The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace chapter 8

The Place Where I Was Sold as a Slave Was the Imperial Palace 8

< Sold to a slave trader (name of main character; Jinyoung Jeong = Rudy) >

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It was a big deal. It was a big deal. really messed up

Jeong Jin-young’s head, being dragged by the soldier’s hand, was like a small boat floating in the middle of a stormy sea.

It is also a boat with a missing oar and a hole in the bottom.

The death of the nanny and the sadness that had permeated her heart a moment ago flew away in an instant.

You have to think.

You will have to think about how to survive, using all the cells in your brain.

Escape is not possible in this state.

There is not one soldier, but two, so unless you become Superman, you will not be able to dream of escaping.

The nail was grabbed by the soldier earlier and dropped.

There were no weapons to defend the body.

Like a toy doll being swung around by a violent child, Jeong Jin-young was dragged along by the soldier for a long time.

I wondered if there might be a riot or a battle and I might get a chance to escape, but the streets were as quiet as a rat.

In just one night, the inside of the outer walls had turned into a ghost town.

Even considering it was early in the morning, there were not too many people.

Very rarely, I could feel the eyes watching the street from inside the building.

But when I looked up as I was being dragged along, the pupils disappeared before we met.

Everyone was terrified of what the enemy soldiers had done.

If he is taken like this and discovered that he is a nobleman, and that he is the son of the Duke of Watoring…

I had goosebumps all over my body.

If you just kill it, you’re lucky.

Perhaps they would cut off their ears and cut off their noses and then burn them at the stake.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the Duke of Watoring, there was a possibility.

‘I have to hide it…’

Being the duke’s son must be kept secret.

Jung Jin-young clenched his teeth tightly.

My shoulder hurts as if my shoulder would fall off as I was being dragged by the arm by the soldier.

It was because they mercilessly dragged her away without caring about the fact that this was a child.

I tried to protect my shoulder blades as much as possible, but it was a big burden on my fragile body.

Just when I thought that if I went a little further, I would definitely dislocate it, the soldier stopped walking.

The place we arrived at was a fairly large square.

As if enclosing the space, the buildings were attached to each other.

The soldier took Jeong Jin-yeong to the largest building among them.

It was a five-story building with a hole in the middle like a tunnel. Like Korean apartments, identical windows are lined up side by side.

From somewhere inside, I heard the voices of women sobbing.

Occasionally, a slight but shrill scream resounded.

The soldier grabbed Jeong Jin-young and entered the left entrance of the building.

Climb the stairs of a dark building.

Unable to walk properly, half dragged up the stairs.

The soldier stopped in front of a door on the third floor.

Through the wooden door, a woman’s scream was heard along with the sound of something hitting.

The soldier looked back and smiled, exchanging glances with his colleague.

I had a rough idea of what was going on inside.

A soldier who kills people every day, and a conqueror who has just occupied an enemy country far from his homeland. Now they probably have only the ugliest side of humanity.

‘You have to be careful.’

Jeong Jinyoung swallowed his saliva.

The soldier knocked on the door and said.

“Chief Ten! I brought the reported child.”

For a moment, the screams and thumps of a small woman came from the room, then it was quiet.

A thick male voice was heard from inside the door.

“Come in.”

As soon as the soldier opened the door, a half-naked woman stepped out with her head bowed. It was still cold, but I was barefoot.

Because Jung Jin-young is small, he could look up at the face of a woman passing by from below.

One side of the woman’s face was swollen.

The woman went out into the hallway without even looking at Jung Jinyoung.

As if a soldier was handling luggage, he pushed Jung Jinyoung inside.

Jeong Jin-young entered the room as if toppling over.

The morning sun came in through the large window and illuminated the room.

It was a rectangular space, not very large.

There was a bed in the corner, and a small table against the other wall.

On the table is a bowl of stew that appears to be leftovers.

I was suddenly fiercely hungry.

When there was a gurgling sound, the man standing against the wall next to the window laughed softly.

“Bocchan, are you hungry?”

A man walked with his back to the window and squatted down in front of him.

I quietly look at Jung Jin-young’s face, body, arms and legs and go down.

