Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again chapter 57

Why Are You Becoming a Villain Again 57

Shining Knight (15)

I woke up from a long sleep. The pain in the body that had been forgotten for a while came back. As I slowly opened my eyes, the sun was setting from the window.



A glass of water appears in front of my nose at a thoughtless murmur.

When I looked up at the hand that was handed to me, I saw Asena and Kirsi.

Kirsi put the glass of water to my mouth with worried eyes.

The glass of water was broken slowly at a gentle speed. I drank the water without saying a word.

I felt like I was going to live after I shook my head a bit.

Kirsi immediately put away the glass of water and asked.

“…Brother, how are you feeling…?”

He had a face that looked like he was about to cry. But even so, he told me with a face full of faint joy.

“A member of the lawmaker told me before… that things seem to be going well. He said that the turning point has been passed.. There doesn’t seem to be any bleeding…and the blood has stopped well.”

I smiled at her.

“You said it would be fine.”

But at my words, Kirsi made a loud voice as if crying. It was fun seeing him smile a little and then cry again.

“How is this okay…! I’m really… going crazy…”

Only me and Kirsi faced each other and talked. Asena was not visible because Kirsi was obscured. But maybe Asena was thinking the same thing, she came back to the bed and stood next to me.

“…Brother…Can I get some more poppy juice?”

Asena, on the other hand, asked if she had calmed down a little differently from Kirsi, exposing her feelings.

I shook my head.

“..it’s okay. I want to stay awake.”

“What about pain?”

“I can stand it.”

In fact, after waking up and the analgesic effect subsided, the burning pain continued to come.

But as I told Asena, I wanted to stay awake for a while. enough to endure this pain. I hated why the day kept passing without me knowing. It was an indescribable reason.

I looked at Asena and Kirsi alternately.

They were both pretty shaky. Their fatigue was passed on without a conversation.

“…are you sleeping?”



“…Since when have you been up?”

Kirsi lowered her posture, knelt by the bedside and looked at me. Her face came closer.

Almost as if in a whisper, she tells me.

“…from the time my brother got hurt.”

“…you have been up since midnight yesterday?”

I counted the time. I’ve been injured since midnight, and in the morning after sending Shalon, I ate juice and woke up in the evening… it means I’ve been awake for a whole day.

Asena also knelt down like Kirsi and looked at me from the other side.

“…from then on, brother.”


“Because I sent Shalon yesterday morning.. I haven’t woken up since yesterday morning, oppa..”

So they were awake for two days. Wasn’t it hard

Not knowing what to say, I ended up joking.

“…Somehow, I was thirsty. Next time, I should drink plenty of water and sleep.”

“…I don’t feel like joking around.”


However, I was soon convinced that the day had passed more than I expected.

I had a dream that was that long, and the stitches hurt, they say it hurts, but I’m holding on.

Come to think of it, when I first got hurt and sewed it up, I couldn’t stand it without screaming. Compared to that time, it is tolerable.

When the joke didn’t work, I dabbled, I told the twins.

“……Then go and get some rest, both of you. The senator said the same, and I think I’ll be fine.”

But Kirsi shook her head without looking into my eyes. I didn’t even think about it. If I fall asleep again, there will be nothing to do. Why do you want to be stuck like this?

But even so, I was moved to wonder if he cared so much for me.

“…Asena. Then rest first.”

Kirsi shook her head and resisted, and I spoke to Asena, but she looked at me with no response. like you didn’t hear me.

“…what’s the use of both of you doing this? If you are really worried, you can only look at one person.”

“…Kirsi. First go and rest. I’ll be watching you.”

“…my sister is resting. I will be watching.”


This was an endless loop. I wanted to breathe, but I held it in because the pain intensified when I took a deep breath.

As I was thinking about it, Asena called me.


She gently turned her head and moved her eyes mainly to look at her.

She, who had just spoken to Kirsi firmly, disappeared, and opened and closed her mouth. His eyes are falling, and he is hesitating about something.

I looked at her and asked.

“…do you have something to say?”

“…Brother…I’m sorry.”

“…the reconciliation has already been done. what else?”

“…No…not that. This one too.”

“…this time?”

I glanced at my body. I looked at her, wondering if there was something I didn’t know.

Asena still spoke to me with a cautious look.

“…Ewin and Daisy. I… first showed interest.”


“…I told Shallon not to do anything…but in hindsight…the first thing I said…”

I looked at her tiredly. There was no reply at all.

I felt sorry for her who couldn’t even meet my eyes, so I waited quietly for her.

Asena doesn’t know what to do with my reaction like this, and she moves her gaze upwards little by little, and eventually meets my eyes.

I said.

“it’s okay.”


“Aren’t you telling me not to do anything after all?”


“Of course… I wondered why you were so concerned about Ewin and Daisy. What….”


I watched Asena silently and spoke to her with a soft tone.

“…Asena. Do you know why I got hurt?”

“…I was fighting with that Sharon’s men…”

“So. Do you know why we fought?”

