The Villains Became Obsessed Bosses chapter 101

Part 5 Episode 2: Yesterday's subordinates are today's enemies.

Part 5 Episode 2: Yesterday’s subordinates are today’s enemies.

Most people believe that the sea is deep and calm.

But anyone who has ever looked inside the sea would never say that.

Thousands of creatures engage in a silent chase to eat and be eaten, and in the deep sea, feeding activities take place to survive in an open space where not a single light enters.

And this coast is broken by the roar of the sea.

The roar of the sea hit the breakwater again and again, and the silent scream regained its sound.

And then another sound echoed along the coast.

“Pua Aak ..!”

The sound of one’s breath being pushed into the lungs in a hurry, as if one had been holding one’s breath for a long time.

“Are you crazy… Me?! To think of crossing this street… By swimming… Bye! To cross it… Bye!”

Wakamo, who had barely regained her normal breath while shaking off the moisture from her head, said while blaming Obs Q.

“I couldn’t help it. My legs are faster than ships or airplanes.”

“..Crazy.. Guy..”

Obscure muttered quietly, ignoring the voices cursing him.

“Still, we were lucky. I would have thought that the Apostles might have been conscious of us and set up a base in Japan.”

Obscure got up in the face of the salty sea breeze and forced Wakamo to stand up.

“We must hurry. Either form an alliance or fight. It is a disadvantageous situation for the two to meet like that.”

“..I know.”

Wakamo, who stumbled and barely managed to stand on his own, looked around.

“…But isn’t it strange?”

“? What is it?”

Sabak. Sabak.

Wakamo muttered as he walked along the wide sandy beach.

“From what I heard in Japan, Busan is a place where people gather quite a bit. So, as soon as you arrived in Busan, you decided to run with me on your back. But…”

Wakamo looked at Obscure.

“Nothing. Not a single human being. Isn’t that strange?”


Obscure, noticing something, immediately flew away and stood in front of Wakamo.

“Swallow it up!”

The greed I recognized immediately spread out thorns in all directions.

Dozens of anesthetic needles broke in the air, scattering anesthetic liquid.

As Obscure, who had retrieved the thorn of greed, growled and drew out his anger, Wakamo was also aiming at the Seiyoku he had already picked up.

“Who are you?”

Obscure asked in a cold voice.

Someone appeared beyond the shore.

Someone with sunglasses covering their eyes looked at the obscure and smiled bitterly.

And Obskue’s eyes opened wide at that smile.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you? Little boss.”


Obscure asked as he closed his eyes and opened them, doubting his own eyes.

“Why are you here? What about Seoul? …No way. Is this a betrayal?”

Obscure’s expression, which was about to soften, became cold again.

“..If it’s betrayal, it’s betrayal. But it’s for the little boss.”

“What kind of bullsh*t is this?”

“Oh my. Your mouth has become rough, our little boss~?”

“Stop talking nonsense and get to the point. If you keep wasting time, I will kill you and pass by.”

Vendetta, embarrassed by Obscure’s sharp reaction, took a slight step back, but soon regained his composure and spoke slowly.

“I’ll say it again, this is a betrayal for the boss.”

“…You’re talking nonsense. Should I kill you?”

Wakamo said, rubbing his head with the handle of Seiyoku, but Obs Q thought for a moment and shook his head.


“…Crow told me that the boss is actually ■■■■ ■■ and that the boss’s body is ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■.”


Obscure grabbed his ears.

“Try… Say it again.”

Vendetta was puzzled, but then explained again.


I couldn’t reach Obscure.

“…Wakamo. Did you hear?”

“..No. I didn’t hear it either.”

The Obscure was confused.

“..Little boss? Do you understand?”

I couldn’t answer.

“That’s why Crow told me to stop the little boss. This is all for the boss…”

Obs Q silently raised his head and looked at the tooltip.


A person who will become his brain in the current situation.

“Give me the answer.”

[Advice, catch up with Crow immediately.]

An answer has emerged.

“…As expected. What is it for me? Crow was also a candidate for the incarnation after all.”

Ops Q smiled bitterly and raised his hand.

Lift up a sharp knife.

“..Little boss…”

“Shut up, Vendetta.”

With that sharp knife.

“Move over. I have to go.”

Cut off the red thread.

“If you don’t get out of the way.”

The part of ‘human’ called obscura.

“I will kill you.”

Cut it.

[Some of your humanity will be lost!]

->[Current humanity remaining: 8%]

For some reason, my humanity was diminished, but the Obscure didn’t care.

“Wakamo. Deceive everyone. It will penetrate.”

