The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 101

The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With 101

101 – If It’s for You (6)

“Master,,,, what should I prepare,,,,”

“Don’t come any closer!”

As the golem continued to approach, Ornette threw the pillow.

The golem finally stopped after being hit squarely in the face by a pillow.

The golem picked up the pillow that had fallen on the floor and shook it off and said.

“I’ll bring you a new pillow,,, I’ll give it to you,,,”

“I don’t need a pillow! What on earth are you?!”

“I, smartly, wear the lyric golem that the master made,,,”

Smart… ? What kind of name is that?

But if the owner made it, do you mean Orléans?

A golem that does housework?

“Aren’t you hungry,,, since you came back after a few months,,, you are probably hungry,,, I will prepare a meal for you soon,,,”

The golem held a pillow in its hand and she waddled down the stairs.

Every time the golem walks, it makes a clicking sound, so I think I can understand why it was named Ttuk.

But is that really going to cook?

Ornette, curious, got off the bed and followed the golem.

After going down to the first floor, the golem threw a pillow into the large bamboo bucket in the corner, then opened the inner door and entered another room.

The kitchen is completely separate from the living room.

It was a clean and comfortable place with bright light coming in through a wide window like a living room.

In the middle of the kitchen, a golem was rummaging around in the cupboards.

It’s clearly a small thing, about the size of Ornette’s waist, but surprisingly, isn’t its arms stretching out and rummaging around in the upper section of the cupboard?

If you look closely, it’s not that the arms have gotten longer, but that the space has been distorted.

Magic that increases or decreases space in a specific area is also incredibly difficult, something that most wizards cannot even dream of.

In addition, it is close to impossible according to common sense for it to work even after the caster dies.

Was Orleans really just a high wizard?

Maybe he stayed as a high wizard because he was tired of going through the complicated and difficult examination to become an archmage.

“This isn’t either,,,”

The golem opened all the cupboards and muttered.

“This is damaged,,, I need to throw this away,,,”

The golem, feeling popular, looked at Ornette and said.

“Master, the ingredients are a mess. You haven’t eaten for a long time, so they are all rotten.”

“I’m not here to eat anything.”

“You’re not eating,,, Gupshow,,,?”

The golem’s arms shrank drastically. It seemed as if he was disappointed.

No way. There’s no way a golem can have feelings.

“Then, are you going to meet that demon hunter again?”

“Demon Hunter… ?”

“That’s right, a wandering vagabond who looks like a gisaeng brother, has a polished exterior,,, but in reality has no substance at all,,,”

Could that be referring to Leonard?

“No! Don’t talk about Leonard like that!”

When Leonard was spoken negatively, Ornette became angry and shouted at the golem.

Then the golem shrunk even further and apologized.

“I’m sorry,,, I’m just worried about the owner,,,, meddling for no reason,,,,”

The sight was so pitiful that Ornette felt guilty that she had gotten angry for no reason.

“Well, I don’t know if you’re mistaken. I’m not your master.”

“Why are you making jokes that you don’t usually make at all? If the owner is not the owner, then what are you talking about?”

“I am Ornette. Not Orléans, your master.”

At those words, the golem tilted its head.

“But obviously, the wavelength of magic is,,, master,,,”

“You can feel the waves of magical power?”

“That’s right, my master said he would use me as a research assistant, and he added various functions to me. Of course, my head is like a stone. I couldn’t help you much,,, but…,,,”

The moment Ornette was about to say once again that she was not the owner, a good idea occurred to her.

Maybe that rock kid could be of great help.

“Uh, knock? You said knock, right?”

“That’s right, the master always praises me for being much smarter than other golems, even if I make mistakes.” ,”

Ah, is that why they gave it the name Ttuktuk?

A wizard named Orléans, although he had crazy ideas, he was surprisingly kind and warm-hearted.

I wish he had shared a little of that personality with me instead of saving it.If so, I wouldn’t have been so mean to Leonard like I am now.

But the thoughts end here.

We must find a way to eliminate the Death Knights immediately and return.

I have no intention of sharing my memories of Orleans here with that golem named Smart.

“You. Do you know about phase portals?”

“Phase portal,,, do you mean,,,,”

“Or if you have any books or research records related to it, please let me know.”

Ttuktuk was lost in thought as he read again and again.

However, after a while there was no word and Ornette started to feel a little impatient.

