The Leader of the NTR Knights Decided To Escape chapter 15

15 - Those who were betrayed by the state

15 – Those who were betrayed by the state

A village that is consumed by flames and burns.

People were screaming everywhere,

Armed Imperial soldiers went in and out of the house like their own, robbing food and goods.

“big… What the hell is this! How… how could the warriors of the empire do this to us… !”

“No Debbie! It’s dangerous, so stop!”

A man protesting with embarrassment and anger,

A woman who dries it.


Seeing their agitated yet desperate appearance,

Even though he is from aborigines, the imperial army general wearing fancy clothes spoke in a cold voice.

“It’s pitiful, if you handed over the food, the bloodshed wouldn’t have happened. All of this is what you guys did.”

“Didn’t I tell you! We can’t afford more than that! Is this the only price we paid for our loyalty?”

“It’s funny, to be faithful with just that much. True loyalty is to give everything unreservedly for the monarch. Your home, your property, your life, everything.”

“this… This child… ”

A native general who speaks in a shameless manner.

Looking at his ugly true self, who was like a pleasant yet righteous warrior just a short time ago,

The man, seized with unbearable anger, pulled out the gun he was wearing on his back.

“place… Debbie!”

“I… I was a climber. I didn’t trust those other guys! What is loyalty… What is a subject of the empire? Because of these guys, I… I’ve been… ”

A man pointing a gun at the head of a man in front of his eyes while shedding bloody tears.




“… uh?”

The next moment, something hot felt by the woman who stopped the man.

While recognizing what it is a step later…

Soon, a voice full of despair began to flow from her mouth.

“ah… Ahhh… ”

“How dare you point a gun at Na Gand, a general of the Empire, from the body. This could be considered treason. According to Imperial law, the traitor was summarily executed on the spot.”

With those words, the general leaves the place while trampling on the man’s head, which has been crushed like a tomato bursting.

Following him, the Imperial warriors who plundered the village left the place with sacks full of food and goods.

A terrible thing that happened in just a few hours.

At the atrocities of the Imperial Army, which shattered everything that had been built on the so-called patriotism that they had for the past few decades,

She could only stare blankly at the scene before her eyes, feeling the most terrible despair.

‘how… how to me… This happened to us… ‘


A resident woman with an emaciated appearance sitting in front of him,

Looking at her, Franklin asked a question in a cautious voice.

“Now, let’s go into detail. What the hell happened?”

After hearing the rough story, Franklin nevertheless asked questions to hear more details.

Her question contains the unique dignity of a general.

“Yes… Got it… It is. entire… I will tell you everything.”

So the woman…

Introducing herself as Jane, she trembles and tells her story…

I struggled to tell a story that made me shed bloody tears just thinking about it.


A woman in her late teens with brown hair and blue eyes.

Jane McCree.

As a settler from the colony, she was not very interested in hearing the news of war around her, other than feeling a little annoyed.

Two years have passed since the war between the British Empire and the colonial rebels continued.

In the process, the colonial rebels continued their struggle under the banner of freedom,

Quite a few of the colonists were still questioning whether independence was necessary.

And among them, a man who was Jane’s fiancé,

There were also many who, like Davy Jones, were still zealous supporters of the Empire.

Davy Jones has been loyal to the Empire and the Emperor for generations since she lived in her home country as a child.

He hated the rebels who were revolting and making waves in the plains, and he hoped that the British Empire would settle this trouble as soon as possible.

And Jane, the person engaged to Debbie, had the same thoughts.

I’ve heard rumors that the Empire’s tyranny is quite severe in other areas, but such things rarely happen in the area where Jane and Debbie live,

Rather, as much as the imperial army had done the work of driving out the tyrannical barbarian natives, she was also indebted to the empire, and believed that she should live loyal to it.

In addition, as a result of this background, most of the residents of the settlement where Debbie and Jane live were thinking that they should be loyal to the Empire and the Emperor.

