There Was a Porter Who Would One Day Be Called a Prophet chapter 118

118 - World Tree - 8

118 – World Tree – 8

Thalia thought that this moment might be a dream.

A hand tightly wrapped around her own.

And because her owner was clinging to her hand eagerly, looking up at herself.

It is clear that it was a situation she had hoped for, but she did not expect it.

“Huh…? Huh huh?”

When she tried to take her hand out of her embarrassment, she chased after her as if she wouldn’t tolerate that behavior and once again locked her in her big, warm hand.

While she couldn’t come to her senses at the restraint of the man in front of her.

The porter smiled inwardly at Talia.

As expected, the effect is good.

If Granzel existed in the East, there was a request for a cat in boots in the West.

A technique that boasts a high success rate every time I go to the mart with my teachers.

It’s been a self-sealing skill since I opened my eyes to a real man since elementary school, but it doesn’t seem to rust yet.

Look. You can’t refuse and you don’t know what to do.

After blocking Talia’s mouth with a psychological trick that stimulates her opponent’s sympathy. Got into the subject.

“Then let’s go to the warrior.”


She felt sorry for Talia for answering involuntarily, but she was even more curious.


The distance to the hero is still quite high here.

If you think about the attack of the demon beast on the way, it won’t be easy for him to reach the place where the hero is.

He says he can fly, but how does the porter get there?

As Thalia looked at her porter with that thought in mind, she could see the corners of his mouth slowly rising.

With the porter’s gaze as if he were seeing himself as a mount.


Looks like he changed his perfume.

Even while cutting the wind, a sweet scent brushed my nose.

‘Originally, I was going to be carried on my back….’

Talia’s skills at the wheel must be inexperienced, and I, hugging her, tasted her death.

I would give her a ride, but according to Talia’s condition that it would never happen if she didn’t do it this way, with her two legs wrapped around her waist, she hugged her from underneath and was flying away.

– Huung.


Talia intercepts the roots that are pursuing from the ground to the air while evading.


Her nose tingled with the shock that came with the sudden braking.

“Ugh…! Are you okay porter?”

A little blushing, she sweetly worried about me sitting in her passenger seat.

“…It’s okay.”

Actually, it’s not okay.

Because there is no airbag here.

If the flying scalpel had been a flying saint rather than height, she would have been quite comfortable riding.

“…Porter. Didn’t you just think of being rude?”

Once again, Talia is suspicious that something has been triggered.

“Look ahead of that! Front!”


– Huung!

It was so narrowly missed that the fine hairs of the protruding roots could be seen.

He’s driving, but his mind is wandering.

How many times did she hit her face on a speed bump instead of an airbag?

It was only after avoiding two or three more roots that I began to see the struggling warrior in the distance.


The hero was constantly cutting down the roots that sprouted from the ground and the monsters that appeared occasionally.

The result of stepping back a little each time.

Before he knew it, he was pushed to a distance that was quite far from the demon tree that was close by.

‘There’s no end to this….’

A warrior who intuitively sensed that the situation was not very good when he saw the demonic beast that had been refilled to the shield.

‘Considering the mana I have left, is it possible to break the shield once or twice?’


Power went into her hand holding the holy sword.


The time when the warrior who eventually chose to break through was about to cast his skill.


‘Is it an auditory hallucination?’

I heard the voice of a porter who couldn’t be here.

‘Me too. What do you think in this situation…. No matter what, they’re fighting right now.’

A warrior who shakes his head to shake off his thoughts.

‘Concentrate on the situation right in front of you….’

“Hero! Stop him!”

What I heard this time was Talia’s voice.

“What the hell are you saying… Chee-it!”


At the same time as avoiding the roots protruding from the ground, raise your head in the few seconds of free time given to you.

“I’m a warrior!”

He saw the porter floating in the sky in Talia’s embrace, waving her hand at him.

‘Why is that person here…. No, more than that, what was Talia thinking of him… !’

Could it be because the appearance was so shocking?

– Wedges!

From noble mtl dot com

The hero, who lost his sight more than expected, could not avoid the roots flying towards him.


A warrior who eventually gets hit by the roots and flies away.

The porter, who intuitively watched the hero fly away with a wide angle of view, frowned at him without realizing it.

‘Oh. All I see is sick.’


The hero, who had been rolling on the ground for a while, stopped by driving his holy sword into the ground.

Then the hero raised his head and scolded Talia.

“Talia! What if I bring Mr. Porter here!”

Then, Talia, who had just dealt with the roots that had hit the hero, exclaimed as if it were unfair.

“I was tricked too!”

Looking at the resentment on Thalia’s expression, it seems to be true.

The porter, who was clinging to that short body, thought to himself.

What the hell did you get tricked into?

