The World’s Strongest Daughter chapter 26

The World’s Strongest Daughter 26

“… can do!”

I clenched my fists a little and got out of the car with a strong will.

A house that has been built up in this wide open space.

It is the hiding place of ‘The Swordsman’.

A woman who was once called the strongest, living in such a shabby house… .

“I would have made a lot of money… .”

It’s a house that doesn’t live up to her reputation.

In the first place, seeing that her husband had just died and hid in a mountain like this, it must have been that she was only that much of a person in the first place.

I was very saddened by the loss of my husband, and there was information that I was not in a good condition, so it might be surprisingly easy.

As I approached the house with such an absurd smile, an elderly housekeeper came out and greeted me.

“… How did you get here?”

Eyes that seem to be on the lookout for something.

I smiled haphazardly and spoke to her to loosen her boundaries.

“Ah, I’m going to see my wife, but if you tell me that you are an acquaintance of my deceased husband, you will know.”

“… please wait for a moment.”

With her vigilant eyes until the end, she entered the house, leaving me alone.

And after a while.

“… Come in.”

Perhaps the permission of ‘The Swordsman’ had been granted, and he invited me into the house.

The corners of my lips went up at the thought that I stepped in more easily than I thought.

In the operation to recruit the swordsman, approaching her was the biggest difficulty.

By the way, you can do such a difficult thing at once!

Also, I was right in judging my husband.

So, guided by the housekeeper, I entered the house, and looked around, touching the camera hidden in my bag.

… Would this be a good shot?

I can’t see anything particularly important, so I think it’s okay to take a picture.

At that time, the housekeeper glanced at me as if to come quickly and led me up the stairs.

“… My wife is on the second floor.”

The old man has a very urgent personality… .

It’s like seeing our ‘father’.

I followed the housekeeper’s instructions and went up to the second floor,

“You can come in.”

Finally, the time has come to meet the ‘swordsman’.

I opened the door with a strange excitement and anticipation, and found a woman sitting by the window.

Long brown hair, red eyes.

It was not much different from the appearance of ‘The Swordsman’ I saw on TV.


She smiled brightly and greeted her cheerfully, but without answering, she gently changed her posture and sat down.

He doesn’t seem to want to say hello.

no! When someone greets you, shouldn’t you accept it?

I sat down in front of her with a wide smile and greeted her once more.

“‘Geomhoo’! It is such an honor to meet you like this! It’s called shared beauty!”

Then she slowly opened her arms and opened her mouth slowly.

“Who are you?”

uh… . I said that it was obviously delicious, but was it all gourmet?

Frowning at her sharp eyes, I answered with a bright smile.

“… Sungjae oppa, I know him, but I… .”

“My husband has no acquaintances like you.”

I was a little perplexed by the words and actions of Jooyeon-hee, who was cut with a single knife.

no! How do I know if I have an acquaintance like me or not? uh… .

I was choosing what to say in moderation, but I decided to change my plan quickly at Jooyeon-hee’s sharp gaze.

Since this is the case, the only choice is to throw the rice cakes first!

“… Hey, let’s see this first!”

I hurriedly moved, handed the plan I had prepared in my bag, and said.

“You will definitely like it!”

After staring at me for a moment, she gently accepted the plan.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Quiet- Quiet-

She checks the data meticulously to see if my predictions are wrong

At the foreboding of victory, the corners of his lips began to rise little by little.

In the plan I brought, there was a plan that she might be terrified of.

Ritual to bring the dead back to life!

It sounds absurd if you just listen to it, but it’s something a woman who loved her husband would have thought about at least once.

Of course, you can’t raise a real dead person.

We’re not gods, how do we do that?

However, if you use the power of ‘The Handmaiden’, you can make similar imitations.

Once we take them to the church and we meet only the ‘father’, the ‘swordsman’ is in our hands… !


The moment Ju Joo-hee put down the plan, the air suddenly froze.

“… You are a pseudo.”


“Wow, what are you talking about… ?”

I was greatly taken aback by her words.

Obviously there is nothing written about religion anywhere… !

“Hey profit!”

All of a sudden, she was aiming at me with a long and thin sword.

uh, when? No, how!?

I’m also quite a B-class hunter, but I didn’t even notice her movements at all.

“If you don’t want to die, blow what you have.”

Unlike the tip of a sword that exudes life, Jooyeon-hee’s eyes looking at me were dull.

He had no hesitation in killing people.

“Oh… .”

die like this

But even if they betray their ‘family’, they die.

… I’m sorry, I just came… . don’t come… ! I’ll just send another kid!!!!

But already spilled water.

The only result of trying to look good to ‘The Handmaiden’ and ‘Father’ was death.

I slowly turned my eyes away and looked out the window next to me.

No, wouldn’t it be possible to somehow live by using your abilities?

My ability is ‘instant acceleration’

If you use your abilities with all your might, you can avoid it at least once… .


As soon as Jooyeon’s low voice pierced my ears, I exploded my body’s magic and threw myself out the window.


The wind pressure that crushes the whole body.

I jumped out quickly, passing the empty lot where my house was, and flying over a thick tree.

Ugh… !

I hurriedly looked around, but there was no trace.

Sah, did you live… ?

Seeing that the neck is attached, it seems that he is not dead.

I came down to the ground and stepped on the floor, thinking to run away and see,


I fell down helplessly.


Because he fell on the ground, he threw himself in the face.

“Woo boo boo! Etc!!”

I spit out the sand in my mouth and brushed my face,

“Chi… . really… .”

The moment I tried to get up, swearing at me that I did something wrong… .


I could see something rolling in front of me.

“… Kyaa!!!!”

It was an ankle that spouted blood.


