There Was a Porter Who Would One Day Be Called a Prophet chapter 190

190 - Gaining time

190 – Gaining time

-Chief profit.

When the venom that flowed from the spider’s teeth fell to the ground, an eerie sound was heard and a wisp of smoke rose.

It’s an imperial palace that couldn’t have been used just for anything.

In addition to being durable, it was normal that only magically treated materials should be used so that there should be no scratches at all.

However, a large hole had already formed in the floor.

‘Why on earth are you so upset…? ?’

A cold sweat broke out from Ian’s forehead as he just witnessed it.

Despite the fact that he only spoke words full of hope, the emperor expressed anger in return.


And that too while taking out such vicious summoned beasts.

‘I already hate spiders….’

It may seem strange to like scorpions but hate spiders, but the two are completely different.

It doesn’t have fancy claws that evoke romance just by looking at it, and it doesn’t have a sub-gimmick like a poisonous sting on its tail.

More than anything, look at that openly unpleasant appearance. It has a terrifying appearance, with two pairs of large eyes at the center and eyes on both sides.

This is not something I find strange, it is a historically proven taste.

‘There is Scorpio, but there is no Spider.’

There is a reason why beings that proudly occupy a place in mythology were not included in the constellations.

The gods, who often make constellations in the sky, must have gritted their teeth and blocked them because they didn’t want to see that.

-Key profit!

While I was thinking about something else for a moment. The spider lifted its two front legs as if it was going to pounce on me at any moment.


When he saw that disgusting gesture right in front of him, he froze in place.

“Hero! Shouldn’t we stop that?!”

The party members all had tense expressions, as if they were aware of the seriousness of the situation.


Aria is at a loss for words as she sees her parents for the first time in her life.

‘Why is His Majesty so angry…? ?’

And heroes were no exception.

In her view, Ian’s remarks were not problematic at all.

She says she will return her child to the way it was, but what kind of parent would come out like that?

But from the emperor’s perspective, it was just a shock.

From noble mtl dot com

They said there was no need for anything and just wanted to come, but kicking the spot wasn’t enough and it was like declaring that they would shut out even the slightest possibility.

The moment when the warrior tried to step forward in such a bad situation.


When the emperor sighed, the spider became a little calmer.

It put down its threatening front leg and lay flat on its stomach with its belly on the ground.

-Key profit….

Still, as if I didn’t like it somehow, my gaze was still directed in this direction.

“Yes. Does this mean there is a way to return Aria to her original state?”

When the emperor asked with one hand on his head, I stuttered and opened my mouth.

“Yes, yes… I’m sure.”


The emperor sighs repeatedly at my affirmation.


The more I did that, the more murderous the spider’s eyes glared at me.

She stuck out her tongue internally from the pressure.

‘It hasn’t even been properly summoned, but it’s like that….’

Imperial Landlord Calbas.

After using a specific skill with Gilbert, the identity of that spider emerged as an additional effect.

Originally, the skill to scatter spider web-like sword energy and bind the enemy in a wide area should have been the priority, but the current situation seems to have sprung up arbitrarily in response to his intensified emotions.

“I… I wonder if I made some mistake….”

It was difficult to withstand the gaze of four pairs, so I cautiously asked, looking at their reactions.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with an answer.

“No, no, it’s not like that. It’s a good thing that it can return to its original state…”

The emperor’s expression did not look happy at all when he said that.

Rather, if the water depth was deeper than before, it would have gotten deeper, but not at all.

As proof, that golden spider had still not been inserted.

“Your Majesty. Anyway, you’re not the kind of person who would lie even in a situation like this.”

This time, as always, Aria came forward, giving strength to my argument.

“So please don’t make that face. It will definitely bring me back to normal.”

“That’s right…”

When Aria came forward, the emperor’s head finally bowed.


The emperor faced an unexpected crisis and sighed inwardly.

‘If it had continued like this, it would have been perfect….’

If this continued, the problem of my child, who was worried that I would remain single for the rest of my life, would be resolved, and I might be able to see the safety of the empire and the unification of the continent.

‘How dare you do something like that because you feel like there’s something missing about our Aria… !’

It was a reality that was difficult for him to easily accept, as he was full of thoughts of stepping down from his position as emperor and seeing his grandchildren.

But since there was no need for such a thing in the current situation, I couldn’t force him to quietly get married.

His plan was based on an unavoidable situation.

“Aria is right. We will definitely return it to its original state, so don’t be too upset.”

Ian makes unnecessarily confident remarks in such a situation.

‘This frustrating guy… !’

I was extremely displeased with Ian, who was usually untrustworthy but only showed his competent side at times like this.

‘Anyway, what should I do with this?’ .’

It was clear that if Aria returned to her original state like this, there would be no room for the empire within the fence of blood ties centered around her Ian.

They say there are heroes, but that alone can’t be enough to satisfy them.

At that time, I was suffering alone.

