The Grand Duchess Is Defeated Again Today chapter 51

The Grand Duchess Is Defeated Again Today 51

The princess is still strong.

Romance and fantasy novels have a lot of clichés.

In a medieval setting, the clichéd aristocrats’ playground, the social world, appears unconditionally.

The Northern Prince, or Northern Grand Duchess, who is the ruler of the Frozen North and has a cold personality similar to the surrounding climate.

And banquets hosted by the imperial family where all kinds of events take place, hunting contests, etc.

Although the development of each work will be different.

If the cliché itself and the material itself are romance-fantasy novels, most of them are similar to reality.

I don’t know if there are cold Northern Princes or Northern Northern Princesses in [The Prince Raises a Sword].

At least, he knew that there was a hunting contest made by the royal family.

“······· So, you mean I have to participate too?”

“Of course. Your fiancee is the only daughter of the Duke of Valencia.”

The fact that I had to participate in that hunting contest myself.

hunting competition.

Similar to an imperial banquet, an event of romance fantasy hosted by the imperial family.

After catching prey to hunt in advance. It is a simple event if it is simple that the people who participated in the game hunt after releasing it in a fixed place.

Sometimes the royal family gives a prize to the person who catches the best animal or catches the most animals.

From the outside, it could be seen as a good custom to value harmony between the imperial family and the nobility, and between the nobility and the nobility.

‘······· What are you saying you don’t know.’

Of course, in reality, assassinations took place aiming for a chaotic gap in the cliché, or in most cases, all the special events occurred by releasing animals that were not properly controlled.

Even just looking at [The Prince Raises a Sword] right now, didn’t one of the nobles of the aristocratic group send an assassin to attack Mikhail, who was concentrating on hunting animals.

Fortunately, the ability of the Crown Prince Mikhail was not at the level to be seen.

In any case, it was the truth of hunting competitions that usually nothing happened.


I was in a situation where I had to participate in a hunting contest that was sure to happen.

Unlike the imperial banquet where all nobles participated, the hunting contest is an event that any major nobleman in the empire must attend unless there is really something special.

I don’t know why.

What to do, the author made the setting like that.

It was an unreasonable reality that a possessive without power had no choice but to follow.

·······Though it is normal for me to be unable to participate in hunting competitions as the child of a count who is not that huge.

“Have you ever thought of leaving me as your fiancee and not participating?”

Because my fiancee is the son of a duke who has only two in the Empire.


Even if I didn’t want to participate, I had no choice but to participate.

As the princess said, the fiancée of the next Duke of Valencia cannot but attend these events.

When things go like that, it’s Rebecca, not me who will be the prey of the nobles.

Of course, I’m not going to bite the bullet.

The background of the opponent is none other than the ‘Duke of Valencia Family’. No matter how strong-minded or ignorant he was, he wouldn’t be able to say that out loud in front of Rebecca.

Do you mean that you know what kind of retaliation you will face if caught and do such crazy things?

However, it was stressful for the person concerned to have such a conversation among the aristocrats who were in a bad mood.

Because she is the only daughter of the largest aristocratic family, she is my fiancée, who attracts attention from people.

There was no need to explain how Rebecca felt when she realized that those words were coming and going in places she couldn’t see.

“········ I will participate.”

Even for the mental health of my beloved fiancée, I had to participate in a hunting contest.

Even though I was determined to participate in a hunting contest for Rebecca like this.

“·······Princess Princess.”

“Why are you calling me?”

“Do you intend to participate in the hunting contest yourself, Princess?”

“Of course. I am sure to be the best among those who participate in the hunting contest….”

“Then what will you do with the ‘handkerchief’?”


We still have one big problem left.



In the dictionary meaning, a towel made in a small size for easy carrying.

It is usually used to clean the corners of the mouth after eating or to wipe off sweat.

In romance fantasy, and in the event of a ‘hunting contest’, the handkerchief has a slightly different meaning.

Its meaning is nothing but symbolism.

After noble women made their own handkerchiefs embroidered with patterns or drawings.

The true meaning of a handkerchief is to give as a gift to your fiancé or the man you are in love with in the hope that they will achieve good hunting results.

