Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again chapter 127

Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again 127

Last Patience (2)

There were a total of four families that supported the Payne family.

There was no need for our troops to enter their territory.

The heads of the families who supported Payne in the process of moving were waiting for us.

They no longer had the power to resist us, so they surrendered one by one.

Now only the last stanza was left.

It was only the second day since we had departed from Pain’s estate.

Breathing in the fresh morning air, the army advanced.

The atmosphere of the army itself was very light in this situation where there was no war going on.

It was like going for a walk.

To be too careless….there was a difference in force that would not be a problem even in a surprise attack, and if war was likely to happen, the reconnaissance team would report to us.

As we were marching in the plains, there were no surprises.

I stroke Rush with a long yawn.

At that moment, Lawrence followed me as I walked slowly.

“It’s dead.”

He spoke lightly, as if waving good morning greetings. I turned to look at Lawrence’s face, yawning with me.


He shakes a small note.

“Shalon Payne. He died in prison.”


I digested that fact for a moment, then nodded slowly.

“…..okay. Right.”

“The Payne family is extinct.”

“Pain’s influence will still remain. Whether it’s the families that have surrendered to us… or the criminal gangs.”

“Isn’t it enough to root everything out? Even now, we have subdued a total of four families, so it would be better if Freister’s status spreads through this.”

I nod my head. As Lawrence talked to me next to me, my sleep was slowly running away.

For a while there is silence between us.

In the distance, we saw a small group of people waiting for us. It was the last family that had to surrender.

Now, indeed, the end of this war was in sight.

Lawrence asks.

“…Who will rule?”


“The spirit of Pain. Who manages it?”


I didn’t even respond to that.


Asena, Kirsi and Daisy were sitting around the table waiting for the last person.

As soon as the door opened, Asena thought it was Judy… but it was Helen who showed up.

Helen reported happily.

“The news is that Kaden-sama has received the final surrender! It seems that they all succumbed without war!”

Kirsi and Daisy let out a long sigh of relief.

Only Asena quietly closes her eyes and controls the joy inside.

“Are you going to arrive by tomorrow then?”

Kirsi asked Helen.

Helen thought for a moment, rolling her eyes.

“…well…I think you’ll arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.”

Just then, Judy appeared through the open door.

She crouches at the gathered women… and enters the room slowly.

Asena was unwittingly looking at Judy with envy.

I couldn’t accept that Cayden loved Judy the most, so even if it doesn’t seem like it.

Judy was the one Caden was most comfortable with in his current state, so there was envy about it.

Besides, Judy was able to be with Kaden no matter what happened.

So, in this war, he ran by his side.

“I heard you called me…”

It was Asena who never thought she would feel this kind of emotion for the knight who once escorted her.

Judy is still polite and cautiously stands by the table.

Helen, who delivered the information, read the air, folded her waist to say hello, closed the door and left the room.


Judy had a change too. If it was the same as before, I would have been standing there with a dry expression like the knight in the picture… As everyone in the room knew that their situation was complicated, Judy’s eyes were rolling around.

“…Sit down, Judy.”

It was clear that Judy was uncomfortable with this atmosphere.

Nevertheless, Judy was able to predict for what reason Asena called her for the union, so she sat down without saying a word.

In fact, according to the genealogy, Asena now had to speak up to Daisy and Judy.

But the reason she doesn’t do it is…

first. With a heart that still does not want to yield to the enemy…

second. He didn’t want to be Cayden’s younger brother anymore.

As there is no name Priest behind Cayden’s name, she acted accordingly.

The eyes of the three women turned to Judy.

Judy rolls her eyes anxiously… takes a deep breath, and hardens her expression.

Just as a knight gathers courage on the brink of war, Judy didn’t want to look down on him any longer.

“Judy. I am trying to create a new family for you.”

However, Judy’s expression is also ruined by the shocking declaration.


Asena handed Judy something through the table.

It was a family pattern embroidered with a chimera.

