The Only Ending for the Evil Count Pig Is Destruction chapter 212

212 - Scene 212# Mabel

212 – Scene 212# Mabel


Mabel is a character with a free-spirited personality.

She, who has always hated being bound by the system, follows her mother, who was her controlling matriarch, and follows her path of becoming a pirate, sailing the seas as she pleases.

In fact, in order to talk about the character Mabel, we cannot help but mention her mother, ‘Arin’. Because the person who had the greatest influence on her life was Arin.

There is quite a surprising fact about Mabel’s past that she only revealed to the main character in the original work.

Mabel’s mother, who was said to be a legendary pirate, was actually a female knight in the royal guard under the emperor.

Arin was a knight with outstanding skills.

As soon as she became a knight, she was recognized for her skills and was scouted by her royal guard.

She was a person full of pride.

She never showed a disheveled appearance to anyone, and was truly a model of a knight, being extremely kind to her children and condescending to her superiors.

Even Maxim May Kahel, who was the emperor at the time, had Arin by his side and favored her.

Although only a flowery path seemed to unfold in the future, dark clouds began to form over her life when rumors began to circulate that she was pregnant with the emperor’s child.

That ridiculous rumor quickly spread throughout the imperial family. No matter how much Arin tried to explain, it was no use her and her gaze towards her became colder as the days passed.

Nevertheless, Arin did not give up.

She always took pride in her work. As she has done up until now, she just silently conveys her true feelings as a knight of the Royal Guard. I believed that if she did that, one day everyone would realize her innocence.

But… Arin’s hopes she was soon shattered.

One day, she was captured by her fellow knights of the SS and was semi-forcibly brought to trial.

Her crimes her were failing to maintain her dignity her her as a knight of the Royal Guard and seducing the emperor with her her status her her as a knight.

Arin was shocked.

The knights of her royal guard her only looked at her with disdain, not her her her her her her helping her hand her her her, and her her her her her emperor her her her, who favored her, did not accept her her innocence her her her.

What made her feel betrayed more than anything was the fact that the head of her SS, who had even promised her marriage, had turned away from her.

Later, Arin resented and resented her royal guard until she found out that it was her jealous wife, Melia May Cahel, who had framed her.

Arin narrowly escaped the death penalty because she worked for the imperial family. However, she is stripped of her knighthood and becomes her slave her overnight.

She did not lose her pride until the moment she was put on a slave ship and sold to a foreign country.

Although it was not the pride of a knight, the pride of a human remained. Moreover, there was a precious life growing in her stomach that belonged to the leader of her SS.

But did the goddess of fate look down on her?

A slave ship encounters a sudden storm and fails to reach its destination, sinking in the middle of the sea. Arin and several slaves are lucky enough to survive by floating to a nearby uninhabited island.

And Arin, who still had the charisma of a knight, began to lead her surviving slaves, which was the beginning of the pirates.

Her daughter Mabel, was also influenced by Arin and became such a proud pirate.

I looked down at Mabel, who appeared proudly in front of me.

Perhaps because of her long life as a slave, her short hair that almost reached her shoulders she looked dull, and her body her she was thin, and her nutrition she did not look very good.

But the fierce look in her eyes staring at me was clear.

More than anything else, those eyes looked exactly like Helga’s.

The atmosphere is clearly different from that of the prisoners around him, perhaps it could be said to be the aura of a named character.

“Hey, you shameless b*stard!”

“How dare you open your mouth knowing who you are talking to!”

The guards holding batons were furious and approached Mabel. The reason they overreact like this is probably because of my position

Mabel was looking up at me as if nothing had happened, even in the face of guards who looked like they were about to hit Mabel at any moment.

Her expression seemed to tell me that she had pride in all humans.

“If you, the Count, are a proud nobleman, why don’t you step up and fight in person?”

Mabel dares to challenge the station.

These were truly her words, but the problem became bigger because she said them in front of me.

“What on earth are you doing now! Without shutting that crazy b*tch up!”

Director Brock, who was next to me, foamed at the mouth and screamed.

The guards were now surrounding Mabel, but she didn’t care.

“As a human being, I challenge the Count to a duel for his pride! Don’t avoid it!”

Sorry. I would like to do that, but if a mere slave and a count duel, it would be a big problem for the count’s prestige.

“That’s interesting.”

A proud smile appeared on my lips. Unlike other slaves, ‘Pride’ recognized Mabel as his ‘opponent’.

Of course… To some extent, they are just opponents, not opponents.

“Kneel down first.”


As soon as I finished speaking, Mabel’s knees collapsed.

A situation that occurred suddenly.

A look of embarrassment was evident on her face.

