Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again chapter 28

Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again 28

Third Prom (3)

A roar was heard from afar.

The sound of soft music, laughter, conversation, and clinking of wine glasses.

Without realizing it, I was nervous and my heart started beating.

Asena is in the front. Kirsi after him. And after that, I followed.

From the garden to this place, I came arm in arm with the twins, but I ended up standing like this because of Asena’s words that were a little hard to understand…

The gatekeeper glanced down at us from the top of the stairs.

Now, in just a few steps, you’re stepping into the social world.

Asena turned to us.

No, he was looking at me precisely.

“…the goal is to stay quiet and come out. Don’t forget.”

I nodded.

For some reason, Kirsey did not nod his head.

She just looks at me like Asena.

It feels as if Asena’s words were spoken only to me.

Asena turned around and started walking up the stairs.

We followed him.

Soon, the gatekeeper introduced us with a loud voice and opened the door of the ballroom, where light was pouring in.

Only the music was heard more vividly.

The rest of the sounds are silenced in an instant.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when the ‘Pryster family’ appeared.

I had to put up with laughter in this situation.

It literally felt like a villain had appeared.

The music troupe seemed to be paying attention to us, and the singing voice gradually faded away.

Conversely, the sound of Asena’s heels hitting the floor gradually grew louder.

And when I entered the center of the ballroom, I stopped.

She fully tolerated the gaze that gathered on her or us, took a glass of wine from the frozen waiter, and walked into the corner.

He didn’t say anything else.

Kirsi and I followed Asena.

He took a glass of champagne and followed her to an inconspicuous place.

As I entered the corner and sat down, the roar and the music grew louder again.

We could feel the gazes on us, but we didn’t show that we knew it.

Asena kept a firm expression on her face. He didn’t seem to feel that much pressure.

It looked so natural to her. Is there another way to go?

On the other hand, Kirsey looked a little nervous.

Maybe it’s because her expression without a smile is unfamiliar to me.

Because that’s how much I’ve laughed at Kirsi.

But… there’s no reason not to laugh right now.


I leaned over as if I was going to say something important and whispered in her ear.

Kirsi looked at me once, and answered with a serious expression.



Then he quietly took a drink.

Kirsi’s expression softened in an instant.

A natural smile appeared. I laughed the same, Kirsi slammed his glass against mine.

After all, I wanted to be someone I could rely on when my younger brother was nervous.





It was clear that the power of the Fryster family was confirmed.

As Asena said, many nobles came one by one and introduced themselves. There was no need to move.

Where are you from your family? What kind of family or what?

Even though it was in the corner, people came constantly.

So many different people came and went… but I didn’t say a word.


Kicking my tongue, I picked up the glass and drank it.

Why is the anxious heart not wrong? I was surprised that the treatment towards me was more open than expected.

On the one hand, I think I’m an idiot for expecting it.

It wasn’t just negative thoughts when I came to the prom.

I tried to think positively.

Perhaps, the reason why he told me not to fall apart was to introduce me to various families.

In any case, I was the champion of the jousting tournament, and I’ve built up that much status… I thought maybe I was proud of myself.

But look now.

As if he had become a shadow, he was sitting in the dark sipping alcohol alone.

At first, I felt the atmosphere and enjoyed the music, but that was only for a moment.

I’m not doing anything.

Just sitting behind the twins.

Again, slime. An unpleasant feeling squeezed my chest.

It was only a few days ago that I asked you to love me, so even if I try to think positively, I can’t understand this situation.

The suspicion that he really wanted to leave me in a visible place and manage it… became certain.

It’s like a puppy with a collar on it.

Is this the strategy chosen for the family?

I should believe it, but it seems it isn’t.

The twins don’t know how I’m going to take this.

You obviously asked me to save you.

come here knowing

Several people who came to say hello to Asena, Duke of Priest, tried to greet me too, but they all gave up on Asena’s eyes.

As if standing behind them like a punishment, I didn’t even bother to touch them.

It was the moment when he became ‘Pryster’s abandoned adopted child’ again, not ‘the champion of the jousting competition’.

I keep getting drunk all the time.

