The Villain Bought the Heroine chapter 44

The Villain Bought the Heroine 44

Chapter 44

The stronghold of Class 5.

Diphyellia, the leader and saint positioned between Class 2 and the unsafe zone, was lost in contemplation.

Her worries stemmed from unease.

“It’s ominous.”

Things were gradually spiraling out of control.

The expulsion of Artellion, Leon blocking the first intermediate stronghold, Erica losing contact while trying to capture Barugan, the alliance of Classes 4 and 5 slowly fracturing.

Upon examining these incidents closely, one could find a connecting thread.

Class 1.

Class 1 was involved in every event.

Artellion, Leon, Erica.

All tied to Class 1, interacting as if cogs in a machine. They couldn’t shake off the feeling that while Class 1 was the body of the machine, they were merely small gears.

“The morale of the alliance has greatly deteriorated.”

Diphyellia was aware that the temporary alliance she had formed with Erica was not as solid as it seemed.

Under the common goal of Erica’s personality and abilities, and the expulsion from Class 1, they joined hands, but not everyone welcomed this alliance.

Therefore, Diphyellia persuaded everyone of their usefulness and the necessity of the alliance, and it seemed to pass smoothly with nods of agreement.

But, as if someone had intervened.

Seeds of doubt were being sown by those who did not wish to maintain this alliance.

Malicious rumors were spreading rapidly within Classes 4 and 5.

– Erica is holding hands with Barugan. Eventually, the saint will be betrayed.

– No. The saint will betray Erica. Isn’t it Class 5 that took the second intermediate stronghold? It’s said that more members of Class 4 are aiming to exploit the gap left by the alliance moving towards the first intermediate stronghold.

– In reality, the alliance is a facade, and behind the scenes, they are sharpening their knives with poison.

Whispers, whispers.

No matter how hard they tried to stop it, the unbridled rumor mill showed no signs of slowing down.

The signs of collapse in the alliance between Classes 4 and 5 might have no connection to Class 1.

It would be more logical if it didn’t.

“That’s how it should be….”

For some reason, even this was considered an incident caused by Class 1. Was it due to a vile nature that denied one’s lack of leadership qualities?

Class 1, or even further, Shugenhardt Troa Barugan, could not shake off the thought that this was their doing.

Before the class battle began, Diphyellia could confront him directly at the meeting where only leaders gathered.

They had crossed paths a few times before in the same classes, but this was the first time they had a proper face-to-face conversation.

A suspicious figure.

A sense of hiding something.

Though she felt sorry for him, the image that came to her mind when she looked at him, whom she hadn’t talked to a few words, was exactly that.

Even though he was Erica’s fiancé, and she tried to think positively because one should not judge a person by appearance alone.

With each incident unraveling.

As the initiative gradually shifted to 1st class.

His sly smile came to mind, giving her a chill. She even had the illusion that he was saying something like this.

With a smile that portrayed him as a villain.

Whispering to her.

–I can also see the future.


Diphyllia shook off her irrational thoughts and self-doubt by nodding.

He is not a saint.

Saints and holy virgins are so rare that there might be one or two at a time.

Moreover, if he had to receive adult baptism in the church to become a saint, Diphyllia would have known.

It’s certain.

He is not a saint.

He cannot perform ‘miracles’.

He cannot receive ‘divine revelation’.

“Yes, I must not be confused.”

Anything beyond this is delusion.

Stop negative thinking and pull yourself together.

If she, leading 5th class, acts flustered, who would believe and follow her.

As Diphyllia tried to calm the confusion and regain composure, someone rushed in as if to prevent it.

As the rushing figure looked so urgent and anxious, Diphyllia, who was trying to calm down, felt her heart start pounding again.

She knows who that young female student is.

She must have come from a slum in a distant small kingdom.

Her name is.

“Frida. What’s the matter that you’re running so urgently?”

Diphyllia looked at Frida. Her eyes were not visible, but her face turned, making it seem so.

“Um, well… that’s…”

Frida, who was catching her breath, seemed hesitant for someone who had rushed in so urgently.

She seemed to have something to say, but something was holding her back, showing hesitation.

