The World’s Strongest Daughter chapter 44

The World’s Strongest Daughter 44

After finishing the housework, when I go to bed.


Someone knocked on the door, opened it slightly and spoke to me.

“… Hye Sun-ah. ruler?”

“… sister… ?”

It was the twin sister, Yeji sister.

After confirming that I was awake, the older sister cautiously entered the room and sat down on the bed.

What’s going on this night… ?

“Hye-sun. How are you doing with that guy these days?”

Go, suddenly… ?

I was a little perplexed at the words of my sister who suddenly asked me about Jihwan.

“… Yes? Why is it all of a sudden… ?”

“It’s just, I’m not feeling well these days.”

“That, right? I’m fine… .”

I wiggled my fingers, avoiding my sister’s gaze.

Everything was really good until the day the exam was over.

Jihwan and I were getting closer, step by step, and there was no particular problem.

I didn’t… .

Obviously there wasn’t… .

Min So-yeon, who had been quiet until now, started to deviate from the moment she tackled me.

Min So-yeon, as if she had become a girlfriend, made a comment that it was uncomfortable for me to be with Ji-hwan.

Due to the sudden change, did the two of you start dating? I even made an illusion.

But seeing Jihwan asking the three of them to sit together, he realized that the two weren’t serious yet.

Jihwan was still kind to me. I still had a chance.

The problem was Min So-yeon, who was next to Ji-hwan.

Min So-yeon has repeatedly emphasized that they are close enough to even go home, as if trying to show off to me.

Still, he didn’t know that he had not dated yet, and that it was even more miserable.

… But the reality was worse for me.

Such mourning takes Ji-hwan home, but the only thing I can do is bake bread.

… infinitely… . It felt miserable.

“… .”

As my expression collapsed at the melancholy thought I had forgotten at the most, my sister was startled, holding my hand tightly and comforting me.

“… everything will be alright. If you just do what you’ve been doing up until now, you’ll be rewarded for it. That guy knows how good you are. So, don’t be too hasty. Understand?”

“… thank you, Sister… .”

My sister’s warm words permeated my dry chest.

It wasn’t as sweet as Jihwan’s kind words, but it was enough to comfort my heart.

… Yes, one day Jihwan will understand my heart.

… Someday… .


Talking to my wife was the right answer.

The more I pondered on the advice she gave me, the more I realized that I had acted too easily.

I thought that if I tried somehow, I would be able to hurt Gong Hye-sun as little as possible.

I can protect her first love beautifully.

However, even if I could focus completely on my family, it was not enough, and trying to care for Gong Hye-sun was close to greed.

After realizing the reality, I understood Gong Ji-ji’s heart.

No matter how much I do for Gong Hye-sun, if I don’t accept her heart, I’ll look vague in the eyes of my real family, Gong Ji-ji.

If you think about it backwards, isn’t it the same as a boy playing with Soyeon?

If it were me, I would have acted like a craft paper.

“… ha… .”

A sense of guilt that came late pierced my chest.

If I had noticed it a little sooner, there would have been no reason to hurt Hyeseon even more… .

One of my mistakes caused damage not only to Hye-sun, but also to my wife, So-yeon, and Gong Ji-ji.

It was not a sin that could be repaid overnight.

… Let’s reflect… .

So, with a heavy heart, I finished preparing for school and left the house.

By the way… .

“Ji, Jihwan… !”

I ran into Hye-sun Gong, who was standing in front of the house.


… Why is Jihwan doing this? I’m not feeling well today… ?

I felt a little worried about Jihwan’s back, who was seated in the distance.

This morning, I was going to go to school with Jihwan to change the mood, but I was rejected because I had to do something.

I had no choice but to go to school lonely,

Ji-hwan, who sent me saying he had a business, showed up in the classroom with Min So-yeon beside him.

… It was fine until then.

Because taking care of Min So-yeon has always been the case.

it was ok

It was also possible that Jihwan moved his seat as if avoiding me.

It was understandable that Jihwan, who had always sat in the back corner, sat in the front row, the most conspicuous.

Because you studied with me, you might be interested in the class.

Armed with positive thoughts, I approached him with a specially toasted loaf of bread.

By the way… .

“… Jihwan-ah. What’s going on… ?”

“no it’s okay… .”

“… that, yes… ?”

Jihwan, who always greeted me with a friendly smile, avoided my gaze and responded a little coldly.

Big, are you in bad shape… ?

Embarrassed by his unfamiliar appearance, I immediately handed him the shopping bag I had hidden behind and said:

“… Hey, eat this and do your best today!”

But Jihwan did not take the shopping bag.

He gently pushed my hand away and spoke slowly, as if something was struggling.

“… Thank you, Hye-sun. But I’ll take my heart, I’m a little full… . … It’s okay if you don’t eat breakfast now, I’m going to eat breakfast now… . Thank you so far.”

euphemistic refusal.

Have you ever been rejected by him?

“… That’s right… .”

there has never been

Embarrassed by the unfamiliar feeling of being rejected by Yoo Ji-hwan, I hurriedly ran away after speaking to him.

“… .”

the backmost corner.

The seat where Yoo Ji-hwan always sat.

Today he was not sitting.

As I stared blankly at the empty seat, I gently reached out and touched the empty chair.

A chilling sensation without feeling any warmth.