This was the only thing I had to do, so it was already my 5th cup.

As the ball is ripening, my cheeks are ripening from drunkenness.

Asena and Kirsi were busy talking and left me alone.

Everyone dances to the music, says hello, and chats. Even Asena and Kirsi are talking to those approaching them. I can’t talk to anyone, and I’m hiding under the dark.

Of course, I knew I asked him to stay quiet and go… but this was just like a dumbass.

I can’t understand this situation where people are being treated as ghosts.

As I was patting the table with my fingers in the accumulating discontent, a woman crouched and approached me. I went to say hello earlier… I think it was the third daughter of a certain countess.

“…what’s going on?”

Asena asks.

The woman’s face was full of shame even when I looked at it. His cheeks are dyed red, and his gaze wanders.

Asena and Kirsi changed their postures and covered the front of me more tightly.

“Ah… it’s not that… The story I want to tell… to Kaden Pryster…”

my name comes out

My mind was blown. He took his mouth off the glass he was drinking and looked at the woman.

She wasn’t the same as twins, but she was a cute woman with a hint that she was raised to be precious.

Kirsi and Asena turned their heads and looked at me.

A smile began to spread across my face, which had hardened for a moment.

okay. Finally something to do-

“-Your brother has nothing to talk to you about. Go back.”

I get up from my seat and pause at Asena’s words.

I looked at Asena, wondering what the situation is now.

But she only shows me the back of the head. didn’t see me


I closed my eyes.

It’s hard to breathe and it’s exhausting.

However, I couldn’t attack Asena, the housekeeper, in front of the approaching Young-ae, so I bit my molars and looked away.

I just picked up the glass again and put the drink in my mouth.

It might seem rude to Young-ae, who reached out to me, but I couldn’t afford to smile and say sorry.

Young-ae crouched, apologized and went back.

At that moment, I grabbed Asena’s shoulder and dragged her, whispering in her ear.

“…What are you doing, Asena?”



I had to stop laughing.

“I really don’t know, so I’m asking..?”


“…if you were my guest, what if you cut me off?”

“Did anyone know?”

“…it was someone I didn’t know.”

“Then didn’t it happen?”

“What happened then?”

“You told me to stay quiet and go.”

“Are you afraid I’ll start talking while yelling? We could talk quietly.”

“…I don’t mean that, brother. How do you know what he’s going to say?”

“It’s not that I’m an idiot… I must have responded roughly.”

“…Okay, brother. It’s already gone.”

“Are you trying to make me go crazy for some reason?”

“What are you talking about.”


I put the glass down.

The distinctive clear glass sound resounds.

I started to feel like an idiot.

If so, why would you wear it?

After all, it’s like a ghost.

I wonder if it’s true that I came to the social world.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to just rest?

“I’ll get some air and come back.”

I got up.

“Come with me.”

Kirsi and Asena also happen at the same time.


look at this

Unless you want to manage me.

What’s the reason you’re going this far?

How could I be so unreliable?

I looked at them and swallowed.

Before the twins could follow, I moved on.

After passing the ballroom, I crossed the beautifully decorated hallway and moved to a place that gradually became quieter.

Some balconies already had passengers, so we headed to the farthest point.

And even here, two couples were chatting quietly while enjoying the night view. They looked at me and tried to talk again as if nothing had happened, but they stood upright because of the women who followed me.

“Brother. Let’s go together.”

At the sound of Kirsi’s voice, they looked away and left. Soon there were only the three of us left on the balcony.


I take a deep breath of the cool night air and calm my suffocating mind.

But rather than calming my heart, it was faster for my mouth to open.

“Am I shy?”


“Are you ashamed of me?”

Asena asks with a firm expression.

“Why do you think so?”

“Don’t let anyone talk to you. just sit behind you What is this doing now?”

“I told you to stay quiet and go.”

“Since when did the meaning of staying quiet and leaving mean to sit back and be like a folding screen?”

Kirsi hesitated and answered.

“….brother. You said everything.. If you come here now…”


did i go crazy

I really didn’t understand

If you make me feel like an idiot until before, and try to move on to aegyo now. how should i react

Now I know and I’m starting to feel like I’m using it as a weapon.