‘This is…’ .’

Something caught his senses.

Rough and sharp, yet somehow familiar.

When I raised my head and looked in that direction, I saw Gilbert saying something with his mouth.

‘You mean to destroy it? What on earth… ah!’

Hope flashed in the emperor’s eyes as he soon understood his friend’s words.

She said that what she gave Aria was a potion, so it must have been the same potion that she paired with him.

‘Then if we find it and destroy it first, Aria will never return to normal.’

In that case, there was no possibility of bringing him into the imperial family.

‘Still, I don’t think that’s too much….’

But as I thought about that, my conscience as a parent caught up with me again.

The emperor agonizes over whether it is right to trample on his child’s hopes.

In the meantime, Gilbert insisted that the entire temple be erased. Aren’t you good at that kind of thing?

‘Are you saying there’s really no way to overcome this situation? .’

That moment when my worries continued endlessly.

‘Wait a minute,

A flashing thought passed through his mind.


The emperor turned his head and looked at Ian.

What kind of guy is that guy?

Durandal was as hard as wood and stone.

Anhamuin’s self-indulgent top owner.

Elves are a species that despises humans.

Even a saint who, as the goddess’s spokesperson, must stay away from the opposite s*x.

Isn’t this the guy who stole the hearts of women who thought it was close to impossible?

‘Okay, it’s only been two days, so what?’

I thought maybe it was because we didn’t have enough time together. Given enough time, Aria might change her mind too.

‘I guess I should give myself time to reflect on myself here.’

Isn’t it also her parent’s role to give a chance to a child who hasn’t even realized her own feelings?


Then the spider next to her tilted her head.

As it popped out in response to the emperor’s emotions, it was not that strange as it was a being that shared the owner’s thoughts to some extent.

‘I guess I didn’t understand it well, Kalbas.’

Swoosh swoosh.

The emperor stroked the head of his summoned beast, Calbas, who was lying face down.


Although I still don’t understand, Calbas surrenders himself to the master’s touch that I can rarely feel.

It looked like a puppy, even if it was ferocious.

‘Calbas. There is something I would like you to do.’




The emperor stopped caressing his eyes and called out to his daughter, who no longer felt pain when she put her eyes on them.

“Yes, father.”

“Even if what that guy says is true, it doesn’t solve the immediate problem.”

“…That’s right.”

“The people would also think it strange if you rarely show yourself when you are already involved in a lot of outside activities.”

I don’t know exactly where that damn temple is, but if it’s in the West, it’s not a place you can visit in a day.

In that case, how Aria is treated will be the key to this matter.

“First of all, I will announce your identity as a child born to me from her concubine.”

“A concubine?! If you do that, won’t your father’s honor be tarnished!”

The emperor, who had never had another woman because he missed his dead wife, is now in trouble because of her.

“I am against it!”

Aria was something that could never be tolerated.

“Then what are you going to do with me? The only crown prince has become the princess. Are you telling me to say that to the people?”

“I will! Compared to your father having to suffer from all kinds of speculation…!”

“Stop. I don’t want to hear it anymore.”


It was then.

“Why are you getting so worked up? He’s the only one I care about.”

Gilbert, who intervened at the right time, took Aria’s side.

“What is it? Can’t you see any members of the imperial family having important conversations right now?”

If he were a normal person, he would never have brought up the imperial family in front of Gilbert to weigh in.

Just as Aria was about to sense something strange.

“Well, there are only two of us.”

Gilbert also, uncharacteristically, made remarks that touched the emperor’s sensitive areas.

“You’re trying to cross the line.”


The emperor takes out a sharp-colored long sword from his sleeve.

“Let’s give it a try for the first time in a while? It’s good for me.”


Gilbert also pointed the great sword he was wearing at the emperor.

Two people staring at each other fiercely.


Soon, a red energy and a golden haze collided in the air.

Aria, who was taken aback by the sudden sight of them pointing their swords at each other, put her strangeness aside and urgently began to stop the two.

“Gilbert! What are you doing now?!”

To be exact, I was trying to stop Gilbert.

“Let it go. This is right for a guy who doesn’t even care to listen to people.”


“Just leave it alone. How can someone who has no children understand their parents’ feelings?”

“Even my father…”

I’ve seen them bickering with each other many times, but this is the first time I’ve seen Aria point her sword like this.

There was absolutely no room for me to intervene between the two.

‘If this continues, one of the two will be seriously injured….’

While she was in her troubles. Gilbert, who saw her appearance out of the corner of his eye, quietly spoke.

“Why make things so complicated when you can just come up with a reason why you can’t show up properly?”

“The way you say that makes me think you have some good ideas.”

Then the emperor lost his momentum and answered as if he wanted to take a look.

“Of course. For example…”


Gilbert’s sly gaze turned to Ian.

“Wouldn’t everyone be convinced if we said we were working together with the hero party?”

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