The Villain Bought the Heroine chapter 48

The Villain Bought the Heroine 48

Chapter 48

“Sister… I want to go out to the village again.”

“Hush, hush! Frizia, that was supposed to be our secret!”

A small village hidden in a valley.

The troublemaker girl Edel and Frizia of Lubid Village were playing in the yard as usual.

As they picked flowers and made wreaths and small rings, Edel was startled by her younger sister Frizia’s statement and covered her mouth.

Startled, she shouted aloud.

Edel, concerned, glanced around, relieved that no one heard, and could calm her racing heart.

She then leaned in close to Frizia’s ear and whispered.

To ensure that no one else could hear, she surrounded them with her hands.

“Listen well, Frizia. If Mom finds out that we secretly went on an adventure outside the village, she will scold us severely.”

“But… isn’t lying bad…?”

“There are good lies too. The world cannot be sustained without lies.”

Frizia, who did not understand Edel’s mature words, nodded in agreement.

“Don’t you dislike being scolded, Frizia?”


“Do you want to go on another adventure?”


“Then we must keep the adventure a secret.”


Frizia blinked her eyes like a chick, looking at Edel. This time, she did not move on and instead tilted her head at the two disconnected situations.

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Edel pointed to her temple with one hand, groaning to explain more clearly.

“So, sister. Should we not mention the man we saw then?”

“Huh? Oh, the man you mean, Haileon? No, we mustn’t! If we talk about that, it will reveal that we went outside!”

“I see…”

“And Frizia, let’s keep it low. It would be troublesome if someone real heard.”

“The village chief.”

“Yes, if the village chief or Mom hears, it will be very troublesome… Huh?”


A pickaxe fell to the ground.

The pickaxe had fallen from the old man’s shoulder.

“Edel… Frizia… have you two ever gone outside?”

“Uh… well…!”

“Did you meet a person named Haileon there?”

“Village chief, wait a moment! Let us explain. We will tell you everything. Please just don’t tell Mom! Okay? Okay?”

The hands of Bart, the village chief of Lubid Village, trembled. The words he recently conveyed to the council flashed through his mind like a lightning bolt.

“Yes, Bart, sir. Not only Haileon, but no outsider has ever visited our village.”

Could this be the phrase left as a last will by him?

Of course, he did mention that he would promptly report if any clues were discovered afterward.

However, the information obtained not from others but from Edel and Prigia. Aren’t these girls individuals closest to Baragan in the village after himself!

Naturally, what should have been checked straight away…!

“Sadal. Sadal…!!”

The paper inside the village chief’s sleeve is furiously struck.

Thump thump thump thump.

Without a moment’s pause.

This is Sadal…!!


“I see. From Edel and Prigia.”

“They are cute little kids.”


Such a coincidence.

While returning after completing the church mission.

Halion, who shared water with two little kids playing near the village forest. Not that it was a form of gratitude, but he heard news about the village…

What are the odds if we calculate it.

“At first, they avoided cautiously, but after getting a little closer, they bragged that Captain Baragan and Princess saved them and the village together.”


“Princess… referring to Alicia student?”

“…Seems like it.”

He raises the cup and clears his burning throat.

Excluding the trivial stories, when I recall,

Halion, intrigued by my actions, possibly exaggerated, started his investigation as is.

After a long time, he revisited the day when traces of mana had faded too much.

“The curse on Alicia student and the invasion of Altif. These two are inevitably connected.”

He did not enter the village. He did not feel the need to go.

As there were no traces left inside the village.

The high-concentration mana I had sown on the outskirts of the village to curse Alicia, distorted the information by stirring up the remnants of the incident at that time, already reduced to mere scraps.

The outskirts of the village were the only place where some clues could still be detected.

“Quite fascinating. Unless one can see the future, they couldn’t have set up such a stage.”

He chuckled.

Yet, his gaze did not turn towards me.

“Halion, in the end, you believe that I can see the future. Is that what you think?”

“Yes, that’s correct. Didn’t you deliberately not show it during the class competition?”

“Deliberately? Not at all. It’s inappropriate. I simply placed the optimal moves to secure victory.”

“You’re not claiming to see the future.”

“Indeed, because there is no such ability to see the future.”

