The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 127

The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With 127

127 – Fear of Death (4)

“What?! The manager?!”

At the mention of being a eunuch, Celestine shouted with a lost expression.


Celestine ran towards me and knelt down in front of me, manifesting divine power in both of her hands.

Celestine cried, shooting her divine power into her crotch with her golden hands.

“No! You’re a eunuch because of the manager! Oh my… I’ll treat you… I thought it was strange…”

What’s strange about this idiot?

“Lord,,, Innim,,, where are you,,,”

“aah! You can get up again! Cheer up!”

This is such a mess, such a mess.

They got up Celestine and pushed her into their room, brought him in, threw him in, and closed the door.

“You come here!”

I dragged Lucene, who was still looking at me and shaking her head, into our room.

He pointed at Lucene, who was sitting on Ornette’s bed

“I told you clearly. Be careful what you say in front of Celestine.”

“It wasn’t a lie, I was telling the truth, so what’s the problem?”

“It’s not true. I’m not a eunuch.”

“Haha? Really? Then why on earth are you rejecting Ornette?”

“Me what? Ornette why?”

Then Lucene looked at me and snapped her fingers.

“It looks like I’ve been hit by a very strong illusion spell. So much so that even my memories are distorted.”

“Illusion magic?”

At that time, the events from before slowly began to appear in my mind.

As the last bastion was activated, it seems like the illusion magic that Lucene spoke of began to be released.

“Ornette, that’s what ended up happening.”

After remembering everything, I collapsed on the bed with a sigh of despair.

Actually, I didn’t fall asleep earlier.

He fell asleep, but woke up immediately when Ornette sent him out.

Although it’s not as good as Lucene’s, I also have more sensitive senses than most people.

So, with my eyes closed, I knew that Ornette was kicking Smarty out, locking the door, taking off her clothes, and talking nonsense to herself.

I also vaguely figured out what Ornette’s intentions were.

Ornette rarely expresses her true feelings and is surprisingly very timid, so I thought she would say something like that.

What on earth is going on? Isn’t this why they’re trying to get on my boat?

“Couldn’t you have just done something? The child will get hurt.”

“Do you have to accept everything that comes to you? Would you do anything with a kid like that? Come to your senses, Lucene.”

Ornette is a cute and pretty child.

However, this does not directly mean that it is okay to sleep together in bed.

To me, Ornette is like my cute youngest sister.

So, if Ornette crosses the line, it is right to clearly express her refusal.

“Hmm, that’s also true.”

Lucene nodded her head after hearing my explanation.

“Yes, that’s right. He may have the personality of an old wizard on the inside, but on the outside he’s a child.”

“Plus, his personality is very eccentric and twisted, so I don’t know how it will affect him if he does something with me.”

“For example, I can declare that Leonard is mine and that I have stamped it, so from now on, I will turn anyone who comes within one meter of Leonard into an octopus.”

“That’s right. That’s why, as the old saying goes, it’s better to fight an ogre than to fight a wizard.”

Lucene laughed and slapped her knee.

“Nothing must be very disappointed. He seems to like you a lot.”

“Just because you like something doesn’t mean you have to accept it unconditionally.”

“That’s right. I’m sorry. “I misunderstood you as an eunuch.”

Then Lucene looked down at me.

“Then are you sure you’re not a eunuch?”

“Can you at least check? Leave it alone.”


But Lucene still just looked between my legs with that strange gaze.

“Go to sleep, go to sleep, please.”

As I approached Lucene to help her up, Lucene’s arm literally moved like lightning.

I thought I was confident in my visual acuity of her, but Lucene’s movements of her went far beyond that.

When I came to my senses, I was lying on Ornette’s bed and being crushed by Lucene.

“Oh, this is really it!”

I tried to pull the body out, but there was no way that was possible.

Lucene, who was like a solid block of rock, did not flinch and looked down at me with excited eyes.


“Lucene. Come out. I’m suffocating. You’re really heavy.”

“I am neither a child nor a wizard. I am tall and busty, which is what the Constellation likes, and I have a simple personality with no regrets, right?”

Lucene leaned down, pressed down on both of my wrists, and whispered in my ear.

“We’re doing it. Just for fun. It’s not about dating or marriage.”

Lucene, the max level berserker I raised.

She’s bigger than me, but she’s a cool girl with a pretty face and body that makes up for it all.

Nevertheless, I don’t like it in this situation.

Celestine and Smart are in the next room, and you never know when Ornette, who ran away, will come.

This shouldn’t happen between members in a guild with less than ten members.

It’s a shortcut to ruining the guild!

I pulled myself out from under Lucene using shadow evasion.

A demon hunter’s technique of avoiding attacks by switching the positions of the shadow and body.

It is a deadly skill that is faster than a wizard’s blink and does not work on any physical attacks while the skill is being cast.

