The Teacher’s Grace Is Like Heaven chapter 3

The Teacher's Grace Is Like Heaven 3

3 – Never Forget (3)

Bi Yan said she had nothing left to learn from me. And that was the truth. To be honest… rather, I was glad for it.

The reason was simple. Even if I could somehow smooth over everything else with words, I couldn’t do the same for martial arts.

Bi Yan was an undeniable genius. On the other hand, I was fundamentally a third-rate martial artist. A third-rate martial artist with the third-rate Three Talents Sword Technique and Three Talents Inner Power.

Of course I had thought to find her a better master through my connections someday, considering Bi Yan’s talent… but asking like this?

However, Bi Yan showed absolutely no signs of backing down. Her pose of greeting, unmoving, was like a solid boulder.

“Why do you want to learn martial arts again?”

“They say even a small bird must flap its wings frequently to fly across the sky.”


“How much more so for the rise of a dragon?”

What do I say… Arrogant. Referring to herself openly as a dragon, not a hint of humility in her words.

Ridiculously, I was reading Bi Yan’s character from that. Honestly, no exaggeration, I really wondered if she was possessed by someone else.

Since I had reincarnated, there was no guarantee she wasn’t possessed right? Although I’ve dismissed that suspicion now. After thinking hard, I soon opened my mouth.

“They say an endless torrent of words is called a flood of verbiage. Words are like water.”

“I’m listening, Master.”

“Then I ask, can spilled water be scooped up again?”


Here I have to buy time first. If nothing else, I need to somehow put on a show of martial arts using all my martial arts novel knowledge.

Meanwhile Bi Yan was looking at me with a shocked expression. Honestly, it was more shocking that a mere 10 year old understood this.

But it seemed it would make things easier. Since she understood the meaning of my words, it meant she knew what I was saying.

“You once told me, there is nothing more for you to learn from me.”


“What remains now is your part.”

“I… I see what you mean.”

Bi Yan nodded and bowed deeply to me. I nodded and put away my wooden sword, then went home.

How well did I resolve that…? Well, I may have been a little shady bringing up the past, but it wasn’t entirely wrong either.

Anyway, I bought some time. I took out the book I had prepared in a corner of the house. It was a blank book without any writing.

I wet my brush with ink. Then I started writing down words. It was my knowledge of martial arts novels in my head.

“I have to do this somehow.”

I don’t know what our kid got wrong. Why she’s suddenly insisting on learning martial arts, but it wasn’t entirely bad news.

Rather, with Bi Yan’s talent, I’m confident she could definitely succeed. So I have to at least pretend competently.

A master’s dignity was much more important than I thought. That way, disciples respect and willingly follow their master. I let out a sigh.

In addition to the martial arts novel knowledge in my head, I would compile the quintessence based on all my experiences living as a martial artist until now.

I organized it into a book. I had to, or I’d definitely forget. Skipping meals, I concentrated solely on writing the book.

“Phew, the first volume is done.”

After consuming a full day, I had barely completed the first volume. But I say completed, the writing was a complete mess.

But this much should work fine for a bluff. Of course I acknowledge Bi Yan is a genius, but she’s still a brat who hasn’t even come of age.

On the other hand, I’m a martial artist who has rolled around the martial world for over 10 years. At least just comparing experience, I absolutely won’t lose.

I sensed a presence outside the door. I raised my head. What soon came from outside the door was a familiar girl’s, yet unfamiliar voice.

“Master, I’ve prepared dinner.”

“You prepared dinner too?”

“Isn’t that natural as your disciple?”


I still found her manner odd. Should I just let it pass…? No, no. This wasn’t something I could just let slide.

I first ignored the table set before me. As I looked at her, Bi Yan tilted her head and looked back at me.

But I was serious. Because this wasn’t something I could just let pass. I took a deep breath, and while looking at her, asked:

“What changed your state of mind?”

“What do you mean all of a sudden.”

“You changed too drastically overnight.”