Unlike the ‘anger’ directed at multiple slaves earlier, the ‘anger’ focused on one person was enough to bring even a proud pirate to his knees in an instant.

“Who, sister!?”

A person who appeared to be one of her subordinates behind her tried to help her and ended up falling to her knees as well.

Not only that, but the guards who surrounded Mabel were also kneeling, oppressed by ‘anger.’


Only then did I realize that ‘anger’ had leaked out.

Today, due to excessive use of ‘anger’ and ‘pride’, I have exceeded the allowable amount of ‘patience’.

If I continue to overuse my individuality like this, there is a high risk that my individuality will escape my control again.

‘I don’t have much time…’

I decided to take care of this precarious situation that she had dared to confront me with.

“If you want to talk to me, kneel down first. “I don’t even know fractions.”

“Tsk… !”

Mabel seemed to be trying to resist the ‘anger’ somehow, but I didn’t allow it.

Rather, the sight of me trembling on my knees will be seen in the eyes of the guards and Warden Brock as an image of me being overwhelmed and trembling with fear.

“Under! The head of the family is right!”

Brock said, looking down on Mabel.

“Are you trash like you proud? You have to make funny noises too! Pride is something that only humans like us can have. “What pride do slaves like you have!”

“Major Brock.”

“Oh, yeah? “Head of the family.”

“You can’t even tell what to wear and what not to wear.”

Director Brock faced my cold gaze.

“S-sorry… !”

His face turned pale and he quickly fell back.

In this atmosphere, not one of the prisoners or guards spoke out.

“You said it earlier.”

I asked Mabel without losing my ‘anger.’

“Every human being has pride. And to say that even b*stards like you have pride…”

I came down from the podium and stopped in front of Mabel, who was kneeling.

From noble mtl dot come

“Do you want to say that you are also human?”

“… Of course.”


After gaining ‘anger,’ I pointed to the middle of the duel arena and said.

“Then prove it now.”

At the same time, towards the woman standing there looking at Mabel.

“That you are a proud human being.”

The gaze of the two mother and daughter crossed.


Mabel stepped onto the battlefield.

I had promised Marco that I would spend one more year quietly in Gehenna, but I had no choice.

Mabel glanced up at the podium.

Looking down at her from above was a handsome man with a cynical face.

‘Count Ruelberta…’

I felt like I was being caught up in something.

I have endured the contempt and insults I received from the warden and guards until now.

But strangely, every time I heard that man’s words, I felt like my stomach was turning. No, I knew why. Because every single word he said was touching her ‘pride’.

As if she had hoped it would be like this.

“Nice to meet you.”

When I looked up at the voice, a woman in a black uniform was standing there.

He was the bodyguard of Count Ruelberta, who had subdued numerous prisoners with just his fingers.

A powerful enemy at a glance.

Mabel went into a state of alert without realizing it.




“Should I say I’ll see you?”

A woman who says strange things.

Mabel quietly glared at her.

She was quite a beauty to be considered an escort knight. Slim body and fox-like face. Strangely enough, she had odd eyes.

No, there was something even stranger than that.

“You…Why are you making that face?”

The woman in front of me was staring at Mabel with a very wistful expression. Strangely enough, I could feel the longest on her face.

It was completely different from when I dealt with the prisoners earlier.

“If… If it’s because I’m a woman, I’ve made a big mistake. “I hate people who think I’m a woman.”

“… Coincidentally, it’s the same as mine. “I also really hate people who look down on me because I’m a woman.”

“Okay? That’s surprising. “I thought you were used to being treated like that because you’re pretty.”

“It can’t be.” Such treatment is… Just receiving it from the man I love is enough.”

“Ahahaha. “I have no choice but to agree.”

I really like it.

He is someone I can communicate well with.

So much so that I forgot for a moment that she was the opponent I had to defeat from now on.

“Are we by any chance spherical? Do you know me?”

“Yes. But should I say I know it well or I don’t know it well?”


“But I can say this much clearly. “I’ve been thinking about you for a long time.”

The Count’s guard took a deep breath and looked straight at Mabel.

And he spoke in a voice that only she could hear.

“Grand Pirate Mabel.”


What?! How on earth?!

My heart was pounding.

Never thought his identity would be discovered!

Her name, which had been hidden for so long, was revealed today by a woman who suddenly appeared.

‘No… ‘No.’

Mabel thought, barely able to keep her composition.

This woman already knew her identity. She knew and she came all the way here.

I got goosebumps.

“… “What are you?”

“There is a saying like that among the family mottos passed down in our family.”


“If you want something, get it with force.”

The escort knight taunted Mabel by waving his hand her her her her.

As if asking you to come in.

“Try to take it from me too.”

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