He wasn’t lying. I don’t possess the ability to see the future. I just happened to know the development from reading novels.

There is no saint’s prophecy or a rat’s whisker.

Additionally, it is difficult to utilize the Saint’s trust as a means to foresee the desired future, as it is realized in a sudden random format.

“If it concerns the suspicion of the goddess religion, I will unequivocally deny it.”

“I did not overlook it, but I suspected it would not be the case.”

The possibility of being under the blessing of the goddess is also excluded.

Haellion, who had been staring into my eyes, briefly closed them and leaned back as if to confirm the truth of my words. He fell silent for a moment without saying anything.

Then, his eyes opened.

They seemed more at ease rather than observing me as if to dissect.

“There are many questions left regarding the curses and such related to those women, but as we continue the mentoring, we will learn more in detail. Strange stones will pop out of the pocket, after all.”

“So, what do you mean by that?”

“Barugan students have a peculiar tendency. They pretend not to know information they already do, trying to reconfirm.”

I chuckled.

I couldn’t help it.

“You knew from the moment I called you. I had decided to select a Barugan student as my mentee.”

-That’s it.

With this, my scope to move within this novel world has significantly expanded.

That’s all, but considering the ability and opportunities to be drawn from Haellion, I feel like dancing with joy!

Of course, out of respect for the nobility, I won’t do such a thing.

Bowing to Edel and Prizia, who summoned Haellion here, is not enough to show gratitude. Although I should manage the fact that I inadvertently attracted attention from outsiders, thanks to that, I was able to ride on unicorns and such that I had never even thought of.

Let’s make sure to embrace them with a bundle of gifts when we meet later.

Of course, I must stick to the existing regulations and penalize the village chief who failed to properly understand this and did not properly monitor the children.

“There are three reasons why I selected Barugan student as my mentee.”

First, to observe closely. To scrutinize every nook and cranny of mine, suspected of having precognitive abilities.

Second, not only because of genius in magic but also due to a remarkably intriguing total mana amount. I want to find out more through long-term observation.

And lastly, the third reason is…

“It seems like they hold similar beliefs to mine.”

Haellion says.

I couldn’t erase the smile, I just shrugged my shoulders. His words were as I had suspected.

“Then, what do you plan to do with the remaining spot for a potential mentee? Are you thinking of leaving it vacant?”

“I was just about to talk about that matter.”

Haellion took out a piece of paper from his leather bag. It was a certificate proving the relationship between mentor and mentee, with Haellion’s name and symbol already engraved in the signature field.

Waiting for two individuals to become potential mentees.

The two spaces below were empty.

“I want to transfer authority to the Barugan student.”

As I skimmed through the paper, I looked up.

Haellion extended his palm, making a gesture to hand something over to me.

“The choice for the remaining spot is entirely up to the Barugan student. They can leave it vacant or invite a friend.”

It was not a challenging tone.

There was no other emotion or judgment in his eyes. Experiencing his background and the current situation, I understood.

He is indifferent.

Apart from my initial interest.

Even if it was the powerful might of Arctelion, or the extraordinary talent of Alicia, I felt no excitement. That’s why.

It doesn’t matter who it is.

After all, when selecting a mentee officially, they will eventually fall like autumn leaves.


As I stalled for time,

Haellion said,

“If you were a student from Vargan, I thought you wouldn’t hesitate to ask for an empty seat.”

“While that is indeed an appealing offer, as a noble, as a student of the Academia, I feel obliged to bestow a more precious opportunity than this golden chance.”

“Does that mean you’ve already mentioned this to someone you’re concerned about?”

Well, yes.

Even if I’m just a falling leaf, the opportunity to learn from a hero like Haellion is incredibly valuable.

From the start, Haellion, who took an interest in me and even came to the Academia, is like that.

Even if I think the risk of failing is minimal, it would be a waste to just let this opportunity slip away, even if there is some risk involved.

“Haellion, I recommend you take it.”

Haellion listened attentively. He didn’t lean in closer, but at least I saw his interest.

“The remaining seat is…”


Last in the admission scores.

Toyren Troa Fin, wrapped in bandages all over his body, sat on the bed in an unfair internal ward, looking outside and thinking of someone.

Shugenharz Troa Vargan.

Overwhelming charisma.

Born with modest talent, Fin grew up listening to stories about Vargan.

