The Swordsman Genius Returnee Even Swallows Immortality chapter 26

The Swordsman Genius Returnee Even Swallows Immortality 26


The dawn that Dante had brought forth.

Habell starred blankly at it.

In fact, it was too weak to be called dawn.

It only managed to slightly push back the darkness.

But the important thing was that it had risen.

The light of dawn has the power to guide people.

As proof of that, now that the darkness had disappeared.

The momentum of Pelevan and Dante had changed.

Enough to drive back the members of Gehenna.

“You’ve gotten stronger.”

Habell felt Dante’s growth.

His physical strength, aura, and swordsmanship had all improved.

“Excuse me, Sir Habell.”

At that moment, Dorison, who was standing next to him, spoke up.

He realized that Habell had been protecting them in the darkness.

He didn’t know if it was enough to send chills down the spines of the Gehenna members.

In any case, he knew that they would have been defeated if they had been alone.

So he wondered.

“What exactly is your true identity, Sir Habell?”

Dorison had thought that Habell was just an ordinary mercenary.

But now he knew better.

Habell was stronger than Dante.

Rather, Habell was the one who was teaching Dante.

“Are you perhaps a retired Vanpeliun knight or something?”

He didn’t think so because Habell didn’t look that old.

However, there was no other way to explain his strength.

“A retired knight, huh.”

Habell swallowed a chuckle.

In one way, he was a Vanpeliun knight.

So it wasn’t entirely wrong.

“Let’s just say that.”

Dorison’s eyes sparkled.

Habell smirked.

Dorison looked at the dawn and was speechless.

It was the same expression as those who had begun to aspire to Vanpeliun.

And the other two were not much different.

‘Whatever kind of dawn it is, it’s enough to attract Dawn Knights on my own.’

Meanwhile, Dante and Peleban were getting further away.

“It’s time to follow Dante.”

“Oh, yes!”

Dorison ran after them belatedly, and the other two hurried after him.

At that moment.


The three who were running suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Like puppets with their strings cut.


At the same time, the frozen Gehenna members shattered into pieces.

Habell’s eyebrows twitched at the sight.

At the same time, the tower itself began to warp and twist.

As if abruptly dropped into another world.

A sensation of being crushed by something enormous washed over me.

[‘The Duality of God’ has discovered you.]

‘What the?’

I frowned at the letters that floated before my eyes.

An unpleasant sensation slowly took hold of my body.

It was as if someone were scanning me.

Simultaneously, the evil spirits dwelling within my body surged all at once.

As if started by encountering an overwhelming existence.


Without waiting to see what would happen, lightning bolts erupted from my body.

The lightning instantly spread to the entire surrounding area, emitting a blinding light.

A momentum that seemed capable of shaking the very space around me spread outward.

Just as the momentum radiating from the eyes looking at me was about to collide with my own.

[‘The Duality of God’ casts 〃ℓ㎶ΦΣ∀……. at you.]

[The Devil’s Palace has protected you.]

With a deafening roar, the twisted surroundings instantly shattered.

At the same time, the tower’s form gradually began to return.

My head snapped upward.


What the hell just happened?

A sense deep of doubt lingered in my eyes.

An eerie feeling I had never sensed, even in the Devil’s Palace.

A sensation I had thought I would never feel again.

The primal fear of death that the human body instinctively feels.

A sensation I, Haban, had long since transcended.

“Is there something else in this world that I don’t know about?”

There was no answer.

But I recalled the inscriptions that the Devil’s Palace had shown me so far.

The Devil’s Palace that had continually made me stronger.

And this time, the Devil’s Palace had even protected me.

Could it be that the Devil’s Palace had wanted me to fight it just now?

“I don’t know.”

I roughly shook my head.

My ignorance stirred a strange irritation within me.

“Is this some kind of joke, telling me to rest now?”

I had made up my mind to rest after waking Van Pelion.

It seemed like there was still more to this world that I didn’t know.

If that’s the case, then so be it.

My body has already become immortal anyway.

Death is no respite.

“You will rampage until the undead disappear.”

Habell’s two eyes burned fiercely.

Old Geumseong still held his sword.

And perhaps he would never be able to let go of that sword for the rest of his life.

* * *

While Habell was subduing those who had fainted due to the sudden situation.

Dante and Pelevan pierced through Gehenna’s members.

As the darkness disappeared, so did the regenerative powers they boasted.

Thanks to this, they were able to slaughter Gehenna’s members.

In the middle of this, Pelevan’s eyes turned to Dante.

‘Did I underestimate him?’

Dante was stronger than he thought.

Of course, his skills were inferior to Pelevan.

However, he had no end to his stamina and aura, as if he had undergone some kind of training.

It was as if he was drawing aura from a vast lake.

‘What is his body made of?’

Pelevan readily acknowledged his stamina and aura reserves.

He didn’t know about the rest, but those two aspects were superior to his.


At that moment, Pelevan’s gaze turned forward.

It was because he felt something ominous.

“Mr. Pelevan.”

“Yes, I saw it too.”

Dante, who had stabbed Gehenna’s member with his sword, stopped walking.

And Pelevan also stopped walking.

At dawn.

Two figures walked out in front of the two.

“You were defeated by just two people?”

One was a bald man with a scarred face.

A horn protruded strangely from the center of his head.

“The darkness disappeared because of that fierce guy over there. That must be why.”

The other had the appearance of a blind man with his eyes closed.

With his long hair down.

He held a sword indifferently, looking like a typical warrior.

