The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me chapter 153

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me 153


Frey, who lowered her head and let out a short sigh, then raised her head.


An uncountable number of demon lords were looking at him like that.

“All, focus.”

Frey, who was slowly looking around the demon king army, begins the story with a cold voice tinged with coldness.

“The story I’m going to tell you from now on is so important that no matter how many times I emphasize it, listen carefully.

Frey, who said that, looked sickly and tired, and even if he touched it with one finger, he would look like he collapsed.

“Do you understand?”


The demon lords, who were shaking the sky and the earth like ants, only answered Frey with a voice like a machine.

“From now on, I will strike the Imperial Palace.”

to such a demon king.

“Wearing the warrior’s armor that used to be used by a hero a thousand years ago to protect the empire, the empire is destroyed.”

Frey, wearing the warrior’s armor, declares calmly.

“And, by killing the princess, a magic circle that will rule the world… will float over the empire.”

Saying that, Frey pointed to the sky on the side of the Imperial Palace, and the demon lords all raised their weapons to the sky.

As if it were a golem.

Not a single unnecessary movement, not a single individual actor.

The Demon King, who was staring at Frey with an expressionless face, had become a war machine that sacrificed his life for Frey’s orders.

“It is me and the combat officers who will enter the final decisive battle. And staff Le Mernot.”

Frey, who was looking around the demon king army from a high platform, pointed to the combat officers behind them and declared.

“Therefore, my loyal servants, see with your own eyes today. The sun goes down and the black sun rises.”

“”Wow woah ah ah!!””

Frey, who came down from the podium with his hands in his pockets as he heard a thunderous shout, headed for the tent with his men behind him.

“…Mr. Frey.”

So, Frey entered the tent to check the operation one last time before heading to the imperial house.


Seeing the serious expression on Le Mernot’s serious face, who came in with the combat officers, he began to tilt his head.

“I have something to tell you.”


Le Mernot looked at Frey like that.


Soon after, he changed his expression coldly and said so.

“Surrender, what do you mean?”

“Why did you kill Dmir Khan in the mansion today?”

Seeing Frey asking questions with a calm expression on his face, Le Mernaud began to question him with a cold voice.

“I tried to commit treason. So I just executed.”

“Don’t lie. I was watching the whole thing.”

“Did you watch?”

“You can’t even find out that the monitoring magic tool is installed in the mansion, so you’re powerful, but you lack resourcefulness.”

Having said that in a cold voice, Le Mernaud looked around at the battle officers standing behind him with bewildered expressions.

“Right now, the hearing of the combat officers has been erased by my magic.”


“Yeah, and I cast absolute obedience magic on myself.”

“So, what is this doing?”

Le Mernot, who heard Frey’s question, raised an eyebrow and answered.

“It’s simple, to carry out an operation that will control you.”

Having said that, Le Mernaud laid down a piece of quite familiar paper on the desk.

“It’s an old, worn-out document that you always carried with you. Aren’t you being too vigilant because it has characters that only you can read?”

“How did you get your hands on it? Obviously, I must have kept it.”

“Did you know that I, as an advisor of the Demon King’s army, can’t intercept without your knowledge and strength, a paper that is in a defenseless state that has no anti-copy magic applied?”

Le Mernot, who had frowned, then crossed his arms and continued his conversation.

“After copying and analyzing the text, I found out that the text is the same as the text left in the remains of a warrior from a thousand years ago in the Western Continent.”


“I analyzed them by contrasting them. Over days and days… years. Staying up all night long.”

With a slightly tired expression on her face, Le Mernot pointed to the dark circles that were hanging over her eyes.

“After painstakingly analyzing it over the years, I got it.”


“The fact that you are a ‘false evil person’, that you will receive a ‘penalty’ if caught, and crucially…”

Soon, a smirk appeared in his mouth, and a wedge was put on it.

“…that you, pretending to be the Demon King, can ‘be’.”

Looking at Le Mernot, who put a lot of emphasis on ‘maybe’, Frey grinned.

“Seeing you use such a tone of voice, you must have had absolute obedience magic, right?”

“Yeah, like I said before, I cast the Absolute Obedience spell of not being sure of myself, to avoid your eyes, of course.”

“Is that possible?”

“It’s possible, the Demon Lord has also confirmed that the magic has been successfully applied.”

“The Demon King?”

As Frey tilts his head, Le Mernaud says with a proud expression.

“If the Demon King is impersonating a hero… On the other hand, who was the hero impersonating?”


“Based on such speculation, after giving an order to myself that I would not be ‘confident’ about everything about the hero, I secretly went to the hero… Finally, I was able to meet the true master I had to serve.”

“You mean, you’ve been a spy for the Demon King for a long time?”

Frey asked that.

“Okay, so stop surrendering.”

Le Mernot, who had a cold expression on his face.


“Yes, surrender. If you do not want to surrender, I will tell the truth about you to the combat officers behind you.”