This is what Leonard asked me to do. No matter what happens, we must find out.

Because I have to help Leonard.

The reason Orleans created me was to help Leonard when he needed magic, and the reason I opened my eyes was because Leonard needed a wizard.

If I can’t figure it out here, I’ll have to go to the magic university to find a way.

“Are you talking about the portal to another world?”

At that time, Smart said something strange.


From noble mtl dot com

“I told you it was a portal to another world,,,, something that the master studied a long time ago,,,,,,,,”

Another world portal?

So, is it a portal to another world?

“Would you mind explaining that in detail?”

Ttuktuk started talking while mumbling.

To conclude, the other world portal was the phase portal that Leonard was looking for.

Unlike a regular portal where the entrance and exit are in the same dimension, a different world portal, or phase portal, transcends dimension after dimension.

The Death Knight’s bones and armor are from the current dimension, but the ghost is a material that spans another dimension.

So, Ornette’s reasoning was that if a phase portal were opened, they would inevitably be sucked in under the influence of gravity from another dimension.

“You kept the magic spell book hidden, so it seems like it was erased from my memory.”

While Ornette was thinking quietly to herself, Smart was muttering.

“What do you mean? Why are you hiding the magic spell book?”

“It’s been so long that you seem to have completely forgotten,,,. He sent that parasitic brother to the world he originally came from,,, studied it,,, and when the magic was completed,,, ,, I hate breaking up with that guy,,,, you hid it,,,,”

The world it used to be… ? What does this mean… ?

“Furthermore, if the magic power is not enough, the caster must also go to the exit, and it will only be completed, and it is extremely dangerous.”

“Wait a minute! What is the original world?”

“Ah,,, that,,, you mean,,,,”

Ttuktuk continued the story again and again.

* * * * *

Leonard, Leonard, Leonard…

Isidore was lost in thought alone in a guest room inside the watchtower.

Judging from the fact that he is here, it is clear that all of the Espions sent by Emeric are dead.

He must have been caught and killed by that crazy guy named Patrick.

Espion, who was sent to kill that guy last time, was torn to death by a griffin, and the request he entrusted to the Assassin’s Guild failed.

No matter how much I look at this, it feels like something is slowly going wrong.

However, if you manipulate Leonard directly, you will likely face repercussions.

Now that you have already become a citizen of the principality, even if you try to frame the emperor, it will be a huge headache.

Wouldn’t it have been better if the emperor had believed us and killed us when he issued the banishment order?

But at that time, we were all so scared of Leonard.

Well, it’s not that I’m not scared now.

He was so crazy that he played with the berserker Eleanor and cut her into pieces.

Seup, it would be better to attack with a surprise attack spell…

No, judging from the fact that the portal was opened earlier, there is definitely a wizard there.

I heard that there is a wizard in the guild, so I think he came along.

There are no other wizards here except me, so if you use magic and the wavelength is detected, you will die.

The emperor himself sent me here to find a solution to the Death Knight, so I can’t just throw him out.

Let’s wait for now.

Leonard will definitely find a way to deal with the Death Knight.

I will stay here safely watching it and then quietly return.

First of all, I have to preserve my life first.

If you try to fool around for no reason, your whole body will be blown off by that scary sword.

As I was gathering my thoughts, the door suddenly opened and an imperial soldier rushed in.

“Wizard! It’s a mess!!”

* * * * *

“Uh, what is it?”

Today is a dark night without the moon.

An Imperial Army sergeant watching the front from the watchtower narrowed his eyes.


When the upper warrior, who was sitting with his helmet down, asked, the lower warrior stumbled and answered.

“Well, it seems like they are moving…” ” .”

Then the warrior suddenly stood up and looked at the Death Knight.

Under the luminous object that Imperial Wizard Isidore had floated over the plain, the faintly glowing Death Knights were still swaying in place.

“What’s moving? Are you sleepy?”

“No! I never dozed off!”

“They are ghosts, so even if they are still, they appear to be moving slightly. Stay alert and keep an eye on them!”

“Do you understand… Everything… Ahhh?!”

Warrior Ha, who was answering enthusiastically, couldn’t finish, but instead sputtered her spit and pointed to the plain with her finger.

The sergeant’s face turned pale as he looked back.

“Quick, quickly call the wizard!”

The Death Knights began moving towards the watchtower.

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