The Second Son of the Count Is Too Good chapter 39

The Second Son of the Count Is Too Good 39

To put it simply, the demonic sword Bolwerk was not destroyed.

– Heo-eok, hee-eok…! I’m alive…! I’m alive…!

The reason was simple. It was because the saintess didn’t have enough capacity to absorb everything in just four strokes.

Lydia took a deep breath and returned the magic sword to Luke.

“With this, I have fully filled my divine power. This is more than enough to consecrate everyone’s armor.”

“Even if it is, there is nothing wrong with making every effort. Take more.”

“no. It has already been handed over to overflowing. I can’t bother Luke-sama anymore.”

Despite Luke’s invitation, Lydia smiled and shook her head. Even though he absorbed a lot of essence, he is still a Volverk who is not deficient in being called a demonic sword.

If you absorb more here, it will become scrap metal in the form of a real sword. Lydia refused, saying she could not take any more from Luke.

‘You don’t have to pay attention.’

Luke licked his lips with regret and retrieved the Bolberg. Because Lydia’s personality didn’t seem like she would get more invitations.

“All preparations are now complete. It’s time to start the strategy meeting soon.”

“I will call the Paladins. For those from the Bernstein family, Lord Luke, please gather them.”

“All right. I will be right back.”

After leaving the conference room, Luke sneakily lifted up the Bolberg. Bolberg continued to hum and tremble.

-I can feel it…! I hear…! I exist…! Was it so wonderful to just exist…?

“I’m so excited.”

-Lord, master…!

Hearing Luke’s voice, Bolberg flinched. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken the cheeky attitude of the past.

At the words of the magic sword, Luke tilted his head with a puzzled face.

“Where is your master? I don’t even know?”

-Oh, congratulations and congratulations… I am afraid even to speak of his name… This dust-like being dares to be your servant… The great one, please forgive me for my rudeness. …

“Just do it. I will break your ass.”

-If that’s the owner’s name…

When Luke tapped the blade, the tremendous rotation of his palm stopped. However, as if he was still uneasy, he flinched and trembled his sword.

From his experience so far, Bolberg was certain of two things. The first is that Luke doesn’t feel sorry for Bolberg’s power.

Luke was a human who could easily destroy any great treasure if he could not use it. And the second, more important fact.

‘This human knows how to get rid of me!’

Bolberk is an ancient demonic sword. In this day and age, no one even knows how to properly seal a sword.

Not to mention, destroying the essence is infinitely close to impossible. But somehow Luke knew how.

‘I don’t just know how to absorb through that woman, I know several!’

Otherwise, there would be no way to relax even if the essence absorption failed. As Bolberg expected, Luke grinned and waved his sword.

“Isn’t the world fun when you die and come back to life? Enjoy it to the fullest. Shouldn’t there be no regrets before it perishes?”

-Lord, master…! I serve you…!

“I don’t want to be served?”

-please…! I will do whatever you wish..! Your will is my will, and your command is my mission…!

“Then I’m going to use your essence for something useful, so would you cooperate?”

If Bolberg had a face, he would have been on the verge of crying. The cost of reaching out to Luke so far was coming back all at once.

Even more somber was the fact that there was no way to negotiate. As if it were the only weapon to deal with the devil, there is a saintess who has sucked a lot of power.

If you just consecrate an iron sword, it will work for demons, so why cling to a demonic sword?

“Well, if you do one thing, there’s nothing you can’t save.”

-That, what is that…!?

“Oath of Subordination.”


Bolberg was at a loss for words. An oath of subordination is an oath in which a spiritual being is literally subordinated to someone else.

If it swears, the right of life and death is transferred to the master at that moment. The master can annihilate his subordinates with just a snap of his fingers.

It is an oath that I will never make unless my life is too precious. Seeing the hesitant Bolberg, Luke nodded.

“Isn’t that too much? Well, the oath of subordination is too terrible.”

-Yes… Anyway, that’s a bit…

“Yes, life is short and thick. I’m resting. One day, on the day you disappear, I will look up at the world and say it confidently. I was free.”

-I, Demonic Sword Volberg, serve Luke Bernstein as the master of my soul…!

