The Vampire Is an Academy Honor Student chapter 6

Episode 006. proof (3)

Episode 006. proof (3)

A few seconds later, the sword that spun and flew in the air landed behind Gillian and rolled on the ground.

Gillian’s body flinched at the loud sound of sharp, heavy blades falling to the ground.

He was unable to comprehend the situation as it suddenly happened.

‘Um, what happened… !’

Something flashed in front of my eyes, and in an instant my hands went empty.

For some reason, Confucius, who was 5m away, was standing right in front of him, and the sword he was holding a moment ago was not in his hand.

When you blink your eyes in extreme confusion.


The sword blade of Confucius touched the nape of his neck.

It was only then that I was able to come to my senses at the bitterly cold touch.

“I lost… ?”

I blankly lowered my head.

Then Gongja, one head smaller than this one, was looking up.

From noble mtl dot com

Although it was a small body and a poor body with no muscles to be found.

On the contrary, only the eyes were shining brightly with lively glare.


It was like someone’s eyes. I thought it could never happen rationally, but I had already thought of it without realizing it.

A knight admired and respected by all knights of the Karziel family.

Confucius’ eyes resembled those of his older brother, Ian Karziel.

The tip of Confucius’s sword was trembling, perhaps because of the straining movements on his body, but a satisfied smile hung on his lips.

He said.

“Good work.”

* * *

“Okay, it’s over. This is Prince Roan’s victory.”

The senior engineer in charge of the observation stammered.

It was quite reprehensible that the observer, who should always remain calm in the real sword fight, stuttered and panicked, but no one blamed him.

Because everyone felt the same way. No, rather, as an observer, he belonged to the calm side.

As evidence of that, the vassals had a hardened expression that they didn’t know what had happened.

Even the duke who hosted the match couldn’t hide how flustered his clenched fists were trembling.

However, it was Amy who was most shocked.

She was looking this way with the expression of a mad person.

‘Uh… .’

I was already at a loss as to what to explain later, but I put that thought aside for now.

And the previous couplets were reviewed.

‘… Are you weaker than I thought?’

It’s not my opponent’s article, it’s my story.

It’s different from the muscles I used to use, so my body can’t exert as much strength as I thought.


I clicked my tongue on the limbs that felt sore.

It’s true that I forced myself to move because I thought it wouldn’t work if I dragged on for a long time, but seeing how painful it is, I don’t think I should ever do it next time.

It wasn’t unusual to see signs of muscle pain already.

“When is the next sparring?”

Until then, I thought it would be good to loosen up my muscles, so I asked the senior engineer in charge of the visit about the next schedule.


In the midst of confusion, the senior knight rolls his eyes in embarrassment at the sudden question.

And then the voice of the Duke of Gilead cut in between us.


There was confusion in his eyes that he couldn’t hide, but he tried to pretend to be calm.

“Are you feeling better?”

“It is getting better.”

At my words, Amy, who was standing next to the duke, suddenly came to her senses and nodded in agreement.

At this, there was a commotion on all sides.

“Princess Roanne… .”

“That terrible incurable disease has been cured?”

This was such a surprise.

Roan’s sickly body was in such a serious condition that he was called the scourge of the family.

No doctor or priest could heal Roan.


One word from the duke quieted the buzz around them. He closed his eyes for a moment and then spoke.

“Where did you learn the sword?”

At the Duke’s words, everyone’s eyes turned to me again.

“That’s not Karziel’s sword method.”

“… … .”

“This is the first sword I have ever seen in my life. However, the form is alive and there is a concise description.”

It’s almost like stealing.

I was able to break the trick just by looking at someone else’s sword, and furthermore, I was able to pioneer a new realm beyond that.

And I used to make the sword I learned that way my own.

So there is an absurdity in saying that I have learned.

“Who did you learn from?”

There was no reason to lie, I just answered honestly.

“I didn’t learn from anyone.”

“… what?”

“I didn’t learn from anyone. In the first place, there was no one to teach me the sword.”

Saying that you secretly met someone to learn swordsmanship is absurd.

I have lived with Amy for 5 years.

If there was such a person, there is no way she wouldn’t have known about it, and the report would have gone up in a letter to the duke right away.

“If you do, do you really mean that you have learned everything yourself?”


“How did that happen… .”

Even though it happened right in front of his eyes, the duke shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it.

He frowned as if he had a lot of thoughts, but after a while, he murmured.

“… You mean you can’t cheat blood?”

It was a very faint voice, but none of those gathered here could not hear his voice.

The duke, who was belatedly out of his thoughts, continued.

“The next match will start in three minutes. Get ready right away.”

* * *

There was still some time left until the next match, so instead of watching the match, I came out to apply medicine to my swollen hands and aching back.

Knock knock.


A touch of some sort of malice.

The brow furrows involuntarily as the hand presses on the swollen affected area.

“It hurts.”

“The original wound hurts.”

“… Are you mad?”

To the direct question, Amy quickly averted her gaze and answered.

“… Why would I be angry?”

That’s right, what

First of all, I opened my mouth to clear up her misunderstanding.

“It’s not something I hid from you.”


“The sword talent was there from the beginning. But until now, my body just hasn’t followed me at all.”

“ah… .”

Even though I gained 5 kg in less than a week, it hurts like this just by moving once.

If he had shown the same movement with Roan’s body when he first possessed it, he might have been sick.

“I guess so.”