Therefore, when war broke out in this area, they expressed their loyalty by willingly providing an outpost to the Empire.


Their actions in favor of the empire like this.

A few days ago, they came back at a price that was too horrendous for them.

Gand is a male native of the Mok tribe and currently serves as one of the generals in the Imperial Army.

Accompanied by 400 armed imperial troops under his command, he declared to Debbie, Jane and other residents.

A story telling us to immediately supply 100 bags of corn and other supplies.

Although in their hands were documents bearing the seal of General Neto, the general in charge of the area,

Nevertheless, even Devi, an ardent supporter of the Empire, had no choice but to refuse such an absurd request.

100 sacks of corn actually amounted to close to 70% of the food the village had, and without it, it would be almost impossible to survive the coming winter.

In response, Debbie and Jane politely declined and offered a compromise that could be tolerated to some extent…

What came back before their story was even over,

It was Gand’s order to immediately burn the village and plunder everything.

The devastating slaughter and plundering of the imperial army began like that.

In the process, Debbie is killed, other residents also lose their families or are seriously injured, and the entire village is turned into ashes.

loved ones too,

property that has been accumulated so far.


Having lost all loyalty to the country,

Jane and the residents barely survived.

In a state where all that was precious was lost and only an empty shell remained,

They decided to take the only path left to them.


Willingness to put a knife in any way to those filthy Empire bastards who betrayed their faith and loyalty.

Caught up in those feelings,

In this situation, they started to move to a place where there are people who can help them even a little bit.

They were the objects of indifference or anger not long ago, and the ones I wished would disappear as soon as possible.

This is where the rebels are.


“… such a thing… there was Even later, according to the news… General Gandh was not punished for this.”

“It’s a pity, to be betrayed so thoroughly by someone you trusted… ”

Immediately after the end of Jane’s hateful story, Franklin spoke in a voice that was cool but contained the calm anger of a human being.

“I still can’t believe it, but… It’s true. And… All we have left now is to fight them and die.”

“Hmm… ”

Jane speaks with burning hatred and will to go beyond.

In response, Franklin nodded silently, and Jane pleaded with her in a voice that was earnest and desperate.

“General, please… Please give us a chance, any way is fine. I’d be happy to do anything to harm those filthy Imperials. It’s good to use it as a soldier, but it’s good to use it as a cannon fodder. I will do anything to avenge the Empire!”

Looking at Jane, who was showing clear hostility at this moment as she sat there,

Franklin began to ponder for a moment how to use her.

‘Certainly, the will is great, but… I don’t think it’ll be as useful as I thought.’

First of all, their number is at most about 30 or so,

Even half of them were old people, but young children not yet in their mid-teens.

In addition, the woman named Jane right in front of my eyes did not know how to handle magical powers, nor did she have any special combat skills, just an ordinary human woman.

It was nothing more than that.

If you go to the battlefield, you will be more of a hindrance than a help.

Franklin’s cold assessment was that the will is great, but it doesn’t seem to be particularly useful to that extent.

‘what… Anyway, there’s no reason to reject someone who comes. Even if it’s impossible to fight, should I do some simple chores for now?’

So, while not thinking too much about the matter itself, Franklin tried to finish it.

“I see what you mean. If not, I’ll leave you with a few things in the castle… ”

“Wait a moment, General.”


At that moment, a familiar voice suddenly heard.

In response, Franklin was delighted and questioned,

For a moment, I turned my head in the direction of the sound.

“I have heard all the stories. Let me excuse you for a moment, General.”

With that said, Cromwell gets permission from Franklin and sits down.

Seeing him interrupt so suddenly, Franklin cautiously asked a question.

“What is it, Cromwell? Is there anything you want to say to her?”

“Yes, there is. And… Something very important that she can do, and only she can do.”


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  1. Forgotten one says:

    Wow “Jane McCray” was real…who was killed by British army..

  2. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Ooooh i bet she’ll be jealous here kekeke

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