From noble mtl dot com

“As your master, I need to know for sure.”

People can change, but she had changed too much. Beyond worrying, it was frightening now. That’s why I chose the direct approach.

Although I was a third-rate martial artist, and knew I was lacking in many ways, I was Bi Yan’s master. So I had to take responsibility properly.

Rather than doing nothing yet acting high and mighty as a master, and telling her to repay my grace, even I found that very disgusting.

“Just what exactly changed you so much?”

“As expected, you know everything, Master.”

“Don’t think of brushing past this.”

“I had a dream.”

The smile disappeared from Bi Yan’s expression. That heavy aura I had felt before, like an unmoving boulder, started flowing out from her body.

However… I could vaguely sense the sorrow in her eyes. So I simply shut my mouth. Bi Yan continued speaking.

“It was like a dream I directly experienced. An intensely vivid dream.”

“Did you have a nightmare?”

“No, it was a terrible nightmare.”

“If you can… could you tell me about it?”

Bi Yan shut her mouth. But I couldn’t rush her. Because tears were welling up in her eyes, rolling down her cheeks.

She was crying. Faced with this situation for the first time, I was unable to react at all. Only then did Bi Yan open her mouth.

“It was a dream where you passed away, Master.”


I wish I hadn’t asked. f*ck. Dreams were considered sacred, a revelation from immortals, and were also called prophetic dreams. And that was somewhat true.

In martial arts novels as well, sometimes you would see your past self in dreams, or meet an opportunity to learn martial arts from someone.

Let alone Bi Yan who was, I’ll get a sore mouth explaining, a child full of wits. And that child dreamed such a dream? It was inauspicious beyond compare.

Bi Yan’s tears did not stop. Rather, the situation only got worse. Her hands shook like aspen trees. It was heartbreaking to see.

“It was such a frightening dream. I couldn’t do anything.”

“Bi Yan-ah.”

“I was so powerless. Like I was drowning in water, flailing helplessly…….”

“Bi Yan-ah?”

“How could I, such a foolish child… with these hands…….”

“Cheon Bi Yan!”

I shouted in a tone of stern reprimand. At that, Bi Yan stopped talking. Until now, I had never raised my voice at her.

It was because of the awful nightmare that still haunted her. So I had restrained myself as much as possible until now, but I couldn’t anymore.

Bi Yan’s condition was that serious. It seemed to me her past memories were still tormenting her. Of course that would be the case.

Considering she was a child who had loved even the parents who abused and neglected her so terribly. And those parents died before her eyes, and she was dragged away by despicable beasts…

It was the projection of those memories. Even adults would be affected by terrible memories, let alone a child. I moved my body.

At first I hesitated briefly, but I couldn’t just leave a crying child be. Quietly, but firmly, I hugged Bi Yan.

“I know what you’re worried about.”


“But child, do you think I would die so easily?”

Although I say this, I was adept at escaping from threats. That’s how I was able to survive 10 years in the martial world.

“….You’re right, Master.”

“Don’t worry. Everything will work out well.”

Bi Yan who had been silent in my arms soon burst into tears. Just like a young child, crying without end, the sound of her cries widely echoed.

Bi Yan’s arms coiled around my waist like a snake. Although my clothes were soaked by her tears, I paid it no mind. Because I was her master.

I took in her sorrow. Her hands no longer shook. However, even as time passed, she showed no intention of letting go.

“Have you calmed down a little now…?”

“No, I haven’t calmed down at all.”

“Yet your voice is calm.”

“Then I’ll cry some more.”

“There’s no need to force yourself.”

She clung to me tightly as rice. In the end, I had to seat Bi Yan on my lap and eat with her legs as a cushion.

Although the soup and rice had gone completely cold after so much time, Bi Yan was giggling as she ate with relish.

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  1. Hell knight says:

    It’s giving me a lolicon vibe somehow

  2. Zen says:

    This is indeed sus to highest order.. is it just a nightmare ?

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