The Protagonists of Romance Fantasy Novels Have Escaped chapter 20

The Protagonists of Romance Fantasy Novels Have Escaped 20

20 – The Red Dragon and the White Dragon (2)

In the Gael Holy Kingdom, the “First Saint” held a unique position.

The successor of the White Dragon.

The divine incarnation of the White Dragon, the guardian deity of the goddess.

Only a virtuous maiden chosen by the White Dragon could become the First Saint.

So, even though Beatrice achieved the feat of opening the sacred power of the Saint before Javelin, she could not receive the protection of the White Dragon and became the Second Saint. In the Holy Kingdom, where laws and traditions took precedence above all else, reversing the hierarchy was impossible.

“I apologize for the humble reception.”

“It’s okay. I’ll forgive any disrespect in the name of the First Saint.”

The girl with flowing silver hair raised her teacup with a composed expression.

Milk tea with a mix of milk and black tea.

And a specially made cheesecake, a treat from the mischievous fairy today.

He awkwardly brought out desserts to treat the unexpected visit of the Saint. As he anticipated dessert, Ru, who had spent the morning organizing documents, let out a scream and slumped down. It was because the cheesecake he had been looking forward to was slowly disappearing right before his eyes.


“Would you like to take a bite first?”


“Just kidding. This is a precious gift from Eudanant Gongja.”

The saint handed a fork with cheesecake to the fairy who was lamenting in despair.


In reality, there was no intention of conceding the cake.

When Rue opened her mouth with anticipation, Javelin just put it directly into her own mouth.

Oh my goodness.

She can be quite wicked.

For a compassionate saint, she’s surprisingly mischievous.

“Ahem! Enough of the small talk… Your Grace, could you please get to the point?”

The princess, who had been watching the absurd comedy, spoke up. With her alluring blonde hair flowing, the princess cleared her throat and requested the main topic from the saint.

In response, the saint spoke.

“I want to discuss secret matters with Eudanant Gongja right away… But Lady Ludmilla refuses to leave her seat, so we can only waste time like this.”

“You really love your jokes.”

“No, I’ve never joked except for the one I just made to the little one.”


The red and white dragons began a silent dispute disguised as a calm conversation.

It’s frightening.

This dispute is so intense.

The silhouette of fierce dragons roaring seemed to illuminate behind Ludmilla and Javelin. It was undoubtedly an illusion, but cold sweat dripped down their bodies.

Rue’s reaction was no different, showing a visibly unsettled response.

It felt like watching a small squirrel caught in the fierce battle of top predators. At this moment, one could probably fully understand the misery of a shrimp caught in a whale fight.

“Both of you are being too excessive with your jokes.”

If this tension escalates further, the villa is unlikely to remain intact.

Summoning courage, she intervened.

“Your Grace and the saint represent the Empire and the Holy Kingdom. Even in private, please observe proper etiquette.”

Perhaps the habit of mediating the disputes of the saint’s party’s ladies-in-waiting, who fought like sworn enemies, had surfaced.

She spoke with a courteous yet solemn tone.

As Rudmila and Jéblin held their stern expressions, the oppressive tension that had been looming fiercely suddenly dissipated.

“Sorry, I couldn’t keep my cool for a moment.”

“I unintentionally committed a breach of etiquette. It seems my training is still lacking.”

The princess and the saint acknowledged their responsibility.

However, it was by no means an apology.

Traditionally, apologizing was an act of seeking forgiveness from the one who committed the breach. But Rudmila and Jéblin did not ask for forgiveness from each other. They merely apologized to me, who had intervened in the sharp psychological conflict.


Discomfort began to creep in.

It was a pain I hadn’t experienced since Maximilian deserted without notice.

“Edanant Gonza is a Holy Sword user, so naturally, he must boast exceptional prowess, right? He achieved the feat of swiftly dealing with the merciless Bombmara with a single stroke.”

“A single stroke… not exactly.”

Jéblin, sitting on the sofa, suddenly stood up, leaning forward uncomfortably. Responding with a sense of unease.

What’s the real purpose?

It felt like an interrogative inquiry, so I cautiously responded.

“But something seems a bit strange.”


“He risked numerous dangers to subdue Bombmara, showing unwavering loyalty to the imperial family. Why, then, did he not participate in the species war that erupted three years ago?”

“… The species war, you say.”

The all-out war waged between humanity and the demonic forces.

It was referred to as the species war because the fate of many races was determined by the outcome of the war.

In the third species war, the Demon King suffered a major defeat, losing legions and facing a glorious end after recovering his strength, all due to the sudden assault by the saint party. That was the result of the species war and also the ending of the romance fantasy novel ‘Lady of the White Blessing.’

“Are you just trying to avoid me, or do you… know something?”

In a gathering meant for building camaraderie with ordinary people, how many would abruptly bring up a serious topic?

Either someone lacking social skills,

Or someone obsessed with war and bloodshed.

But the First Saint did not fit either category.

She knew something.