Amy, convinced, shook her head.

She asked after applying medicine up to her waist and bandaging it.

“Do you really not need to use the divine power?”

“it’s okay. I’m not getting it.”

It is meaningless to receive such benefits alone and win. In addition, the divine power is not as versatile as in other games.

It’s just healing minor abrasions or rejuvenating the body.

It is difficult to expect a noticeable effect unless it is at least cardinal.

So, priests in this world are more like intellectuals or medical professionals than healers.

First of all, they know how to read and write, and they also have basic medical knowledge to use divine power efficiently.

After applying the medicine, the swelling quickly subsided.

“Let’s go now.”

When I returned to the gymnasium, the sparring had progressed quite a bit.


Looking at the list that Amy had brought, I checked those who had already won and who still remained.

Some looked weaker than Gillian, whom he faced just a moment ago, and some were strong enough to make him wonder if they were the same apprentice knights.

It seems that this kind of gap was created because there were variously mixed from the 1st year to the 7th year.

“stop! The winner is… .”

The final match of the round of 32 ended soon and my turn came.

I got up, warmed up, and looked at the rest.

‘It’s almost all filtered out.’

Now, the 1st and 2nd year apprentice knights have all gone, and only 3rd year or more remain.

From now on, it can be seen as the finals.

“This is Jerome, a 3rd year apprentice knight.”

“… hmm?”

The gaze of the other knight who bowed politely was directed only at me.

It was only then that I noticed that the way the knights were looking at me had changed a lot.

The gaze that was looked down on suddenly disappears and shows a wary look.


Even if you look at it objectively, it’s a terrible body, but it’s enough to make you wary just by showing one.

This was the result of adding the power of the surname Karziel to the amazing level of talent he showed earlier.

Once again, I felt which family I belonged to, and I accepted the other person’s greeting and said.

“Let’s start right away.”

* * *

The man who introduced himself as Jerome was by no means an easy opponent.

The basics were solid, and he didn’t look down on his opponents or be careless.

But I was able to win.

After the sparring, I asked him.

“Why did you fight so much?”

In fact, the best way to beat me is to drag me into a mud fight.

Because they and I are no match now in terms of stamina and endurance.

But Jerome didn’t.

He fought neatly and within 5 minutes I was able to win because I knew all his sword techniques.

“under… .”

He replied as if he was stunned but astonished.

“There is no particular reason. Being a knight, I wanted to win with the sword.”

“Is that all?”

“yes. … By the way, you figured out my 3rd year in 5 minutes. I feel like I’ve been scammed.”

That’s what he said, but it wasn’t a bad expression like he said, probably because it was a joke in its own way.

He slightly bowed his head and left.

Dalian continued without any break, and the number of personnel continued to decrease.

By the time the sun goes down and dusk falls.

“My sword won’t be that simple!”

A knight who shouts excitedly and rushes.

As you said, it was a more difficult opponent than before, but it took a little more time, and I was able to win this time too.


The moment he confirmed that he was missing the sword, his legs gave out and he fell face down.

Although he won, his stamina was already depleted because he couldn’t wait for the bottom.

“Huh… !”

There is a taste of blood in the mouth.

I tried to get up to drink water, but I couldn’t get up because my legs gave out once.

Seeing this, Amy brought water. After drinking the water, the hazy mind returned.

“You can stop now.”

“… … ?”

said the duke who had approached before he knew it.

He had watched every match from the beginning.

“This is enough to prove your qualifications, so it would be better to start with treatment now.”

“… … .”

“I will take care of the transfer issues on my own.”

As he said, he has already achieved the three wins he proposed as the first condition. There is no reason to fight and overwork your body anymore.

But I didn’t want to stop here.

“There are still two left.”


A good situation was just created, but I didn’t want to stop here.

“You have good spirits, but with that body?”

The gentle expression on the duke’s expression changed to stern again.

“It is also a skill to be able to objectively judge one’s condition. Do you think that normal sparring will be possible with that physical condition?”

Instead of answering, I got up.

The sun had completely disappeared over the duke’s shoulder.

‘… … .’

Blood reacts to the darkness that has descended.

like that. gradually.

An unknown energy began to emanate from his body.

“it’s possible.”

* * *

“I will start sparring.”

At the senior knight’s words, Roan’s opponent, Velda, raised her sword.

Just that alone was enough to cause stiff pains to come up all over the body, but no matter how I looked at it, the opponent’s condition looked worse.

From noble mtl dot com

‘With that body… ?’

The two eyes were burning red, as if blood vessels had burst on the pale face.

He was pointing the blade this way to see if he still had the strength to hold the sword, but the tip trembled dangerously.

As such, Roan’s condition was so bad that it made her opponent worry.

‘I’ll have to finish it quickly.’

It wasn’t that he was ignoring Roan.

However, when I thought about it calmly, I just decided that it was a situation that I couldn’t lose.

I thought that even if I didn’t try anything, I could win naturally after a little time.

It wasn’t until 10 minutes after the sparring started that he realized something strange.


“Heo-eok, hee-huh!”

The air comes and goes. Confucius let out a harsh cough mixed with breathing.

It would not be strange if he collapsed soon after seeing his dangerously swaying body.

‘however… .’

Feeling creepy, Belda unconsciously bit her lower lip.

Something was very strange.

Confucius should have reached his limits in terms of physical strength and mental strength. .

‘… Why doesn’t it collapse?’

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