The Strongest in the World Doesn’t Want To Do Anything chapter 14

The Strongest in the World Doesn't Want To Do Anything 14

14 – Episode 14: The Saint of Blood

Arriving at the temple located in the backyard after the Grand War, Allen, along with Priest Gegnit, opened the door of the house where they had been staying.

Passing through a small garden, they entered a moderately sized wooden house.

He rushed to the bedroom and shook the sleeping girl.

“Miss! Wake up!”

The girl, still deep in sleep, showed no sign of waking up.

“Yullia! Wake up!”

Allen shook the girl more vigorously.

“Ugh… Allen?”

“Miss! Please wake up quickly! We need to leave right now!”

“I’m too sleepy… Do we really have to go now?”

“It’s urgent! Please wake up right now!”

Allen forcefully lifted the still drowsy Yullia.

“Ah… it hurts!”

Without hesitation, Allen put a coat on the girl.

Then, he began to pack as many belongings as possible into a bag.

Feeling uneasy about Allen’s sudden actions, Yullia, not fully awake, murmured with anxiety.

“I’m scared… What about my father?”

“…He’s busy, so he asked us to leave first. He entrusted me with taking care of you, so can you please follow my instructions?”

With teary eyes, the girl nodded.

“Okay, just wait a moment.”

After hastily preparing to leave, Allen went outside and surveyed the situation.

In the distance, he saw Haganess approaching the temple, holding a torch.

Hiding the emerging fear, Allen calmly spoke to Yullia.

“Lady, from now on, think of this as a game of hide-and-seek. Don’t make any noise and move quietly.”

“Who’s the seeker?”

“The female knight with pink hair. She’s searching for us outside.”

Yulia nodded, her expression on the verge of bursting into tears.

“Follow me closely.”

Allen, with the bag on his back, firmly held Yulia’s hand and cautiously made his way toward the front gate, surveying the outside.

Haganes was nowhere to be seen.

“Lady, hold my hand tightly!”

Instead of answering, Yulia grasped Allen’s hand firmly.

They sneaked out of the monastery garden and headed toward the back gate of the Great Hall.

Allen tried the door handle, but it was locked from the inside and wouldn’t budge.

“Damn it!”

He kicked the door in frustration.

At that moment, a loud explosion erupted from the direction of the monastery garden, accompanied by billowing black smoke.

Startled by the noise, Yulia burst into tears.

“It’s okay. I’m right here with you.”

“Sni…sob… I’m so scared…”

Trying to comfort Yulia, Allen considered if there was another exit.

Unfortunately, only the firmly locked back door of the Great Hall came to mind.

“Breaking the door might be quicker.”

Deciding, Allen resumed kicking the door repeatedly.

Though Yulia grew increasingly anxious at the repetitive and emphatic noise, their priority was to open the door and escape outside.

About fifteen minutes passed.

The door still showed no sign of opening, and flames were now rising from the direction of the monastery.

Yulia either grew accustomed to the situation or succumbed to extreme stress, sitting quietly with her eyes closed.

Drenched in sweat, Allen stopped kicking the door, concerned for Yulia’s state.

“Lady… Are you okay?”





Allen gently shook Yulia.

The girl’s eyes snapped open.

“Allen… Th-there’s a hole in the wall…”

Yulia pointed with her finger towards the long stretch of wall next to the Great Hall.

“A hole?”

“Yes… I saw it… I-I had a dream.”

“A dream?”

“Yes… In the dream, I was playing with someone named Haganess.”

An unexpected name came out of Yulia’s mouth.

‘How does the young lady know Haganess…’

“By any chance, was that Haganess person’s hair pink?”

“Huh? Yes! Allen, how did you know?”

Yulia smiled mysteriously, as if finding it amusing.

“First, we need to go to the hole you saw in the dream. Miss, do you know which wall it is?”

“Yes! Follow me.”

As if she had never been frightened, Yulia, looking excited, started to lead the way with brisk steps.

Allen followed her quickly.

They soon arrived at a spot where, as Yulia had described, there was a hole in the wall big enough for one person to pass through.

‘How does the young lady know about this place…’

Although there were many aspects of the situation that required explanation, for now, the urgent matter was to escape from the Great Hall. So, Allen tried to guide Yulia through the hole first.

“Miss, be careful when you go out through here. We don’t know where it leads to…”

“It leads to the orphanage!”


“If you go out through this hole, it leads to the orphanage! That’s where I played with Haganess!”

“…Got it. Miss, you go first. I’ll follow right behind.”


Yulia pushed her head through the hole and slowly crawled inside.

Meanwhile, Allen kept watch, waiting for Yulia to come out of the hole.

Once again, there was the sound of something exploding from the direction of the sacristy.

“Allen! I’m here!”

“Yes! Miss! Be careful when throwing the bag over the wall!”


Allen held the heavy bag, filled with belongings, in his hands and looked up at the wall.

It was quite a high height to jump over.

Allen took a deep breath, gathered his strength, and threw the bag over the wall.

The bag flew up into the sky and slightly hung over the edge of the wall, falling inward.

After scanning his surroundings one last time, Allen entered the opening.

It felt a bit narrow, but it was big enough to pass through comfortably.

When they reached the outside, Julia, who had come out first, grabbed Allen’s hand and pulled him along.

“We made it!”

“Thank you, Miss. Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?”

Allen felt relieved as he looked at Julia, who nodded with a friendly smile.

He stood up, brushed off his clothes, and found the bag that had fallen to the ground. He slung it over his shoulder.