So, with sparkling blue eyes, she posed a difficult question, avoiding an immediate response.

A timid and timid person would have confessed and dug their own grave as soon as they fell into an interrogation. But I was different. Having marched alongside the saint party in wartime, I had developed a shamelessness bordering on impudence.


Do as you please. I’ll answer willingly.

For a moment, Maxmillian, who had maintained a stoic expression in any situation, was followed closely.

“Since the honorable brother, chosen as the hero, stepped forward to fulfill the noble duty after receiving the viscount’s command… I did my utmost to assist the brother wholeheartedly. You, sir, repeatedly entrusted the safety of the viscount’s command to me when you departed for the saintess party.”

It couldn’t be anything but a truly intricate story.

No one would doubt it.

Humans try to follow reason, but in the end, they are animals who follow emotions.

For a moment, it was an excellently crafted lie. One might think that if this story were sent to a newspaper, it would be adopted immediately. No matter how cold-hearted one might be, they would be swayed by such an intricate tale.

“Maxmillian, chosen as the hero, must have suffered a lot when he suddenly left.”

Ludmila spoke with a calm voice as if proving him.

Seemingly deeply moved, he nodded silently, showing his understanding.


On the other hand, Javelin wore a meaningful smile that was difficult to read, confirming her inner thoughts.

What’s with that smile…

It felt as if she was saying, “Since effort is virtual, I’ll let it pass this time,” with a playful touch.

While desperately trying to recall, looking at the girl with beautiful silver hair spread out like water droplets, no recollection came to mind. It was hard to believe that he would forget a girl boasting a beauty equal to Ludmila’s.

“I’ll take my leave now. It was quite impolite to visit suddenly and burden Edan’s master with so many formalities.”

“…It’s okay.”

“Is it? Then, I’ll come by unexpectedly next time as well.”

“No, actually, it’s not okay.”

Seeing my discomfort and grimace, the mischievous saintess burst into laughter.

And Ludmila, staring at Javelin with a gaze full of suspicion, revealed her growing unease.


“Edan! Edan’s dead! Ughhh!”

As if becoming a puppet, the empress and the saintess, who had been continuing the tension like waves retreating, exited simultaneously.

At that moment,

With a sense of pouring fatigue, I collapsed onto the floor.

It felt like the blood circulating through my body was rapidly draining away.

A red dragon and a white dragon.

The princess of the Valterian Empire and the holy maiden of the Prosperous Kingdom have clashed.

Groaning, I recalled their intense confrontation without a moment’s retreat.

Damn it.

If this situation persists, I’ll undoubtedly meet my demise sooner than later.

Lue shook me vigorously as I collapsed to the floor, letting out a groan. I wanted to lift my head and respond briefly, but my body, now as heavy as a mountain, didn’t permit it.

* * *

Simultaneously leaving the villa, Ludmila and Jeblinne parted ways swiftly, as if saying, “Let’s not meet even for a moment, for it would be filthy and we shouldn’t even look at each other.”

Perhaps it was an instinctual disgust.

Or maybe it stemmed from an aversion born out of intuition.

Just dislike.

Is there a need for a reason to dislike someone?

Every time the summit between the Valterian Empire and the Gale Prosperous Kingdom took place, they coincidentally encountered each other. Each time, Ludmila and Jeblinne, while showing an unchanged appearance, confirmed the irreconcilable resentment between the red dragon and the white dragon.

“Still as adorable as ever.”


The girl with flowing silver hair burst into laughter.

It was an innocent, guileless smile that had never been shown to anyone before, free from any pretense.

“After three long years… I finally found you.”

When she grabbed my arm,

And when I was embraced by his strong arms.

The scent of gunpowder lingered.

It was the scent of a man’s presence that I had longed for and missed. Suppressing the almost spilling tears that threatened to flow at the moment that filled the longing with an intense fragrance, I exerted all my strength.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Well, since efforts are in vain… shall I pretend not to know for now? Teasing is quite amusing, after all.”

A war enthusiast.

Finally, I found you.

In the territory of the Valterian Empire, a land far away from the Prosperous Kingdom.

Is this what they call destiny?


Even if it’s not destiny, it doesn’t matter.

Just as I finally found you in this distant land, I will find you no matter where you disappear to.

The white dragon of the Prosperous Kingdom will never relent in its pursuit.

Javelinne hummed a lively tune, recalling the bewildered expression on Edanant’s face as he sweated cold sweat.

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  1. AmicableKraken says:

    The story is interesting,but the mtl….im gonna rate it 6/10, readable but confusing

  2. IME says:

    red and white dragon catfigt ill be there no matter what, just like issei and vali, white and dragon in the end become friend, so like ludmilla and javelin, theyll become mc’s harem.

    it is still interesting althought i already read this several time

  3. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    Edan is dead ahahah i really like our little green fairy. never change.

  4. LuxX says:

    It’s a pity for the goddess that the saints she blesses are all romantics…

  5. Komaru s Komaru s says:

    Both older sister dragon girls are after MC.

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