Judy’s eyes looked at the mixed animals, and then she lifted her head as if she understood.


Judy’s eyes alternately looked at Asena and Kirsi.

“…my brother hasn’t accepted us yet. But when I come back this time… he said he would give me an answer.”


“…that’s not why I called you…”

Asena asked Judy a question about an answer that had already been decided.

“…Oppa’s family can change… but… are you still going to get married?”


At Judy’s unwavering reply, Asena nodded her head. I didn’t expect any other answers anyway.

“….okay. okay. Also tell the Ice Duke. You may already be aware of the possibilities for a new family.”


“…Actually, it’s good for you too…? If you are bound by your brother’s family, not by the hostile family Priest.”

As Judy, who once had to distance herself from Cayden for family reasons, she knew it best.


“It’s good for my brother. Ice, Hexter ….and even Priest form an alliance.”


As the short story came to an end and the two women closed their mouths, a tingling sensation lingered in you.

They were a relationship that could not be said to be good even with a lie. I just had a relationship with a man named Kayden.

Even though we felt gratitude for each other, we experienced compassion, sympathy, and regret… In the end, we were all lovers.

It was no exception between Asena and Kirsi.

On the surface, Daisy was Cayden’s first wife, but… Daisy was watching Judy.

Judy looked at her as a competitor even though she was one step behind Daisy to enter Cayden’s concubine.

And, strangely enough, when the twins intervene in this situation, Daisy and Judy seem to become one….it became a strange relationship.

Perhaps it was because of the twins’ deep, never-ending love, that they instinctively felt a sense of crisis.

If there’s one thing Daisy and Judy can admit together, it’s that the twins love Cayden like crazy. it was one

They were twins who were forced to acknowledge themselves under the circumstances, but they couldn’t be vigilant.

It was Asena who opened her mouth.

Still, perhaps because of her leadership as head of state, she overpowers the atmosphere.

“…but he didn’t say…that he would accept us.”

Daisy and Judy looked at her.

“……But if you accept it, we need rules between us.”

Asena, who spit those words out, seemed to have already erased the thought of Kaden rejecting her.

No, he seemed unwilling to consider that possibility. Even if he refused, he also showed a tenacity to try until Kaden accepted him.

Judy had no desire to dig deep into her heart.

So, I focused only on what Asena said.


“Yeah, rules. for example…..”

Asena’s eyes looked for Daisy.

“daisy. You know, if Kaden is kissing Judy… in front of you. Can you stand it?”

It was Kirsi, not Daisy, who responded to those words.

Kirsi’s fist on the table was clenched strongly for a moment.

Daisy looked at Judy for a moment, then blinked anxiously.

“…..it’s okay.”



Immediately after that, Asena’s gaze turned to Judy.

“Judy you…if I try to monopolize you. Are you just looking at it? You haven’t fully accepted me yet.”


Judy didn’t answer. But it was also an unspoken answer.

Asena let out a long sigh.

“……I can’t stand it.”

Again, the tense tension ran over the four of them.

“… Judy. I will repay you for the rest of your life for saving your brother. Daisy…the fact that I was able to connect with my brother…I will never forget it.”


“But…but I can’t stand it. I still hate it when my brother’s love is directed towards someone else.”

Gradually, it was Daisy and Judy who began to realize that Asena was pouring out her candid feelings without malice.

She was preparing for what could happen in the future.

“…I don’t want to spend my whole life fighting with you. So… we want to make a rule.”


Kirsi, who had been silent, asked quietly. Her brief words indicate that she is sympathetic to Asena’s plan.


Asena thought for a moment before opening her mouth.

“…I have never shared affection with my brother in front of others.”

Daisy, Judy, and even Kirsey could agree on that.

In particular, Daisy and Judy thought that Asena hated Cayden.

“…and so do you.”


“In front of each other, let’s not show affection with your brother. I don’t know if Oppa goes first… but let’s not go first.”

The four women ponder and answer one by one.


Judy said,


Daisy nodded her head.