Julia had come close to Allen and tightly held his hand.

“But Allen, who is Wolfgang?”


The one who inherited the power of the gods.

The name that the Genikt priest spat out to Hagenes in the main hall.

“Have you seen Wolfgang in your dream?”

“He’s a very strong person. I haven’t seen him in person, but… I guess he was friends with the priest.”


I was the one who made the sound when my curiosity was satisfied, but Julia immediately became caught up in a new curiosity.

“But why did my sister call me Wolfgang when she saw me?”


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Looking at the silent priest’s residence now reduced to ashes, Hagenes was lost in thought.

Where did Wolfgang, who killed Adeus and fled, go?

What does he think of himself, who cold-heartedly betrayed?

Will he come back to Rom?

Or is he hiding and waiting for a chance to seek revenge on the Queen and the members of the conspiracy?

Countless thoughts came to his mind, but not a single one of them was unrelated to Wolfgang.

“How can I see that face again?”

I had to come up with the most rational and practical way possible.

The corrupt sect was now completely destroyed.

If only half of the money that had been wasted for their own selfish desires had been prepared for this threat, if it had been given to the starving people who were dying for the existence of the sect, this would not have happened.

A new faith was needed for humanity.

It was all planned from the beginning.

Establishing a completely new sect would proceed as planned.

There was no need to expect the queen’s support anymore, and since Wolfgang survived, there was no need for Haganes to keep the promise.

Everything fell into place like gears.

It felt as if all of this was God’s will.

Wolfgang would definitely come back.

The place where he was born and raised, the place where he made memories with his loved ones, a place that was everything to Wolfgang as it was to Haganes, that place was Rome.

Once everything became clear, all I had to do was proceed with the tasks at hand.

“I will soon meet Wolfgang.”


Allen turned his black hood inside out with Yulia.

The story of Haganes appearing last night and wiping out all the priests and even setting the temple on fire had spread throughout Rome.

Numerous people were already gathered in front of the temple.

It seemed that everyone was curious about what changes the sect and Rome would undergo in the future.

Allen and Yulia looked towards the balcony at the highest point of the temple, blending in with the crowd.

“Have you heard the story?”

“What story?”

“Wolfgang killed the hero and will establish a new sect with Haganes.”

“But then where is Wolfgang going and why is only Haganes here?”

“Probably to send Haganes first and organize the sect!”

Allen let out a bitter laugh at the conversation he overheard next to him.

Yulia, who was next to him, asked Allen in a low voice.

“Allen, what’s that all about?”


Instead of answering, Allen covered his mouth with his finger.

At that moment, a voice echoed from the speakers installed near the Great Cathedral, reaching Haganess.

[Ladies and gentlemen… I am Haganess, the commander of the Crusader Order.]

The murmuring crowd fell silent in an instant.

Allen glanced back at the balcony.

There, Haganess stood, holding a small cylinder connected to the speakers, with a large wooden box placed beside her.

[I have returned to this place after twelve years. Until then, as you all know, we fought against vile and impure beings. The sight of our homeland after ending such a long war was too shocking. The funds I continuously sent to the Order were being used only to fill the pockets of corrupt priests and bishops.]

The crowd responded with cheers as if empathizing with her words.

[Of course, initially, it was the venerable Archbishop who allocated those funds correctly…]

It was a speech defending the Archbishop.

She passionately described how great and truthful he was.

Once again, the crowd cheered in sympathy.

[Such a great and sacred person…]

Haganess paused and opened the lid of the box she had placed beside her.

As people recognized the figure inside the box, shocked cries erupted, each person letting out a mournful scream.

Haganess, too, struggled to hold back tears, unable to continue speaking.

[…He was martyred by poisoning due to the greed of corrupt priests and bishops.]

Her tearful voice spread, and sobs could be heard from various places.


Even Allen, who was unaware of this fact, was profoundly shocked by the atrocities of the Order.

[For that reason, last night, I personally punished all the clergy within the Order. Without exception, I confirmed and executed each one with my own eyes.]

Allen couldn’t help but shed tears at her cruel words.

Uriah, unaware of the situation, looked at Allen and asked, “Allen, why are you crying?”

Perplexed, Allen lifted Uriah, whispering to her ear, “Miss… now it’s just the two of us.”

“What does that mean?”

“…I’ll explain once we leave here, Miss.”

Without bothering to wipe away the tears flowing continuously, Allen carried Uriah through the crowd towards the entrance of Rom.

In the background, the echoes of Haganess’s speech and the sinister sounds and cheers of the crowd continued.

[For that reason!!! I, along with Wolfgang, who has inherited the power of the gods, will rectify the Order!!!]


As they approached the entrance, the sound gradually faded.

Yulia silently watched the distant uproar while nestled in Alan’s embrace.

Alan rode the horse they had prepared with Yulia and dashed out of the city.

Saintess! Saintess! Saintess!

Saintess! Saintess! Saintess!

Saintess! Saintess! Saintess!

Saintess! Saintess! Saintess!

The cries of the citizens and knights, drenched in madness, faintly echoed.

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  1. H H H H says:

    Pink haired saintess
    Definately not a good sign😐

  2. Shadow says:

    Can people really be this stupid or is it just bad writing?

    1. simplethrone says:

      Where’s the stupid part?

      People believed her instantly? That’s justifiable, she’s someone with a name, not random people.

      She believed that Wolfgang will be her even though she betrayed him first? That’s due to her denial and regret.

      1. gilgamesh says:

        a lot of people don’t realize that the people in the story know less than 1% of what we know

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