The cold reality that climbed up his fingertips reminded him that he had been rejected by him.

“… ha… .”

That moment when I sighed heavily and stroked the empty seat.

“Feel free.”

A small laugh was heard from somewhere.

A sticky discomfort that gets tangled in the heart.

… someone is laughing at me

Convinced of the unknown, I hurriedly looked around and was able to find the culprit.

“… .”

Only one person in this spacious classroom.

She covered her mouth and avoided my gaze.

… Min So-yeon… .


After all classes are over.

I told Min So-yeon to go first.

“… do you want me to go alone? why?”

“I have something to see.”

“… Ball?”

“yes. It’s an important matter, so I’ll get it done right away.”

After hesitating for a while as if she wanted to ask what was going on, she finally left the classroom leaving a message to come early.

After confirming that Min So-yeon had disappeared, I felt a little relieved at the thought that she was following me more than I expected.

Soyeon sent… .

Now all that’s left is to talk to Gong Hye-sun.

I turned my head and looked at the back of the classroom.

Gong Hye-sun, who always packs her belongings with a sad face, in the same place they used to sit together.

Seeing her like that, my chest began to ache.

He was a child who always smiled brightly, but to have such a sad face… .

By the time the thought that I was being too harsh came up.

Calm down… .

I shook my head and threw away all my thoughts.

If you come all the way here and give it a chance, it will leave you with a truly irreversible wound.

“… Whoo… .”

Having hardened my heart, I cautiously approached Gong Hye-sun.

“… Hye-sun.”

The moment I spoke, Hye-sun Gong raised her head and met her eyes.

… ah… .

Her twinkling eyes were cloudy enough to remind her of the wife she had met in three years.

“… Wait, can I talk to you?”

“… Yes… !”

Hye-sun Gong said that she could talk as much as she wanted, and hurriedly packed her things, and I led her to a nearby cafe.

Because I think she and I need some time to organize my thoughts.

After moving to the cafe.

“… .”

Hye-sun Gong looked down at the coffee she ordered.

A cappuccino with hot steam.

Perhaps the barista made a mistake, and the white heart drawn on the glass was slightly distorted.

As I watched her quietly, I opened my mouth slowly, dipping my mouth with ice coffee.

“… Hye Sun-ah. I apologize for being mean today.”

Then she moved her eyes and made eye contact.

👌👌👌👌 .

I had prepared so many words for coming this far, but the moment my eyes met her, I completely forgot about it.

Only truth and sincerity are left on the pitiful tongue.

In the end, everything I had prepared was just a trivial excuse.

… Yeah, you can’t come all the way here and hide the truth.

I think of my wife’s face inwardly. He continued speaking slowly.

“… Actually, I have someone I have liked for a long time.”

Then Gong Hye-sun closed her eyes tightly as if she couldn’t hear.

It looked so pathetic that it was difficult to continue talking.

but you have to

“By the way… . I… , knowing all of your feelings, I quickly accepted your favor.”

“… Ji-Hwan-ah… . I… .”

“I won’t ask you to forgive me.”

I interrupted Hye-sun Gong and delivered her last words.

“I’m really sorry.”

That moment.

“… .”

A single tear fell from Hye-sun’s eyes.

She didn’t say anything.

Don’t slap me, don’t swear at me,

I just closed my eyes and shed tears.

In my heart, I want to pat her and wipe away her tears.

But that’s just deceiving.

Until she stops crying,

until the hot coffee cools down,

I sat still and waited.


Min So-yeon, hiding in one side of the cafe, thought as she watched the conversation between Yoo Ji-hwan and Gong Hye-sun.

What if I had been sitting in Gong Hye-sun’s position?

Did I just shed tears like Gong Hye-sun?

Or did he hold onto Yoo Ji-hwan’s hair and start a riot?

Maybe it’s both.

“phew… .”

Min So-yeon sighed with relief and buried herself in the chair.

It was thanks to closing my eyes and checking my heart that I was able to be so relaxed, otherwise I might have bitten all my nails out of anxiety.

Good job Min So-yeon!

At that time, Min So-yeon, who was so relieved, was sipping the fruit juice she ordered and looking at Yoo Ji-hwan and Gong Hye-sun.

woo-woong- woo-woong-

Min So-yeon’s cell phone rang.

“… yes?”

Min So-yeon, who took out her cell phone from her arms, was startled by the ‘strange name’ that appeared on the screen.

[ Mom ]

Min So-yeon, who was restless and looked at her cell phone and Yoo Ji-hwan alternately, hurriedly left the cafe and answered the call.

that time.

Gong Hye-sun, who had already stopped crying, carefully opened her mouth to Yoo Ji-hwan.

“… Someone you like… . Who is it… ?”

“… uh?”

Yoo Ji-hwan, who was determined to be able to endure even the coffee flying in, made a stupid sound at an unexpected question.

After wiping away the tears with the back of her hand, Gong Hye-sun blew her nose and asked the question again.

“… Joe, the one I like… It’s Soyeon… ?”

Then, Yoo Ji-hwan was startled and waved his hand.

“Oh no! Different… . it’s a person… .”

Gong Hye-sun was convinced by carefully examining Yoo Ji-hwan’s words and actions.

Min So-yeon is not her opponent.

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  1. Lku says:

    Phew🙂 that phone call was right on time

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