It got creepy.

The eyes of this man are very scary.

It was like a snake seeking its prey.

The man dipped his saliva and rubbed Jeong Jin-young’s face.

From nob le mt l dot com


His face almost frowned, but he forced himself to hold it in and lowered his head.

The man grabbed Jung Jinyoung’s hand and lifted it up. He shone in the light and spoke as if he were talking to himself.

“It’s a pretty hand. Your skin is also white.”

The soldier who brought Jeong Jin-young opened his mouth.

“Ten Commander, how are you?”

Instead of answering, the Ten Commander pointed to the table with his chin.

“You, bring that bowl. Because it looks like our young master is hungry.”


The soldier responded bravely and quickly brought a bowl of stew.

The captain of the ten held out the bowl with a smile. What appeared to be pieces of meat were floating in the concave bowl.

“Bocchan, it was hard. don’t worry anymore Leave it to us and everything will be fine. You may be young, but you probably remember the family name, right?”

When Jeong Jin-young shook his head, he smiled and held out the bowl.

“You must be hungry. Now, would you like a bite to eat?”


After recalling the memories of her previous life yesterday, all she ate was a little water and a lick of hard bread.


I was extremely hungry.

Jung Jin-young grabbed the plate with both hands and hurriedly poured it into his mouth.

I don’t have a spoon, I didn’t even think of such a luxury.

No matter what happens in the future, the important thing is to live in the present moment.

When they had almost finished eating, the captain of the Ten Commandments asked again.

“Now, young master, your stomach should be full now, so shall we talk a little?”


Put the bowl down on the floor and pretend you’re afraid, no, rather than pretend, you’re actually afraid.

Anyway, Jeong Jin-young quietly stood with his hands together and tried to look like a child as much as possible.

The Ten Commander opened his mouth with a smile on his snake-like eyes.

“We are not scary people. Well, even though I acted a little badly.”

The Ten Commander smiled, reeking of lies.

“Noble children are being sent to a good place. If you go there, there are sweets, and there is something much better than that far-off stew. Do you think the young master likes sweets too?”

It was a kindly persuasive voice.

If it was a real child, I wondered if he would go overboard and say everything.

“Now, what’s your name, Bocchan? What is your father’s name?”

Jeong Jinyoung swallowed and shook his head.

“Me, me, young boy, no. My mother is a castle servant… so she was in the castle.”


I looked into Jeong Jin-young’s eyes as if the captain of the Ten Commandments was looking at him.

Jung Jin-young slightly averted his gaze and slightly shrank his body.

The captain of the Ten Commandments holds Jinyoung’s hand and shines it in the sunlight.

and smile softly

“Seeing his nails trimmed so beautifully, he must have been a high-class servant. What did your mother do?”

A four-year-old would have only been able to answer these questions honestly.

Jeong Jin-young thought of things a servant could do and began to outline them. But don’t go into too much detail, just say what your child would say.

“Mom, I did the laundry and worked with the girls. Uh… the bed is also clean… um…”

Let’s say it every time, the captain of the ten people listened quietly and then asked abruptly.

“Ah, what is the name of the young master? What did you say your name was?”


A four-year-old would never have given it a real name.

Jung Jin-young also almost gave his name out of habit.

The reason why the name Rudy popped up right away without doing that was because it was a word that always stuck in my mouth.

Rudy was the name of the cat he had in his previous life.

At first, I was going to use the name Jinyeong, but changed my mind after the nanny asked if it belonged to the Korean Dynasty.

A common and plain name is best. An unnoticed, commoner-like name.

It was fortunate that the cat from the previous life did not have the same name as Nyangsoon or Tabby.

The captain of the Ten Commandments jumped to his feet.

“Sheesh! This guy is not an aristocrat.”

The Ten Commander clicked his tongue.

“I was looking forward to it because it looks so good, but it’s a shame. Even at the age of 6 or 7, you would doubt that it was a lie…”

The Ten Commander glanced down at Jeong Jin-young.

“You are too young to lie. Hand this guy over to the slave trader.”

said the soldier hesitantly.

“I, but I’m too young to accept it.”

