The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With chapter 78

The Guild Master of Demon Hunters that the Empire is Obsessed With 78

78 – The Wizard of Gale and Fury (7)

A wide-brimmed hat and knee-high boots.

A baggy shirt, old pants, and a charred face.

There must be horns growing out of that hat, resembling those of a goat.

It has horns similar to those of a devil, but it is not a devil.

They are demons.

Unlike demons, they look the same as humans, so if they cover their horns like that, you’ll never be able to tell them apart.

He was holding reins in his hands, and the reins were connected to an incredibly huge monster standing next to him.

At first glance, it looks like a mix between a rhino and a hippopotamus, and its small, sparkling eyes seem to indicate a gentle personality.

I snorted at the sight of the Demon King like that.

“Someone would think I was a southern farmer.”

“Half right and half wrong.”

The devil came with great strides.

“Farmers in the North, not the South.”

The demon king who hugged me patted my back hard and laughed.

“It’s been a while, Leonard.”

“That’s right. But I told you a long time ago, don’t use orcs as the guard at the main gate.”

Then the Demon King walked away from me and gave me a questioning look.

The Demon King laughed out loud as he pointed with his chin at the several Quarrels stuck on the floor over there.

“That’s why we use orcs, Leonard. Because compromise and threats never work.”

The Demon King looked up at the orcs and shouted.

“Open the door!”

“Kumchuk! Open the door!”

At the devil’s command, the drawbridge that seemed like it would never come down slowly began to come down.

“But where are you going?”

When asked, the Demon King looked back at the large monster standing calmly behind him.

“I’m taking the kid for a walk. He’s a kid who recently came to the Demon King’s Castle. He’s still very shy, so I’m trying to get to know him.”

“A child? Damn, really. “What is a child to a monster?”

As soon as I crossed the drawbridge and entered the castle, a centaur came running towards me, clucking.

Surprisingly rare, rare female. Every time he ran, his chest shook violently up and down.

“Ma, ma, ma, devil… !”

“What is it?”

The Demon King gently asked the Centaur, who was stuttering badly.

“And again, that guy, that guy, that guy broke up the field, the field!”

When I looked at the direction the centaur was pointing, I saw a monster that I had never seen before, looking just like a snail, crawling with the stupidest and most carefree eyes in the world.

There was mucus left where I crawled, and the grass that touched it turned yellow.

“That bad guy who causes accidents like that, Dada, must be kicked out right now. Mama, mamama, peace will come to the Demon Castle!”

“There are no bad monsters in the world, Kendi.”

The Demon King smiled and patted the Centaur on the back.

What? Kendi?

There are so many different things.

A guy with a bizarre setup who only cares for monsters, without an army under his command despite being the devil lord.

Why are there all these guys?

After passing through the castle gate and entering the castle courtyard, I saw another amazing sight.

An ogre and a minotaur that were almost three meters tall were grabbing each other.

The two of them were shouting something, but it was difficult to understand whether it was just screaming or the language of their own race.

Small monsters squealed loudly and gathered around to stop the two, but that was impossible.

Among monsters of that weight class, such as Ogeo or Minotaur, they are monsters with the highest level of strength.

When the ogre retreated and hit the ground, several monsters screamed and fell down due to the vibration.

“Why is it like that?”

“Oh, it’s because we couldn’t communicate properly. I guess they were planning to throw rocks at each other and then a fight broke out.”

“What do you mean?”

The Demon King pointed to the castle wall that was half collapsed.

It was originally completely destroyed, but is currently being restored by rebuilding it with stones.

It is said that when the Demon King broke in to drive out the previous Demon King, he broke through the wall on the other side.

“When one person throws a rock, the other person catches it and piles it over there. But throwing it is more fun than stacking it, so we try to do it together.”

“Are you a kid?”

“Children. Whatever they look like, they are young children who haven’t even lived in ten years.”

“How can we stop that? It doesn’t make any sense. I think it would be dangerous if we just leave it alone.”

“Words get through.”

The Demon King handed over the reins to me and slowly walked towards him.

The Demon King, who went right next to the bloody Ogre and Minotaur, made a hand gesture and scolded the two monsters.

Then, surprisingly, the two monsters soon released their grip on each other’s collars and fell.

The Demon King’s left eye was shining red as he turned to me.

That is the power of the Demon King that makes all monsters obey.

It is a power passed down to the owner of the Demon Castle from generation to generation, and the current Demon King took over the castle and took over what was originally owned by the previous Demon King.

I crossed the courtyard, seeing the large monsters hugging and making peace with each other.

The gate to the main castle opened and a lumpy rock troll came stomping in.

“Hey, Bart. It’s been a while.”

When I raised my hand, the rock troll opened its small eyes even smaller and looked at my face closely.

“Demon Hunter?”

“As expected, Bart. You have an amazing memory.”

This is not an empty mark; In reality, Bart has the intelligence of a genius compared to other rock trolls.

Normal rock trolls have stone heads and cannot communicate.

However, that Bart’s intelligence was improved by magic from a wizard the Demon King knows.

Believe it or not.

The devil took me up to his office

The room, which was larger than the first floor of our guild building, contained a large bed, an elegant wooden desk, and other simple furniture.