I never cheated.

After she successfully lands a key precarious landing with a scalpel she claims to be the victim.

“Listen, hero! The porter is me…!”

Leaving behind the growing blackmailer, he spoke to the hero who was the reason he had come this far.

“Hero! Please break the shield!”


The warrior felt embarrassed for a moment, but soon after seeing his expression, he knew that it was no ordinary thing.

It always worked out when he made that face.

“Is there a way?”

“Yeah, well…for now!”

An unreliable answer came back from somewhere, but the hero who decided to trust him summoned the saintess who was away fighting.


That’s how the warrior party and the porter, excluding Reina, gathered.

“Brother, is it true that there is a solution to this situation?”

As if she was a little tired, a drop of sweat dripped down her chin, adding to her strange s*xiness.

I barely looked away from there and opened my mouth, showing the hot fairy spring water that had just been airlifted from the spirit realm.

“I’m going to pour this spring water, but to do that, I need to break the shield first.”

“Then I…”

The warrior’s morale can be set high, but. I shook my head.

“The base of the tree will be difficult to access because of the roots.”

“Then where are you going to plant it?”

In response to Thalia’s question, he pointed to where the queen was.

“I have to go up there.”

“I see…”

Then, as if regretting it, the warrior lowered his head.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s just us, but the concept of men’s clothing has definitely weakened. You may find out then.

Of course, I just want to leave the spring water to the warrior and watch it from behind, but I need someone from the bottom to be in charge of the roots.

“If you succeed in removing the shield, then it will start using vines again. You will need someone from above to block it.”

As I spoke while looking at her saintess, she vigorously nodded her head.

Still, I’m glad everyone followed along.

As a bonus, I felt rewarded watching the rolling mountains.

“Then let’s begin.”

The first button was being put into the attack on the Demon King.


The beginning of the plan was for the hero to attack the World Tree alone.

With no party members in sight other than her hero, Makaisu pours all of her resources into her.

– Kugu Palace.

At the same time as the ground trembled, the hero leaped forward with all his might and left his seat.

-Quad Deuk!

Then her roots tearing up the ground from the place where she had just stood.

‘He was right. The vines don’t fly while the shield is on.’

The hero who landed didn’t move in that position.

-Quad Deuk!

She doesn’t even move even though her roots approach her.

The time when the distance between the two was not long.


The champion gave her signal and her pillars of fire shot up all around her.


A hero who emerges from within when the pillar of fire that burned the nearby roots all at once faded away.

“Are you okay, hero?”

“I’m fine.”

The hero answered as if it was not a big deal, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

After confirming that the hero was all right, Talia went straight to the next stage of the plan.


Talia rises with her saintess on her back and her porter in her own arms.

“Saintess! Why are you so heavy!”

“Is that that heavy…?”

Since she is a saint with a particularly bloated body, it was only natural that it would lead to her weight.

Talia, carrying the porter and the saint, flew into the sky and started approaching the shield.

The hero started preparing for the next blow.


A hero who aims for three people approaching from the air and clears the ground from the ground, gradually approaching the shield.

When Makaisu noticed this, he was already within range of his skill.


– Kwagakak!

This time, he is also scratching the shield and raising a cloud of dust.


– Huung!

As the second skill cut through the dust and hit the spot where it had just hit again, the shield shattered again.

“Talia, hurry!”

“I’m working hard too!”

Has she ever sweated so much as a wizard?

Talia, who had been sweating for the rest of her life here, flew in fiercely.

And there was no way the world tree would leave it alone.

The vines flew as if they were waiting for the shield to disappear.

“Sacred Chain!”

Although the saintess spread her chain and blocked most of her vines.

– Huung!

The time when the vines flew from the blind and swung around in a curve.

– Puck!

I saw an arrow shot from somewhere and getting stuck in a vine.

– Wedge fluid.

– Wedge juice.

And the arrow did not stop with one shot. As if that was the beginning, the arrows flew fiercely and got stuck.

The power of each step was weak, but as a group, it succeeded in twisting the trajectory of the vines, and the vines only passed us with a terrifying sound.

I thought it was Reina for a moment, but the power was too weak for that.

“Who the hell…”

When I turned my head to the direction the arrow had come from, there it was.

“It’s my personal will, so why did I follow you…”

“Are you saying that only you are wise and we are not?”

“Then who are we other than wise men?”

“I can never say that we escaped with the help of humans.”

It caught my eye that the elves who had fled were carrying arrows through their strings.

“Guys. It’s called Kampf, so they pop out on their own.”

I said that, but I felt something overflowing inside me.

“Miss Thalia!”


As the saintess retracts her chains, Talia burrows at a speed close to her fall.

“At least show that we were in a position to save the village!”

