Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again chapter 51

Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again 51

Shining Knight (9)

The situation was similar this morning. The gazes keep coming. My inner anxiety continued to grow in size, and now it was enough to show my feelings on my face.

With a slightly firmer face, she drew closer to Daisy. One hand was always on top of the sword, and he looked around with his eyes.


Daisy looked up at me as I drew closer. I couldn’t explain to her why I was doing this, so I couldn’t help but wonder about my actions.

“Then, do your best in class today.”

I took Daisy to the front of the classroom and bowed my head. Daisy also waved at me and entered.

Judy and Asena, who followed me, passed me by.

Judy, like me, greeted Asena. After receiving Judy’s greeting, Asena tries to enter the classroom and stops.

She blinked, slowly turned her head to look at me. I felt her gaze and made eye contact with her.

Our gaze is focused in the air.

Has this moment finally come? Is she also giving me an apology like Kirsi? Is she, with high self-esteem, now admitting her mistake?

But Asena looked at me, turned and entered the classroom helplessly. He didn’t say anything to me.

I finally shrugged as I looked at Judy left behind. I’m sorry, but I don’t think it was today.

Suddenly, I realized that this regret is bigger than I thought. Maybe I too am looking forward to reconciliation with her. It’s not like I can get to you first.

In particular, Kirsi was the first to approach her and apologized, so she couldn’t only give Asena special treatment.

As so many nobles enter the classroom, the door closes and silence begins to linger in the hallway where I and Judy are standing.

“Is nothing special?”

Hello, I asked Judy. When class started, we often had a conversation. This is how little time goes by. What else to talk about today, I started shaking my head.

Recently, conversations with Asena and Kirsi have decreased, so I also started to need a new person to talk to. Of course, the reason I couldn’t talk to the twins was because of the escort mission itself, apart from the atmosphere around us.


Judy oddly didn’t answer my question. He didn’t seem to have been thinking or not heard.

I’m sure I heard it, but I just didn’t react.

“…Judy? Did something bad happen today?”

At my next question, she sighed and closed her eyes. With each and every unexpected action that followed, my nerves began to sharpen once again.

It didn’t mean that she reacted like this. He seemed to have something important to say.


She calls me in a hoarse voice.


“I said I wouldn’t, but I think I should talk about it.”


I frowned and looked at Judy with half-closed eyes.

“…Asena told me to let you know if she met any unusual behaviors or people.”


At those words, my mouth hardens. Something I’ve seen and felt recently, so I’m starting to guess what Judy is saying. I wonder if Asena really moved? Were the gazes I’ve been feeling lately wasn’t my misunderstanding?

And Judy’s words that followed were not good news.

“…Shalon Payne. know?”


“Asena met Shalon Payne.”


Payne family.

This family is called ‘the dagger of the Freisters’. I don’t think there is any more accurate way to introduce the Paine family than that name.

It didn’t appear much in the novel, but just before the development of my possession, it was revealed how much espionage the Payne family had engaged in.

It is said that the twins entrusted Shalon Payne with many tasks than expected, and each time she did them, she completed them perfectly.

Of course, there were also some more reckless and more aggressive missions with a higher rate of success because there was a Fryster family who could support the actions Shalon would commit.

I, too, possessed this world and was able to observe more closely what kind of relationship the Payne family had with the Priest.

Even Grandma Liana said that they were a capable group. If anything happens, borrow their power. Indeed, it is a group that can be called the dagger of a family.

But when I hear the family name from Judy, my mood sinks. Shalon’s name is a name I didn’t expect to hear during my academy life.

Because they were not in war or conflict with anyone, they did not need them.

Why do you need a dagger when there is no one to stab you?

But Judy told me the name.

Asena has met Shalon Payne.


There was no telling me not to lie. All the puzzles seemed to fit together.

The gardener who made eye contact with me. Heading back once when we pass by. Everyone was really looking at us.

Judy says

“…I don’t know what we were talking about. I haven’t even gotten there.”


“But first of all, I don’t know what the Payne family is known for… I think I should tell you.”

My heart started pounding and beating.

Is the target Daisy? You know I’m escorting Daisy, but am I aiming for Daisy? Hopefully there will be no Niley. Among those to whom Shalon is loyal, I will also be included…

It is more correct to say that they are targeting Daisy rather than me.