Kirsch only paused for a moment. Her daily life was always to show affection to Kaden.


But soon after, she nodded. Thinking about Asena’s words again and Caden’s hugging and kissing another woman, she couldn’t stand it.

As Asena’s proposal is agreed upon, Daisy opens her mouth this time.

“…Then let’s not disturb each other….”


“If you have a good atmosphere with Kaden, you don’t interfere with that. When we start to disturb each other, there is no end.”


Asena nodded her head. So were the rest.

Immediately after, Kirsi opened his mouth.

“…do this too. My brother…”




The four women’s meeting came to an end after a long time.

In order not to fight each other, a compromise was found.


Many permanent residents welcome Cayden, who subdues everyone and returns with majesty.

In just a few days, a startling change took place, and the people had embraced the new invader.

Gradually, the permanent residents were feeling happy with their progress, as Caden had promised to pull out the criminal gangs that had taken root in Payne’s estate while Cayden finished the job.

The war ended without any problems, and the permanent residents welcomed him, so a smile began to appear on Caden’s face.

I ran like that, and the introspection arrived.

In front of him were four women waiting for Cayden.

And Kaden, who had organized his thoughts in the meantime, was now able to welcome them with the same peace of mind as before.

As he got off his horse, the twins at the forefront approached him.

And like a man tired of waiting… As if whispering, Asena asked him.

“…Oppa…Have you made a decision…?”

Unlike when dealing with other people, she is very careful with him.

Caden looked down at them and asked a question again.

“…Asena, Kirsi. Do you know where your favorite area is?”



Asena started to get anxious. In fact, there was one place that came to mind.

“…it’s your favorite place too.”

Kayden hinted at a hint.

Kirsi hesitated for a moment, then said quietly.

“…the Plains of Mels.”

The Plains of Mels was where Kirsey was recently embraced by Kayden, where she was cured of her aphasia.

open plains. Living creatures roaming around. cool wind.

When the twins and Kayden went out for a walk, the place they went most often was Mels Plain.

There was no answer other than that. It was a fact that all three knew.


And, not surprisingly, he nods.

“…Mels. I want to know what to do with the family name.”

Asena’s heart began to pound at those words.


“Kaden Mels. What do you think?”

Kirsi’s legs loosened slightly, and Cayden grabbed her.


Kirsi, who was held in his arms, began to weep. Her whole body began to tremble with joy.


said Kayden, who still had a small smile.

Asena was able to feel the pleasure of what dreams come true.

If I hit it, in front of everyone in front of me, I felt like I was going to cry like Kirsi.

At times like this, Asena was envious of Kirsi. I was able to let go of a lot of responsibility in just a few seconds.


Then Asena decides to give up immediately. This happiness was unbearable.

I wouldn’t be so envious… For now, I’ve let go of my dignity as the head of Priest.

She blows her whole body and hugs him.

Taking the twins with both arms, Cayden burst out laughing again.

Asena covered her expression in his arms, trembling and crying.

It was hot and full of tears.

“…I know you don’t see me as a woman yet…Brother…”

Asena says:

“…but I’ll try my best…because I’ll try not to regret this choice…”

“…you stop too, Asena. What if I cry like my brother?”

Asena rubs her head at him and wipes her tears. As he said, he wanted to stop crying.

Then he raised his head and looked at Kaden.

She had never been so happy in her life.

“I love you brother.”

Kirsi was still unable to control his tears.

Asena continued.

“…….I love you.”

She tried to kiss her… Barely, she endured the heart.

“I’m fine, brother.”

Kirsi also intervened. She was still crying, but she pushed hard into it.

“…Kirsh Mels. I like it.”

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  1. LuxX says:

    Oh, harem is good. 4 is reasonable.

  2. LittleBrotherDesir says:

    Yeah, harem is happiness!

    Now, go to bed

  3. SenatorArmstrong says:


  4. Duck Butt says:

    I like this ending. I love it. Everyone’s happy. Im happy. 99/10

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