The Nerdy Young Lady’s Rental Boyfriend chapter 8

The Nerdy Young Lady's Rental Boyfriend 8

8 – The Nameless Extra (3)

Beyond the horizon, two suns rose. One, the always brilliant sun that brightly illuminated my back. And the other, the one with a pretty and cute face of Yeong-ae, who always turned away from me coldly. The commonality between them was that both would be so hot to touch that it would cause burns.


“Um… I wish you would expand your face a bit.”


I tried to speak affectionately, but Yuna was glaring at me with a look full of caution, like the executioner of the sunset ready to mercilessly punish my heart. Feeling a bit embarrassed, I smiled meaninglessly. When I tried to move impulsively from this side, she warned me with a low voice.

“Don’t laugh unnecessarily.”

“Well… I didn’t laugh unnecessarily.”

“Address me formally. I am the Duke’s Yeong-ae.”

“Well… But isn’t that against academy policy, Yuna? We are fellow students.”

“…Then don’t use formal language either. Let’s just not talk to each other.”


The weather is so tense today. I wonder if some magic has been cast. With a slightly embarrassed expression, I looked at Yuna, recalling a rather inappropriate joke befitting a magic class. Her eyes still contained that chilling intensity. Feeling as if she had heard my inner thoughts, I averted my gaze slightly.

“Well, everyone, have you all stood facing your partners?”

The professor opened his mouth with a bright voice, whether or not he knew about our situation. And he answered the unasked question quite refreshingly.

“I could ask why we’re doing stretches out of the blue during magic class, but surprisingly, stamina is one of the most important elements in magic. Whether it’s combat magic or everyday magic, the condition of the spellcaster is ultimately the most important. So, knowing the basics of taking care of your body is essential for a magician.”

“…I know that, but why now…”

“If you have any complaints, speak up, okay?”

“I told you not to talk to me.”


“Don’t laugh either.”

It’s like they’re telling me not to breathe. I barely managed to take a breath under such tight control. And then, the professor’s bright voice rang out once again.

“Well, shall we begin?”


Upon hearing those words, Yuna let out a resigned sigh and reached for her hair. She tied her hair back with the string she had in her hand. As I blankly watched each strand of hair being tied up, Yuna rolled her eyes and looked at me.

“…Don’t stare.”

…I can’t help it.

“Well then, shall we start?”

While I sighed in despair, the professor’s voice echoed again.

“First, stand facing your partner.”


As soon as she heard those words, Yuna let out an obvious sigh. But I didn’t feel too bad about it. In fact, because of her breath that reached the tip of my nose, I felt a strange sensation and exhaled a slightly tense breath. And so, after exchanging a sigh, we stood straight and looked at each other.

When our eyes met, I was certain that something would be said. Yuna had given a stern look, signaling not to stare, and I had anticipated a playful jest from her. However, as our eyes met, there was a slightly awkward vibe flowing between us. Why, though? It wasn’t the first time our eyes had met, and it wasn’t the first time we were this close.

Awkwardness transformed into tension, and tension turned into a subtle excitement, pulsating with my heartbeat. Could Yuna be feeling the same emotions? Even if I tried to read her expression, the sunlight from the other side cast shadows on her face, making it difficult to discern. Amidst this, the professor’s voice echoed once again.

“Next, place your hands on your shoulders and bend your waist, tapping left and right twice. Understand?”


Eventually, I had to touch her. Yuna, with pursed lips, expressed displeasure and then, in a subdued voice, conveyed her words to me.

“Don’t touch.”

“Do we really have to do this?”

“If you think about getting paid for it, it’s unpleasant. Got it?”

“Well… that’s true, but how do we do it without touching?”

“Just pretend to raise your hands.”

“…It sounds quite challenging.”

I let out a chuckle and shook my head, but Yuna’s gaze was exceptionally serious. In the end, I raised my hands above her shoulders, a handspan away.

As if an odd current flowed like static electricity, a peculiar sensation surged between my palms. The hand that hadn’t touched her skin trembled as if seeking the embrace of another. Strangely, even the sunlight streaming down on the back of my hand felt like a tangible weight pressing down on her. Suppressing the impulse to touch her small shoulders, I lowered my head.