“Bilan and Jeraz.”

Pelevan recognized them.

Bilan, who massacred an entire village.

Jeraz, who killed 100 elite inspectors.

They were top-class wanted criminals with dozens of platinum flowers hanging around their necks.

“Oh, that bastard knows my name.”

“I thought you’d forgotten it, since you’ve been stuck in Gehenna, but I guess not.”

“Kikil, yeah, my face isn’t one you forget easily.”

“How could I forget a scarred baldy?”

“Damn you, what’s wrong with being bald!”

Dante and Pelevan exchanged glances.

Dante’s dawn was gradually fading.

His opponent was a notorious special-grade criminal.

On top of that, he had been strengthened by the Tower into an Evil Variant.

He wasn’t someone to be trifled with.

“Let’s finish this quickly, shall we?”

Pelevan asked.

Dante answered by drawing his sword.

Immediately, Pelevan summoned a gust of wind.

It was a quick and decisive move.

“Wind! How refreshing!”


Villan swung his greatsword at the incoming gust.

Meanwhile, Jeraz stepped back to avoid the gust.

Dante seized the opportunity to charge at Jeraz.

His sword was imbued with dawn and swung immediately.


Sparks flew and the swords clashed.

Jeraz had managed to block it with his own sword, which he had drawn without anyone noticing.

“A glowing sword. How interesting.”

Jeraz smiled, holding a sword without a cross guard.

“But aren’t you a little too close?”

In that instant, Dante instinctively pulled his neck back.

Jeraz’s sword had somehow gotten dangerously close.

Cold sweat trickled down Dante’s back.

He was fast.

Too fast for the eye to follow.

From noble mtl dot com

“You dodged that?”

Jeraz looked surprised.

Jeraz was a master of the quick-draw.

Most people fell to his first attack.

But Dante had dodged it.

‘That was close.’

Dante had been able to dodge because he always carried aura around his body.

His aura permeated every nerve.

The reason he could do this was entirely because of Habell’s training.

Death comes in an instant.

This is especially true on the extreme stage that is the Tower.

So Habell taught Dante a technique where his reflexes would react before his conscious mind could even process it.


At that moment, Jeraj’s sword moved once more.

Again, a quick-draw that his eyes couldn’t follow.

But once more, Dante dodged it.

Jeraj’s eyebrows twitched.

Swish, whoosh, whoosh!

The sound of his sword cutting through the wind rang out several more times.

But even his consecutive attacks only managed to graze Dante’s clothes.

“Like a rat!”

Jeraj’s anger flared, and he swung his sword once more.


His sword met Dante’s.

No matter how quick the draw, if he could react, he could block it.

Jeraj gnashed his teeth.

“How dare you!”

The moment his sword moved to immediately knock Dante away,

Dante pulled out a move that Jeraj hadn’t expected.


The moment Jeraj drew his sword,

Dante’s sword pierced through Jeraj’s.

By the time Jeraj realized what had happened,

Dante’s sword was already embedded in him.


He managed to pull his neck back just in time, but Dante’s sword was embedded in his chest.

Black blood splattered.

Without darkness, he had no regeneration.

He was dying.

Jeraj, who had come to this realization, inspired out.

“Villan! Help me!”

The moment he cried for help,

He heard something rolling towards him through his extrasensory perception.

“So when you hear a special wanted criminal, you think you’re hot stuff or something?”

The voice that rang out belonged to none other than Pelevan.

He spat after running his finger across the wound on his cheek.

Instead, Villan collapsed in front of him with his throat torn open.

Jeraj’s face turned ashen.

These two were stronger than he had imagined.

Suddenly, the sword of Dante that was stuck in his chest began to glow.

“Wa, wait…”

Jerrash inspired urgently, but the light shone so brightly that even a blind man like him could sense it.

“Dawn Sky.”

Along with Dante’s spirited chant, the swordsmanship immediately struck down.

Soon after, Jerrash’s body was torn apart along with the bursting light.

He who had lived his entire life in darkness met his end in the light.

* * *

After Jerrash and Billan died, Peleban and Dante gasped for breath.

Both had drawn out their aura too quickly in order to finish the fight quickly.

“Damn it, what a pain in the ass.”

He had never heard or seen Gehenna emerge like this before.

Perhaps that was why Peleban also looked exhausted.

Meanwhile, darkness was creeping in again.

It meant that Dante’s dawn was beginning to end.

“I can’t see Mr. Habell.”

Dante said as he looked back.

As he said, Habell was nowhere to be seen beyond the encroaching darkness.

“He must be coming with the three people who were following us.”

Even if Habell was fast, the other three weren’t.

“And is this the time to be worried about Habell? We should be worried about ourselves.”

“That’s right. We should only worry about ourselves.”

That was the moment.

Someone else intervened between the two people’s conversation.

The moment Peleban turned his head with wide eyes.


He instantly rolled on the floor.


Blood flowed out of the wound in his mouth, with a couple of his teeth knocked out.

It was because he had been hit directly in the face.

His vision was shaking.

He had to regain his senses quickly.


Meanwhile, the sound of swords clashing rang out.

Peleban raised his head with his distorted vision.

Then Dante and the large man were illuminated.

Red bandages wrapped around his hands.

Unnatural fangs protruding from his mouth.

A black martial arts uniform that seemed to be splattered with blood.

“Kwang, Gwanggyeon.”

Pelevan was shocked to recognize him.

The leader of Gehenna and the greatest criminal.

Gwanggyeon, the Mad Dog, was there.

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