At a young age, he could already handle mid-level elemental magic.

He particularly excelled in curse magic, which only a few could use.

While some might have frowned and envied Vargan’s progress, Fin was different.


He sincerely admired Vargan.

Despite being a noble, there were hardly any opportunities to meet, but he was moved by his talent and wished for his success.

And then, what’s this.

After finally entering the Academia, his idol, Vargan, ended up in the same group as him!

Fin, who always put in effort, redoubled his efforts after being with him. It was as if sleep was a waste of time.

To the point of collapsing a few times in between.

To become a hero.

So that he wouldn’t bring shame to Vargan, his fellow group member…!

“…No, not enough… too much.”

The memories of the class battle torment Fin.

The wounds ache once again.

And then.


Pin was startled by the unexpected arrival of a guest.

“B-Bargan, sir…?!”

Looking down at Pin from his superior height, Bargan casually walked over and sat on a nearby chair.

Bargan’s eyes looked as cold as ice crystals.

Pin shuddered and bowed his head. There was no expression on his face. He had succeeded in grabbing Palon’s foot in the classroom as ordered.

However, the process was so humiliating and pitiful that Pin couldn’t lift his head.

“I-I apologize, sir Bargan. I… failed to meet the expectations⎯.”

“Pin, I watched your fight.”

Pin’s body jumped as if startled.

Bargan continued dryly.

“It was a desperate struggle indeed.”

A fiery sensation began to flicker on Pin’s face as if being scorched. It felt shameful, disgraceful. The guilt of disappointing the one who believed in him surged.

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“You couldn’t even effectively use the swordsmanship I taught you and only ended up being beaten. Rolling on the ground and grabbing Palon’s thigh was utterly pathetic.”

His cheek throbbed from being stepped on several times by Palon.

It wasn’t just his face.

His thighs, collarbones, ankles, and other bruised and sore parts seemed to react to his words.

“… I have no face left.”

Pin bowed even lower, tightly biting his trembling lips. Despite agreeing boldly not to disappoint Bargan, he now felt feeble.

Pathetic and shameful.

“I’m truly… sorry.”

Pin offered no excuses other than an apology. The longer his words, the more he felt debased and unimpressive.

It’s fine if everyone scorns him.

He could endure the mocking and criticism from the professors and students watching on screen.

But if he hears a sincere insult from Bargan, the prodigy he idolized since childhood, Pin might sink into a depth of despair from which he could never resurface.



Just the thought of what words might follow in his cold voice made his body tremble.

He might be rejected.

He might be expelled from the research society he created.

“…Yes, sir Bargan.”

Pin was tense, but had given up halfway.

Even if he were in Bargan’s shoes, he would have reached his limit. It was not a suitable opportunity for a guy without such talent or vision.

As Bargan continued, Pin let out a gasp.

“Struggle even harder.”


Bargan handed him a piece of paper.

Pin’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out, and his surprised breath seemed to freeze.

“Train even if your muscles burst. Dedicate yourself even if your overheated mana circuit breaks.”

Bargan’s intense gaze pierced through Pin.

“To you, rest is a luxury. Only after death can you relax. Push yourself. Force yourself to move. And…”

Words delivered in a brutally realistic and thoroughly coercive tone. However, Pin found it difficult to suppress the emotions welling up inside while listening to those commands.

If she didn’t hold back, tears seemed ready to spill from her eyes.

“Prove your worth.”

A certificate signifying the mentor-mentee relationship.

Under the mentor section, Haleyon’s name was written.

Below, under the mentee section, Barugan’s name appeared.

A blank space at the very bottom for a signature.

Barugan handed her the pen.

“This is your first and last chance in life.”

Pin’s hand, clenched so tightly around her thigh that it bruised, received the pen.

Thick tears she had held back began to fall drop by drop.

“I… I…”

Tears filled her eyes so much that she could hardly see as she carefully took the black pen.

Pin lowered her head as is.

Her throat trembled, and the sound of wind escaping began. Tears that had gathered as droplets turned into streams, and her body shuddered.

“Truly, truly, thank you.”

Over 1,000 kilometers above ground.

In a large, unfair room heading back to Academia, Pin quietly wept.

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  1. gege says:

    I’m quite touch vargan

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