“Now, turn to the left first from your position. Got it?”

“Yeah. I got it.”

“Then… One, two, three.”

I twisted my body to the left according to her signal. In that fleeting moment, I hoped for our hands to touch even a little, but she moved with perfect timing. I listened intently for any signs in my head, but besides the pounding of my excited heart, there was only silence. I still don’t know if physical contact is the key to receiving sponsorship.

“Alright, everyone. Shall we get up now?”

As she said that, the short stretching session came to an end, and Yuna quickly got up. Then she looked at me with a slightly triumphant expression.

“See? It worked.”

“Yeah, it actually did.”

“And that weird sponsor or whatever didn’t show up either, right?”

“No, they didn’t.”

“Hmph. As expected, right?”

Yuna seemed to have forgotten her earlier warning not to speak, as she continued enthusiastically. I debated whether to point it out, but her excitement over something trivial was too cute, so I let it slide. Little did I know, Yuna was quite the talkative type.

But in the next moment, the professor’s words prevented me from saying anything.

“Now, let’s stand back-to-back and check our posture, shall we?”

“Wha… Wasn’t it over?”

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Well… logically speaking, stretching doesn’t just end after one round. I was unfazed, but Yuna seemed more flustered than necessary as she looked at me. Meanwhile, the professor continued with their instructions.

“Cross your arms and bend forward, releasing the other person’s lower back. Have you all done this before?”

“I guess we can’t avoid it this time, huh?”


Yuna let out a groan without answering. I glanced around and saw that everyone else had already started. Even Iriya, with her petite frame, was grumbling as she bent her back to lift Gueuro.

“Uh…Um… Iriya, are you okay?”

” …!!! “

Seeing Iriya nod vigorously in response to Gueuro’s question, I looked back at Yuna. Then, in a low voice, I spoke.

“Hey, Yuna. It seems like we’re the only ones not doing it?”

Even with my suggestion, Yuna just looked embarrassed and didn’t say anything. Then, I heard the professor’s voice from beyond.

“Hey, do you have any problems over there?”

“No… sigh. Let’s just finish quickly.”


Finally, Yuna turned her back to me, and I slowly turned my feet as well. But I was still nervous. I still hadn’t figured out where the sponsorship was coming from.

But in the end, I knew that I had to try and face whatever it was. I felt the warmth of the sun shining behind me and took a step back. Slowly, and perhaps a bit hurriedly, as I approached her, I felt the warmth of Yuna’s body, which was warmer than the sunlight and cooler than the sun, and I felt an exhilarating thrill.


At the same time, Yuna also took a short breath as if swallowing her tense breath. The slow beating of her heart echoed from her back. I, too, tensed up and put extra strength into my lower body for no reason. Then, I focused all my attention on the voice in my head.


But the voice of the unfamiliar woman still didn’t come. She was clearly in such close contact, and I could even feel her racing heartbeat, but she didn’t say a word.

As the silence continued, more and more questions arose. Perhaps physical contact alone wasn’t the condition for sponsorship? Then what on earth was the condition?


I don’t know. There were too many unanswered questions in this mysterious sponsorship. But no matter how much I thought about it, there was no progress. Without realizing it, I tightened my arms around her and bent my waist forward.


A cute scream escaped from Yuna’s mouth, and at the same time, a definite weight pressed against my waist. And at the same time, her hair, tied in a bundle, fell onto my spine and tickled the back of my neck as I bent over. Unconsciously, my body tensed up to the point of being excessive, as if a small bug had attached itself to me. And because of that, every time I shook my body to shake her off, a suffocating voice came from beyond my back.

“Ugh… ugh…”

It sounded like a suppressed moan, as if covering it with her hand. Along with that, a trembling that had nothing to do with my will flowed down my spine. Feeling Yuna’s waist movements, I closed my eyes and savored the sensation.

This feels really strange. It’s like…


As I scolded myself for having such wicked thoughts, I shook my head and gently put her back on the ground. Yuna tried to remain calm and steady her feet, but suddenly, her tension eased, and she let out a faint sigh, swaying a little. I wanted to ask if she was okay, but before I could, Yuna spoke to me.

“Did we receive another donation?”