“…because of the surveillance…”

“They didn’t fight because they watched Ewin and Daisy.”


“You could be sorry for that part. Me too… I understand. I told him not to do anything, but he might have given me an excuse. But, that’s not why I ended up like this.”


“As for the surveillance case, I originally tried to solve it verbally, and I succeeded. When people around me tell me not to wander around… they understand. I said yes, and decided to withdraw all the subordinates planted in the academy. That said, it ended there.”


“But then, I heard the voices of the children. The sound of a girl’s cry… When I hear it, it reminds me of your childhood, even if you don’t want to. How do you just get out?”

“…Brother, then…”

“Even if you ordered surveillance. Well, I’m probably pissed off…but it probably didn’t come this far. In the end, I’m like this, I keep saying, it’s because the organization reaches out to children. Why did I forget about Shalon’s other sins? It’s weak, but you know it’s related…so I passed it on. There’s a bigger problem, but that’s a big deal.”


Asena listened to me and looked up at me. Then, naturally, he scanned my body slowly. Her face, which had been flat for a while looking at my body, was wrinkled again.

“…but…oppa…but I’m sorry…”


Personally, I didn’t want to blame Asena. Of course, I understand why she is doing this. How much responsibility do you feel? He was ordered not to do anything, but given her high social standing, you also have to think of her entourage who will shake under her.

If it was her fault, was it that she conveyed the truth to her subordinates? You just have to learn from it.

“…I really…what did I do…”

As Shalon left, Asena was blaming herself, the remaining culprit. I wondered how to solve this, smiling.

As I laughed, Asena stopped blaming herself and looked up at me.

“Come on then, kiss me.”

He slowly turned his head and poked her cheek.


“I’ll take a look at this. We haven’t been there lately, have we? to fight.”


“Take it easy. I still feel sick.”

Asena was stunned at my request, and her face gradually spread out. I wondered if it was ridiculous or what was funny, I burst into laughter mixed with crying, and then got up.

My little sister who should have been the Duke of the Prysters and a villain.

She wiped away her tears and kissed my cheek.

“okay. This is it…”

I was going to tell her it was, but Asena didn’t know it was going to fall off my cheek. I pressed my lips to my cheeks and pressed them to mine for a while.

In that state, I made eye contact with Kirsi.

I gave her a subtle look, but Kirsey said ‘…me too.’ made a mouth.

After a while, Asena fell, and even Kirshi had to kiss her.


I ate the porridge that Kirsi gave me, and I received a report from Asena about what had happened while I was sleeping.

Judy was busy getting things done with me, and Daisy said she was shocked by my condition.

It is said that he was blaming himself for getting hurt like this while trying to get rid of her guards.

There’s no reason for her to do that.

It felt like I was carrying a burden on her mind again for nothing, and that made me even more sorry.

He said that news about me is heating up the academy. Of course, without talking about Shalon.

In other words, there were only rumors circulating that I rescued the children.

That alone was, of course, debatable.

No matter how adopted, he is the eldest son of the Pryster family. There, I was at the center of the rumors from the beginning, and I even won the jousting championship… so news about me must spread.

In Kirshi’s words, adding an additional explanation to Asena’s words, I became a hero.


“…you saved the children.”

Kirsi answers.

I wanted to scratch my head at the sudden thought, but I couldn’t, so I moved my lips back and forth.

be a hero I hadn’t thought of that.

“…Since when did the aristocrats of the academy say that they took care of commoner children…?”

Asena answered.

“It’s even more true because it’s my older brother who saved them… The eldest son of the Freister family is on the brink of death trying to save the children of the common people… Isn’t he trying to treat him like a hero?”

“…ah. Is that why? Rather than my actions themselves… did someone like me do it?”

“….Somewhat. Of course, what he did is great, but.”

Then, next to him, Kirsi wrinkled his expression dissatisfied again. she muttered in a sullen tone.

“…Brother..I only say this to my brother…but let this be the last thing to risk your life to save the children of commoners…I mean that oppa is the most important thing…”

“Thank you for your words.”

“It’s not that I’m grateful for the words… next time, please… huh? A high-ranking aristocrat like my brother-”

“…I’m from commoners too?”


Kirsi hurriedly decapitated her head and shoved the porridge into my mouth. The intention to cover my mouth was as it was, and I laughed out loud.

Anyway, I was thinking that there was nothing wrong with the rumors spreading. After all, my reputation has risen.

If only the wounds on the body healed without any problems, it seemed that this work could be completed as it is.

I reconciled with the twins as before….the sword that was in Asena’s hand was also moved away. maybe good is good

As she finished thinking on her own like that, she was pouring out Asena’s words in one ear, but her last words caught on.

“….yes? What do you know?”

I asked her if I was wrong. But she repeated what I thought was a mistake.

“…Liana Grandma is coming.”


“Your brother was hurt like this… Then why don’t you come?”

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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    Grandmas coming…please for the love of god hope she doesn’t find out what the twins had been doing or else she might just have a stroke.

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