He took the scroll out of his arms and continued speaking.

“I’ve already prepared a video scroll with proof that you’re a hero.”

“Video scrolling? What is that?”

“I don’t tear it, I just touch it, and in less than a second, the image will be transmitted to the brain of the person I want.”


Hearing this, Frey groaned, and Le Mernaud said to him with a cold expression.

“Perhaps the real Demon Lord made a proposal to you, the hero.”

“It’s a suggestion…”

“If you surrender and become yours, it’s an offer not only to save your life, but to let you rule the world together.”

Hearing that, Frey answered with a grin.

“If you don’t like it?”

Then, Le Mernaud opened his mouth with an absurd expression on his face.

“Hey… This is the ‘graciousness’ that the Demon Lord gives you. You don’t have a choice.”

“Are there really no options?”

“Ha… I can’t put it into words.”

But when Frey crossed his legs with a casual expression on his face, Le Mernaud said with annoyance.

“Once you get one penalty, you’ll change your mind, right?”

Having said that, Le Mernot raised his hand to the magic scroll and began to look at Frey with a triumphant expression.


For some reason, Frey was fine.

“What, what?”

“This is so…”

Frey, who looked at Le Mernot, who started to look embarrassed thanks to that, said in a pathetic tone.

“…when a duckling mimics a phoenix, that’s what happens.”

Le Mernot felt that something was wrong with Frey’s words.

“What, what? Why?”

I hurriedly looked at the other battle officers and fiddled with the scrolls.


They were just standing in the tent, blankly.

“I wonder why things happened this way?”

Frey, who had been watching the scene quietly, slowly got up from her seat.

“Da, you… what. What did you do to the combat officers?”

To Le Mernot, who started to sweat while looking at Frey like that, Frey answered with a cold voice.

“…to show the truth to the dead, where are you going to use it?”

Having said that, Frey pulled out the hand that had been fiddling with the ‘Stone of Domination’ in his pocket until then.

– Whoops…!

Then, the combat officers who had been living and moving until then collapsed all at once.

“Uh, how… how…?”

“If you have read the prophecy, do you know about the ‘trial’?”


“Hey, I guess I didn’t understand everything.”

He stared at him with a blank expression and then looked at Le Mernot, who had a puzzled expression on Frey’s question.

“That’s one of the reasons for your defeat.”

Frey started talking with a smile on his face.

“You don’t know, but the fourth ordeal of the system… it targets people who ‘worry’ about me.”

“Hey, what does that mean…”

“For me who was pretending to be a Demon King, the thing that made all the Demon Kings ‘worry’ about me was a piece of cake.”


Although he did not know what the ‘fourth ordeal’ was, Le Merno was the only person who could counteract Serena with his brain to some extent.


From the tone and context of Frey and the word ‘system’, I was able to deduce roughly how things went.


It would have been better if I couldn’t infer it.


Countless demon lords outside the tent, who ran out with a glimmer of hope, were staring at her with soulless expressions.

I was forced to understand how things were going.

“After that, it was simple. All the demon kings who worried about me got caught up in the ‘fourth ordeal’, and as a result, they could not overcome the ordeal and became ‘monstrous creatures’.”

“Hey, monstera…”

Frey, who appeared behind her like that, puts her hand on her shoulder and shoves a wedge.

“Of course, you didn’t get caught up in the ordeal because you were the only one who ‘doubts’ me, so you didn’t worry.”

Having said that, Frey continued to speak while looking at Le Mernot’s face, which was starting to turn pale.

“At that time, you were busy comparing the prophecies I deliberately spilled with the language of the Western Continent.”

“Hey, you spilled it on purpose…?”

“And after that, I didn’t notice the ideals of the Demon Lords’ troops, as I was carrying out the orders I gave and communicating with the ‘Demon King who mimics a hero’ at the same time.”

Le Mernot opened his mouth at those words, and Frey pulled out the ‘Stone of Domination’ from his pocket.

“Well, there’s a reason I’ve been able to control the Demon King’s forces with the ‘Stone of Domination’ until now.”

“No, that’s ridiculous! With the power of a mere human mind… that’s possible!!”

“…mere human psyche?”

Frey, who heard Le Mernot’s words, burst out laughing.

“It was easy enough to yawn.”

“It can’t be! There’s no way that a mere human mind can control so many demonized demon lords…!”

“…because I’ve been through countless regressions and go through all sorts of things, it’s not just a human mental power.”

When Frey answered that, Le Mernaud began to make a stupid expression.

“Oh, can I tell you something interesting?”


Le Mernaud, who was desperately analyzing the meaning of Frey’s words just before, tilted his head as he looked at Frey speaking with a pathetic expression on his face.

“You cannot cast absolute obedience magic on yourself.”


Then she opened her eyes wide at the words that came out of Frey’s mouth.

