The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 11

11 - Picking up an Abandoned Healer (5)

11 – Picking up an Abandoned Healer (5)

The priests screamed and fell to their knees at the scream.

It was because of the devil’s own mental attack skill called ‘powerless fear’ that eats away the opponent’s mind.

Demon Hunter’s passive skill ‘Last Bastion’ vibrated strongly and countered ‘powerless fear’.

Unless you’re a demon hunter, most people can’t handle the devil’s mental attack skills.

As the demon reached out, its sharp claws stretched out and pierced the two drunken priests like skewers.

Looking at the fact that he even uses the Fel Rake skill, he seems like a decent guy.

“Saintess! Wake up! Deploy the holy shield! Before the priests run out!!”

I shook the saintess’s shivering shoulders roughly and wrote her evil words.

But she seemed to be unable to hear what I was saying, she only muttered something like a prayer.

In the end, I had to slap her saintess hard on the cheek.

“Divine Shield!”

Then, the saintess suddenly came to her senses and dyed both of her hands golden, displaying her divine power.

As a large semi-circular shield formed around her saintess, the demon hesitated and retreated behind her.

The divine shield can block most physical attacks.

Especially, if it is a shield created by a saintess with enough divine power to float a halo, it is strong enough to be torn apart by a medium-sized demon with all her might.

But the problem is that the demons appeared so quickly in the beginning that most of the priests were killed in just two attacks.

The only survivor is the middle-aged priest called the Warden.

The bastard was now trembling, curled up inside the divine shield.

The only remaining priest is terrified and the saintess is using her holy power to spread her shield.

I have to fight alone.

“Never remove the shield.”

When I picked up the age trend, the saintess saw the starlight flowing through her blade and shouted in surprise.

“How did you get the holy relic!? Where did you get it?!”

“It’s not a sacred object. It’s a demon hunting knife. I got it after a lot of hard work.”

Breaking through the divine shield, he walked forward.

“Zal! (Hey!)”

I screamed, swinging my Nightrend around, and the demon turned to me.

“Vas’ka yul’reis vroga vo’lar?”

[Slen’ra, tik cith’ka k’lor!

The devil screamed, burning up the red light in his eyeballs.

[Veas zar’zen thon rukos zeil! Yul’reis tol’mek, yul’reis tol’mek! (Please stop bullying me! I did it because I was hungry, because I was hungry!)]

“Gra’ri fe’lok, rin’veth lok dra! Mor’zul dra vroga zoth’ka tor’va? (If you’re hungry, pay for it! Did the Great Devil teach you that?)”

[Goz’rik thag’ok! Dra’nok fe’lok, reza’vok! Krin’za’kam troz’rega zro’lok! Gra’vok nok’ri! Kri’zo’rok zro’vo’rok!!

“Vor’ess! Krin’fola dolenos tarak! (Yes! Let’s stick together hotly!)”

I activate the mark of the hound!

Above the devil’s head, a glowing inverted triangle brand appeared.

As long as that stigma is applied, the devil dies on me.

By branding the Hound Dog, you can activate skills against demons.

[Gaz’rok? Re’zok?! (What? What?!)]

In the blink of an eye, the devil looked down at me, who had reached the front of his leg, and was startled.

Just as he was about to sever his knee with the Nightrend, a haze formed around the demon’s body and a huge flame exploded.

The demon who barely pushed me away with the Hell’s Heat skill hurriedly backed away, supporting his body with his tail.

[Gaz’rok thag’ok! Draz’nok felok, reza’vok?! (Are you a demon hunter?!)]

“Mar’goth, zal’gor. Fel’drok gorok, nem’vok Zro’vik raz’lok kro’ma’volok. (Yes, the owner of the cattle you stole put money on your neck.)”

My reply opened his mouth as if the devil had frozen for a moment.

You never thought you’d be settling down in a secluded country village and suddenly run into a demon hunter.

But right now I have no time to chat with the devil.

The battle against the demons must end as quickly as possible.