[The demonic sword Volberg has voluntarily been subordinated to you. ]

[ You can draw the power of the magic sword and destroy the essence. ]

[You can ignore the sword’s will through the oath of subordination. ]

Luke grinned at the message he hadn’t heard in a long time. It was like a sword that could be used with this.

“Please write well in the future.”

-Please follow the owner’s will…!

Bolberg thought to himself as he swore an oath of allegiance.

‘I was just talking about it. I’ll be fooling around…’


Luke’s party and the saint’s party gathered for a strategy meeting. After checking everyone, Lydia opened her mouth.

“Thanks to Luke, our condition is perfect now. But maybe this is your last chance. If we miss now, it will be impossible to catch the devil.”

Everyone nodded. He took enough rest and replenished his holy power to overflowing.

If it takes longer than this time, the poison of the elixir and the divine power will continue to be consumed. Now was the right time to attack the devil.

“First of all, I have good news and bad news for you.”

“Good news or bad news?”

“yes. First of all, the good news is that you know where the devil is.”


The Paladins stayed quiet as if they knew in advance, but Luke and the others were surprised. Then there is no need to look for demons in this vast city.

You just have to go in a straight line and fight the demons. Isn’t that a huge advantage?

“Compared to other demons, the dream horse is a particularly troublesome opponent. You can attack freely through your dreams while hiding where you are. but…”

Lydia pointed her finger at the map on the table.

“Demons tend to cling to the place they are summoned from. In other words, if you don’t develop enough strength, the main body can’t leave the spot.”

“Then do you know where his body is?”

“We’ve only narrowed down a few candidates, but at least there are definitely two.”

Fingers on the map pointed to five locations on the West and North Earths. All five places were not far away.

Even if you make a fuss, you can move to the next place and find it.

“Surely that is good news. So, the bad news…?”

“Still I can’t leave here.”

The reason Lydia couldn’t move in the first place was because of people. Although they have recovered from fatigue, the people who were there are not going anywhere.

It’s just that I’ve been able to protect it better than before. The fact that he is still tied to the survivors is unchanging.

“So I have no choice but to be involved in attacking demons. With my escort, everyone except for the two paladins decided to join the attack…”


Julich let out a light moan. The most powerful thing against the devil is the saint, but the situation is such that the trump card has no choice but to fall out.

“Fortunately, thanks to Luke, I was able to receive the power of the holy sword. Consecrated armor and armor should be effective enough against demons.”

“We also have enough countermeasures against demons. It’s not as powerful as the saintess, but it’s definitely worth a try.”

As if to calm his anxiety, a paladin received Lydia’s words. After pondering for a long time, Yulihi nodded and agreed.

After all, time is on the devil’s side. Rather than being sluggishly procrastinating and losing, I have no choice but to take a gamble.

“great. Let’s try.”

“Then let’s form a combat team.”

Organizing was completed quickly. As long as I needed more than one person’s help, I couldn’t leave it out.

The only ones who fell in were the saintess Lydia, the two paladin escorts, and Julich, the heir to the Bernstein family.

“Isn’t Julich-sama not fighting?”

“It is a family affair.”

In response to the words of a paladin, Julich said as if to retaliate. It means that if I, the heir, die, will you take responsibility?

The paladins understood Julich’s position, but they couldn’t hide their disappointment.

‘I thought he must have been a man of spirit because he came through a city closed to demons.’

‘Well, for the nobility, politics and self-confidence come first.’

Julihi read the gazes of the paladins, but kept his mouth shut and pretended not to know. However, it is too dangerous to stick with the devil in the middle of enemy lines.

If his life was guaranteed, he would show off his showmanship, but at least not now.

“Then I will lead the family knights.”

“…Do it.”

At Luke’s words, Julihi nodded while hiding his grinning expression. I don’t like it, I really don’t like it, but there was no one more suitable than Luke.

When the combat team was formed, Lydia blessed each weapon and armor. A change in which a small halo of light was sucked into the sword and armor.

However, those who wore it immediately noticed that something had changed.

‘It’s like the sword is sticking to your hand, it’s like you’re not wearing armor…’

‘Amazing. Is this the real holy woman’s divine power?’

People who felt divine power for the first time were amazed, and those who had experienced it once were amazed at the power of a different dimension.

After all the consecration was finished, the saintess closed her eyes and prayed toward the people.

“Please, may the goddess bless you all.”

“thank you. May the saintess be well too.”

