The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 63

The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With 63

63 – Cat Thieves (1)

Why are you looking at me like that?

“Hey, Ornette!”

As he pretended to know, Ornette turned his body to her and went in the other direction.

Since this was the direction I had to go anyway, I walked a little faster and caught up with Ornette.

“Ornette. Have you finished the request?”

“Do I have to report everything to you about how I do requests?!”

When I put my hand on his shoulder her, Ornette got annoyed and slapped my hand away.

“You could ask, why are you so angry and making such a fuss?”

“I don’t know! If I interfere one more time, I won’t leave you alone!?”

I couldn’t say any more as I was so angry with the magic power blooming in my eyeballs.

Even though he was short, he widened his stride with all his might to get away from me.

“Oh really!”

As the hem of her robe fluttered uncomfortably, Ornette became angry again.

Then, she grabbed the hem of her robe like a skirt, ran, and disappeared somewhere.

Did that or that head turn, really.

They say it’s part of Orléans ‘her personality her her her her, but I don’t think it’s true.

Orleans has never done such an unreasonable thing.

If not, could it be that only temperamental, sensitive, and anti-social personalities were gathered separately and thrown into a breakup at dawn?

If that’s the case, I can understand it to some extent.

So, while Orléans was very peaceful and relaxed, that gray kid was like that in everything.

No, but thinking about it makes me feel like shit.

I’m sure that bastard told me before he died that he would help me get through the early morning breakup.

So he thought it was going to be some kind of amazing artifact and he was happy because a wizard suddenly appeared.

Now I see it was like turning a bomb.

Otherwise, you know, that.

Looking at the incompetent daughter who lives on even after she gets older, I sigh and say, ‘I need to see that person get married before I die,’ and then somehow, somehow, catch a guy like a brat and hand him over, or something like that.

This is what wizards are, tsk.

But why did he appear as a girl despite having the personality of a male wizard? I don’t know.

He’s definitely a girl, right?

Isitpal. Orleans, the dog chewy makes people be upset when they die.

* * * * *

Annoying, annoying, annoying.

Ornette muttered to herself as she ran, clutching the hem of her robe.

I was annoyed by the office manager and I was annoyed because I couldn’t figure out exactly why I was annoyed.

Maybe I’ve been irritated since morning and it hasn’t gone away until now, so even the slightest thing makes me angry.

The reason I was irritated in the morning was because the request suddenly changed.

Originally, today, the office manager and I had decided to make a request for a place called Dremont Trading Company.

When I checked twice yesterday and this morning, the request was clearly assigned to Ornette and the office manager.

But suddenly a woman who looked like a half-giant entered the guild and everything went wrong.

The woman and the manager decided to go to the trade company’s request, which previously had to be done with the manager.

I was annoyed.

That’s because I knew from yesterday that I was going to make a request with the office manager and I had prepared that way.

But how can you not be annoyed when it changes right before departure?

But I can understand it to some extent.

Since this is the giant woman’s first time at this guild, it is natural for the secretary to accompany her to check.

So, I worked hard all morning and did the assigned requests.

I tried to convince people somehow after going through all the existing plans and making people irritated.

I saw the people involved hugging each other in the middle of the street. How could you not feel upset?

Did you put me through so much trouble just to do such dirty things?

I’m really annoyed.

The reason I’m annoyed right now isn’t because you two are doing something strange.

That’s the only reason it’s causing trouble to people by changing assignment requests.

It’s because of that!

After running for a while, Ornette stopped at an alley she had never seen before.

Ornette, who was leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath, suddenly had an idea.

Those were two memories that existed within Ornette even before she opened her eyes.

A being who wanted him intensely and a being who treated him kindly.

Where are those two beings now?

Maybe, rather than just staying in the guild without a plan, I should go out and find it.

If I had to stay here and see things like that, I think it would be better even if it was uncertain.

But I have no idea where or how to find it.

Did you know what would happen if you left the guild?

He knows to some extent that he is a very powerful wizard.

It is also said that a wizard named Orléans, the origin of his true body or personality, did that.

However, the world is wide and no one knows what they will encounter while wandering.

Ornet wiped his sweaty forehead with his palm and straightened his back.

Just stay a little longer.