As I charged at the demon again, the demon roared and cast a hellclaw.

The sharp fingernails that were stretched out quickly rushed from the left and right.

Rolling to the floor, narrowly dodging his claws, he held Nightrend’s blade high.

Clear starlight exploded from Nightrend’s blade, dyeing everything white.


The blind demon began to wield his long tail in a fit of rage.

There are two seconds left until his eyesight returns!

Leaving an afterimage behind the demon’s back, it blinked, and the tail fell to where I was, making a terrifying rupture.

Blinking over the demon’s shoulder, I hit Nightrend with all my might with the back of his neck.

The blade pierced the demon’s neck, flashing violent flashes in all directions.

After countless days and nights in the dark forest, the devil’s head fell to the ground.

A battle that ends in a few seconds, at most a few minutes.

This is the standard of the battle against the devil.

Someone might criticize you for trying to eat dozens of gold coins with just this.

But it’s risking one’s life, so that’s what you deserve.

As the demon’s colossal body collapsed, her divine shield was released and her saintess sat on the floor, gasping for breath.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah, yes… More than that, the priests…?”

“They’re all dead.”

At my words, the saintess raised her head and looked around her.

The saintess’ complexion turned pale when she saw her body crushed to the extent that her shape was unrecognizable.

“Everyone died…?”

“Yes. The devil was too fast and the priests were defenseless. Because of that bastard.”

When she came to her senses and pointed at the middle-aged priest, the saintess’ eyes seemed to spark.

“You barely beat it.”

A middle-aged priest who stood up after shaking off his clothes opened his mouth after seeing the devil’s head rolling on the floor.

“The noble sacrifice of the brothers shined through.”

What kind of idiot is that? The priests were just killed by dogs.

“Demon hunter brother there. Thank you for your help. When I return, I will make a proposal to the superiors for appropriate compensation.”

“What are you talking about?”

“We’ll take the devil’s head.”

I laughed and pointed at the middle-aged priest.

“I killed the devil. Don’t say anything strange. Collect the bodies of the dead priests and return to the sect.”

“That can’t be the case. If it wasn’t for the sacrifices of the priests and the holy woman’s holy shield, the brother’s life would not have been guaranteed. And the devil’s body must be taken to the sect for divine purification.”

I looked back at the saintess in a state of bewilderment.

“Saintess. What the hell is that thing talking about? What are you doing? Why are you saying such crazy things casually when the saintess is here?”

“The warden…”

“What is the Warden?”


The saintess looked up at me with her desperate eyes and whispered.

“Please kill that person…”


“Please kill me…”

No, what the hell are you talking about?!

A saintess asks a demon hunter to kill a priest?

At that time, a middle-aged priest named Warden was already grabbing the devil’s horn and pushing it into a large bag.

I don’t know what the situation is, but let’s take care of that head first.

“Boss. Let’s put that down.”

“Ah, step back. Demon hunter. If you come any closer, I will use my holy power.”

Such a jerk. I can’t stand it any longer.

“What holy power is that bastard without a halo on his head? And what are you going to do with me?”

“Even a passing slime knows that a demon hunter slowly turns into a demon. He helped us, so he wants to move on for good, so please step back.”

“Don’t be awesome, it’s a baby.

As I strode closer and grabbed the priest’s shoulder, the priest drew his sword and tried to cut me at the same time.

I slashed the stomach and chest diagonally, avoiding the rising blade, and hit the guy’s neck with the Nightrend.

“This is self-defense.”

“Keep it off!”

From noble mtl dot com

The warden collapsed, spewing blood like a fountain.

Stupid asshole for real.

Pretending to be the work of the devil and killing them is nothing but annoying.

I took the sack of the devil’s head and went back to the saintess.

“Saintess. What are you going to do? If you’re not going to stay here, follow me down.”

“Oh, I see…”

The terrified saintess stiffly stood up as she watched the warden spasm and spurt her blood.

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  1. Shadow says:

    Ah good riddance to bad trash.

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