Behind the desk where the Demon King sits and works, there is a balcony that sticks out in a semicircle, and if you stand there, you can see the Northern Mountain Range stretching out like a sawtooth.

“Sit down, Leonard.”

We sat on the sofa facing each other.

Everything in the Demon King’s Castle was luxurious, and this sofa was no exception.

Even though it’s soft, it’s so soft that I’m worried that if I bury myself like this, I’ll just fall asleep.

“Looking at your face, you seem to be doing very well.”

The Demon King leaned back on the sofa and laughed.

“What are you doing these days? We’ve completely lost contact since then.”

“Just so-so. Do you know that it is Shlesi of the Duchy of Nantes?”

“You know. Have you settled there?”

“Uh, I run a guild. I’m not the guild leader, I’m the office manager.”

“Is this an expedient method?”

“I can’t help it. The qualifications to become a guild leader are very strict.”

At that time, the door opened and a slim, naked woman came in gently carrying her tray.

Although she is said to be naked, her arms and legs are covered with a lot of orange feathers, so most of her important parts are covered.

You are a half-man, half-bird monster, a harpy.

But the tips of her feathers were black here and there.

“You are the Demon King’s guest?”

The harpy greeted me with a charming smile.

“Oh my god. Who is this handsome? Hoho.”

“Leonard is a handsome man.”

The Demon King laughed and agreed.

The harpy kept looking at me as he served tea and refreshments in front of me and the Demon King.

The yellow, round eyes unique to birds of prey were very burdensome.

Also, when she was bending over, her breasts were bouncing around.

The size is approximately 0.7 leana.

It’s empty.

“Then, you two, please talk.”

The harpy smiled and twitched her butt as she left her office.

“The harpy is completely in love with you.”

The Demon King smiled calmly and raised his glass.

“What is that?”

“I told you it was a harpy.”

“No, what are you doing here?”

“He’s my personal chef. He’s the only one with the intelligence to know how to cook.”

“Really? The feathers are too burnt for something like that?”

“Because it’s a monster that eats raw food, it probably isn’t used to eating fire.”

“Well, aren’t there any vampires or something like that? They’re really smart too.”

“Yes, but how are you going to have lunch if you have a vampire as your cook?”

“Oh, I guess so. “I have to stay in the coffin during the day.”

The Demon King asked after taking a few sips of tea.

“So, what on earth is going on here?”

“What would the office manager who runs the guild have come for? He came to do business.”


The Demon King smiled and picked up the snack.

“Well, that’s right. If that’s the case, you should have gone to the city instead of here. All there is is a wasteland, monsters, and a lazy demon lord.”

“I have no intention of running errands in the city. I plan to quickly raise my reputation by solving major issues.”

“It’s something big. For example, isn’t it something like this? Something that instantly solves the problem that the Demon King has been struggling with for a long time.”

At those words, I raised my upper body and asked seriously.

“What is there?”

“Well, there’s nothing particularly grand that can enhance the reputation of the Demon Hunter Guild.”

“Still, is there anything?”

The Demon King smiled haha ​​​​​​and bit into the cookie.

“Adventurers often come to me to subdue me, but that doesn’t mean I can kill them.”

“Subjugation? They’re funny. They’re the demon lord who stays here and cleans up the demons’ poop.”

“The achievement of killing the Demon King is important.”

“It must be a pain in the ass.”

“It’s okay. Sometimes there have to be events like that to make life diverse.”

The devil laughed, haha.

Anyway, I’m so kind that I fell for it.

If you think about it, the reason he beat up the former Demon King and kicked him out wasn’t for any other reason.

It’s simply because I couldn’t just watch the former Demon King exploit demons and play war against humans.

“Drink some tea. Are you going to eat until dinner tonight?”

“I don’t know.”

“Did you even hide a pot of honey in the guild?”

“That’s not true, but I have something to take care of with a guild member this evening.”

“Really? Is something going on?”

After thinking for a while, I decided to talk about Ornette.

The Demon King has little interaction with the outside world and is, above all, a trustworthy friend.

The Demon King laughed softly after hearing my story.

“It seems like he cares a lot about that wizard named Ornette.”

“Of course. Inducing a wizard as a guild member is impossible even if the goddess comes. What crazy wizard in the world would work in a guild or something?”

“Really? But you don’t take care of that child just because you’re a wizard, right?”

I smiled shyly at the devil’s question.

“That’s right. It’s because he’s a guild member I have rather than a wizard.”

“You are the type of person who takes responsibility for your people until the end. That wizard is still young, so he doesn’t know that and for no reason…”

At that time, suddenly there was a loud noise outside the window, and the entire Demon Castle was engulfed in a dull tremor.

“Hey, what?!”

“Don’t get up.”

The Demon King, who ran to the balcony to assess the situation, hurriedly threw himself back.

The balcony he was standing on was completely destroyed in a flash of light.

[The devil must show himself immediately!]

The voice expanded by loudspeaker magic rang loudly.

Did a wizard attack this place?

“The balcony collapsed.”

The Demon King shook off his clothes and said regretfully.

Meanwhile, the attack magic flew outside the window and continued to pound the outer wall of the castle.

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