The Grand Duchess Is Defeated Again Today chapter 86

86 - Beautiful Flowers

86 – Beautiful Flowers

After dinner at the duke’s house, which is always satisfying.

Rebecca and I were walking through the duke’s garden as darkness began to set in, while digesting what we ate.

“Why do I have to walk in the garden as soon as I finish eating?”

“In principle, light exercise after eating is the fastest way to health.”

“No matter how much I think about it, I think I’ll be healthier than you.”

Is it dissatisfaction that he was dragged in as soon as he finished eating, or is it dissatisfaction because he couldn’t do anything else after he finished eating?

I don’t know exactly what she’s complaining about, but what’s certain is that Rebecca doesn’t like the current walk very much.

Looking at how he doesn’t stop grumbling even while walking next to me.

“Then you can think of the princess walking together for the unhealthy fiancé.”

“You are healthier than most people.”

“Ugh. A sudden headache.”


Rebecca looks at me with a sad expression despite my tremendous(?) Acting.

Looking at that expression, which is the most absurd in the world, I immediately thought that this method would not work anymore.

“······Does the Princess hate going for a walk with her fiancé?”

So, this time I changed my method and tried to pretend to be pitiful.

My fiancée, who is weak-minded, has always pretended to be pitiful and weak.

“Don’t suddenly feel sorry for me. Do you think I’ll be fooled again?”


“What do you really think of me?”

However, this time Rebecca was not as easily fooled as usual.

Of course, it was absurd to think that she fell for such a shallow number.

As she has said many times, Rebecca was no fool.

“What do you think? Of course I think you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”


“Did the princess still not know what I thought of her?”

It was just that I was a weak person for embarrassing words.

Although each time Rebecca boasts that now that she is used to embarrassing words, she won’t work with her anymore.


Seeing that reaction of her face reddening as soon as she was told that she was the most beautiful in the world, it seemed that it would still take some time.

“I wanted to take a walk with my fiancee.”

She gently held Rebecca’s hand, who still blushed and said nothing.

Rebecca flinched a little as if she was a bit surprised the moment she took her hand, but she soon regained her composure as if nothing had happened to her.

Does this mean that this level of skinship is nothing?

“When the weather isn’t chilly, when it’s peaceful without much going on. I wanted to take a walk in the garden with my fiancée in light clothes.”


“······ But these are only my thoughts, not the princess’s, so if you don’t like it, you can let go of my hand and go away now.”

She smiled slightly and said it playfully, but what she just said was also somewhat sincere.

Apart from wanting to be with Rebecca because I like her, Rebecca might think differently.

You might want to go back to your room and recover from the day’s fatigue rather than taking a walk in the garden after dinner.

Of course, Rebecca’s opinion was more important to me than mine.

Staring at me, as if unable to speak, Rebecca opened her mouth with her head slightly turned.

“······It’s petty.”


“How can I get back when you talk like that.”


“I’ve said it before, but I don’t hate being with you.”

Rebecca’s turning her head was a big help not only for Rebecca, but also for me.

Because the moment I heard Rebecca’s confession, I immediately felt a burning sensation on her face.

It seemed that it would not be good to face her fiancée in this state, even considering the health of her heart.

Jeobeok- Jeobeok-

Only the sound of walking echoed quietly.

I was trying to cool off my reddened face as best I could without seeing her fiancée, and Rebecca would be no different.

Rather, it might be more serious.

My fiancée was so strong that after she said something she couldn’t always look me in the eye.

Even if I could lift her face up because it was okay, my fiancée, who was very shy, said no, because she never lifted her face up to the end.

Looking at it this way, he was such a fool.

You don’t have to express the fact that you like me this much.

I can already tell enough how much he likes me from his words, actions, or very trivial details.

Perhaps Rebecca is doing this because of her personality.

A personality that always hates to lose, a personality that never accepts defeat easily and continues to challenge until victory.

Because I don’t like that I’m always embarrassed to say things lightly.

Isn’t that why he said that with the feeling that he couldn’t be the only one?

I’m the only one who doesn’t want to be embarrassed, so when you hear this, you should be ashamed too.

If this is really true. Rebecca’s intentions were right.

As I said before, my condition now is not much different from when I heard Rebecca confess to me.

Perhaps I should record this as Rebecca’s first victory over me.

Although my fiancee, who values fairness as much as she hates losing, would not accept a victory like this.

That’s what I thought.


After a long silence, I was the first to speak.

“······Are you still worried?”

“·······What is it.”

“What I heard earlier from the Crown Prince and the Holy Lady. Are you still worried?”


At my frankly speaking, Rebecca couldn’t refute as if she had been hit hard.

I guessed roughly.

From the time when a person who would normally have asked me to go for a walk was reluctant to go for a walk.

From the time I said that I didn’t want to move much, even though I was a person who liked to move more than anyone else.

I already knew that my fiancee was thinking about what she had just heard.

“Would you believe me if I told you not to worry?”

“······How can you not worry?”

“Didn’t the crown prince and the saintess also tell you that there is absolutely no need for me and the princess to worry about this matter.”

“You know at least that’s not what I’m worried about.”


It’s just that I didn’t fully understand the reason.

Why does Rebecca care so much about those words, why she couldn’t pass them over when she normally would have said, ‘The prince will take care of it.’

“······You said you were involved. How can I just get over it.”


“If you had heard that I was involved, you would have reacted the same way I did.”

But now I’m fully aware.

My fiancé is more concerned about me than I thought.

Because you worry to the extent that it exceeds expectations, you make the person who is worried about it feel warm.

“Of course, I must have worried about you as you said, but I think you can really just ignore it this time.”


“Yes. I won’t be separated from you in the slightest like this, so how will the Order catch me?”

With those words, I took Rebecca, who was walking alongside her, into my arms.


Rebecca’s lips, which had been moving hard until just now, stopped.

I don’t know if it’s because she was suddenly hugged, or because she told me everything she had to say.

“As I always think, the flowers of the Duke’s family are very beautiful.”

At least it was clear that I still had the right to speak.

“I think the garden of our mansion is also very beautiful, but… I don’t think it compares to the Duke’s.”

“······Of course. What kind of family is our family?”

Rebecca opens her mouth to praise the Valencian family.

On the subject that just a few seconds ago she hadn’t said anything about being in the arms of her fiancé.

As soon as the story of the family came out, it was just cute to see them excitedly arguing.

“I should also thank the Valencia family. Thanks to you, I can see such pretty flowers.”

“Did you just notice?”

“No, in fact, I’ve noticed long ago. The flower I received is the most beautiful flower in the world.”

“······What is that all of a sudden?”

Rebecca frowned as if she had no idea when I had received flowers from my family.

It was natural not to know, and it was natural for her to frown because she did not understand.

The ‘flower’ I received is a special flower that only exists in the world.

It’s the most special flower, and it’s my favorite flower.

“I don’t have one. The most beautiful flower in the world.”

“You have flowers now?”

“Yes. I have it with both arms intact.”

“I’m the only one you’re holding in your arms right now. What the hell are you talking about…”

Rebecca’s crest was cut straight as if someone had cut it with a sharp sword.

Read at

Now he seemed to understand what I was talking about.

“Did you notice?”


“The Valencian duchy gave me the most beautiful flower in the world. How can I not express my gratitude?”

That evening, even though I had never seen her fiancée’s expression properly.

I had a feeling I already knew what Rebecca’s expression would look like.

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  1. Hell knight says:

    I am going to die of diabetes. Damn it’s so sweet and cute!!!

  2. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    This is sooooooo sweet ohh my hahaha

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