If I lose to them, I use aegyo as a weapon.

I fell from the ballroom and came to the balcony, but I still felt like I was in prison.

I wanted to be away from the twins for a while.

“…I’m going to the bathroom.”

they turned around It was as if he was trying to follow me.

Say you can’t afford it anymore

“Am I a kid? Will you follow me to the bathroom?”

At the words that were spit out like a warning, the two stood still. Before I saw their sad faces, I turned and walked out.

And as soon as I got out of the balcony, for the first time, I slid back against the wall.

I didn’t really want to go to the bathroom anyway.

I needed time to catch my breath.

So he sat down on the floor, put his elbows on his knees and covered his face with his hands.

Why is the road that seemed easy is so difficult?

I just want to be happy with my twins.

I just want to prove myself by accumulating my skills and be their strength.

It was difficult because the twins’ evaluation of me was different from what I wanted.

family blemishes. someone to hide. A person who is not good at going out. The person who has a problem with the Pryster.

The few weeks I came to the academy, I could only receive such recognition.

Then, in my ear, I heard Kirsi’s voice.

“…it’s hard today.”

she sighs and says

I held my breath.

“…Oppa seems to be having a hard time today too.”

I slowly closed my eyes.

Anyway, I knew I was having a hard time. I knew it and pretended not to know.

Asena was still silent.

He didn’t know if he was nodding his head or shaking his head.

“…I’ll just leave my brother in the estate and come. I’ve been starting to feel that way lately.”

heart thumps and falls

After all, since I disappeared, stories that could hurt me began to be heard without any doubt.

There was no doubt that it was Kirsi’s voice. My fists were clenched slowly.

A fact I didn’t want to believe.

I was skeptical, but I tried to push it away.

After all, he was thinking of me as a burden.

After all, doing this at the ballroom today.

It was not a strategy for the family.

It was a strategy to hide and manage me.

Asena’s voice resounds.

“…don’t say that to your brother.”

“Of course. What do I do when I tell my brother these things? But don’t you think the same as me?”

Asena’s answer was not heard, but Kirshi could infer Asena’s reaction from the words that followed.

“right? I knew my sister would too. It’s just… how good it would be if you didn’t show up in front of others.”

If I ask you to find the fortunate thing, is it that you are taking care of me? You didn’t say those things in front of me. Did you still respect me?


A smirk came out in an instant.

Come to think of it, I was habitually trying to find the good things about twins even at this moment.

There is no such thing as a hog.

“…but you look pretty angry today, what do you do?

Kirsi asks.

“….It will be fine. Let’s pass today.”

Asena answered.

Even after hearing it, I doubted my ears.

I’m not okay, what does that mean?

There Kirsi said with a small laugh.

“…Is not it? It’s scary, but… are you okay? Hehe. I think right. my brother is stupid We only know… He said he would never give me a hug for the rest of his life, and in the end, he hugged me after 5 days.”

“…because he definitely likes us.”

laughter came out.


It’s not wrong. However, from the point of view of forgiveness, it was a very hot word.

I don’t even know what I’ve tried to forgive. I was a fool and didn’t forgive them.

I forgave you because I loved you. It’s sad that I’ve been using my emotions as a weapon since some time.

This may also be my karma.

Did you come too much or did you grow up? It seems like they treat me like an emotionless person.

I have endured

I think I endured a lot.

First. Asena’s betrayal.

Second. Kirsey’s betrayal.

third. …the betrayal of twins.

I got up.


To summarize, this is it.


The twins don’t hate me.

I thought it was just that… but it doesn’t seem to be.

After all, it must have been the affection that raised me.

The effort they made to hug me or the kisses they gave me on the cheek were not lies.

I see my eyes, and I hate being angry.


But, it’s embarrassing to me.

For themselves or for my family, I don’t care about my reputation.

The two go around cursing me and trying to expel me from the family. They also interfere with the jousting matches, and they tell them to stay still at the prom. It’s killing me socially.

Was it such a great sin that commoners were in Pryster?

It seems that love has blinded my eyes all this time.

Maybe twins have always been like this.

