The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman chapter 96

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman 96

Episode 96

Even as Raiden collapsed with his teeth pulled out, and the fire that had lit the air subsided, the theater was still.


“Laon! Lao-on!”

“young master!”

“I won! Master Raon won!”

The first to break the silence were Sylvia and the maids of the annex. The girls, who suffered more than anyone else, burst into tears and had the momentum to run from the audience to the dance floor.




Even if direct or collaterals stared at them, they did not care and shouted cheers mixed with screams.

The sound was refreshing and free, as if breaking the oppression they had been subjected to.

“Lao oh oh!”

“Woah ah ah ah!”

The shouts that followed were bursting out from all over the theater. It was the voice of the trainees who had been training with Raon for over 3 years.



“Hey hey!”

Direct lineal, collateral, vassal families, and even recommended students from outside all united and shouted his name.

“Hmm! I have to do something like that. It’s not like I’m wearing a senior for nothing.”

Burren leaned her back against the back of the chair and nodded.

“I thought he was going to win from the start.”

“Um, didn’t you scream quite a bit for something like that?”

Burren’s butler tilted his head while smiling.

“At first, ‘Laon. If I lose here, I will not stand still. You must lose to me!’”

“That, that… .”

“I just said, ‘Fight, break it! Flatten that kid’s nose!’ And when Master Raiden fell, he shouted, ‘Wow!

“Hey, stop!”

Burren wrinkled her red face.

‘Gee, I don’t remember… .’

I couldn’t remember saying that because I was so excited.

But I don’t think that’s wrong. If you defeated yourself and became the head of the 5th rehearsal group, you should defeat such a gnome top that doesn’t look like a direct line.

“I am not the only one. All the trainees are shouting Raon’s name… .”

“huh. You can’t control your emotions and scream, you’re still suckling.”

Marta, who was sitting below, glanced up and snorted.

“Because I’m sad. From now on, I will suck on one side. Don’t pretend you know where you are.”

“By, Martha Sieghard… .”

“Miss Martha.”

Burren’s butler pointed to the railing in front of Marta. The round railing was clenched with fists and crushed.

“Aren’t you clenching it with your fist? You must have been pretty excited too.”

“Oh, isn’t it? What kind of bullshit?”

Martha shook her head fiercely. He looked visibly embarrassed and sweared.

“Are you excited to see such a low-level gladiator? Ha, not a nosebleed.”

She bobbed her head as if it was absurd.

“Martha. Now let’s pretend we’re not. Because I also heard you swear.”

“You must have been pretending not to. If you twist it, it will open up!”


Burren and Marta, who were growling as if they were fighting, turned their heads at the same time as they heard a thin voice from below.


Runan Sleon continued to call Raon’s name while covering his mouth with both hands.


Read at

No matter how much they put their hands together, it was too small to be heard, but Runan continued to shout Raon’s name.

“under… .”

“Well… .”

They both lowered their hands at the same time when they saw Runan who seemed to be exhausted, but supported him clearly and honestly.

“It was a gladiator that didn’t even need to be seen. Low level.”

Martha scratched her head in embarrassment and stood up.

“Hey, dongtae eyes!”

She put her feet on the chairs of the prosecutors who were sitting in front of her.

“Did I tell you before? I’m sure there will be some interesting results.”

“ah… .”

“That, that… .”

The prosecutors couldn’t speak, hesitated, and narrowed their shoulders.

“If your skills are poor, you should be quick. If you want to survive with rotten eyeballs like you, you will have to work hard even in training.”

She laughed at the prosecutors and left the gym.

“In nature.”

Burren shook her head and stood up. That woman was only gentle with Raon, but in front of other people, she was more ferocious than before.

“after… .”

I turned my head and saw Raon standing in the center of the dance hall.

Seeing the guy looking around the whole gym with his back straight, he remembered the time when he alone blocked the front of the ghoul.

‘I can’t forget that. It is a debt that will have to be repaid over the course of a lifetime. But I never give up.’

Beren clenched his fists and fixed his gaze on Raon’s back.

“I will definitely catch up.”

* * *


Glenn got up from the back of the chair. Her pupils were larger than usual, and her eyebrows were long downwards.

It was a great reaction for Glenn, who was pale in emotion and expression.

“Go, my lord.”

Loen shrugged and turned to Glenn.

“Isn’t that Taehwabo that the master first mixed with the Garambo method?”

“… right.”


The false face of Loen, who always kept a smile, was broken. He looked at Raon and burst out in exclamation as if it was absurd.

“Uh… .”

Glenn narrowed his eyes. What surprised him the most today was not that Raon defeated Raiden overwhelmingly.

It was because he used the Taehwabo that Raon had informed him of just two weeks ago.

Taehwabo is a stepping technique that he created after he left the devil and ascended to the stage of transcendence. Ordinary warriors used high-level martial arts that would be difficult to master even after a lifetime.

‘However… .’

Raon learned. In a very short time of two weeks.

It was so surprising that Glenn, who was not showing his emotions, was amazed and embarrassed.