Her voice sounded somewhat surprised. Yuna pondered something deeply for a moment and then suddenly spoke, exerting force in her arms.

“Alright. This time, I’ll do it. Don’t hold back.”

“Um…it might be a bit heavy. It’s okay if we skip it.”

“…Are you ignoring me right now?”


When I glanced back, her legs seemed so fragile. I wondered if a noblewoman who had never done anything difficult in her life could handle my weight. However, even that gaze seemed to hurt her pride, as she suddenly exerted force in her arms, trying to push me away.


“Wait a moment…”

But in contrast, I put a lot of effort into my body, and as a result, my waist didn’t bend as she wanted. Yuna, perhaps due to her pride, tried to bend her waist forcibly in that state. The predictable outcome of such mismatched stretching was evident.


“Wait a moment…!”

In the next moment, Yuna and I both tumbled to the ground. I had put in enough effort into my body and reacted fast enough to not fall, but Yuna nearly hit her nose, letting out a soft groan. I quickly approached her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry. Are you okay?”

“Uh…I…thought I could handle it…”

Even though it was entirely my fault, Yuna blamed herself and mumbled softly. Feeling incredibly sorry, I didn’t know what to do and asked again.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry. I should have just stayed still…”

“It’s fine. It’s not a big deal, so don’t worry about it.”

“Are you really okay?”

“I said I’m okay… Ugh.”

Although she spoke confidently, Yuna couldn’t easily get up and furrowed her brow. It seemed she had twisted her back a bit when she fell.


“I’m f-fine…”

It was clear she was in pain, but Yuna, staggering, managed to stand up. However, her posture looked awkward, as if her back was uncomfortable to those who observed. I approached her, still squinting at her, and gently placed my hand on her waist.

“Are you okay?”

“Stop asking… Ugh…”

“It doesn’t seem like it. Is it hurting here?”

“It’s just a little twisted. You don’t need to worry.”

How can she not worry when it’s because of me? As I touched a part of her waist with my fingers, I felt her body twitching in pain. Watching her, I thought for a moment and spoke.

“Should I help you loosen up a bit?”

“No need.”

“If I leave it alone, it might get worse.”


Yuna couldn’t bring herself to respond to my words. It really seemed painful. I accepted her silence as tacit agreement and slowly moved behind her.

Then, I embraced Yuna’s waist from behind.


Amidst the painful sounds of breathing, a perplexing voice emerged. However, perhaps due to being seized by discomfort, the sound was slightly muffled as it echoed. Without any awareness, I uttered just one word to her.


“No, what are you trying to…!!!”

And before that voice could finish, I embraced Yuna just as she was.


Amidst the tightly embraced hug, a stifled sound escaped. The posture might have been a bit peculiar, but at least within the limits I knew, there was only one way to loosen the rigid waist. Yet, Yuna, with a voice full of astonishment, whispered to me.

“Hey… What are you doing right now…!”

“Stay still, it’s dangerous if you move.”


It was a voice that went beyond confusion, bordering on absurdity. However, aside from the slightly odd posture, honestly, there was no issue with the position. At most, it was just hugging from behind and shaking the body a little, so what’s the big deal…

…It might look a bit strange.

Suddenly, elements that had gone unnoticed before began to irritate my skin. Yes, I hugged her stomach, but strictly speaking, my hand was indeed below the chest. And the lower bodies were actually in contact. And above all, even thinking about it simplistically…

…Isn’t this a back hug?

The moment I realized this fact, the thumping sound of my heart suddenly echoed in my head, resonating with a thud. Unknowingly, warm sweat trickled down through my hair, and a tingling sensation surged near the lower body.

No, don’t. I recited a mantra to myself, trying to regain composure. If even I find this strange, it will truly become an awkward situation. Let’s not taint the pure intentions with such thoughts. I continued muttering such words while exerting force on my arms.

However, as if mocking my determination, a voice echoed in my head.

No, wait, it’s not like that. I muttered inwardly as if convincing myself, but she didn’t stop, as always, calmly conveying a message to me.

[Yuna has donated 10,000 won.]