As soon as I got out from between Lucene’s legs, Lucene grabbed my backside with tremendous force.

Wow, I couldn’t believe it, but even shadow avoidance is blocked?

What kind of monster have I raised?

In the end, is this the ending where Lucene is pinned down and dies from multiple fractures all over the body?

The fear of death came over me once again.

The poor demon hunter who was crushed by a berserker driven by sexual desire ended up…

But did they say that even if the sky falls, there is still a hole to survive?

Ornette, who opened the door and came in, fired an attack spell at Lucene.

The attack magic passed by my ear and hit Lucene directly in the chest.

“Oh, that’s it!”

Is it stings?

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been normal for the chest her to have been pierced or at least to have been thrown backwards and fainted.

You’re crazy, really.

“Wasn’t it the devil?”

At Lucene’s scream her, Ornette, who was preparing the second spell, panicked and lowered his hand her to her.

“Ha, the devil. It’s me, it’s me. It’s Lucene. “What on earth did you see?”

“Wasn’t he a homosexual incubus?”

Lucene let go of me and laughed out loud at that crazy sound.

“That’s too much, really. Not a succubus, but an incubus? But where on earth have you been?”

“You know what?!”

Ornette reacted extremely sharply to Lucene’s question.

“That’s my bed! Get out of the way!”

“Hoong, don’t be scared. You didn’t say a word of apology for throwing magic at all your guild members.”

Lucene smiled heartily and walked to the door.

“Then sleep well, both of you.”

Without saying anything, Lucene left her room very coolly.

“It’s unclean.”

Ornette glared at me and went to the bed and started shaking off the blanket.

It’s indescribable how shameless the kid was to try to do something strange by getting on the boat of someone who was sleeping earlier.

“I came here to get some air because it was hot. Don’t imagine anything strange. It’s disgusting and dirty.”

Without even asking, Ornette started making excuses one after another.

“I didn’t say anything. But it’s disgusting and dirty. What is it?”

“I know that you tried to do something strange in my bed with the overgrown giant warrior. I have no conscience to look for. How could you have done such a thing in the bed of a guild member who was away for a moment?”

I laughed out loud because it was so absurd.

I wanted to point it out by mentioning what happened earlier, but then I’d run away from home again.

“Nothing happened. You suddenly disappeared and that’s why we were talking.”

“Is that why it’s like that?”

When I looked down, I saw that the entire front of Luce’s pajamas had been torn by just holding her for a moment.

I’ll have to ask Smart to repair it later.

“Lord,,, In,,, Nim,,,”

Meanwhile, Smartie hurriedly ran into the room.

“Where on earth did you go,,, what did you do?” If something had happened, I thought I would self-destruct as is,,,”

“No, nothing like that. You don’t have to self-destruct.”

“Thank goodness,,, mouth,,,,,, by the way,,,”

Smart looked back at me.

“I was worried,,, I let go,,,,,,, that evil,,, devil,,, hunter,,, impotent,,, grew up,,, all,,,”< Br﹥

“Huh… ?”

Ornette’s eyes widened at those words.

“What does that mean… ?”

“That guy is an impotent, that is, a eunuch, and he can’t do any harm to his master, and he’s safe.” , It means,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,”

“W-what… ?”

Ornette’s eyes were shaking like crazy.

I thought about explaining it, but decided to just quit.

Rather, it would be better for Ornette to know that way.

Your pride won’t be hurt by having just been rejected, and you won’t have any more strange feelings towards me.

It is also good for me that Ornette performs her duties purely as a guild member without any personal feelings.

When I didn’t say anything, Ornette seemed to have taken it as a fait accompli and sat down on the bed with a dejected expression.

“Owner,,, sir,,, so,,, don’t worry,,, have a good night’s sleep,,, eat,,,”

Then, suddenly, something like a small lid on top of Ttukgi’s head opened, and light shot up to the ceiling.

Countless stars appeared on the ceiling and slowly rotated, and something like a low lullaby was heard.

Did it even have such amazing features? That’s amazing.

“Then sleep well, Ornette. Don’t forget to call Leana tomorrow.”

Even as I lay down on the bed, Ornette just looked at me with a blank expression.

* * * * *

Leonard… He said he was impotent… ?

Finally, all of Ornette’s doubts so far began to be resolved.

I thought it made no sense that no accidents occurred even though I lived with beautiful women that everyone would drool over.

Was that really the reason…

Oh my god…

I didn’t even know I did that to Leonard…

You really did a great disservice to Leonard…

Poor Leonard…

As you fight against demons, bad influences continue to build up in your body, and that’s what happened in the end…

Ornette, who had been shedding tears without realizing it, vigorously rubbed her eyes with her sleeve.

No. This is not the time.

I am a wizard.

There must be a magic that will cure Leonard’s disability.

Find it and save Leonard.

Perhaps… There may be an answer in Orleans’ laboratory.

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not work with dark mode