The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 171

The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With 171

171 – Resurrection of the Great Devil (2)

The accepted delegation all the conditions I presented.

Various documents, including agreements proving this, were exchanged.

The hands of the representative of the delegation who signed were shaking.

“Good. Then, please contact me later. I will move on to the Imperial Palace at the appropriate time.”

The Great Devil may not have been resurrected yet.

If he had been resurrected, the news would have spread here by now.

Probably the Great Devil…

An imperial official ran into the guild.

His clothes were scorched here and there and his face was full of ash.

“Bald, battalion, battalion, clang! Battalion…”

The official, whose face was as white as a corpse, stuttered extremely.

“Great, great devil… The great devil, cluck! He’s resurrected!!”

There was an uproar inside the guild.

The delegation was on the verge of fainting and jumped over the table and ran towards me.

“Please save us, guild leader!”

“Please! If you want me to lick the soles of your shoes, I will lick them!”

The envoy was holding on to the hem of his pants so much that he had to hold on to his waist to prevent them from coming off.

Lucene approached with great strides and tore the delegation apart.

“Are you sure the Great Evil has been resurrected?”

“Yes, that’s right! I’m on my way from the Imperial City right now! The Imperial City has become a sea of ​​​​fire! Your Majesty the Emperor doesn’t know whether you live or die!!”< Br﹥

This is a bit serious.

I don’t know anything else, but it would be difficult if the emperor died.

I don’t know who the next emperor will be, but this agreement was not ordered by him, and it may be a blow to him.

Let’s go right away and rescue him and crush the great devil.

“Ornette. Open the portal to the castle. Lucene. Follow me.”

“What about me?!”

Celestine raised her hand and shook her head.

The only ones who can withstand the hellish roar of the Great Devil are me and Lucene.

“Ornette, open it quickly.”

Ornette opened the portal.

Surprisingly, hot heat and flames flowed from inside the opened portal.

It really looks like a sea of ​​​​​​fire.

“I’m going to sweat a lot.”

Lucene smiled and took off the heavy titan armor she was wearing.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“If I’m in a hot place, I get hot and feel uncomfortable.”

The representative of the delegation hurriedly raised a pen and asked.

“Yu, what is your will?”

“We will post it in the annals of imperial history later!”

At those words, Lucene burst into dumbfounded laughter.

“Tonight’s dinner is braised beef ribs made by Dttokki.”


From noble mtl dot com

“That’s the will.”

Lucene, who spun Thundermite over her shoulder, hit my back.

“Let’s go.”

“Watch out, both of you!”

Ornette shouted from behind us as we crossed the portal.

* * * * *


As soon as we left the portal, Lucene whistled at the unfolding scenery.

In front of me, the entire castle was burning.

Considering that the flames reached the tip of the spire, it seems likely that there will be no survivors.

Looking around, the capital, Grand Test, was in chaos.

Buildings collapsed, fires broke out, people ran away, and there was no such chaos.

“Over there.”

I caught a running security guard.

“Where is the Great Devil?”


However, the security guard screamed in fear, shook off my arm and ran in that direction.

“Hey, Leonard. Look at that.”

Lucene tapped my shoulder.

The place Lucene pointed to was a place where the buildings had completely collapsed and became a flat land.

There was a large road running through the middle of the city opening to the west.

“Use your blind eye. It looks like the demons passed that way. To the west is the principality. Are they going to take revenge on you?”

“I think so. Take cover.”

She got down on her knees and activated her blind gaze.

Indeed, just as Lucene said, an extremely strong demonic energy was felt from that point.

It wasn’t just one or two.

“Let’s go, Lucene. We’ll catch up.”

“Hold on tight.”

Luce, you grabbed me by the waist and put me on his side her her her.

Suddenly, his body suddenly rose and fell, and his five organs and six parts seemed to turn over.

Although he couldn’t see, he could tell that Lucene was shooting like crazy as he ran and leaped at incredible speeds.

Lucene shouted when she was completely exhausted after going up and down dozens of times.

“Hey you bastards!!”

It landed on the ground with a loud impact.

Having just regained my sight, I realized that we were standing in front of a horde of demons.

Thousands of demons of all different appearances were confronting us, burning black flames.

“This is the end! I can’t go any further!”

Lucene declared, slamming Thundermite upside down on the floor.

The demons looked at each other with puzzled expressions and whispered in demonic language.

Normally, we would have pushed forward, but it would be absurd since only two humans appeared and blocked the road.

“Move over, Lucene.”

I pushed Lucene slightly and went forward.

“Zarathax Venosha! Nyrak Norath Kora!”

When Lucene’s words were literally translated into demon language and shouted, the demons roared in anger.

It was roughly a slang term in the devil’s language for something like, “You bastard, don’t be damned, and if you don’t want to be left behind, get out of the way.

Judging by their level of speaking and lack of any common language, they are all low-level devils.

It seems like most of the high demons were hunted during the punitive action, and that’s all they managed to gather.

I feel sorry for the Great Devil too.