“It’s okay. Take a deep breath and tell me slowly. No one will blame you.”

This was also a message to Diphyllia herself. As Diphyllia patiently waited for her, Frida, who gained courage as if she was encouraged, clenched her fist and said.

“We need to recall the support sent to Erica! It’s a trap!”

“What do you mean? A trap?”

Frida took off her gloves and extended her hand as if to prove it. A clean hand without a single scratch.

“I was deceived by Vargan–!”

Diphyllia grabbed her throbbing head.

She felt a headache coming on as she tried to comprehend Frida’s sudden rush and bomb declaration.

“So… Bargan was holding hands with Erica from behind, and Erica disappeared with warp magic outside of my jurisdiction to continue the conspiracy with him, right?”



Diphyllia sighed.

“I want to believe you, but it all sounds too far-fetched.”

Frida claimed that Bargan approached her unfairly here, offering a deal. She would act as a spy within Class 5, providing information.

In exchange, she received a gold coin as a down payment and a curse to ensure she wouldn’t betray him.

“It’s hard to believe, but it’s true! I’m sure there was a curse mark on this hand!”

Frida emphasized, pushing her pale hand forward. To the naked eye, it was an ordinary hand with no trace left.

“But there’s nothing there…”

“Well, that’s true, but… I don’t know the language… The mark vanished, allowing me to come and speak like this… Oh, I see. The way to prove it is…”

Frida’s eyes wandered anxiously, trying to present valid evidence by narrowing her brow.

Diphyllia closely observed her shaky hand through the small bird perched on her shoulder.

“…There are traces.”

A precise and intricate form of mana had been released.

Despite claiming there was nothing, there seemed to be remnants of mana that had been erased not long ago.

Those remnants inevitably held the caster’s information. Judging by the form and color, the one who cast the curse was likely Bargan.

Recalling Bargan’s magic displayed during the entrance exam, Diphyllia easily deduced that he was the owner of that mana.

However, there was no need to tell Frida about this fact.

Considering Frida’s poor grades in magical interpretation, it was nearly impossible for her to realize the existence of this spell.

Diphyllia excelled in magic interpretation and unraveling, allowing her to detect Bargan’s curse through the scent and intricate form, unlike Frida.

Not even the remaining members at this hub could discern these traces.

If she were to become aware, it would only complicate matters.

“Um, so…”

Frida hesitated with an unconfident expression.

“…There’s no way to prove that I was cursed.”

Is that so…

It would have been easier if she had mentioned the lack of traces.

This made the situation more complex.

Diphyllia, looking at her bewildered expression, asked her. If her words were true, this would be a necessary means.

“How were you planning to convey the information?”

This was the story assuming her words were true.

Upon close examination, inconsistencies might arise. If such distortions occurred, it would mean she was lying.

“I was going to transmit it through the curse… Although it’s gone now, so I can’t show you.”

“That’s strange. A curse wouldn’t normally have communication capabilities.”

She couldn’t help but think that it would have been more realistic if a familiar spirit capable of communication was stationed at a specific place, or if she had a sizable, hard-to-hide crystal for communication.

“No, I could inform you! It was possible because the signal to be delivered conveys information only at specific times.”

“What does that mean?”

Diphyellia furrowed her eyebrows.

“Do you know that if you resist the curse, the caster can detect it? He used that point to ask me to inform him of the timing.”

“What timing?”

Diphyellia was surprised by the curse’s unique application but didn’t show it and continued to ask.

Without giving Frida a chance to think differently, she had to press her for answers.

“Answer quickly, Frida.”

Diphyellia stared at her.

From Noble mtl dot com

Frida, with a trembling voice, spoke with emotion.

“The time when the personnel at the 5th Base Hub decreases to less than twelve.”


Diphyellia swallowed hard.

It felt stifling, as if her prayers were blocked.

“The reason I think Bardgan and Erika formed a secret alliance is because of this! He didn’t provide any information other than asking me to inform him of the timing. Perhaps he considered the possibility of my betrayal, like this time.”

Frida hurriedly spoke, wanting to convey that there was no more time.

Diphyellia grabbed her surprised heart and listened to her words.

