I say that I couldn’t come because I was concerned about the events of the day?

“··························griered sword training has been a bit busy.”

So, instead of telling the truth, he gave the excuse of practicing swordsmanship.

It is true that during the past week when he did not visit the Duke’s residence, he had worked hard in his swordsmanship training. I could be proud of the thought that it wasn’t a lie at all.

“Swordsmanship training?”

“Yeah, I think I’ve been neglecting it a bit lately.”


Of course, when I saw Rebecca staring straight into her eyes, she didn’t seem to believe me at all.

Like I said before, it wasn’t a lie. It’s because I’ve been practicing swordsmanship really hard for a week.

I was proud

However, it was also a moment of relief that the real reason for not visiting the duke’s residence was not discovered.


See Rebecca’s evil smile, who suddenly grinned.

I intuitively realized something was wrong.

“If you are practicing swordsmanship so hard… can you fight me soon?”


“Come out. To the gym.”

“············I am not yet at the level where I can stand against the princess….”

Belatedly, I realized what kind of mistake I had made and tried to correct it.

“Come out without making excuses. Right now.”

It didn’t work at all for Rebecca, who was smiling softly as if she got it right.

All I can do in this situation is

‘··········· Mother, father. Perhaps today my son will not be able to return home safely.’

All I could do was think of how to say sorry to my parents.

“Don’t worry too much. I’ll take it easy… I’ll do it.”


Rebecca’s unbelievable words that could be heard clearly in her ears were an added bonus.

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  1. NightOwl says:

    To ALL, who thinks this is frm Japanesr light novel.. excuse me!?? CANT U READ THE PROFILE PICTURE. IT IS WRITTEN IN HANGUL AKA KOREAN LANGUAGE. This website is mainly frm korean novels. Seriously.. u guys below me are N O O B S .

    1. Do says:

      Yea, people are stupid here. What do you expect in a place crowded by obsession and regret novels? Just ignore them fools.

  2. Zzz says:

    Is this jp?
    Good to know early, i will reduce my expectations to half of original

    1. NightOwl says:

      IT IS NOT A JAPANESE NOVEL PABO. This is korean novel.. -_-

  3. The Aides Support says:

    And such situation where a new heroine appears is unnecessary… At least in this novel…

  4. D F D F says:

    With some bullshit level of japanese light novel knowedge, food is the most sure thing to create a butterfly effect.

    Mc create new food.
    Everybody marvel how genius mc is and then distribute the recipe even when mc said no.
    Higher up or Princess from the imperial family taste the cooking and then princess interested in mc.
    New heroine get.

  5. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Well, I understand what he’s worrying about the butterfly effect but isn’t it far too late for that… after all he had become the fiancee of one of the heroine and is preparing to prevent her family’s fall. It is way too late to think about the butterfly effect from making strawberry cakes and ice cream, the fact that she has a fiancee now would already have such a huge ripple that making new variation of food wouldn’t really add anything to that ripple.

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