‘I thought it would take at least half a year.’

Glenn smiled as she looked at Raon standing proudly. At the earliest, I expected that Raon would use Taehwabo after half a year had passed.

‘Two weeks.’

For the first time since reaching the level of transcendence, my judgment was wrong. It’s ridiculous, but somehow it made me laugh.

‘And then there’s the swordsmanship… .’

Raon finally brought out the true intention of the soft sword technique. Now that a 15-year-old, an unqualified trainee brought out the true meaning of swordsmanship, even if he didn’t want to be surprised, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

“Oh, that’s great. Taehwaboe, soft sword technique, and even the last flame… .”

Loen was so shocked that she could not speak properly.

“Great, not that much. Taehwabo is only 1 star. It was also only in the beginning. The ductility test is still lacking. If Raiden had used a different kind of sword technique, he wouldn’t have been pushed so easily.”

Glenn hid his surprised expression and shook his head as usual.

“Ah, no. The lord’s face… flaw.”

Loen smirked and covered her mouth.

“Because it’s not.”

Glenn patted her cheek and turned her head. Going around with Limer these days, Loen’s personality seems to have gotten better.

[Yeah, gladiator is a victory for Raon Sieghard!]

When the host, who had forgotten his role and stood idly, shouted for Raon’s victory, shouts erupted from all over the place.



“Lao on!”

A voice that has not yet been heard. It was children.

“These children… .”

The trainees who practiced with Raon shouted the same shout at different positions, from direct lineal, collateral, vassal families, and even externally recommended students.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen something like this. No, this is not the first time that everyone is cheering for the collateral.”

“Well… .”

Glenn nodded slowly.

‘exactly… .’

Although there have been many occasions where collegials have made great achievements and have won in Dalian, it was the first time that they received cheers from all of their direct line, colleague, vassal family, and recommended students.

Today was a day when I got to see a lot of strange things in many ways.

“It would be nice if others could become one like that.”

“… … .”

Glenn didn’t answer. It was unreasonable to him, who had dictatorship here when his forehead was dyed.

The age divided by force and blood was too long, and he was too old to change it.

But there was light.

If it was Raon, I had high hopes that if he was born in a direct line and knew the injustice of collateral, he would change this family someday.

“Lord. The gladiator is over!”

The presenter knelt in front of the podium and bowed his head. The eyes of the whole gymnasium turned to Glenn.


Glenn got up. It was time to praise the winner of the gladiator. Of course, after dealing with the conspirators who interfered with this noble battle.

oh oh oh!

His cool gaze turned to Balder, who was sitting below him to the west.

* * *

Raon walked in front of the podium with the host holding Raiden who had fainted.

‘It’s bloody.’

Glenn was more expressionless than usual. As if he didn’t like the situation, a cold aura swirled around him.

‘Is it because I won? if not… .’

He knew that Glenn didn’t usually like him. However, he is a confident person.

Even if he didn’t like his victory, he wasn’t so sarcastic enough to embrace the cool energy so openly.


As Glenn stood up and stood in front of the podium, the air in the auditorium became terribly dry. As if it had become a library, there was no loud sound of breathing.

“The winner of today’s gladiator is Raon Sieghard.”


At Glenn’s declaration, the trainees erupted in cheers louder than before. Of course, most of the direct and collateral who looked at the theater kept their mouths shut.

“I will reveal the conditions that Raon Sieghard placed on this gladiator.”

In a gladiator, the conditions placed by each swordsman are revealed after the battle is over. Curious about the condition, people shut their mouths again.

“Raon Sighardt was that Raiden, who caused trouble in the annex, got down on his knees and apologized to Sylvia and the maids of the annex, and Jinmujeon did not interfere with the annex.”

“uh… .”

“Well… .”

People looked at Raon without speaking for a while.

“Is that a condition?”

“An apple?”

“Huh, that’s also for the maids… .”

Usually the conditions for a gladiator are everything the opponent has.

Since it was a battle for pride, it was common to break the opponent’s property or the best weapon, or even an arm or a dagger.

But all he wanted was an apology. It was also not an apology to Raon himself, but an apology to his mother and poor maids.

People looked at Raon blankly, perhaps in shock when they saw such a condition for the first time.

“Apologize in gladiator? You idiot.”

“That’s it. He’s Sylvia’s son.”

His lineal and powerful collateral laughed at him.

“… … .”

The vassal family didn’t say anything.

“Raon Sieghard… .”

The powerless collateral pushed from the center and the external swordsmen who were weak from the start engraved Raon’s name deeply in his mind.

“Since the gladiator is over, the condition must be fulfilled immediately.”

“Shut up!”

Glenn snapped his fingers, and Raiden, who had been stretched out on a large scale, vomited blood and opened his eyes.

“female. Where are you? Oops! me, why am i here… .”

Raiden’s toothy pronunciation was leaking like a pot with a hole in it.

“Sylvia Sieghard and the maids of the annex, come forward.”

At Glenn’s command, Sylvia, Helen, and the maids of the annex stood up with their spines straight. They looked at them, not knowing what to do.