“Fortunately, the curse was lifted before sending support, so ultimately I didn’t commit an act of betrayal. H-however. When I heard that Erika was sending reinforcements… I suddenly had a thought.”


“If the reason the curse on me was lifted was because it became useless? If Erika’s request for reinforcements is related to the decrease in personnel at the hub?”

Such suspicions and questions kept coming endlessly like a chain, ultimately returning to Frida.

Her sobs were wet with tears and trembling.

“And then… belatedly… the guilt of nearly betraying the group for mere money… it tormented me…”

Frida confessed her guilt with thick teardrops.

Normally, Diphyellia would have embraced and comforted her as she sat crying on the floor.

But the present Lady couldn’t do that.

There was a part of her words that she couldn’t understand. Because she couldn’t understand, she wavered.

In the end, Frida’s words were delusions created by suspicion, and there was no clear evidence to support them.

…But still. If.

Truly, if.

If her words were true and she was manipulated by Bardgan.

It was certain that Bardgan cast the curse on Frida. This was reliable information since she witnessed it herself. Her mission was to convey the timing when the personnel at the 5th Base Hub decreased to below twelve.

So, how would he have planned that timing?

“Diphyellia. It seems communication will be difficult for a while. I have somewhere to go.”

Even though she tried not to remember, Erika’s voice lingered in her ear.

“We found our target. I’ll ask for support from about five elites.”

Erika accurately specified the number for support. And if those personnel were sent, the remaining number of hubs would be seven.

Was this just a coincidence?

Following that, Frida’s statement was heard.

“If the reason the curse on me was lifted was because it became useless? If Erika’s request for reinforcements is related to the decrease in personnel at the hub?”

The curse on Frida has been lifted. Why? Did she anticipate all of this just to deceive herself? Was it because Erica accurately called out the number and reduced the personnel at the base to less than twelve, making it unnecessary?

No, first of all, it’s impossible to see the future through trust.

Secondly, even if Erica reduced the value of Frida by decreasing the base of Class 5, there is no reason for her to lift the curse on her. It’s better not to. There might be a chance of betrayal like now.

Then what is the current situation?


At that moment, a certain incident struck Diphelia’s occiput strongly.

They are engaged.

However, it didn’t seem like their relationship was as good as it appeared.

As if dispelling such doubts, recently, Vargan challenged Erica to a grade match and lost gracefully. Everyone speculated that it was to give Katia to Erica.

But think about it carefully.

What if that incident is not separate but connected?

If that grade match back then is related to this incident?

Katia is an absolute and essential score in Academia.

It’s not something that can be passed over lightly.

Some said that someone committed such corruption because their relationship as a couple was too good and mocked, but most thought differently.

Surely, something else legitimate must have taken place.

That was the general perception.

Then, isn’t it possible that this exchange might be taking place during this class match where Katia can be punished?

For example, by helping another class strategize or something like that…

“My head is going to explode.”

Erica, she felt like a trustworthy person. She hadn’t known her for long, but at least she didn’t seem like someone who would betray others.

However, that doesn’t mean one should handle everything based solely on human relationships.

Maybe she trusted Erica too much. Even if Frida’s words were lies, look at the current base.

There are only seven personnel guarding this vast castle.

Isn’t it a clear crisis?

The staff made of Diphelia’s wood grew rapidly, extending all the way to where she was sitting.

Close enough to be able to stroke Frida, who was murmuring with her head lowered. The distance narrowed to the point where they could feel each other’s body heat, and Diphelia enveloped her.

“Thank you, Frida.”

Diphelia smiled kindly. She couldn’t clearly understand Frida’s words, but there was truth in what she said.

“I will order a retreat. I’m anxious because there are too few people at home.”


“You are truly brave.”

Frida cried uncontrollably, banging her head on the floor. Diphelia seemed like she might cry along with her.

It was depicted as a warm scene.

However, she didn’t know.

The saint who loves people and trusts them is unaware.

Right now, Frida.

Her lips, as if forgiven for her unforgivable sins, were sobbing pitifully.


That she was rising like a crescent moon.

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  1. Zhen Wu says:


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