The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 57

The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With 57

57 – Berserker Chasing the Constellation (1)

Early morning the next day.

I came down to the first floor to exercise and waited for Celestine.

But for some reason, Celestine did not come for a long time.

That’s strange. I’ve never been late before.

For someone who looks so lazy, he’s surprisingly diligent.

I thought about going up, but decided to quit.

I went to the villa yesterday and slept late, and there must be some aftereffects from the succubus potion.

Words are weak, but they are poison.

Excessive exposure can cause death.

The succubus is one of the weakest monsters, but it surprisingly kills a lot of humans, and that’s why.

Seduction and addiction, these two things are extremely fatal to human males.

While I was wondering what to do, Leana came down the stairs with her yawn.

“Director. Are you out yet?”

“I was waiting because Celestine didn’t come.”

“Really? Hmm.”

Leah ran her fingers through her hair, as was her habit.

“He probably won’t come down?”


“All night yesterday, I heard rustling noises as something was being done in the room.”

“Really? “What did you do?”

“I don’t know either, right? I can’t guess because he’s such a quirky kid.”

Then there is nothing we can do. I have to go alone.

Anyway, I need to drain some blood before handing over the head of the succubus.

“Please come back.”

After seeing Leana off, she carried her succubus head bag on her shoulder and left the guild.

* * * * *

About ten minutes later, we arrived at the Lumiere Riverside.

When I run with Celestine, it takes 30 minutes, but when I run alone, I can get there quickly.

The sun has not yet risen properly, so a heavy fog has settled down on the river.

Avoiding the reed field, I went down to the riverside where visibility was relatively clear and unpacked her bag.

I took out the head of the empty-eyed succubus, laid it down on the gravel, and thought about it for a moment.

I don’t know if this was washed in the river and the blood spread and caused an uproar.

I ran the calculation formula in my head.

It is a formula for calculating damage and aggro when playing, and is very useful in many ways.

The Lumiere River is very large, and the blood coming from the head of the succubus that was cut yesterday is limited.

If diluted in river water, the effect will be minimal.

When I came to that conclusion, I immediately squatted down and started washing my head in water.

When the dried blood stains and bodily fluids on the surface were removed and rinsed with water, blood slowly flowed out from the cut surface and mixed with the river water.

Since most of the blood had already poured out like a fountain yesterday at the villa, it stopped coming out shortly after.

At this level, there is no harm in letting it flow into the river.

As I was cleaning my head for a while, I suddenly saw a rope sticking out next to me.

A rope tied to a large stone led into the river.

What is this?

I pulled it slightly and saw that the trap was shaking on the other side, so it looked like someone had set it up to catch fish.

I touched it for no reason and put it back down because I didn’t want to be accused of being a thief.

At that time, I suddenly heard a sound.

When I turned toward the direction where I heard the sound, I saw a field of reeds a little away from me.

The reeds, which were taller than a person’s height, were shaking from side to side, as if something was coming out from within.

It doesn’t seem like he’s the devil, maybe he’s just coming out after night fishing.

Or a wild animal?

I wish it was a wild boar.

It’s quite delicious if you beat it up, disassemble it into parts, and grill it.

As I looked to the side while washing the succubus’ head, a person soon appeared.

She was a woman.

He’s taller than me and has broad shoulders.

The neckline beneath the short brown hair was thick and dark.

I thought it was just a man with long hair, but it turned out to be a woman because her breasts stood out under the shabby shirt she was wearing.

A body like that is perfect for being a swordsman.

You could say it’s a physique given by God.

But what are you doing here alone in the early morning?

The woman who stopped when she saw me immediately walked straight towards me.

The woman stopped after reaching a certain distance, bent down, grabbed the rope, and began to pull up her fish trap.

Is he the owner of that trap? Then a fisherman?

But judging by his shoes and clothes, he doesn’t seem to be a fisherman.

A few small fish were fluttering in the fish trap that was lifted out.

It is quite small compared to the size of the fish trap or the size of the woman.

The woman who saw this lightly, took out her fish, and threw away her fish trap again.

Perhaps because of its great strength, the crab flew quite far and sank into the water.

The woman who was picking up the fish glanced at me again and then turned her gaze to the succubus head in my hand.

“Human head?”


“It’s a human head, right?”

After saying that, the woman turned around and returned to the reed field.

What is that?

As I was taking the head and putting it back in the bag, the woman came out from the reed field again with a rustling sound.

In her hand was a strange battle hammer.

The length of the sack is about a meter and a half.

From noble mtl dot com

The head was rectangular with rounded corners and looked extremely heavy at first glance.

However, unlike the commonly seen battle hammer, one side of it is sharp and shaped like a sword.

Are you using the front for hitting and the back for shooting?

At the end of the handle was a fist-sized weight to balance the head, and the tip was also sharpened so that it could be used like a spear in an emergency.

There was an old, tough leather strap tied around the handle, and it looked like it had been worn down and pressed into the shape of a hand, so it was not just a hammer carried for decoration.

In particular, it was not an ordinary weapon as there was a golden ornate embossing on the surface and a faint light flowing through it.

But why does he suddenly appear holding a hammer?

The woman’s intentions she were immediately recognizable.

That’s because he ran towards me, holding his hammer high and screaming.

What the fuck is this!?