“Good. It’s finally moving.”

Wakamo stepped forward and finally shouted, swinging his Seiyoku.

“Everyone kneel before me!”


No one made any movement.


In response to Wakamo’s vain question, someone suddenly popped out.

“I spent some money! Sunglasses and earphones that exclude a being from view. They were very expensive! Oh, of course, Mr. Crow helped me a little with the contract.”

“..Golden Supreme…!”

Obscue gritted his teeth and muttered.

“The things I have built up are against me.”

[Some of your humanity will be lost!]

->[Current humanity: 7%]

Wakamo crouched down and muttered to himself at that sight.

“My ability…Is…So easy…”

“Stop being a bastard and wake up, Wakamo.”

Obscure glanced around.

“If it were Crow… He would have prepared something for my ability. It wasn’t a card to use in a place like this.”

Obscure frowned slightly and took out something.

All Vendetta members pointed their tranquilizer guns at Obscure’s actions.

But Obscure threw back something he had taken out.

Everyone was relieved to see that, even if only for a moment.

For a very short time.

“Come out. Church.”

Once the Obscue’s order was given.

A huge hole opened in the sea, and soon countless people jumped out.

“Obscue called us!”

When the cult members decked out in black clothes jumped out of the hole as black as their clothes, Vendetta was embarrassed and hesitated to give orders.

“Get everything out of the way I’m running.”

Obscue’s command came first.

“Observer wants war!!!”

“Never again war! Never again war!”

Cult members armed with madness and full of strange energy began to charge.

“Suppress it!”

As the cult members began to run, Vendetta shouted, and soon numerous anesthetic needles flew into the sky.

But more than the number of anesthesia needles.

“Never again war!!!”

“It’s a temple!!!”

“Such foolish things!!!”

There were far more church members.

The speed at which the cult members crawled out of the hole was faster than the speed at which they collapsed.

As the number of cult members exceeded imagination, Vendetta members began to be pushed out.

But that was only for a moment, as Vendetta and Golden Supreme joined in and the battlefield became balanced.

However, it was not Vendetta and Golden Supreme who were controlling the scales.

“12Th. Come out.”

It was an obscure.

“Boo, did you call me…?”

When the 12th person who appeared out of thin air responded, Obscure immediately gave an order.

“Rise the fainted ones and rush them.”


The 12th finger moved busily in response to Obscure’s command.

Invisible threads danced and grabbed the arms and legs of the stunned members.

Then the members of the church who had fainted woke up.

He started rushing at a high speed, like a person who had had a refreshing sleep.

“Oh, you’re crazy! What are you doing?”

The members of the organization, startled by the sight of him charging with his eyes closed, began to run away.

And the 12th ability is.

“W-what?! Why are you…!”

Does not apply only to allies.

The fallen gang member, bleeding from the head, suddenly got up and rushed towards the same gang member.

As time goes by, the number of church members increases.

The number of organization members decreases.

Even if I die, I will not die.

A member of the cult, whose heart was pierced by an invisible bullet fired by Vendetta, rushes in gushing out blood.

The perfect zombie army has been completed.

“No! We have to stop the boss..!”

“This is why I didn’t want to fight the little boss directly…!

The cries of Vendetta and Golden Supreme were drowned out by the frantic battle cries of the zombie army.

“It won’t happen, but if Vendetta and Golden Supreme are caught, don’t touch them and just hold them. They will use you as hostages later. Don’t touch them at all.

“Yes, yes…!”

Obscure scanned the battlefield with colder eyes than before and picked up Wakamo.

“We’re leaving. Follow us once we’ve sorted things out.”

As Obscue lazily took a step forward, the surrounding scenery changed in an instant.

And just before the speed picks up even more.


Obscue’s feet suddenly fell into the concrete.

As his other foot also tried to fall out, Obs Q quickly took out his greed and pinned it to the building and looked around.

And just as Obscure expected.

“Let’s just go there. No more.”

Ahab stopped him.

“…You’re blocking me too. How ungrateful.”

“It’s probably the opposite.”

Ahab, who picked up the Pequod from the floor, smiled bitterly and aimed the Obscure.

“Oh, and speaking of which.”

Ahab’s smile changed from a bitter smile to a troubled smile.

“You… Remember that there are people who have a grudge against you… Right?”


Obscure hurriedly ducked in response to the bullet that suddenly flew in.


Soldier Girl fell from the building with a completely angry face.

“…Damn it.”

Obscure frowned and muttered.

“As expected, humans cannot be trusted at all.”

[Some of your humanity will be lost!]

->[Current humanity remaining: 6%]

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