Let’s wait a little longer and decide.

Still, the guild is a good place.

Talk to the manager about today’s events, listen to his answer and think again.

* * * * *

After completing the assignment request, I returned to the guild while looking at the stars rising in the night sky.

These days, a lot of pretty big requests come in.

So, I am leaving work a little later than before.

Sometimes you have to focus on one request for several days in a row.

There is nothing wrong with the money you put in and the guild’s reputation builds up for the hard work you put in.

When I entered the guild, Leana was preparing a meal at the round table on the first floor.

“Thank you for your hard work, manager.”

“What about the other kids?”

“Only Ornette came in. Lucene and Celestine are not there yet. They may be a little late.”

“Then I guess I should wash it first. But what is today’s menu?”

As I approached the table, I whet my appetite after seeing the food being prepared.

“Mmm, that sounds delicious.”

“Please wash up quickly.”

I took off my weapons in the guild leader’s room and went out the back door.

She was thinking of asking Leana about the tattoo on the skin she had removed from her body earlier, but she decided against it.

It’s a bit unfair to show something like that before eating. Let’s ask later tonight.

As she was taking off her clothes, the back door suddenly opened and a scream erupted.


Celestine was covering her face with both hands and screaming.

It seems they came in without knowing I was there.

As the subject screams, she spreads her fingers a little and looks at me with her eyes peeking out between them.

“Noisy, noisy.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were there and I came here in a hurry… I thought you were going to die from the heat.”

Celestine gave her excuse and then her eyes widened.

“Office manager!! On your back! On your back!!”

“What’s on your back?”

“My back is all puffy!!”


I twisted my waist and looked behind me, no, what the fuck?!

My back her her her was covered in bruises all over. What’s going on?

Ha, Lucene.

That guy kept pounding on my back and it ended up being this bad day.

“Huh! Where on earth did you come to carry out such a dangerous request!!”

Celestine ran towards me, crying, and slapped me on the back.

It’s hot and sticky.

Celestine, who was caring my back her her her, soon began to unleash her her divine power her her her.

“Oh my god… Did you really get hit with an ogre club?”

“Come… If it was an ogre, I would have avoided it.”

“Anyway, I’ll treat you quickly!”

Celestine massaged my back with both of her hands.

After a while, Celestine sighed and patted my back

“Phew… But the bruises are all gone.”

“Thank you. Can you leave now? I’m going to take a shower.”

“Yes, I understand!?!?!?”

Celestine screamed and hugged my waist.

“What what?! Ugh!”

I quickly turned around and screamed when I saw what Celestine had seen.

Isn’t Ornette, half of her body sticking out through the slightly open back door, glaring at us with murderous eyes!?

No, why is that thing coming in without a sound and peeking at it?!

“It’s disgusting.”

Ornette exhaled coldly.

“Both are disgusting.”

“No, Ornette. What on earth is that disgusting…”

But Ornette slammed the door and went in before I could finish speaking.

“Hey, I’m scared…”

Celestine whispered, rubbing her breasts against mine.

What kind of crazy idea was that little wizard thinking?

From noble mtl dot com

* * * * *

“Ugh! It’s the best, the best!”

Lucene held the bowl, drank the whole soup, and spit it out lazily.

“Our guild leader’s cooking skills are the best! I can get married right away.”

“Haha… “Thank you.”

At that ridiculous compliment, Leana came out of her kitchen with another awkward goat laughing.”Hey, this is dessert.”

What Leana brought out was an orange melon cut into pieces that were easy to eat.

When I saw that, I couldn’t believe my eyes for a moment.

That’s not just a melon.

It is a ‘Très doux melon’ that costs as much as two silver coins per container.

Also, since it comes with two plates, I think there will be at least two servings.

There’s no way Leana, who is so frugal, would just buy such extravagant fruit?

“Lucene bought this.”


I gave you one gold coin, but you ended up spending four silver coins to buy melons?

Luce waved her hand as if it was nothing and laughed heartily.

“Ah, don’t feel pressured and eat. It’s no big deal. Since you joined the guild, it’s a treat.”

Now I see there’s an earring I’ve never seen on that guy’s ear.

I now know how seven thousand gold coins disappeared.

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