I thought that the higher devil who survived had prepared the conditions and would wait, but that high devil possessed the first prince and made various efforts, but he was eventually caught by me and died.

When I opened my eyes, nothing was right and the people who came back were imbeciles.

It must be a truly disturbing situation.

“Zarthorin demon-huntrik Leondarda. Zarathin mastrik, Dagzar demoth, morathar kainrik. (I am Leonard the demon hunter. I am the human who killed your master, the Great Demon.)”

The demons became agitated and began to stir.

“Zarthines hiera morthikar. Zargo Dagzar kai zarathin, duo borthik, zarik lithra thorikar. (You will die here. However, I can spare you on the condition that the archdemon and I fight alone.)”

Of course it’s a lie.

They will kill every single one of them.

It is very difficult to find demons that have once dispersed and hidden, so they must be exterminated when they are gathered together like this.

Nevertheless, the reason I put this condition in place is because no matter how hard I search, I can’t find the Great Devil.

The Great Devil is very, very big.

A 5-meter medium-sized demon is so big that it looks like a kid.

But I can’t see him.

I made this condition because I couldn’t tell if he was hiding somewhere, if he changed his form when he was resurrected, or if he was moving on his own

“Zarik bortho! Zartheon movar! Westikar zar, zarthines demonhuntarik jathra morthikar! (Just push on. Let’s go west and kill that demon hunter bastard!)”

One of the demons in the group shouted, waving a body part that appeared to be a fist in the air.

They are definitely low-level demons.

I just said I was a demon hunter and you said such nonsense.

“Zarthar! Zarthar! Bortho zarikar! (Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s push!)”

The demons began to scream and shout strange slogans.

“What are you going to do, Leonard?”

“Let’s start by sweeping those up.”

At that time, the portal suddenly opened and Emeric walked out.

“Leonard. You are facing a tough fight.”

“Emeric… ?”

Emeric, with his remaining right arm hanging down his sword, smiled slightly.

“I was finally able to repay my debt.”

“What are you talking about? Why did you come? Who sent you? Huh?”

“I asked Ornette for a favor. I need to add combat power, so please send me this way.”

“Go back. You’re just a distraction.”

“Leonard. Our relationship was truly long.”

As if he couldn’t hear what I was saying, Emeric spoke to himself with a melancholic expression.

“At first, like everyone else, I thought you were a dirty demon hunter. But after serving in the punitive force, I learned that you are a really good guy.”

What are you talking about, this bastard?

“It was really fun teaching you swordsmanship. However, I was blinded by greed and made a big mistake, and our relationship turned sour.”

Emeric stepped in front of us, flashing his sword.

“Leonard. It was only after a long time and losing everything that I was finally able to muster up the courage. I was truly sorry.”

Emeric, who had stopped the demons, spoke with his back to us.

“I’m sorry, Leonard. I hope you can forgive me. And, thank you.”

Emeric looked back at me.

“For accepting me and Isidore.”

“Emeric. Get out of the way.”

“Even if I die, Isidore will ask for my help until the end. And if Isidore ever comes back to his senses.”

Aura began to burn fiercely throughout Emeric’s body

“I want you all to know how I brought her to her guild. She said that although she was a coward, she was brave in the end. I, Emeric, the strongest knight of the Empire…”


When a demon let out a hellish roar, Emeric turned off his aura and fainted.

“Ugh, take that away.”

Lucene laughed and grabbed Emeric by the back and threw him into the portal.

Once the obstacle was gone, Lucene warned.

“When fighting, don’t stay close to me and fight.”

When I turned around, I saw Lucene’s eyes burning red.

Berserker mode. If you get caught, you die.

“Let’s make a bet on how many we can kill each other.”

“Good. The person who loses will be crushed next time.”

I smiled and cast Hound’s Brand.


A sea of ​​thousands of red marks spread out.

Ah, how long has this been proper demon hunting?

I drank two elixirs in succession, struggling with the shivers that engulfed my entire body.


With the energy of the elixir spreading through my veins and down to the tips of my hair, I also began to bloom with a black aura similar to that of demons.

As I pulled out the Nightrend, a blood-curdling scream erupted.

The demons were frightened and retreated at the sound of the scream.

Some demons even sat down or cried.

“Let’s go, Lucene!”

* * * * *

“Zrathor Zrathor Zrathor!!(Fuck, fuck, fuck!!)”

The Great Devil cursed and ran at full speed.

This wouldn’t have happened in his original body, but now the Great Devil is in the form of a Little Devil.

As soon as he was resurrected, he gathered his relatives and marched forward to seek revenge.

In the meantime, he shrank down to hide from Leonard, a demon hunter who suddenly fell from the sky.

If I had stayed there, I would have been cut in half without even knowing what was happening.

No matter how much stronger you become after being resurrected, you cannot be sure of a surprise attack from that guy.

At that time, the ground suddenly shook and the archdemon fell, hitting his face on the floor.

The Great Devil slowly turned around without even feeling the pain of hitting the floor.

An indescribable hell was unfolding before my eyes.

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