After exchanging brief greetings, Luke and his party jumped into the black mist. It was the beginning of a serious fight.


“hahahaha, this is amazing!”

Bruno smiled broadly and ran through the fog to his heart’s content. As soon as the fog that he feared until now touches his sword and armor, he backs away in a flash.

It was to the point where Luke didn’t even need to start a fire. Seeing Bruno like that, the paladin worriedly advised.

“Be careful. Normal fog won’t work, but if it’s a demon’s attack, it’s just a level that reduces the power.”

“How is that? I couldn’t even touch it before.”

Everyone nodded at Bruno’s words. Just being able to break through the fog and attack like this was an overwhelming benefit.

Luke quickly glanced around and looked at the paladin.

“According to the map, it seems to be around here.”

“yes. But not here. It’s bullsh*t.”

“Then let’s move.”

After confirming that there was no reaction to the relic, the party immediately moved to the next location. The next place and the place after that were empty.

And in the fourth place, the party noticed. It’s a win here.

“I can understand this even if I don’t test it.”

Max muttered absentmindedly as he looked at the pitch-black fog. A thick, slimy aura covered the whole area.

It is incomparable to previous concentrations. Everyone seemed to have a sense of the battle, so they drew their weapons and strained their bodies.

Meanwhile, Luke sneaked up to Max and whispered.

“Did you make what I said last time? Give it to me.”

“Are you sure you want to use it?”

“I’m only going to use it once, so it’s okay.”

“Ugh, I don’t even know anymore.”

Max sighed and handed over a small glass bottle. It was a bottle filled with a reddish liquid.

After confirming the liquid, Luke emptied the vial on the spot and threw it aside.

“Wow, that’s bitter.”

“Since side effects have been removed as much as possible, there is no hindrance to movement. Instead, your body will become drowsy, so pay attention to your unusual senses.”

“Ever since then, there have been times when I took sleeping pills and swung a sword. That’s about it…”

“Everyone get ready!”

The paladin exclaimed urgently before the conversation between the two was finished. And at that moment darkness wriggled all around.

-These damn bastards, crawling all the way here.

It was still a voice scratching metal, but there was no composure like before. It was full of anger, irritation, and nervousness.

-Yes, you are blessed. Is that why you are so brave? Do you seriously think that you can fight me with things the size of toothpicks?

“All ready for battle!”

Ignoring the devil’s words, the entire party took a stance, and the paladins took out various holy relics from their arms.

As the paladin muttered an aphorism while shining toward the black mist, dazzling light spread out in all directions.

“Evil being, disappear before the power of the goddess!”


It disappeared as if the fog had been washed away by the light. Everyone opened their mouths slightly in admiration at that authority.

As all the fog cleared away, something in the shape of a huge wriggling snake was coiled. The snake glared at the paladins and giggled.

– Oh, it’s bright. did it end there? Show more! There is something great, so you must be so confident!

“this guy! then…!”

“Wait a minute! stand back!”

From noble mtl dot com

As one of the paladins was about to retrieve another artifact, one of the knights shouted. It was because a knight in the form of black charged from behind the knight.



The paladin raised his sword to block it, but was blown back with great force. Judging by the broken arm, it seemed that he was already incapacitated.

When people startled and looked back, three shadows clad in black armor were swaying.

– stupid thing. Did you think I didn’t make any preparations? They are the embodiment of my power and the imitation of the heroes of the past. Will you guys be able to deal with it?

“Rain, light!”

One of the paladins raised the relic again, but the black knight jumped in without hesitation.

Even though it was burning with light, the knight’s sword swung as it was.

– No use, no use! How much power do you think you’ve concentrated? Swing your sword first or you will die!


The paladins looked at the black knights with dismayed faces. It was a fight based on belief in divine power, which was in conflict with the devil.

However, the devil ignorantly shoveled in enough power to be unable to purify it at once, and solved the weakness by embodying the hero’s skills.

‘Damn it! I can’t imagine he was preparing for us!’

Just as the paladin was looking for the devil’s strategy, the devil was also looking for the paladin’s strategy.

The snake-shaped demon laughed loudly at the embarrassed paladin.

– Ha ha ha! How can you stand against an ancient hero!? Among you, the one with skills comparable to that of a hero…!

“Our yap!”