Looking at it too close, it was impossible to recognize the essence.

Then, with these series of events, a gap arose, and only then did the whole figure become visible.

Were they family first?

As the characters in the novel, were they not the villains I could change?

I suddenly lost my reason to try.

I’ve tried everything, but if you still want to hide me… I have nothing more to do.

If you’re going to be ashamed of me in this way or that, I’ll do what I want.

Without wishing for anything, I was determined to be their support,

It’s hard because the effort isn’t rewarded.

The duality of twins came to me as a betrayal.


love in front say i like it

Behind me, you’re ashamed of me. Hide.

…I knew I wouldn’t be able to act like that.

I moved on.

“I went.”

I groaned and re-entered the balcony.

Kirsi jumped on the spot in shock, and Asena’s head immediately focused on me.

“Ah…Oh..Is your brother here?”


I approached the twins with a bitter smile. Then, with his arms wide open, he embraced them.

Really… even after all these actions.

It’s amazing that you can find love for them in the corner of your heart.


Now I feel the pain.

I’d rather not have this pain if I didn’t love them.

I love you so much it hurts

so hard to bear.

“Oh.. why all of a sudden, brother?”

Kirsi struggled in surprise,

Asena stopped and hugged me quietly.

Asena said, whispering to Kirsi.

“.. did you say..?”

It seemed like he was talking about what he said earlier that it would be fine.

Kirsey nodded her head.

Knowing that I’ll forgive you, have you ever acted like this?

…I watched it many times.

I said after I wet my lips once.

“…I was sorry earlier. I must have been stressed by trying to stay still. That’s why you do politics, and I learn the sword. is not it?”

Kirsi continued to nod in my arms, and Asena made a suggestion to me.

“…Let’s go to a fun place next time. Be a little more patient today. I’m sorry, brother.”

I shook my head.

“no. are you okay. Oh, but kids.”

I pushed them out of my arms and gave them a sorry expression. And he takes the moxibustion hard and speaks in an awkward way.

“…ah… you decided to dance together today.”

“That… that’s it. Oppa, I’m actually looking forward to it.. I practiced quite a bit.. Let’s dance with me before my sister.”

Kirsi took my hand and said. her eyes were twinkling Looking at Asena, she seemed to be expecting even though she didn’t say anything.

Anyway, as a noble girl, she seemed to be promising a monumental event of dancing at her first ball.

I clicked my tongue once and said.

“…Let’s do it next time. not today. yes?”

Kirsi blinked her bright eyes once or twice, showing a look of disappointment.

Asena didn’t change much, either, but her expression seemed to have stiffened a bit.

But they didn’t say anything else to me.

Earlier, I thought it was because I was angry.

But this wasn’t about canceling the dance promise out of revenge. I just have no reason to dance with someone who is shy of me.



I asked Kirsi again, who was gloomy without letting go of my hand.


She just nodded without a word.

Asena closed her eyes a couple of times and said she would know.

We went back to the ballroom.

The atmosphere was still warm.

I could see that various relationships were made here and there.

The twins were returning to their corner seats.

But I turned around and looked for someone.

And the moment that person caught my eye, I went straight ahead without hesitation.


I heard Kirsi’s puzzled voice from behind, but I ignored it.

I walk and grab a drink. Everyone’s attention began to draw.

‘Uh, what is it? You move.’

‘I thought you were going to be quiet?’

I continued to drink as I walked, and as I walked again, I set the glass down on the table.

Just like when my family first entered the ballroom, the space felt quiet.


‘Wow… Really? It’s so romantic..!’

Smart people didn’t block my way.

Soon the road opened, and she was at the end.

She sits down and blinks her eyes.

I reached out to her.

“Daisy Hexter. Come dance with me.”


“It must be you first.”

From a distance, the sound of twins questioning seemed to be heard.

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  1. GameOn says:

    Seems like this guy got his head & heart strong too

  2. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Through hypertension I had achieved Cathartic Transcendence. I am now the Overlord of Everlasting Patience.

  3. Gustavo says:

    Pero LPM! Esas dos no aprenden!

  4. D F D F says:

    Take that twins!!!

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