“… So Yeon-ah. I’ve already bought four cookies… .”


Flickering at Min So-yeon’s staring gaze, I had no choice but to lower my tail.

“… Well, then, shall I live up to that? ?”


So she put sweets in the shopping cart and went ahead, and I let out a short sigh as I looked at her.

Why are you angry again? .

It must have been fine when we practiced, but he suddenly got angry, and now he started to rebel in a cute way, picking out snacks.

He must be angry with me, but I can’t figure out why.

“… Soyeon-ah! Come with me!”

I quickly pulled the cart and followed her, and Min So-yeon glanced at me following me, and gently grabbed the cart and led me to another corner.

“… So Yeon-ah, there is chocolate at home… . Ah Okay… . Are you living alone?”

So I took one by one… .

“Two, two are too many! just one! Buy one!”

Suddenly, the shopping cart was full of snacks.

… Isn’t that too much?

At that moment, while looking at the shopping cart full of snacks in vain, Min So-yeon pulled the cart tight and spoke to her.

“What are you doing, aren’t you going?”

“… go, go… .”

All I can do now is just accept it.

Once I get home, I have no choice but to calm down.

So we went out to the mart after buying two more bags of bread, and because we bought so much, we took a taxi to Min So-yeon’s house.

When Min So-yeon arrived at the house, she threw her shopping cart into the kitchen and went to her room to change her clothes.

Normally, we would have packed up the things we bought and went up to the room, but today he disappeared without even looking at it.

Does that mean you’re so angry?

But they brought it home.

“… It’s difficult.”

The heart of an adolescent girl is completely unknown.

At that time, I quietly sighed and organized the shopping cart one by one.

“… I will help you.”

Min So-yeon appeared and started helping me.

… Yes?

However, Min So-yeon’s clothes were a little strange.

He was wearing a beige sleeveless shirt, not a large T-shirt he usually wore, and his pants were also wearing dolphin pants.

Even though the day was a little warmer, wasn’t it too short?

“… Soyeon-ah, isn’t it cold?”

Min So-yeon stared at me instead of answering, then shook her head and quietly started organizing things.

… Why are you doing this… .

I had no way of knowing.

After tidying up with Min So-yeon, I immediately started preparing dinner.

Today’s menu is fried chicken.

This menu is specially selected by Min So-yeon.

I cleaned and blanched the chicken I bought at the supermarket, mixed it with the pre-sliced vegetables and seasonings and started boiling it.

With the lights set appropriately, I glanced around the living room to see Min So-yeon playing a game with a nervousness.

… Is it now?

After turning the lights down a little more, I took Min So-yeon’s favorite sweets and carefully headed to the living room.

Tick- Tack-

She didn’t even know I was here and was concentrating on the game.

If I was so focused, I wouldn’t even know that my pants were curled up.

I wish I could show this concentration when I train… .

I let out a quiet sigh, and cautiously took a seat next to her.

Then, feeling popular and looking at me, she bit her lip and began to stare at the TV.

As I bit my lips until they turned white, there was definitely something I didn’t like.

But what is it?

I also couldn’t figure it out.

… There is no choice but to interrogate with sweets.

I cracked open the cookie for her to hear, and then she glanced at the cookie in my hand as if possessed by something.

Also, can’t stand this?

Immediately after eating a cookie, he handed it to her and said,

“Want some?”

Never give sweets before eating.

Then the taste of rice will go down.

But today, I need an interrogation accompanied by sweets, so I have no choice but to do it.

Min So-yeon, who was staring at me, stopped the game, and pretended not to be interested and reached out with a cookie.

“Uh, wait a minute.”

I quickly wiped away the cookies and grabbed her hand.

“… why.”

At Min So-yeon’s eyes, growling low and staring at her like she was about to kill, she thought of her young wife and gently let go of her hand.

… daughter or mother.

“Ask the game machine. I will feed you.”

“… What?”

“Aren’t you going to play?”

Min So-yeon, who had been thinking for a while, looking at the cookies and myself, finally grabbed the gamepad.

It means to feed.

I inadvertently raised the corners of my lips at Min So-yeon’s appearance, and started delivering sweets.

At first, she slowly pulled her mouth out and took it carefully, but as if she had adapted to it, she waited for me with her mouth slightly open like a baby bird waiting for food.


When I glanced inside the bag at the sound of cracking cookies, it was already starting to show the bottom.

… is it slow?

In the case of my wife, it was usually solved with one bag.

However, this is the first time for Min So-yeon to interrogate sweets, and she doesn’t know how much sweets she needs.

However, if you open another bag of cookies, you may not really have dinner.

I can’t help it, it’s a frontal breakthrough.

I put a cookie into Min So-yeon’s mouth, and then gently clinged to it and spoke in a soft voice.

“… Soyeon-ah.”

She shuts her mouth tightly when talking to her instead of sweets.

… I’m afraid I’m not someone’s daughter, so I’m very quick to notice.

“… What happened today? Can’t you tell me?”

She glanced at me, then turned her gaze back to the TV.

If you leave here, dinner is over.

“… If I’m wrong, I apologize. But I need to know why so I can apologize.”

That moment.

Min So-yeon put her gamepad down.

[ You Die ]

Min So-yeon’s character who died with him.

At the same time as the gloomy BGM flowed in the living room, Min So-yeon turned around and made eye contact.

She looked into my eyes with a slightly raised expression.

“… Are you dating Gong Hye-sun?”

… huh?

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  1. Lku says:

    Religion of Physco simps

  2. D F D F says:

    Pseudo religion aka cult

  3. Rainame Ren24 says:

    A Cult

  4. big simp says:

    can someone explain what a pseudo is, and why they have to die?

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