“Yes, wise man!”

Thanks to the elves buying us a little time with support fire, we succeeded in landing safely on top of the world tree.

While they block the vines that are aiming at us.

“I hope it goes well…”

The moment I opened the stopper of the spring water I took out of my bosom.

“Koo-gu-gu goong!”

The demon tree suddenly begins to shake with a tremendous vibration.

‘What’s going on… !’

It wasn’t long before I was able to guess what the situation was with the changing scenery.

-Kooung. Thud.

It was caused by the Magyesu, which began to move its huge body by putting its roots out of the ground.

‘There was no such thing as phase 3 in the game!’

A Demon Beast that starts rampaging while walking around.

And the impact of the huge body touching the ground was transmitted to the porter’s standing position.


I lost the bottle of spring water as the demon gyesoo moved rapidly.


I rushed over and tried to grab the bottle of spring water.


The bottle, barely touching my finger, fell helplessly down there.


“I’ll get it!”

As Talia, who was watching it, left to retrieve her bottle, she decided to start with what she could do now.

‘Let’s get the queen out for now.’

Turning her head, the queen, who is connected to the demon tree, came into her eyes.

A queen with her upper body exposed and her hands and lower back attached to the demon tree.

Above that, she didn’t wear a single thread, and only her light purple hair hid her severe parts.

This is just lifesaving. Some degree of physical contact is unavoidable.

Suppressing her selfishness, I grabbed her by the wrist and gave her strength.

“Turn it off…!”

The queen doesn’t budge whether they are connected more firmly than expected.

Take out the Excalibur given to her by the Holy Maiden and strike the side of her hole.


A sound resounded as if a lump of iron had been struck, and a tingling feeling passed through her arms.

‘A metal sound from a tree….’

I thought it was no big deal seeing how easily the party members dealt with it.

That’s why she can’t ask for help from the saintess who is working hard behind her and blocking her vines.

– KANG! Kang! Kang!

As I gritted my teeth and struck the knife, the progressive wounds began to glow red.


At that moment, with a rough sound, the blade pierced the steel-like shell of the Makaisu.


When I put my hand in the gap and opened it with all my strength, one hand came out like a radish being pulled out.

I treated the rest of the hand in the same way and looked at the rest.

‘… Where should I grab this?’

Leaving her lower body behind, I had arrogant thoughts.

This is just lifesaving. Any contact that occurs in the process is legal.

For the first time, I felt fortunate that this place was not Hellfire Hellbando.

I went back in front of her and lifted her up with both hands wrapped around her waist.

‘What… ! Is my pelvis bigger than I thought?’

I didn’t budge, as if there was a large area hidden underneath.

In the end, let’s put her hand through the gap where her lower body was buried.


A feeling of great elasticity ran through her hands.

Let’s try to quiet her selfishness and lean her back while giving strength to her legs and hands.

– Sweep.

She is a queen who is starting to come out little by little.

‘Just a little more… !’

– Udangtang.

As her pelvis, along with her thighs, slipped out, she fell as if holding her queen.

“Brother! It’s over…”

When the saintess heard the sound of falling, she turned her head.


Her eyes caught the figure of a porter beneath her clutching her queen’s ass with both her hands.


“This is a misunderstanding.”

At that time, for the first time, I was able to face the cold stare of her saintess.


The queen, who started to open her eyes as a pity.

From noble mtl dot com


When the queen lifted her eyelids, the first thing she saw was a porter within reach of her nose.


When the porter flinched after exchanging glances with Sergina, the reaction was transmitted through his hand.

Turning her head at the feeling she felt on her hip, Sergina realized what kind of situation she was in.


Sergina soon sees many complex emotions on her face.

The porter who saw that hurriedly opened his mouth.

“You may misunderstand that this is the situation as soon as you open your eyes. Listen. I can explain everything. This is an unavoidable contact that occurred during the lifesaving process…”

The time when the porter risked his life to defend himself.


A protective shield that starts to regenerate again as if the cooldown had passed.

Because Sergina was selected, the size was smaller than before. It seemed to be enough to cover the upper part of the Demon Gate where we were located.

“Saint, take this!”


When Sergina was thrown in a hurry, the saintess caught the queen as she flew away screaming like a girl.


“I’m going to finish it, so move it first!”

“That’s it! Don’t call it like a thing!”

“Porter! Found it!”

The situation is very confusing with Talia, who has recovered the bottle before she knew it and came back up again.

“Give that to me! Quickly!”

A fleeting moment when Talia was poised to throw her bottle and her saintess carried Sergina over.

– Squeeze.

A shield that has been completed by blocking the path between the bottle and the porter.


Left alone like that, the porter knocked on the shield from the other side and screamed.

“There are still people in here!”

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