As the devil continued to speak, Bruno struck the shadow. A black shadow flew behind the blessed weapon.

The devil trembled when he saw the shadow wriggling inside with a bang.

-…f*ck, you know! Why are you there!

“Bruno, Sir Ray! Let each one take on one shadow! The rest of us will attack the one left!”


One of the paladins was horrified as the two each ran away from the shadow.

“Now, wait a minute! Reckless!”

No matter how you fight against a shadow with the skills of a hero! Focus on attacking at least one and block the rest to deal with it…!

Boom, bang, wheeze

“…Oh my God.”

The paladin looked at Bruno and Ray with an evil expression. The two were not pushed back an inch against the shadow.

No, on the contrary, it was pushing forward little by little. If that devil wasn’t lying, would the skill of two knights come close to that of an ancient hero?

“Relax! There is only one left!”

“…yes, yes!”

Surprised, the Paladins started attacking the remaining shadows in unison. No matter how much I made it so that it could withstand the holy power, in the end, it only increased the density.

If you keep pouring it, there is no way it won’t melt. And if there’s only one target, it’s enough to get rid of it!


“A mace to the enemies of the goddess!”

“Besiege it!”

Divine power poured from all sides, and the swords of the knights flew like windmills. No matter how much a shadow possesses the skills of a hero, its essence is the embodiment of the devil.

It was not enough to stop even the knights flocking in groups while being attacked by the opposite attributes.

-These damn bastards!

As the defeat deepened, the demon raged at Luke. No matter where you look, the commander in this situation was Luke.

-You are the commander!

“Oh, no! Kut!”

The paladin screamed as he blocked the sword of the black shadow. I never thought that the devil, who was thorough in his own eyes, would step forward himself!

The devil entwined Luke at once, turning all sorts of nightmares into illusions.

-Do you think you can stop this even if you are consecrated? Go crazy in pain! ha ha ha ha!


With a loud laugh, Luke’s eyeballs were ripped out. Then the whole foot was cracked, and the hand was torn and blood vessels protruded.

Soon, the heart and internal organs protruded from the outside of the body, and the ribs split the abdomen. Everyone screamed at the terrible sight.

“What crazy! What the hell is that!”

“It is just an illusion! Calm down!”

“Pain is not an illusion…!”

That was right. It’s the devil’s fantasy. But at the same time, it was also an illusion that showed true pain.

All the Lukes who suffer must be really feeling that pain!

-Come on, let out a scream of pain! Ha ha ha…. Ha ha?

“Big! Do you think I would give in to this pain!”

Luke gritted his teeth and glared at the demon. Seeing that, the devil spat out a sigh of amazement.

-Yes, you guys? How can you endure this pain!

“If I fall here, everything is over! I can’t fall here! Even if the pain stops me!”

– Eh, nonsense! It is not a pain that can be prevented by faith!

“no! My convictions do not give in to any pain!”


In Luke’s hand, the demonic sword Volberg lit up a flame. Seeing this, Max muttered.

“Yeah, too! As expected, Bocchan…!”

“What happened!? Do you know what the hell happened to that?”

“It’s just the power of unyielding conviction… that’s all I can say!”

Max squeezed his hand, seeing his master’s pain. And he remembered what Luke had said to him yesterday.

-Max, there is something I must ask you in preparation for the showdown.

-What is it this time?

-Can you make some medicine that makes you feel no pain? To the level where you can’t even feel it even if you cut off your limbs right in front of your eyes.

-You can make it… but you know it’s kind of a drug, right?

– I will only use it once. Don’t worry, it’s for painkillers against demon attacks.

-Oh, I never make it unless it’s a devil.

That was the red vial I just delivered. Max knew. That all of that is not a simple force of will.

“Bolberg, answer my call!”

-Oh, no!

The fiery sword was swung at the devil as it was. The demon freaked out and backed away, but Luke was a step faster.

Bolberg just tore the demon’s body in half.

Chow ah

– aaah! How could a human suffer this! Just by will…!

“Do not ignore my will. This is…”

yeah, that’s it…

“…the strength of my convictions!”

…It was the power of high-grade drugs.

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  1. Hiro says:

    Obat hanya membantu tidak melengkapi

  2. My drugs are admiring any kind of armpits

  3. Haha drugs so helpful

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