For her size, the woman was so fast that in the blink of an eye the hammer fell right in front of my eyes.

I tried to dodge the shadow, thinking that even if I dodged from this distance, at least one shoulder would be shattered.

The positions of the body and the shadow were reversed, and the hammer sharply split the air.


The battle hammer fell on the gravel field, and the gravel flew in all directions, sparking.

I habitually put my hand on my waist and felt frustrated.

There were no nighttrends or elixirs that should always be there.

Damn it.

“Shadow avoidance?”

The woman quickly retrieved her hammer and turned her body towards me.

“Are you a demon hunter?”

“Okay, you bitch. What are you doing, hammering away from the first day?”

In response to my answer to her, the woman pointed to the succubus head in my hand her her with her chin.

“Then what about that?”


Raising her horn, the woman narrowed her eyes and looked at it.

Then she relaxed her posture and turned her hammer sharply.

The woman who hit the ground with her head like a cane smiled and opened her mouth.

“What? I thought it was a human head again.”

“What? Is it okay to attack a person’s head like that?”

“Isn’t it natural to see a person’s head being washed in water in a remote place? Anyway, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.”

The woman smiled kindly.

The sound of laughter is the brightest and most refreshing sound in the world.

“Did you say you were a demon hunter? Was that hunting?”

“That’s right. But why do you keep speaking informally?”

“Huh? Did you feel bad? I’m sorry. You look younger than me.”

Even so, the woman continues to speak informally.

“But what are you doing here with the devil’s head? I’m curious.”

“I washed the stuffed animal before handing it over. There are weak substances in the blood.”


The woman approached with great strides, bent down and looked closely at the succubus ‘head her her her.

“It looks like a human if it weren’t for the horns… But why are you entrusting me with the taxidermy? Are you trying to do something weird with it?”

“To hang it on the guild wall.”

“Guild? Are you a guild member?”

“That’s the secretary of the Lucas guild in Shlessi.”

“The secretary is a demon hunter? It’s a strange guild.”

“But what does that person do?”

When I asked, the woman straightened her back and laughed.

“Lucene. Wanderer.”

Lucenera… The name looks somewhat familiar.

When I held Lucene’s outstretched hand, I felt a tremendous grip.

I didn’t even apply force on purpose, but it’s like this.

“Leonard. But, wandering?”

“Yes. Ah, it’s fate that brought us together like this. Should I show you the house?”

“Home? “I heard you’re wandering?”

“This way.”

Lucene turned and went into her reeds.

She followed him in and saw a vacant lot in front.

It was a flat place where reeds were laid down, and a shabby tent was erected in the middle of it.

In front of the tent, there were traces of a fire and various miscellaneous items, and in one corner, a full body of heavy armor boasting heavy majesty was seen lying haphazardly on the floor.

Is that really an armed weapon?

But even though I looked around, I couldn’t see any horses or other means of transportation.

I just said you were a wanderer, right?

So you’re walking around on foot wearing heavy armor and carrying all kinds of things in a tent? Are you holding that hammer?

Is it even possible? How on earth did this happen?

When I asked that, Lucene smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t have money to buy a horse. I don’t have much luggage yet, so I just walk.”

No, what on earth is this? What kind of crazy talk are you talking about?

If you have the strength to do that, you have no reason to wander around, right?

“Hey, I’m sorry, but why are you living a wandering life?”


“I don’t think it makes sense. It’s impossible to wander around on foot wearing heavy armor and carrying a battle hammer. If you had that kind of power, you would be welcomed anywhere.”

“Ah, you mean that?”

Lucene giggled.

“There is someone looking for me.”

“The person you are looking for?”

“Yes. We must find him and kill him by bursting his head.”

Lucene’s smiling face suddenly hardened and gave off a violent aura.

It was such an incredible feat that even the last bastion reacted.

“I don’t know who he is, but he’s a very unlucky person. Did he get ripped off?”

“It’s a constellation.”

Constellation… ? A constellation?

There are no constellations in the worldview of 〈 Chaotic Empire 〉?

“Looking for a constellation? What exactly is it?”

“A being who guided my path.”

“You’re a grateful person, right? Why are you chasing after that and putting a dent in your head?”

“That’s because, after making me rely on him so much, he suddenly disappeared, leaving me alone.”

I didn’t know who that constellation was, but I knew that I should never encounter that woman.

“I hope you find that constellation.”

“Thank you. But while we’re at it, do you know what this is?”

Lucene took out her necklace-shaped amulet from the neck of her shirt.

When I saw that, I was able to understand the situation right away.

That’s what allows Lucene to demonstrate incredible power.

That is ‘Acid of Crushing’, a very rare mythical item that increases the wearer’s strength and endurance to the limit.

By combining various items that are difficult to obtain and strengthening them again and again, you can obtain them with extreme probability…

Oh my.

Suddenly I remembered everything.

“Where did you get that… ?”

“It was made by gathering materials as instructed by the constellation. This was the last gift from the constellation. With this, it disappeared. It is an important clue to track down the constellation. Do you know what it is?”

It was so long ago that I completely forgot about it, but then I remembered it all.

That woman is Berserker Lucene.

This is the first character I raised to max level before playing this demon hunter named ‘Leonard’.

Then, the constellation he is chasing…

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not work with dark mode