“If the slave trader refuses, answer that it is to fill the numbers sent to the empire.”

“Yes, I understand.”

As the soldier bowed his head, the commander of the Ten Commandments grinned.

“The child belongs to both of you.”

“thank you!”

“Thank you, Captain!”

The soldiers answered excitedly and left the room.

Jung Jin-young also went outside together.

Soldiers walk faster than they came.

As he was being dragged helplessly, Jeong Jin-young’s body trembled involuntarily.

I was able to survive, but what will happen in the future?

It was just after passing the plaza and entering the alley.

I saw a boy in his mid-teens tied up in the corner of the plaza.

Her long yellow hair was cut in places as if it had been bitten by a rat.

The boy was wearing a dress adorned with ornate gold threads. There is a frill that looks like a fancy plate on the neck.

However, the original fancy clothes were full of filth.

The soldier who was dragging Jeong Jin-young giggled.

“Ah, that guy is a nobleman from your country. It has been decided that that noble boy will be stoned to death here tomorrow. You are lucky.”


Jeong Jin-young glanced at the boy several times as he dragged along.

A passing soldier kicked the boy and cursed at him for no reason.

The boy didn’t have the strength to beg anymore, so he just lay on his face and trembled.

The place where the soldier took Jeong Jin-young was outside the gate of the outer wall.

Outside the gates stood several large tents.

The soldiers dragged Jeong Jin-young into the smallest tent among them.

Perhaps they heard footsteps or someone sent a message. As the soldier approached, a man came out of the tent.

He was a man who looked to be in his 40s.

It was a man who had a neat appearance, but somehow gave off a mean feeling.

Perhaps he is a slave trader.

The soldiers held out Jeong Jin-yeong to the slave trader.

“Hey, I brought one.”

“I’m in trouble, soldier!”

The slave trader frowned and let out an exaggerated sigh.

“What to do with such a young child…. Instead of making money, such a child just eats and dies.”

“Don’t talk like that! The Ten Commander gave permission.”

“But last time you brought a woman who was dying, didn’t you? The woman also died two days later. If we do this, we will lose too much…”

“Oh really! It’s because the captain of the Ten Commandments allowed it. He told me to put it up for auction and hand it over to the Empire if it doesn’t sell.”

The soldier next to him also helped.

“There aren’t enough prisoners to send to the Empire anyway, so I’ll have to fill the number with these guys.”

The slave trader let out a long sigh.

“really···. This is the last time. No more trouble.”

“okay okay.”

The slave trader went into the tent looking disgusted and came out with a small piece of wood.

slightly smaller than a finger

There were three sticks drawn there.

“Here it is.”

The soldier grumbled at the line drawn on the piece of wood.

“What, is it the cheapest? At least give me two sticks.”

“That is really difficult. A child like this can’t even yawn, but I’m giving it to you specially this time.”

“It’s so salty.”

The soldiers grumbled, but the slave trader didn’t budge.

The soldiers took the pieces of wood and went back as if there was nothing they could do.

The slave trader grabbed Jeong Jin-young by the chin and turned his face upward.

He looked at his face in the sunlight and murmured.

“Well, it’s worth putting it up for auction. You’re too young. I wish I was two years older.”


I guess I will become a slave in the future.

The future is dark.

< Sold to a slave trader (name of main character; Jinyoung Jeong = Rudy) > End

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  1. Caliber says:

    That’s why I comment less on this site

  2. It’s so fucking annoying that I have to log in everytime just to comment after clicking the save whatever the hell icon, thanks I love wasting 30 seconds writing this comment and being too fucking pissed to actually explain what I was originally going to say.

    Anyways, yeah but if there’s a severe lack of magical nobles then wouldn’t you want to assimilate them into your kingdom? I mean nobles are pretty easy to bribe as a wining country to a losing country. “If you be my vassal, you keep your land and power :)” and if they don’t accept, murder them and replace them with their son that you can puppet. Like cmon bro, I know this is the medieval other world but that doesn’t excuse being dumb.

    I would like to point at that it would lower the resistance faced but I mean there’s no point in mentioning that because there’s always going to be resistance when a country subjugates another country.

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