“…thank you.”

Everything I thought about what kind of story to share is useless. Judy’s words filled my head with other thoughts. Eventually, I squat down and put my hands to my lips.

What action should I take here?

Regardless of what Asena did, what should I do now?

Can I go up to Asena and ask what this is doing now? What if you step out? No, what if she didn’t say anything in the first place? The odds aren’t high in this situation where there are already people moving, but it’s not even nonsense.

Besides, I had a desire to believe in Asena. Really, I wouldn’t have done this.

So, should I go to the middle bridge, Shalon Payne? Stop doing everything you’re doing? But what if Sharon doesn’t pay allegiance to me? It’s unlikely, but what if Daisy wasn’t the target and I was the target? Of course it’s nonsense, but as I’m in a situation where I don’t know anything, I can’t be sure of anything. Sharon doesn’t respect me as an adopted child in the first place, so it could be that she’s trying to get rid of me who’s bothering Asena.

The head is complicated. Anxieties began to arise over a sudden problem.

“…when is this happening?”

I ask Judy.

“…two days ago.”

The timing is just right. The moment my senses sent me a danger signal also started yesterday…

First of all, what should I do if I’m aiming for Daisy?

If the enemy comes by surprise, will I be able to stop them?

Hitting first and being hit first are very different results. If I allow a lethal blow in a defenseless state, even Daisy can become dangerous no matter how much I have developed.

But would Asena really do such a thing? Of course, even in the novel, she did a lot of things that didn’t make sense.

Because by some chance, the twins’ eyes were attacked. Because there were many times when it seemed to be the role of an executioner who removed unnecessary characters in the novel.

But as I possessed this place and became a reality, or growing up with them, I have never committed such incomprehensible behavior.

There are always good reasons for what they do.

So if.

If Asena decides to attack Daisy now, it is also said to be the starting point of their maneuver.

Now I’m starting to wonder what it would have been like if I hadn’t read the novel. Then you wouldn’t even have such an absurd suspicion.

I believe in Asena, whom I grew up watching, and I would believe that she didn’t do anything.

However, in the novel, their villainous behaviors that were engraved in my head continued to create suspicions of ‘maybe’.

Maybe Asena decided to attack Daisy. I don’t know why, but maybe it is.

Maybe they are already evil? Maybe they are trying to create a conflict?


I closed my eyes. It took action, but it took time.


The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Maybe it’s because my head is complicated. The sun had set while he was thinking, and it was time for Daisy to return to the dormitory.

I haven’t talked to Asena yet. I felt like a chimney to ask her, but I hated that I doubted her in the first place.

The love I have for her in my heart keeps telling me to trust her. Of course, there is solid evidence that someone is watching us, but nonetheless, I wanted to believe that this wasn’t Asena’s work.

While I was contemplating so much, Daisy looked at me in front of the dormitory door that I had just arrived at.

“Kayden. Thank you for today.”


“Hurry up and rest. Today…you look pretty tired.”

She slowly reached out as she looked at me, still restless and unable to answer.

She puts her hand on my arm slowly, she says.

“…I don’t know what you’re worrying about, is there anything I can do to help you?”


“Occasionally, I think Kaden-sama thinks alone a lot.”


“Is it because I grew up as an older brother? Sometimes you have to learn to depend on others.”


“ah..! Are you just not talking to me? You may have other friends to share your concerns with. Judy Ice or something.”


“yes. You look friendly when you go there sometimes. Oh, I didn’t mean to say this. Anyway, I was trying to tell you not to be alone if you have a hard time. Sometimes patience is poison.”

Warmth comes from Daisy’s hand touching me. This feeling is comforting even in my heart. Even though Daisy is younger than me, she seems more mature than me. How did you develop such a strong heart? I still shake like a reed to twins.

….Certainly, the more I look, the more I understand why I liked Daisy while reading the novel. That thought at the time was not an illusion. I felt like Daisy had a really shiny personality.

So I guess I swore allegiance to her during the escort. So when the twins say they shouldn’t have kept Daisy, their words must have provoked me.

And it was said that this Daisy might have become someone’s target. As I organized my hair one by one, it became increasingly clear where my anxiety was coming from.