“Come down to the gym.”

“Oh, yes!”

Sylvia nodded her head. He led the maids down to the dance floor.

“ah… .”

“Hey, what is this?”

“lady. I can’t walk because I’m shaking.”

The women, who are not used to receiving attention, walked towards the podium, looking at them to the point of being overly skeptical.

Raon turned around and made eye contact with Sylvia, Helen, and the maids in turn. It’s okay, he said with his eyes to come without noticing.

“Well… .”

“Everyone calm down. We did nothing wrong.”

“Yes. lady.”

Perhaps that gaze worked, so Sylvia and her maids walked more naturally. They stood next to Raon and bowed to Glenn.

“Did you call?”

Glenn nodded and looked down at Raiden, who was still unconscious.

“Leiden Sieghard.”

“to? Oh yes!”

“The gladiator ended in your defeat.”

“Ahhh… .”

Only then, realizing his defeat, Raiden shook his chin.

“Leiden Sieghard. Get down on your knees and apologize to Sylvia and her maids on the condition of the beginning of the gladiator.”

“Hey, Grandpa!”

Raiden shook his head violently and knelt down. To Glenn, not Sylvia.

“I, I am a direct lineal who obtained the qualifications as a prosecutor. Kneel down to maids who are not collateral!”

“You made the promise, not me. You have lost the gladiator, so keep your promise.”

“grandfather. I, I… .”

“It is a public place. Call me to go.”

“Go, my lord! Please forgive me! You can win next time… .”

“I am not the one you should ask for forgiveness. it’s over there As a direct line of Sieghard, keep your word. Raiden Sieghard.”

Glenn’s expression frowned. The harsh air became more desolate. I had goosebumps on my forearms, just like before the storm.

“Ugh… .”

Raiden was crushed by the momentum and his whole body trembled. He looked at his father, Balder, but he turned his head as if he couldn’t help it.

‘Damn it! shit!’

I spit out a double bath inside. Because of Leon. Everything was ruined by that bastard.

‘kill. must! I sacrificed everything to kill… 100 million!’

The moment he stood up and looked at Raon, the hairs all over his body stood up. My heart was pounding and I couldn’t make eye contact with him.

“Ouch… .”

Pain arose all over the body after being beaten by Raon. His lungs shriveled up to the point where he couldn’t breathe, and he was so frightened that he couldn’t even look into his eyes.

‘Oh, fear? Am I afraid of him?’

That was all.


I couldn’t admit it, so I raised my head, but the moment I met Raon’s eyes, I felt like I was going to vomit.

All of the martial arts that Raiden had learned so far had been broken, and even with force, he had been beaten countless times, so it was natural.

“good. Go and get down on your knees.”

“eww… .”

Raiden, who was closer than Glenn and had a terrifying gaze, did not respond at all, walked in front of Sylvia and stopped.

‘I’m going to kill them all anyway.’

Raiden bit his lip with the will to kill them as he couldn’t even look into Raon’s eyes.

“Mi, I’m sorry. I apologize.”

He clenched his teeth and bowed his head to the point of not showing it.

“… … .”

“ah… .”

Sylvia didn’t say anything, and the maids bowed their heads, not knowing what to do.

“You don’t have to bow your head.”

Raon wrapped the maids around with the manga artist’s aura. Blood returned to the pale faces of the frightened maids.

“ah… .”


“Hey, Raon.”

“Because today is the day you receive an apology.”

Raon calmed Sylvia and her maids and approached Raiden.

“Do it again. Raiden Sieghard.”

“What, what?”

“The condition was obviously to get down on one knee and apologize. Get on your knees, bow your head.”

“Are you sure you can’t see this bastard? After this… .”



As Raon’s voice went low, Raiden’s body trembled. It was the fear of Raon engraved on his body.

“eww… .”

Raiden looked around, but no one was there to help him. Glenn’s cool eyes seemed to urge him to finish quickly.

“ah… .”

Raiden knelt, biting his lips with a few teeth.

“Mi, I’m sorry.”

“Also tell me what you did wrong. I would have told you everything.”

right. He also revealed what was the problem with each strike with his fist and sword. It was so painful that I remembered each and every one of them.

“I, I, sent false letters, trampled on the flowers I was growing, spit in my hands, and kicked, kicked, and kicked the maids in the cheek. Lee, unilaterally put an argument against the annex. I’m sorry… Ouch.”

Raiden was crushed by fear in a state where his body had not recovered, and his pride was damaged and he lost consciousness again.

“it’s okay.”

Raon smiled as she looked at the maids whose faces were blue with concern.

“I’ll make sure no one touches the annex, so don’t worry.”

“Ugh… .”


It was then that the maids burst into tears.

“Laon… .”

Sylvia bit her lip and took Raon’s hand.

“Lord. My terms are not over yet. Please check it yourself.”

“Of course. But before that… .”

Glenn’s eerie eyes shot towards Balder.

“The one who interfered with the noble gladiator should be dealt with first.”

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