…Quite a generous donation amidst all this. If it weren’t for this peculiar situation, I might have been happy about updating the record, but unfortunately, it wasn’t a situation to be pleased about. Moreover, there were still unanswered questions. In a situation without pockets, where does the money come from?

Until that question was answered, it didn’t take too long.

The lining of the pocket where there should be something started to inflate gradually. One shilling, two shillings, three shillings. With each coin entering, the space between the outer part and the lining swelled, and the money piled up. If there’s no pocket, just create one. I admired the quite simple yet neat solution.

But the problem was the current situation. And the area where the money was accumulating.

Since the pocket wasn’t properly made from the beginning, instead of stacking up neatly, the money rose up firmly. Without realizing this fact, I moved my body a little.

Then, the stacked coins pierced through Yuna’s lower part with a sharp sound.


Innocent moans of a naive maiden echoed through the sky, which was clear without a trace of clouds. She started to squirm in surprise at the sensation of the unfamiliar intruder.

“You… What are you doing right now…!”

“Wait… It’s dangerous if you struggle.”

“No, what is this… Ugh…!”

Startled, she wriggled her waist, and whether it was stimulated in a sensitive place or not, she let out another moan. I, surprised, looked around and, unable to do anything else, just hugged her waist tightly. Meanwhile, the voice in my head continued to ring.

[Yuna has donated 1000 won.]

“No, just a moment…”

“Ah, what is this… It’s getting bigger…”

“I’m sorry, but can you not say it like that?”

“It keeps getting bigger from the inside… Hng…”

[Yuna has donated 1000 won.]

“No, stop the donation…”

“You… Are you receiving donations right now? Doing this kind of thing? You… Haaah…!”

In front of the steadily accumulating money, Yuna’s waist slowly collapsed. The moment I decided to let go, the tense legs suddenly weakened, and she tightly grasped my lower part. Unconsciously, I swallowed my breath and trembled my fingers a little. And Yuna, too, regardless of her own will, gradually let out moans.

“Ugh… ugh…!”

[Yuna has donated 1000 won.]


[Yuna has donated 1000 won.]

“It’s getting bigger…! Ah…!”

[Yuna has donated 1000 won.]

“There are people around…!”

“Don’t say it like that…”

“Then let go of this! Quickly!!!”

[Yuna has donated 1000 won.]

Steadily accumulating donations. The voice ringing directly in my head. And Yuna’s peculiar moans. All of it overwhelmed a boy like me so much in this trivial situation. In response, I found myself involuntarily bursting into laughter despite the circumstances.


“Now…hah…is the time to laugh…!!!”


“Stop it a bit!!!”


At that moment, Yuna lifted her leg with all her strength, forcefully hitting my neck. Only then did my arms, bound like chains, loosen. Simultaneously, we both collapsed to the ground once again.



This time, I couldn’t regain my balance, and, entangled with Yuna, slammed my head on the ground. She, too, seemed to be affected by the impact and collapsed. Finally, after holding her breath, she let out a sigh.

“Haa… haaa…”

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“Ah… ugh…”

As the rapid breaths returned, paradoxically, my head began to cool, and the bewildering emotions started to slowly settle. I continued to calm the overwhelming thoughts and gradually lifted my head. Yuna was still immersed in shock and pain. Perhaps, within a moment of ecstasy, she gasped for breath. I hesitated for a moment, then extended my hand towards her.

“There… Yuna. It’s okay…”


Yuna took a deep breath again, slightly raising her body. Then, with a sudden glare, she looked at me and exclaimed.

“You, Lee…!”

From tightly closed lips, a pure and overwhelming sense of anger could be felt. Yuna couldn’t hold back any longer and shouted with a renewed voice.

“Hey! You planned this from the beginning!”

“Well, it wasn’t like that.”

“If it wasn’t, then what the hell…!”

Yuna, filled with anger, continued to speak with a newly raised voice when suddenly she looked up. Slowly, gazes from the surroundings were directed towards us. She lowered her head and, after carefully regulating her breath, suddenly grabbed my collar. With a face flushed red, she whispered as if about to burst.

“…Follow me to the library later. Got it?”

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  1. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    The Male MC is kinda creepy ngl.

    1. rob z rob z says:

      I thought the exact same thing. He’s both a creep and weird AF.

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