One is that twins become villains.

The two see Daisy being attacked.

Both are the worst numbers I don’t want to meet.


Eventually I spoke up.


She blinked strangely and looked up at me.

“…Daisy, listen to me from now on.”

And then… my words, perhaps terrifying, have a strong power in her face. There was no obstacle approaching, and it seemed as if he had a firm heart.

“I’m listening.”

“Daisy, recently there have been people spying on us.”


“I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure something is happening.”


“Have you ever fought with any family? It would be helpful for me to know.”

I asked Daisy out of hope that the twins weren’t the culprit, or in the hope of grabbing straw,

“…speaking of the moment when the voices have risen recently…the only time the twins and Kaden fought in this place…”


I spit in my mind and said to Daisy.

“daisy. You have to be careful going forward. I’ll be by your side hard, but if you keep Daisy’s mind, you won’t panic if something goes wrong.”


Daisy nodded her head.

“…like. Daisy, I’m sorry for complicating your hair. Now go in and rest. I will go too.”

“…Okay, Kayden. That… see you tomorrow?”

She was definitely speaking to me in a harder voice than before. The fact that she had something to worry about made me feel uncomfortable.

Still, there was nothing. After saying hello to her, I left the women’s dormitory.


For a moment, I felt uncomfortable. On the way home, I tried to clear this mind.

Emotions don’t help. In the end, the solution to the problem is an action that can be accomplished with two arms and two legs. And only because the head is complicated, even the body is hardened. Now I had to empty my head.

There are still schedules left.

Today is the day I decided to meet Ewin. It was the evening when the sun had not yet completely set, so I think we have plenty of time to talk.

It’s a younger sister I haven’t seen in a long time, but I didn’t want to bring this feeling to the moment I saw her. Even if I felt uncomfortable, I wanted to have a reunion with a smile.

When I broke it from the big building, I could see Ewin in the distance. After work, she came out of the kitchen and sat on a nearby tree stump, enjoying the scenery.

Now that I was 10 years old, my memory is hazy, but I think 8-year-old Ewin also liked to watch the sunset like this.

The reason I’m not sure is because I could be mistaken for twins. Because the twins definitely liked the sunset.

Seeing her so at ease, my emotions shift, and the moment even I try to feel comfortable, my steps stop.

Someone catches my sight

Between me and Ewin. Behind one of the pillars, a man was wandering around.

I felt my chest get cold. My hand mounts on the handle of the sword.

I’ve seen his back a lot lately. How many times I’ve seen it, I’m used to it now.

The fact that he, and even Ewin, is monitoring me, gives me a whip.

Stop thinking. Let’s start with the body.

I took a step and stuck behind him. He was so engrossed in monitoring Ewin that he didn’t seem to notice my popularity.

“excuse me.”

I called him softly.

The man looked at me in amazement. He even looked at my face, and the blood began to fade.

“What are you doing?”

When I asked, the man panicked and waved his hands vaguely in the air several times before starting to excuse me with a trembling voice.

“ah…! that..! So…! That woman over there is so pretty… like this-”

That was enough.

I grabbed him by the collar and hung his legs across the floor.



I climbed onto him moaning and looked down at him.

I throw away all the soft voice and ask him coldly.

“You know what happens if you lie to Freister.”


The man was moaning in shock under me. But it was clear that he was listening to me, so I continued to spit.

“Priesters of the past say they cut off their tongues.”

“no..! Jung..really..”

“Don’t touch us.”

I spat out hypocrisy and drew my sword.

Daisy and Ewin. They have already become people who make up my side.

The man moaned while looking at the sharply sharpened blade.

“You will know. Why am I doing this?”


The man’s eyes were fixed on the day he slowly approached his neck.

Soon after, the cold iron touched his neck, and he looked at me with wide-open eyes.

“Who is the owner?”

“I… I really…”

My eyes wiped his disheveled clothes. I didn’t miss the black something painted on his skin.

With the half hand holding the sword, when he roughly dragged his clothes down, a pattern appeared.

I couldn’t figure out what the pattern was, but it was certain that this man belonged to some kind of organization.

“…Look at this?”

“…sa…save me.”

“If you tell the truth, I will spare you.”

I gripped the handle of the sword tighter.

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