And the noble man who received the handkerchief sacrificed all the game he had caught for the fiancee who made the handkerchief or for the lady.

In romance fantasy, the handkerchief used to show some pretty romantic scenes.

“…a handkerchief?”

“You don’t even know that your fiancée makes a handkerchief for your fiancée.”

“That is true for young girls who do not directly participate in hunting competitions.”


It’s just a romantic scene that’s hard to hope for between me and Rebecca.

“I would participate in the hunting contest and win first place. Do I really need to make a handkerchief for you?”

“······Is that so.”

Wouldn’t it be unreasonable to ask for a handkerchief from Rebecca, who has the highest pride and desire to win in the Empire?


Reat at

Just by looking at the princess’s expression, it is telling that there is no lie in her words.

of course.

“What should I do? I really want to get a handkerchief from my beloved fiancee.”


Aside from that, I wanted to get a handkerchief from Rebecca somehow.

It wasn’t that I wanted a ‘handkerchief’.

In the first place, if you were a noble, you should always carry at least one handkerchief, and I also carry at least one in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

What I really wanted was a handkerchief that Rebecca would have made while thinking of me.

Even if those thoughts and feelings are negative rather than positive.

I wanted a handkerchief that Rebecca made with only me in mind.

‘············· So humid.’

Even if I think about it, it is a very dark and twisted feeling of desire.

Do you want to have a handkerchief that you would have made while thinking only of yourself? If someone you don’t know hears this, it’s a good situation to be treated like a madman.

But it had its own reasons.

Because while staying with Rebecca until now, the gifts she received from Rebecca did not exist.

I wasn’t talking about a formal gift for a birthday.

Because I’m not the Duchess of Valencia to watch as her daughter doesn’t even send her fiancée’s birthday present.

Every day on my birthday, a gift from the princess did arrive.

However, the gifts were not directed by Rebecca, but to me at the initiative of the Duchess.

Reat at

Just to have an assortment of betrothal relationships.

Only the sender says ‘Rebecca Valencia’, but the actual sender is not Rebecca, but the Duchess of Valencia.

“What foolish fiance wouldn’t like to receive the handkerchief of his beloved fiancee on a hunting day.”

I could never have been that satisfied.

“······ This time, it won’t work. You’re going to make me feel ashamed by saying that I love you again and move on.”

Rebecca is staring at me with sharp eyes as if she will never do it again.

He seemed angry until now that he took the initiative with me as a servant a few days ago, but was eventually defeated by an unexpected dinner.

Seeing the word ‘love’ inevitably blushed a little, but with an expression as if he was not going to lose.


I decided to clap my hands on the clearly visible growth of my fiancee.

“You’ve grown up. Normally, you’d be like, ‘Huh?’ He would have blushed so much while making such a cute sound, he wouldn’t have even made eye contact with me.”


From now on, I felt regretful that I wouldn’t be able to hear cute voices like ‘Uh?’ and ‘Uh…’ often.

“The admiration of the princess’s rapid growth flows out of my heart.”

I am a fiance who wants my fiancee to grow up more than anyone else. I was able to congratulate you with all the sadness that came your way.

“…don’t make fun of me.”

Rebecca received my congratulations with sincerity (?), but her face only blushed a little, but her eyes didn’t loosen at all.

Looking at those vigilant cat-like eyes, I thought that ‘praising with embarrassing words’ wouldn’t work.

“Then you do this.”

So, as always, as always.


“As usual, you decide to bet.”

I proposed a match to Rebecca.

“If I win, the princess will give up participating in the hunting contest and make a handkerchief for me. If the princess wins, I will give up participating in the hunting competition and make a handkerchief for her.”


A proposal like a sweet whisper that can’t be easily rejected.

“How is it?”

Rebecca would never turn down this offer.

Because, my fiancee.

“…Tell me more.”

Because he still has the strongest fighting spirit in the world.

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  1. I think his standards have just been twisted from being around Tsundere Munchkin for too long lol.

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    I don’t understand why he thinks it’s creepy or twisted, isn’t that the entire point of people giving handmade gift? Liking the idea of getting a gift made specifically for you by the person you love is completely normal.

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