“What nonsense! I must have cast a spell on me! The Demon Lord also confirmed that I have ‘Absolute Obedience Magic’…!”

“The former demon king who invented magic, the current demon king, the demon master, and even Irina in her heyday. People who can use the ‘Absolute Obedience Magic’ have never cast that magic on themselves.”

Read at

Eventually, Le Mernaud raised his voice and spoke, but Frey, ignoring her, started talking calmly.

“There was no need to do that. In the first place, there was no reason to cast absolute obedience magic on him.”

“Well, then… how do you know that?”

“Because I walked.”

At Frey’s too simple answer, Le Mernaud’s eyes instantly went blank.

“I’m tired of so many regressions, I tried to cast that spell on myself to rule out my emotions… but I couldn’t.”

Nevertheless, as Frey speaks with a sullen expression on his face, Le Mernot hastily asks him.

“How do you use the ‘Absolute Obedience Magic’! What a nonsense…!”

“…I don’t remember the details, but I learned how to use it about halfway through my regression. Of course, I lost interest when I realized that I could only bet on one person.”

“It’s been a regression since before, but what the hell… No, wait. How do you, the prosecutor, use your magic…?”

“It’s Giyeon in the forest near her house, and she can use magic. This is a fact I discovered at the beginning of the regression.”

Le Mernot, who was desperately rolling his head while looking at Frey, who answered without hesitation in a soulless voice.


Soon I came to a conclusion.

“Your… If what you say is true… what is the ‘Absolute Obedience Magic’ hanging on me?”

To a terrifying conclusion that makes you goosebumps all over your body.

“If you can’t cast absolute obedience on yourself… what is it that’s hanging on me!!”

“…you noticed too.”

Looking at her like that, Frey answered calmly.

“The obedience magic that is on you is mine.”


“The orders you thought you were giving yourself were actually orders I gave you.”


“Since I had given the command, ‘Must think that the person who cast the absolute obedience magic is yourself.’

listen to that

“And in the first place, there’s no way four or so years can use that magic that only the strongest people can use, right?”

Looking at Le Mernot, who collapsed to the floor in shock.

“Now do you understand? You and the Demon King have been playing in my hands since the beginning.”

Frey nailed it with a cold expression.

“This duckling.”

“Sah, please save me.”

And from that point on, Le Mernaud began to pray with a terrified expression on his face.

“Well, I’ll do anything. I’ll do anything you ask.”


“When it’s all over, I’ll lend you my hair. So you’ll be able to live the rest of your life a little happier? And, if you want, I’ll give my body…”

“…I didn’t know I’d be doing this line again.”

Frey looked at her like that.

“You shouldn’t have touched him.”

Pulling the sword from the waist.

“A sacrificial magic circle that awakens the demon king by sacrificing many children. Was that the work of four years?”


whispered softly.

“I’ve done countless things in that countless timeline… I’ve never even touched a child.”

And the next moment.

Le Mernot’s neck was flying in the sky.

“With this, your last tactic is also a failure. Demon Lord.”

Frey, who stood still in the blood-stained tent, watching the scene.

“…I give orders to all the Demon Lords.”

He said while fiddling with the ‘Stone of Domination’ again.

“When the battle is over, everything will be neutralized.”

In that way, he pre-selected all those who had circumstances and those who had room for reincarnation.

Because of that, Frey watched the group of monsters quietly nodding their heads, leaving only those who were slaughtered and evil.

“You guys, follow me.”

I said to the monsterized battle officers who had fallen.

“…I have to go to the Imperial Palace for the ‘final battle’.’

Heading to the Imperial Palace, right in front of him.







In front of Frey who arrived right in front of the Imperial Palace, familiar faces were seen.

“Fray Laon Starlight.”


“…our enemy.”

Sub-heroes lined up in front of the imperial soldiers who were looking very nervous.

“Until the hero’s awakening is over, I will stop you.”

Frey looked at the sub-heroes who looked at him coldly and threw those words.

“Keep it down.”

He gave orders to the monsterized combat officers who were standing behind him.

“Do not kill or injure yourself.”

Thus, the ‘final battle’ began.

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  1. Sup Colors Sup Colors says:

    Of course someone that still is capable of thoughts after all this trauma will become a monster..

  2. Bananahoshi says:

    Man his Int stats was always “???” My man can even be scarier than Serena after countless retries, holy fuck
    And I guess Glare’s existence was also linked to all this somehow, maybe she’s the reason why Clana got the memories of the 2nd trial instead of it being erased by the system? Since she left the Ring of Fortune on his grave and Clana visited his grave for one last time just a few days later. And Glare of course revealed Ruby’s identity in front of Frey and Serena

  3. Narukami Nihiru says:

    With Unique Ability “Retry”, Frey has achieved unparalleled mental strength

  4. MrPojsomnoj says:

    And Glare is for the next arc or she also somehow have ties with first reset?

  5. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Jesus…Forgot how scary Frey was.

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